Daming wolf ride

Chapter 487 Bloodwashing the Old Chapter

It was not yet dawn, and the east had just turned white, and when most people in Majia Village were still sleeping, a few officers and soldiers came from outside the village, saying that they were ordered by Lushun General Soldier to come to the village to urge food and pay.

To urge food and pay?It's the other way around!

After Ma Degui, who hadn't woken up yet, heard the report from the soldiers in the village, he asked someone to ring the gong without saying a word.

The gong of "Dangdangdangdang" sounded quickly, and the whole village, men, women and children were awakened in an instant. After a while, hundreds of soldiers wearing white caps and holding knives and guns gathered at the gate of the village.

A few old people listening to the lecture said that the officers and soldiers came outside and asked the village to pay them for food and salaries. Immediately, the white hats became enraged, and the younger ones were aggressive.Fortunately, the elders of the Ma family who were in charge of the village were so shocked that they stopped the group of young people with a few shouts, and then went up to the wall of the village with Ma Degui in their arms.

Before going up the wall of the village, Ma Degui thought that there were many officers and soldiers coming from outside, but after going up the wall of the village, he found that there were only five or six people. He immediately felt relieved, and after explaining a few words to the old Ma family, he opened his voice He shouted to the outside of the wall: "Which army came from?"

This is a question knowingly. The officers and soldiers outside have told the white caps guarding the village that they are the Liaodong Army under the command of the Lushun General, but Ma Degui deliberately shouted such a voice, as if he would not show his prestige if he didn't start like this.

The officers and soldiers wearing red cherry felt hats and armor riding horses outside heard Ma Degui's words, and they didn't feel annoyed. The leader of the general banner took a few steps forward on his horse, and then shouted: "I am Wang Qianyuan, the general banner under the command of Lushun General Soldier, I came to your village to collect food under the order of my family's commander in chief."

Ma Degui frowned: "Which Lushun commander?"

Wang Qianyuan also frowned and said: "Naturally, it's Daming's Lushun commander!"

Ma Degui has been a local tyrant in Tangyin for decades, and he has been to Kaifeng Mansion as far as he can. He has never heard of Lushun. Combining his knowledge of the commanders of various places in Ming Dynasty, he can't help but guess that the commander of Lushun was randomly sealed off by the imperial court to suppress the bandits. He is not a genuine commander-in-chief, and his troops are limited, so it doesn't matter.

With this knowledge, Ma Degui became courageous and shouted: "I know that there is a general in Kaifeng, there is a general in Luoyang, and there is a guard in Nanyang, but I don't know where the general in Lushun is! You, my village is in Tangyin County, not your village in Lushun, if you want me to help you with food and wages, there is no door!"

"Yes, there are no doors, there are no doors!"

When the white hats behind the wall heard Ma Degui's uplifting words, they couldn't help shouting in agreement.

A middle-aged man next to Ma Degui shouted even more arrogantly: "You don't even ask who my Majiazhai is, and you are blind and dare to come to our village to ask for food and salary! If you are sensible, get out of here!" , or you gangsters pretending to be officers and soldiers will be wiped out!"

Hearing these words shouted on the wall of the village, Wang Qianyuan smiled instead of anger, and glanced at Chen San beside him. Chen San hurriedly ran to the front, already thinking about how to shout in his heart, but when the words came to his mouth, he couldn't speak. It was: "Master Ma, it's me, the younger one is Chen San under the third master, do you still remember the younger one!"

"Chen San?" Ma Degui took a closer look, he was not one of the servants under the third brother, it's good if he didn't know each other, but this acquaintance made him even more unhappy, and scolded: "Well, Chen San, you dare to eat inside and outside If you bring outsiders to the village to ask for food, you won't be afraid that my youngest will take care of you!"

"Master Ma, calm down, there is nothing you can do about it..." Chen San was obviously too afraid of Ma Degui on weekdays, but now his face turned pale with fright, and he was about to say that he was also being forced, but he was suddenly pushed by the side Wang Qianyuan stared at him: "Don't you want to live!"

Hearing this, Chen San was shocked immediately, his whole face changed instantly, and he shouted at Ma Degui angrily: "Ma Degui, I am under the order of Mr. Shi Zongbing, Lushun, to restrict you to Ma's village in the afternoon. If the food and grass needed for half a month for 3000 people cannot be gathered by noon, Lord Lushun Commander-in-Chief has said that the army will definitely come and kill you mobs!"

"Fucking Chen San, you don't want to live anymore!" Ma Degui didn't expect that a small servant in the yamen would dare to threaten him like this, and he yelled angrily.

"Hmph! Ma Degui, I advise you to follow suit, otherwise, no one in this village will be able to survive!"

After Chen San finished speaking, Wang Qianyuan waved his hand and led his men away.Chen San quickly followed, he had no horses, if he fell behind, Hui Hui in the village would not spare him.

The officers and soldiers from Lushun came strangely and left suddenly, so that the Ma family on the wall of the village didn't realize it for a while, and only when there was only a blurred image left in their vision, did they realize: just left like this? !

An old white hat asked Ma Degui: "What about the officers and soldiers asking for food?"

"When the sky falls, there will be a tall man to support him. I'm afraid he will do something wrong. If you have the guts, come and fight!" Don't look at Ma Degui's usually friendly face, laughing at everyone, but when it comes to death, he is also very tough. He gritted his teeth and ordered everyone: "Go immediately and call all the religious people in a radius of ten miles to the stockade, and say that the government is bullying our religious people, and tell everyone to come and fight the officers and soldiers with their lives."

He also ordered a clansman who could ride a horse: "Ride a fast horse to the temple immediately to inform the old servant, and let him spread the news immediately. Hmph, within two days, the entire religious people of Nanyang Mansion will rush to my Ma's house Those who come from the stronghold, I’m still afraid of some kind of Lushun miscellaneous general soldier! This bullshit general soldier only has three or two thousand soldiers, as long as we teach the people to unite, we don’t have to be afraid of them at all!”

"In addition, immediately send someone to the county seat to ask the third child to find the county magistrate. Just say that I, Ma Degui, said that if the county magistrate sees outsiders bullying our Ma family village, our teachers will let him, the county magistrate, get out!"

"Pack up all the valuables in the stockade, and bring back all the cattle, sheep and livestock outside, so they can't be robbed. The big girls and the young wives are all moving, boil the stove for me, kill the cows and goats, It’s good to entertain the parishioners who came, so that everyone is full and energetic to work with the officers and soldiers.”

"Go and tell the caravans around that my Ma family is in trouble this time. Please see that my Ma family treats them well on weekdays and come to help. After I retire from the army, I, Ma Degui, will repay you with a lot of money!"

After all the clansmen took their orders and went away, Ma Degui whispered to his second younger brother Ma Dexi who stayed behind: "Go and find Ma Shouying in person, he is the same horse as us, and he is also a religious believer. He is so powerful that he can't even be beaten by the general army of aid and suppression, not to mention the general army of Lushun. You go tell Ma Shouying to send troops to Tangyin. A fortune!"

"Hey! Good!" Ma Dexi laughed from ear to ear when he heard that he was going to ask the old man to come back to Ma Shouying, and wanted to destroy Tangyin City, and he went down the wall of the village.

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