After learning that the county magistrate of Tangyin had run away with a seal, the Lord Lushun, at the request of the majority of gentry and common people in Tangyin, agreed to take photos of Tangyin county affairs temporarily until the court Until the appointment of a new county magistrate of Tangyin.

In order not to cause the people of Tangyin County to have doubts about the management of the county by outsiders, Dayong appointed Chen San, the former messenger of Tangyin County, as the governor of Tangyin County, and ordered Xiaoqi of the Lushun Army to be the master of Tangyin, and handed over the affairs of Tangyin to the two. In principle, Chen San, the county magistrate, is the main one to deal with it, and Bo, the Lushun chief, is the deputy.Of course, the announcement and decision of major events are still personally decided by the Chief Soldier of Lushun.

Dayong's use of the general military officer as the second official of the county government did not violate the laws of the Ming Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Gao, in order to prevent the landlords and officials from cheating people's sentiments, a system was established. The imperial court regularly sent patrol censors to inspect local prefectures and counties.The rank of the censors is not high, most of them are sixth or seventh rank, and they do not have the power to mobilize the chief officials of the prefectures and counties, but they can mobilize the power of secondary officials such as county magistrates and Zhu Bo. The next step is to directly dismiss the former county yamen Zuo Erguan and directly appoint a new Zuo Erguan.

Both the county magistrate and the master Bo are the deputy magistrates, one is the eighth rank and the other is the ninth rank, responsible for managing the county's money and food, and assisting the soldiers to catch the fast. In later generations, they are the county magistrate in charge of the government, and the other is the public security in charge of law and order. Secretary.

Under the circumstance that the magistrate of the magistrate has slipped away, and the magistrate and the magistrate are too old and weak to be "too old to handle the task", it is not considered a violation of the regulations for Dayong to take over the affairs of Tangyin County as a general officer. The imperial commissioner Hou Xun appointed the Second Officer in the name of Hou Xun Houbutang. Hou Xun's officials are much stronger than the governors of the sixth and seventh ranks, so even if someone is impeached in the future, there is nothing wrong with this procedure. That is to say, calling him Lushun chief soldier meddling in his own business with mice.As for how Master Hou Xun thinks about Dayong's use of his name as a fox to pretend to be a tiger, it is not what Dayong considers.

Looking back on this matter, there is no room for redemption between Dayong and Hou Xun. When the Liaodong Army wiped out the real bandits, it will be the day when their temporary interest combination will part ways.

After posting the notice of Anmin and serving as the second officer, Dayong transferred some soldiers from the army to act as arresters and patrols in Tangyin County, and the original auxiliary soldiers and archers were abolished and trained. In the name of the county, a warehouse was opened for food relief, and on the other hand, local security purges began.

Although Tangyin County is not a hard-hit county, it is a little better than those prefectures and counties with ten rooms and nine empty houses, but the people are also struggling with hunger, and they will not leave their homes until they are in the final desperate situation. When the Secretary's shelter work in Tangyin was not doing very well, Dayong decided to distribute some food relief to these victims first, so that they could participate in the purge campaign against the Hui mobs on the premise of having enough food.

People, if you can't even eat enough to eat, how can you talk about doing other things.After all, the interests of the Muslims were directly violated, and the Han people who died and injured at home were not the Han people in the entire Tangyin territory. If those Han people who are doing more things are worse than doing things less, they have to be benefited, at least let them have the strength to fight. Fight back against the mob.


The purge of local security is naturally aimed at the Muslim mob, and the bandits and caravans are incidental. This point has never been denied by the newly established Tangyin government.The reason why he didn't publicly mention the three words "Islam" in the announcement was that Dayong was afraid of trouble. He knew that Hou Xun would definitely report what happened in Tangyin to the imperial court. Henan Province will also know what happened in Tangyin, so when the time comes, those Huihui officials or officials who have interests in Huihui will jump out and criticize, it is better to characterize it as a bandit from the beginning, and never talk about Huihui.

The dead Huihui will not crawl from the grave to Beijing to sue the imperial court.

In order to clean up the law and order in Tangyin County in the shortest time and with the highest efficiency, so that the Huihui mobs would not have any chance to retaliate, Dayong ordered the Third Guard of the Army to send a battalion of troops to participate in the purge and set up a "Huihui Labor Reform Camp" in Majiazhai. It is used to indoctrinate the Muslim mob.The rest of the ministries marched to the assembly points according to the plan formulated by the General Staff Headquarters to welcome the old Hui Hui Ma Shouying and the Hui Hui bandit army who came from Zhending.

In line with the principle of doing it thoroughly and leaving no future troubles, Dayong instructed the new Tangyin County Prime Minister Chen San to put down the so-called government airs, fully mobilize the people, fully organize the people, and not rely solely on the power of the government. Don't rely too much on the strength of the Liaodong Army, but rely on the common people, and let the common people know that what is about to be carried out is a security purge campaign that belongs to them, not another clean-up campaign by the government.

Only by mobilizing the masses can the Huihui mobs and bandit caravans have nowhere to stand and survive in Tangyin;

In order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the Han people to participate in the public security and purge campaign, Dayong not only allocated a part of the military food to relieve the Han people, but also asked Chen San to issue an announcement in the name of the county government that anyone who reported the whereabouts of the mob to the government would be rewarded with a bucket of millet, and the person would be arrested and sent to the police station. For those in the labor camps, add another catty of flour and two catties of pork or mutton.

Now that there is a catastrophe in Henan, thousands of miles of bare land, the temptation of food to the hungry people is stronger than that of gold and silver, and with the support of the government and the Liaodong Army, the Han people in the entire Tangyin County immediately acted after a short hesitation , the Huis from all over the country were in a state of panic and disaster was imminent, because they saw that the eyes of the Han people who were usually bullied by them began to look at them with enthusiasm.

Huihui knew that Tangyin County could not stay any longer, and they began to flee on a large scale. As a result, hundreds of thousands of interception points appeared overnight in Tangyin. Weapons such as knives and forks have been arrested and fled in an organized and large-scale manner.Every time a Huihui who escaped was caught, the Han people were very excited and shouted rice noodles. After a long time, this rice noodles became synonymous with Huihui. what people say.

In order to make it easier for the common people to report Huihui's whereabouts and hiding places, Tangyin County's arresters, auxiliary soldiers, and archers went to the countryside and up the mountains under the leadership of Liaodong sergeants to set up Huihui offices on the spot.A table, a teacher, a large pile of grain and a few pigs and sheep can attract countless Han people to report the whereabouts of Huihui they have found.

The reform-through-labor camp in Majiazhai took over 2000 cases on the first day. Except some were captured by officers and soldiers, the rest were sent by ordinary people. The amount of food paid by the Liaodong Army was considerable. Fortunately, the dispatch of officers and soldiers was not aimed at individual Huihui, but at the concentrated living areas of Huihui. Therefore, the amount of food searched and suppressed was also considerable, which also subsidized the subsidies for the Han people to a certain extent.

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