Every time a dog is slaughtered by justice, it is mostly a scholar who bears his heart.

Zheng Moumou, a pig butcher in Tangyin County, was the first in the county to respond to the government's call. After seeing the notice posted by the county government, his blood surged immediately. The shop was ignored, and the two brother-in-laws who led him to help him were all over the street looking for those returned thugs who had smashed their butcher shop before.

As expected of a butcher who has slaughtered pigs all his life, his strikes are accurate and quick. After turning around in the street, seven or eight Huihui thugs were stabbed to the ground by Zheng Moumou and his two brothers-in-law. The wounds were bleeding profusely Quick, soon dead.

Driven by Zheng XX, the thirteen meat shops in the county sent out knives and shop assistants one after another, and they recommended Zheng XX as the leader. Butcher.

With the backing of the government, this Zheng Tu and those inner shops have been oppressed by Muslim mobs in the early years. Which shop has not been smashed several times, just because the Muslims who came to make troubles are really large and powerful, and They are very close together, and the government dare not control them. If the butchers resist and hurt people, it is not the Muslims who make trouble in the yamen, but their victims. It is really bitter and unjust to have to swallow my breath and pay back our medicine expenses.

Now, God really has opened his eyes. As the saying goes, the clouds will open and the moon will shine. Fortunately, there are still good officials and soldiers who are in charge of us Han people in this world!

The government has said that those Huihui will be dealt with now. If you dare not arrest them, you can sue them. Don't be afraid of Huihui's retaliation. The government is here for everything.As long as you sue, you will be rewarded with rice noodles. If you are brave enough to arrest people directly, you can get more meat. Thank you, and write down your righteous deeds in the local chronicles, so that it will last forever in the future.

There is such a good thing here, when will it be better not to do it!

Zheng Tu was illiterate, so at first he couldn't understand what was written in the official notice, but when the old teacher from the county school burst into tears and read the notice to everyone, he led his two brothers-in-law and started to talk back without saying a word. Revenge.

Zheng Tu killed him on the street, and his reputation immediately became popular in Tangyin County. Afterwards, all the butcher shops recommended him as the leader of the pork line. The thirteen butchers he led were also affectionately called "Thirteen Killed" Home".

In the affairs of the world, those who have leaders will respond. The government not only encourages the people to kill and capture them, but also sends out fast and auxiliary soldiers to search for those Muslims from house to house in the city. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed on the spot. up.

Within half an hour after the notice was posted, the East Gate Carriage and Horse Shop was in overdrive. Why?Busy transporting Huihui thugs who were executed by officers and soldiers to the outside of the city for burial.

The butchers have all set up killing groups, and those in other industries are not far behind. Now everyone can see clearly that the government is coming for real this time. The Muslims are going to be bad luck!

Those who opened restaurants started to move, those who opened cloth shops started to move, so did those who opened rice and noodle shops, and those who opened wine shops were no different. Even beggars got involved.In the end, those monks, Taoist priests, and nuns who had gone to the Liaodong Army camp to complain spontaneously formed their own killing group.

The monks are called the "Great Monk Shahui Society", and the members are all iron bars, and they look majestic.The Taoist priests are called "Three Cleansing and Elimination of Islam", and each of them holds a three-foot long sword that he found somewhere. It looks like a Taoist master, and it is powerful.Although the nuns are all women, they didn't dare to kill the Huihui who occupied their nunnery, but they knew to invite officers and soldiers to kill them, but they were women after all, and they were all vegetarians. I really saw that the officers and soldiers would occupy them Huihui from the nunnery was killed cleanly, but all of them were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they folded their hands together and began to chant the Buddha's name.Those who have good deeds call these nuns "Lotus Guanyin Club", but the name is pure.

At first, there wasn't much blood in Tangyin City, after all, they were all good citizens who didn't have the guts to kill as officers and soldiers, and there were really few people like Zheng Tu who killed them directly in the street.How can this ordinary person compare with those butchers who kill pigs and see blood all day long, so they are all caught alive and sent to the government, but as more and more people participate, bloody incidents begin to occur.

Of course, some Huihui thugs were unwilling to be caught and rose up to hurt others, which aroused the anger of the people, and then lost control of their emotions and began to kill people.There are also officers and soldiers who set an example first, and even the government servants are behind the scenes to fuel the flames, saying that it is worth living better than death, but in fact they think it is troublesome to send them back to Majiazhai.Besides, the amount of reward given by the Liaodong Army is indeed worth more to die than to live. No one in this world would dislike giving too much.After seeing the blood, the blood really flowed like a river, and the Han people mobilized with the support of the officers and soldiers really slaughtered the Huihui from Tangyin County into hell.

The Han people in the city organized by the government voluntarily killed Huihui, and the Huihui in the city were terrified. They fled outside the city one after another. Many people.Seeing the large number of returnees inside, the Han people who came from all directions shouted to invite the officers and soldiers to come over, but Zheng Tu, the leader, said no, and led the thirteen families to light the temple with torches , At that time, the wind was strong, and the whole temple was on fire in an instant, and there were wailing sounds from inside.Some rioters who rushed out were beaten to death on the spot by the angry Han people.

What happened in Tangyin City soon spread to the countryside. Under the pressure of Tangyin Yamen and the Liaodong Army, landlords and powerful landlords who gathered their villages for self-defense expressed their willingness to pay food and salaries to the government, and sent young men in the village to wipe out the neighboring villages. Go back to the village and caravan bandits.Ma Derong and his gang who ran out from Majiazhai were not killed by the officers and soldiers, but were tied up by a group of landlords and servants whom they had never looked down upon before. On the way to the labor camp, I heard that dead ones are worth more than living ones. , so the living Master Ma became the dead Master Ma.The old servant Ma Xiangming was not killed, but frightened to death.

In this Tangyin people's self-organized extermination movement, the common people gave full play to their wisdom and ordered those who didn't look like Huihui, but sometimes they saw guys wearing white hats, to burn the experience of Huihui mobs. Wen, and those who disobeyed would be treated as Muslim mobs.

Soon, what happened in Tangyin became known to the Hui Huis in neighboring prefectures and counties. These Hui Hui were afraid that they would also be massacred by the Han people, so they also began to organize spontaneously, and a Hui Hui that spread to the whole of Henan began to brew.


Solemnly declare: the Huihui in this article is not one of the 56 ethnic groups of the Chinese nation, this Huihui is not the other Huihui, and it was extinct before the founding of the Republic of China.Well, it has been extinct, so there is absolutely no insinuation, let alone the intention of destroying ethnic relations. The donkey religion that appears in the article is the author's virtual cult, and it does not exist.

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