Daming wolf ride

Chapter 501 1 Stone 2 Birds

"Do you still remember the admonition of the great grandfather?"

"Slaves never dare to forget. In the 17th year of Hongwu, Grandpa Taizu ordered someone to cast a three-foot iron plate that said 'inners are not allowed to interfere in political affairs, and offenders will be beheaded', which was hung high in the palace gate. When Grandpa Cheng moved the capital, he put this A plaque was brought to Beijing, and the eunuch stood next to the Qianqing Palace on duty."

"Just remember. When I was trapped in the five cities of Bingmasi, you desperately reported the letter, and I also remembered it in my heart. But I can't be selfish. Rescue is to save, and greed is greed. It is not the same thing. This matter If you sit down, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Cao Huachun kowtowed and said: "Long Live Lord, if this matter really happened to this servant, how can I be worthy of your old man's reward and love, I don't need your old man to say anything, I would be ashamed to death long ago. But the servant girl sees this matter very strangely, Mr. Wen lives in a Shou Kui, however, was like those admonishers in Taiwan. He hurriedly entered the performance only based on some rumors. It was a big violation of the usual practice. It seemed that this matter had a great relationship with him. The slaves asked for orders, thoroughly investigated, and one to the Long Live Lord If you explain clearly, the second one can also cleanse yourself."

Chongzhen pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Alright, I will give you a chance, but this matter is very important, don't disturb everywhere. Get up!"


Cao Huachun returned to Dongchang, discussed with Wang Zhixin, the eunuch under him, and sent stall heads and fanzi to pretend to be various vendors, doctors, and warlocks to scout around Wen's mansion, monitor and track all people entering and leaving Wen's mansion, and then went to see the palm prints in person The eunuch Wang Dehua asked to go to the Neiwen Study Room to retrieve Zhang Hanru's manuscripts, which had been approved by Zhang Hanru, and ordered them to copy and bring them back.Although Wang Dehua was dissatisfied with Cao Huachun, but this matter was related to the outside court and the inside, but he had to adopt a single-minded attitude of the inner court, otherwise, I was afraid that someone would gossip.

The manuscript was full of words, listing the crimes of the six major crimes of Article 58. After reading it carefully one by one, I didn’t know how to refute it. Cao Huachun racked his brains and read the manuscript repeatedly. sweat.At sunset, the head of the stall came to report: "Two sedan chairs were carried straight into Wen's residence."

"Who's in the sedan chair?" Cao Huachun suddenly regained his energy.

"The car curtain is so tight that you can't see clearly, but the accent of the question when you enter the door is undoubtedly Wu dialect."

"Let's go!" Cao Huachun changed into casual clothes, stepped out of the house quickly, brought a few people in casual clothes and went straight to Wen Tiren's mansion.

The Shi Daren Hutong where the Wen Mansion is located is named after Shi Heng, the powerful minister in the house.During the Tianshun period, General Shi Heng, the Duke of the Zhongguo, supported the restoration of Yingzong because of the change of seizing the door. He was rewarded with this mansion. The house is located in the north of the alley, occupying almost half of the alley.After Wen Tiren became the first assistant, he bought Shi Heng's old house, renovated it, and turned it into a mansion.

Cao Huachun ordered a few stalls with him to drink tea at a tea stand in the alley, then walked into a small stewed fire shop diagonally opposite alone, ordered a bowl of hot stewed fire, and covered most of it with a wide-brimmed summer hat. face, eating while looking towards the opposite side.In the twilight, tall elm trees and locust trees in Wen's mansion crowded the sky over the courtyard lushly, and the golden afterglow shone on the leaves from time to time.When it was almost time to set watch, the left corner door of Wen Mansion opened with a creak, and two small green cloth sedan chairs came out and left quickly towards the southwest.

Without waiting for Cao Huachun to signal, the two stalls have already followed quickly, following behind the sedan chair as if they were away from the ground.Cao Huachun paid the bill and left the store, and then chased after him.After more than half an hour, two sedan chairs passed through Qianmen Street and turned to an alley. Two people got off the sedan chair and sent the sedan chair back. One took the lantern, the other carried a bundle of things, and entered in a frowning one after the other. alley.

The alley is dark and extremely deep.Cao Huachun followed carefully in the shadow of the alley, and by the dim light of the lantern, he found that the alley was less than one foot wide, with twists and turns, some dead bends, sharp bends, straight bends, oblique bends, and even more bends. It is like a maze, without the hustle and bustle of Qianmen Street, it is extremely secluded.

The two stopped in front of a slightly higher gatehouse, and the lantern-bearer came forward and patted the door panel twice. The black-painted gate was opened a crack, and a head poked out, greeting: "The master is back, the young master just chanted Woolen cloth!"

"Yeah!" The man hiccupped a few times, handed the things he was carrying in his arms to the welcoming servants, and greeted him, "Han Ru, go to the study first, the puppy must still be thinking about it."

The two went in with a lantern, and the house slave closed the door tightly with a bolt.With a wave of Cao Huachun's hand, those gangsters and fanzi jumped into the yard, opened the gate quietly, and Cao Huachun walked in lightly.This is a small courtyard, with three main rooms in the north and two side rooms in the east and west. The flowers and trees in the courtyard are scattered, and it is impossible to tell what kind of flowers and plants they are for a while, only the sweet fragrance of roses.

Cao Huachun looked at the lights and shadows in the west wing, and there happened to be a grape under the flower window, which was growing luxuriantly. He stepped under the grape trellis, and he heard someone talking and laughing. He hurriedly hid his figure, but saw the servant coming to cook tea, entered the house, came out in a moment, and went back the same way.

Cao Huachun waited for a while, when there was no one around, he got out from under the grape arbor, approached the flower window, and only heard one person say: "Brother Lu Qian, it's because of your careful thought that you have found such a secluded place."

"The thirteen bends of Jiuwan Hutong are more than ten feet wide, and only one person can pass through the narrow ones. Ordinary people are impatient to walk. It is a good place to get quiet in the middle of the noise, and it is more convenient to talk and do things. .”

Cao Huachun gently soaked the window paper, and saw three people sitting in the room, two middle-aged scholars in their 40s, and a young man in his early twenties.A leader whispered in his ear: "Master, the tall, fat and bearded man is called Chen Luqian, and the thin and bearded man is called Zhang Hanru. That young man is Chen Luqian's only son."

I only heard the young man say enviously: "What a noble man Wen Ge is, he is so respectful and virtuous, and keeps his father and uncle for dinner at the house. It's a pity that such a glorious junior cannot meet him!"

"Nephew, it's not just for eating, Elder Wen Ge also brought out the royal wine rewarded by the emperor for us to drink! The royal wine is really fragrant. I have traveled all over the world, and I have eaten countless wines. This is the first time I have drunk such a good wine. "

Chen Luqian said: "Is that piece of Gebu ready?"

"It's finished. I've seen five yellows and six months. Tomorrow, I'll find a tailor with good craftsmanship and make a robe for my father and uncle."

Zhang Hanru pinched his sparse beard and said with a chuckle: "My good nephew, thanks to your thoughtful thinking, uncle also got some light. It's just that such fine Gebu is made into a robe, and I'm reluctant to wear it! I have to keep it carefully, When I return to my hometown in the future, I will be able to boast about it."

The three of them served tea, and Chen Luqian said: "Qian Qianyi really has some contacts, and he actually bribed the honorable minister Zhu Guobi, the Duke of Baoguo, to participate in the impeachment of Wen Ge, who deceived the king and wronged the country."

"Although Zhu Guobi is an honorary minister after the founding of the country, his words have some weight, but he only made such a statement, with no evidence and no real evidence. The emperor will not be tempted. Over the years, have there been fewer people participating in the impeachment? Who will get it? Ni Yuanlu, Huang Jingfang, Chen Zizhuang, Liu Zongzhou... the cabinet ministers Wen Zhenmeng and He Wunu were all because they offended Mr. Wen Ge, or were demoted or cut their status. Brother Luqian, you can rest assured to wait for this big fortune ! Once Qian Qianyi beheads Xishi, Mr. Wen Ge will definitely treat us badly. How much is the house in your hometown worth?" Zhang Hanru said with a smile on his face.

"That house isn't worth much, but I just can't swallow this bad breath. I prepared a gift and asked the old thief to speak for us. He promised well, but when I arrived at the county government, he sold me and spoke for others instead. I lost. Are you annoyed or not?"

"Father, now we have taken advantage of Elder Wen Ge's power to send him to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. It can be regarded as removing the thorn in the side of Elder Wen Ge. We can kill two birds with one stone. What are you thinking about that house? The capital is always much better than Changshu's hometown. "

"That's right...that makes sense. Let's stay in the capital. There is a big tree like Old Wen Ge, so we can enjoy the shade no matter what."

"There are many interesting places in the capital, how can you do it if you don't have knowledge?" Cao Huachun pushed the door open, and the three of them stood up suddenly in shock, and asked, "You, who are you? Why did you break into a private house?"

Cao Huachun sneered and said, "It doesn't matter who we are, you will know when we get to the place."


"Beizhen Fusi Prison or Dongchang Prison, you can choose whatever you want."

Jinyiwei and Dongchang are famous enough to be frightening, not to mention the brutal Beizhen Fusi Prison and Dongchang torture room. Although the emperor ascended the throne, Dongchang and Jinyiwei are not as good as before, but the emaciated camels are bigger than horses. The torture has not been abolished, and the three of them trembled with fear, their faces turned pale, and when they saw that the visitor was dressed in Confucian uniforms, like a down-and-out scribe, and he didn't look vicious at all, they were relieved immediately, Zhang Hanru said sullenly: "This brother I was in the Confucian Academy, I thought I was wasting my time in the imperial examinations, I was living in the capital, and I couldn't survive, so I made this bad plan and broke into the houses to blackmail. If you ask me loudly, I can't say that it is because of the affection of my colleagues, I will give you a few pieces. Yinzi is an emergency, but you are so rude, we have no choice but to send you to the official for punishment."

"Hahaha... You can frame Qian Muzhai, but you can't frame us! We will accompany you wherever you want to go, but you have to go to Dongchang first."

After all, Chen Luqian was more prudent. He heard that Dongchang's fans often disguised themselves and penetrated everywhere. He laughed and said, "Brother, you have something to say. The three of us are doing things under the orders of Elder Wen Ge. Please..."

"What are you doing? I'm going to take you back to ask for clarification." Cao Huachun waved his hand outside, and Fan Zihula, the leader outside the door, rushed in and surrounded the three of them. In the pocket, carry it and go.Cao Huachun took the rest of the family to search the house carefully, and found the draft of the post, with dots circled on it, and the words "Qian Cao, Qin Chen, and He Wen" could be vaguely seen, and the word "Qian Chen" was smeared out. Yes, the word "He" was changed to "Strike", which was written by Wen Tiren himself.

Seeing this, Cao Huachun couldn't help laughing. When Zhou Yanru was the chief assistant four years ago, he supported Wen Tiren's downfall of Zhou. Because of this, his relationship with Gao Qiqian was extremely tense. However, in the past four years since Wen Tiren was in power, the country has become more and more powerful. Difficult, the rogues burned the ancestral mausoleum of Fengyang, the emperor had long wanted to change the head assistant, and he had not completely eradicated the Fushe in Suzhou, the emperor made a comment about his incompetence, so Cao Huachun, both public and private, You have to think about yourself, if you can actively turn warm, the emperor's side will definitely change, after all, your loyal emperor knows, otherwise you won't show the impeachment to yourself.But Qian Qianyi can't be cheap after Wen Tiren is overthrown, Donglin Fushe is not a good bird, he has to find a way to kill two birds with one stone, don't let Donglin think that Wen Tiren is down, then Zhou Yanru will Can return to office.

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