Daming wolf ride

Chapter 502 Wen Tiren’s Downfall

After escorting him back to Dongchang, Cao Huachun interrogated him overnight. Chen Luqian and Zhang Hanru, relying on Wen Tiren's backing, gritted their teeth and refused to confess.

Seeing this, Cao Huachun sneered, knowing that the two of them wouldn't recruit if they didn't need to be ruthless, he shouted: "How dare you speak hard when you get here, and don't let you receive severe punishment, how can you be willing to spit it out? Come here, give me a real beat!"

Four captains in tight sleeves came up from the hall, each holding a wooden stick as thick as a wrist, majestic and murderous, first took off the clothes of Chen Luqian and the other three, pushed them to the ground, put on a linen bag, Even the arms and back were bound tightly, unable to move at all, only the mouth and nose were exposed to pant, and then the feet were tied, and two Jinyi guards held them down firmly, one Jinyi guard firmly pressed the two arms, and the other Jin Yiwei was riding on his neck, with his head clamped between his legs.

Each of the two Jin Yiwei held a wooden stick, saluted upwards and said, "Master Du, how much should you hit?"

"Strike forty again."

With a yell, the two big sticks were swung down alternately, and the three couldn't help screaming in unison.


Jin Yiwei each put a two-finger wide leather strip into the mouths of the three of them, and tied it tightly behind their heads. No matter how much the three shouted, they couldn't make a sound.

"Change the stick!"

According to the rules, if one person is replaced every ten sticks, it is only feared that if the strength is not enough, there will be disadvantages under the stick.After more than a dozen sticks, the three of them were already torn apart, and the blood stained the cloth pants red.

Chen Luqian watched his son and himself being tortured. He was half a hundred years old, and there was only such a son under his knees. He struggled with all his might, his legs gripped his head, and Chen Luqian fainted instantly.

After the forty sticks were beaten, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and all three of them passed out.Jin Yiwei sprayed the three of them with cold water to wake them up, Cao Huachun asked, "Should we recruit?"

Chen Luqian pleaded: "I'll recruit, I'll recruit! I beg my father-in-law to reveal the grace of heaven. It was all done by me and Zhang Hanru. It has nothing to do with my son. I beg my father-in-law to let him go!"

"Nothing? We clearly saw that the three of you conspired together. How can you say nothing!" Cao Huachun slapped the table with a stern voice.

Zhang Hanru widened his eyes and scolded viciously: "Old Chen, don't talk nonsense. You have spent so much painstaking efforts. Seeing that a big event is about to happen, you must not soften your bones. Seeing that a fortune is in vain."

Wang Zhixin left his seat, walked up to Zhang Hanru, and ordered: "Pull up!"

Two guards in brocade clothes grabbed Zhang Hanru's arm and dragged him to sit on the ground. He just beat his butt to pieces, how could he sit down?Zhang Hanru wailed, cold sweat rolled down his forehead immediately, and he gritted his teeth to support himself.Wang Zhixin nodded and said: "What a tough guy! But it was a waste of effort. Dongchang has always acted according to secret orders to arrest people. When Mr. Wen Ge finds out, he may not come to rescue you. Even if he does, it may be too late. How can the three dead people enjoy the overwhelming wealth? You'd better be smart!"

Cao Huachun raised the draft paper in his hand, patted the piece of Gebu on the table, and said: "Now that the stolen goods have been taken together, even if you don't recruit, we can still settle the case. There is no other way, let's just share this draft with the Gebu Once sent to Wen's residence, Mr. Wen Ge will definitely want to get rid of it, why should we do it, he will never let you go lightly."

The two sang together, Zhang Hanru's face was ashen, and he remained silent.Wang Zhixin shouted: "Mr. Chang, don't bother with these people. Just beat him to death with a stick. In Dongchang, killing a person is like killing an ant. Put him down and see how long he lasts?"

The two Jinyi guards loosened Zhang Hanru's arms, and Zhang Hanru leaned on the ground, blood dripping from his buttocks, he gasped for a moment, closed his eyes and said, "I'm recruiting, I did this with Chen Luqian, we didn't think about it at first. When participating in the impeachment of Qian Qianyi, it was Chen Biqian, Chen Lvqian's cousin, the governor of Henan, who first sued Chen Biqian. I also had a feud with them, so I added them. Wen Ge looked at it, and actually ticked off Chen Biqian, and only paid for Qian and Qu."

"Why did you sue Chen Biqian?"

Chen Luqian replied: "He is my cousin. I used his name to do something. Unexpectedly, when he heard about it, he was furious and posted a notice saying that he had nothing to do with what I did. I went to ask to see him, but he also ordered The concierge is not allowed to report, and the relatives do not recognize it, so hateful!"

Cao Huachun thought to himself: They are brothers in the same family, they are closely related by blood, and they went to Beijing to file a lawsuit against each other, how vicious they are, such a vicious person, he must not be left alive!After making up his mind, he asked, "Then what happened to the anonymous post?"

"That was my idea. I wrote an anonymous post. I found a friend Wang Fan and sent it to the Secretary of the General Administration, claiming that Qian Qianyi entrusted Zhou Yingbi with 4 taels of silver to ask his father-in-law for help. Wen Ge got old and wrote the post overnight. Secretly folded and presented to the emperor together."

"So, this matter has been manipulated by Mr. Wen Ge from the beginning to the end?"

"Without his support, how would we have such courage!" Chen Luqian drew a monogram on the confession.

Cao Huachun and the sons of Zhang Hanru and Chen Luqian all finished drawing the monogram, and shouted: "Sixty more sticks, put on the shackles!"

The three of them were out of their wits when they heard this, it was a fluke to survive with a hundred sticks, if they were put on a shackle weighing two or three hundred catties, they would definitely be incapacitated.

Lijiao was created in the Wanli period of Shenzong, and it is the exclusive torture tool of Dongchang and Jinyiwei.When Wei Zhongxian was in charge of Dongchang, Li Yongzhen heard that Lai Junchen, a famous cruel official in the Tang Dynasty, had made ten kinds of big flails with very unique names: one was "fixing the hundred pulses", the other was "can't breathe", and the third was "sudden roar". The fourth is "to inherit", the fifth is to "lose the soul and courage", the sixth is to "reverse the truth", the seventh is "the opposite is the truth", the eighth is "the sorrow of a dead pig", the ninth is "seeking is to die", and the tenth is "" Seek to break the house."He found pictures of these ten kinds of large flails in the collections of the inner government, and imitated the third-class vertical flails weighing one hundred, two hundred, and three hundred catties.The front of this yoke is long and the back is short, and the long end touches the ground. The prisoner's neck is held by the yoke, and the body can only stand there for support, and it is impossible to kneel or sit.

With the flail, most prisoners will die within a day.Luckily he survived, and the prison captain lowered the yoke by three inches. The prisoner could only bend his legs slightly, barely supporting himself, and strangled him to death.No matter how arrogant and tyrannical a villain is, his face changes when he hears Li Jiang's name.The three of them had been beaten to the point that their legs were about to break, and they had no strength to stand upright. Once they were put on the shackles, they died of exhaustion.Cao Huachun snorted coldly, put the confession in his sleeve and hurried into the palace.


Wen Mansion, at noon, Wen Tiren sat alone and had a drink, leisurely, on the table were some famous dishes just delivered by Long Shengxuan, he tasted slowly, drinking amber Huadiao wine, the room was filled with the aroma of wine and vegetables .Suddenly, a house slave came in and reported: "Someone is coming from the palace."

"Please!" Before Wen Tiren could stand up, Ma Yuancheng stepped in, cupped his hands and said, "Is Prime Minister Wen in good health? Congratulations to Mr. Xiang."

"What am I happy about? Is it considered happy for the emperor's decree to stay?" Wen Tiren was very surprised, unable to figure out what his words meant. He sat on the chair with chopsticks in his hand and watched Ma Yuancheng unroll a roll of paper. He recognized Ma Yuancheng immediately. It was the begging letter written by myself to avoid suspicion.

Ma Yuancheng said with a smile: "Long live Lord has approved Xiangye's book, and Xiangye can go back to his hometown to take care of him. Isn't this a joy?"

"What, was it approved by the emperor, or Zhang Zhifa himself?" Wen Tiren trembled, his face was panicked, and a pair of chopsticks fell to the ground.Zhang Zhifa was recommended to join the cabinet by himself. He is cowardly by nature and never dared to take the opportunity to make trouble.

"Look at Xiangye's house. Long live Lord's Zhu Zhu and Zhang Ge's ticket are all on it. It's clear. Long live Lord said to Xiang Ye to take a look before taking it back."

Wen Tiren picked up the booklet and looked at it hastily. He glanced over the hundreds of words of flattery drafted by Zhang Zhifa, and finally his eyes fell on the three big vermilion characters: "Let him go". Wen Tiren seemed to have seen Chongzhen's angry face and disdainful expression, and knew that his feelings were irretrievable, so he muttered to himself: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." He fell to the ground, crying.

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