I saw that the green hills are more charming, and I expect that I should see you in Castle Peak.

Liu Rushi was unlucky at a young age, and was trafficked by human traffickers in Shengze Guijiayuan, a famous prostitute named Xu Fo as her adopted daughter. She was educated by Xu and became famous when she was 14 years old. Men's clothing, Wen talked about the current situation with everyone, and sang poems.She didn't want Zhou Daodeng, the old prime minister of Wu Jiang, to force her to buy her. Because of Zhou Daodeng's power, Xu Fu didn't dare to disobey, so he could only reluctantly sell it to Zhou's family.

Although Liu Rushi was stubborn, she couldn't get rid of the restriction of her status. No matter how famous she was, it couldn't offset the contract. He didn't dare to stand up for her, so he could only enter the Zhou Mansion as a maidservant under tears.

Rushi was very popular with Mrs. Zhou in the Zhou mansion, but later Zhou Daodeng became lustful and wanted to force Ruru to be his concubine. Chen Zilong heard that Qian Qianyi, a literary figure in Donglin, was falsely accused and arrested in Beijing because of his crimes against the chief minister of the cabinet, Wen Tiren. He was so angry that he wanted to go to the capital to appeal for Mr. Muzhai.

At first, Rushi followed Qian Qianyi into Beijing, but did not want Fengyang, the central capital, to be captured by rogues. The officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice who escorted Qian Qianyi to Beijing decided to take the canal instead. Rushi and Chen Zilong did not know the reason, and continued to go northward by the same route. .It was not until two or three days later that Qian Qianyi learned that Qian Qianyi had entered Beijing by water, so he had to turn around and hire a boat on the canal to go north. Nanyang Mansion was also invaded by bandits. If it wasn't for Chen Zilong's good martial arts, he would have been taken away by bandits long ago.

Seeing the chaos in the Central Plains, Chen Zilong persuaded Rushi to go back home with her, but Rushi insisted on going north. He was so stubborn that Chen Zilong had no choice but to carefully protect Rushi going north, taking the official roads all the way, and never sleeping in the countryside unless he had to. .Fortunately, all the big bandits in the Central Plains went to Baoding, and the bandits in the south were in the Jianghuai area. Although the prefectures in southern Henan were full of hungry people, there was no trace of the bandits for a while, which made the two less dangerous.

But what they saw along the way made the two of them feel uncomfortable. Living in the south of the Yangtze River, what they saw and heard was all elegant things, and they couldn't help but feel heavy when they saw this man-eating world. It hurts so much for this great Ming world to become so.The two of them suffered more because there were "treacherous officials" in power in the court, and honest men were not allowed to display their ambitions, so this disaster happened. People with big ambitions and great abilities, such as Mr. Qian Qianyi, were not used by the court. He was also victimized by a traitor, if it continues like this, when will this great Ming be peaceful.

Originally, he wanted to turn from Weihui to the east and take the canal in Jining to enter Beijing, but he heard from Wei Hui that there was an army from the east going to Zhangde to suppress the bandits, and the leader was Shi Dayong, the new Lushun general of the imperial court.

So surprised, thinking of the deeds of Shi Dayong, a good general in the world, mentioned by the spoiler at the social restoration meeting four years ago, he even thought of going to see the real man in the world for a while.

Chen Zilong had heard Shi Dayong's name mentioned by his teacher more or less in the past two years, but he was not known about it intermittently.It is said that Shi Dayong did make great contributions in the battle of Jinzhou that year and severely damaged the Eight Banners of the Eastern Captives, but others said that this battle was not commanded by Shi Dayong, but by Changping Deputy General Zuo Liangyu, and that the ancestors came forward to organize it. Jinzhou is a city guarded by soldiers and civilians. In short, there are all kinds of theories, and they all have noses and eyes.

It is also said that after Zu Dashou was trapped in Dalinghe City, he did not surrender to the Eastern captives, but returned to Jinzhou after breaking out of the siege. He didn't want Shi Dayong to spy on the position of Liaodong General Army Officer and killed Zu Dashou outside the city. Mrs. Li, the widow of Dashou, sued the emperor with a blood letter. The emperor was furious and sent the censor to Ningjin to investigate, but because of Shi Dayong's obstruction, no clue was found after several years of investigation.

It is also said that when Shi Dayong led his troops to the south to pacify the Confucian Youde Rebellion, he recruited rebels on a large scale, repeatedly took credit, and even hid the traitors and rebel officials designated by the court, with ulterior motives. What about the rebel flag of the Great Marshal of Righteousness.

There are rumors that Shi Dayong's subordinates did not bring military rations when they fought, and they would fight one place to rob another. There was really no food to rob, so they killed women and children to use as military rations. The brutality was the worst in the 200 years of the dynasty.

However, it is also said that Shi Dayong was dedicated to serving the country, leading the army to the south to suppress the rebellion, and was squeezed out by the inner court. Gao even planned to kill Shi Dayong and try to seize his army. Gao Qiqian, Zhu Dadian, Shi Dayong and others jointly signed the memorial, if Gao Qiqian really tried to exclude or even murder him, how could the two be willing to jointly sign it?

Anyway, the deeds about Shi Dayong spread to the south of the Yangtze River are incomplete and fragmented, and none of them are complete. There is basically no news about Shi Dayong in the court's pond newspaper. Even the court of Jinzhou battle four years ago is deliberately downplaying, This made many people believe that the Battle of Jinzhou was not fought by Shi Dayong, but by someone else.There may be a secret matter of civil and military collusion in the middle of this, and I don't know what big bosses are involved, so this can remain unresolved for several years.

The news I heard recently is that Shi Dayong resisted the order and did not follow it. Yin and Donglu colluded to fabricate the so-called great victory in Shenyang and killed tens of thousands of Tatar soldiers.At the beginning of the year, Shen Shikui, the Dongjiang general who was expelled from Phi Island, sued Shi Dayong everywhere in Beijing, which seemed to confirm Shi Dayong's intention to plot his own town. Otherwise, why would he annex Dongjiang town and swallow up Dongjiang town soldiers?

But then someone said that Shi Dayong had indeed crossed the sea and beat the Eastern captives. It is said that there were hundreds of heads of Tartar kings and kings sent to the capital, and more than 20 Han people were rescued. The hardest evidence is that they were captured by the Eastern captives The prisoner's supervisor, Zhang Chun, had already returned to the capital, and many of the generals who surrendered gold had also returned to Daming. They all said that they helped the Ming army break Shenyang anyway.

What these people say, including what Zhang Chun said, some people believe it, some don’t believe it, and the number of people who don’t believe it is much more than the number of people who don’t believe it. Let’s ask how credible the words of a group of warriors who have surrendered to the East , Maybe he colluded with Shi Dayong to deceive the court in order to get rid of the crime.

If Shenyang is really a great victory, beheading hundreds of tartar kings and saving hundreds of thousands of Han people, then this battle is really an earth-shattering battle. And those who announced it to the world, let alone any rewards.Chen Zilong didn't believe it, but the person who said it was swearing that he saw the Liaodong army horse who came to deliver the head with his own eyes in the capital, and he couldn't fake it.

Whether it was true or not, Chen Zilong was also confused, and asked the teachers, but the teachers all said the same thing: that Shi Dayong supported his troops with self-respect, did not pay attention to the court, was ambitious, killed the good and pretended to be meritorious, he is not a good general in the world, he is clearly a good general in the world Big moth.If he really served Daming sincerely, why did he refuse to go to Beijing to see the emperor seven times!Probably because of a guilty conscience!Why is he guilty, that is because he has done too many shameful things, otherwise, he can go to Beijing to report victory openly, but if he doesn't ask for credit, the court and the emperor will really feel bad about him?Fake, everything is fake!

The teachers said so, of course Chen Zilong would not doubt it, he believed that Shi Dayong was just a deceitful person, the reason why the court didn't deal with him was because he had a group of tiger and wolf soldiers under him, there were bandits inside and captives outside , the imperial court is temporarily unable to make a move.Once the imperial court cleans up the rogues, it will naturally clean up Shi Dayong, who is obedient and obedient.

Standing on his own is almost Chen Zilong's only impression of Shi Dayong, but now he suddenly heard that Shi Dayong led an army to suppress bandits in Henan, he was naturally shocked, and he couldn't believe his ears, didn't he say Is this Shi Dayong unwilling to listen to the court's order?

Out of curiosity and Liu Rushi also insisted on going to see if the legendary good general in the world was a real good general or a fake good general, Chen Zilong took her along the northward route of the Liaodong Army, and just arrived in Tangyin In the territory, I saw hundreds of Ming troops driving thousands of people wearing white hats to gang up and kill them.

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