The officers and soldiers did not go to suppress the bandits, but instead killed the good people in the local area. Isn’t this killing the good and pretending to be meritorious? !

Hearing is deceiving, but seeing is the truth. In an instant, Liu Rushi burst out with righteousness, and dragged Chen Zilong to the Liaodong Army camp to plead for the people. Why do you plead for those Huihui's orders, and why do you ask someone, a commander-in-chief, to listen to her and put down his butcher knife.It's really the temperament of the youngest daughter's family, she doesn't consider the consequences when doing things, and thanks to Dayong's coming from later generations, if she meets other people, Miss Liu will probably lose her fortune.

Chen Zilong is aware of his own weight, and he may be able to speak up in Jiangnan, but a slight word here is flattering him.But Liu Rushi was too impatient, and he couldn't listen to persuasion. If he persuaded him, he would say that you were afraid of power, greedy for life and afraid of death, and didn't dare to make decisions for innocent people who died. This made Chen Zilong really speechless.

He was worried about letting Liu Rushi go alone, so he could only bite the bullet and accompany Liu Rushi to the Liaodong Army's camp. He was very polite to pass it on for him. Looking at the appearance of the soldiers in the battalion, they did not look like a brutal army. This made Chen Zilong heaved a sigh of relief. Although the legendary Shi Dayong was hideous and terrifying because of his mutilated face, his words were full of emotion. He was still polite, he didn't bully the weak, and he didn't beat them up unreasonably, so he immediately had a good impression.Going downhill to borrow a donkey, since Shi Dayong didn't embarrass them, and was willing to send someone to escort them away, Chen Zilong immediately wanted to pull Liu Rushi to leave quickly.A martial artist is a martial artist after all, and now he can bear his temper, but who knows if he will change his face later.Chen Zilong hesitated, if he offended Shi Dayong with his words again, whether he would use the names of his mentor Zhang Pu and Mr. Qian Qianyi.

Liu Rushi wasn't as worried as Chen Zilong. Seeing what he said, the other party didn't pay any attention to him and kept telling him to leave. The girl's temper was offended again, and she puffed her chest out and said with a bit of sarcasm: "The general said The Muslims are cruel and they only bully us Han people. Their Islam must be strictly prohibited, otherwise our Chinese orthodoxy will be destroyed by them. But the little girl is also familiar with the scriptures and history, but why doesn't the history book mention the danger of Islam as the general said. Besides, if Islam is really an evil cult, why didn't the imperial court issue an edict to ban it? Could it be that there are no sensible people like the general in the court? Or is this just a set made up by the general to cover up the killing of the good? What about the words?"

Hearing this, he shouted bravely: "You girl, why are you so ignorant? I just leave when I let you go. What are you talking about? You know that this place is for talking, but you know that this place But the murderous Sleepy Hollow!" After finishing speaking, she slapped the desk angrily, thinking that if she didn't want to scare the other party, this girl really relied on here to argue with herself.

No, Liu Rushi was not frightened, but raised her eyebrows, "Why, is the general going to use force to suppress my little girl?"

Liu Rushi's appearance was somewhat attractive. Dayong looked at it for a few seconds, and his heart was shaken. Naturally, he couldn't shout out if he wanted to fight or kill. The big man didn't want a girl to say that he used force to suppress her, so he said: "Who told you that the imperial court did not issue an edict to ban Islam?" After finishing speaking, he raised his hand towards the clerk next to him: "You read the imperial edict of Emperor Taizu Gao to this girl, so as not to save her from getting old." She is self righteous and thinks that the handsome is lying to her."

The clerk nodded with a smile, took out the "Emperor Ming Decree" found from the Tangyin County Government, turned to the entry about Huihui, and read it aloud: "The Taizu said that those who belong to me will be safe in China forever. I fled outside the Great Wall by myself, like Mongols and Semu. Although they are not of the Chinese race, they were born in the same heaven and earth. There are those who know the etiquette and righteousness and are willing to be subjects, and they are no different from the people of Zhongxia. However, if they still insist on If it teaches its practice, I, Zhongxia, will never accept it. Not only must it be banned, but it must also be severely punished, so that it can be done or not. The reason for this is that its teachings are vicious, making believers kill unbelievers, which is not peaceful. It’s a lesson.” After speaking, he took a step back.

"Girl, did you hear that?" Dayong glanced at Liu Rushi, feeling a little smug in his heart. I found this imperial edict with great effort. With this imperial edict, what happened this time is bound to happen. Emperor Taizu Gao supported me, and if anyone in the court wanted to instigate me, I asked him to talk to Zhu Yuanzhang.If he doesn't go, Lao Tzu will personally send him to see Emperor Taizu Gao in the future.


Liu Rushi stood there in a daze, she didn't expect that Emperor Taizu Gao really had an edict banning Islam, she didn't know how to deal with it, she looked to Chen Zilong for help.Chen Zilong smiled wryly and shook his head, signaling Liu Rushi not to fight with Shi Dayong anymore, and Tang Yin not to stay any longer, but to leave quickly.Things here are really beyond their control.

"You girl just took a deep breath, saying that you are familiar with the classics and history, but why don't you even know the imperial edict of Emperor Taizu Gao?" Dayong pretended to be surprised, as if the imperial edict of more than 200 years ago The order should be a must-have for everyone, like a pamphlet that everyone must know.

Liu Rushi blushed, and wanted to say when Taizu Gao's imperial edicts were from the old Huangli calendar, how can people learn now, but there is no way to say this, after all, the imperial court has no She said that the people don't need to learn the imperial edict, and she didn't say that what Emperor Taizu Gao said was wrong, so if the other party argues with her whether the imperial edict is still valid, she can't tell the other party.But it is impossible to admit defeat at this point, so he said stubbornly: "If Islam is really as evil as Emperor Taizu Gao said, why can't Meng Yuan stop it?"

"Mongols believe in Lamaism. This time, Islam will naturally not have the opportunity to preach. Besides, we Han people are fourth-class untouchables. Then Islam helped the king to bully us Han people. What good is it for Meng Yuan to ban it? You can see that the butcher wants Those who preach to cattle and sheep?"

For example, although it is inappropriate, it is a fact that Islam specifically oppresses the Han people. How could they preach to the untouchables in their eyes, and develop these cattle and sheep that they can kill at will as believers.It was not until Emperor Taizu Gao raised the banner of righteousness to expel the Mongolian Yuan, restore Huaxia, and found the Ming Dynasty that these Hui Hui lost their privileges and had to start preaching to the Han people in order to survive, so there were so many Second Hui Hui.

Liu Rushi completely ignored Chen Zilong's eyes, and even gritted his teeth and said, "Huihui has its own religion, which is the same as Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius, Buddhism of Buddhism, and Taoism of Laozi. The founders are all saints. teach, and that teaching is good..."

Before she could finish speaking, Dayong interrupted her with a loud voice, and said, "You know that the founder of Islam was a wealthy businessman and widow when he was young, and after seeing the widow's wealth, he recruited a wife for him. , forcing a nine-year-old girl to be his wife and concubine, how can I ask Miss Liu, can this person be a saint for what he has done?"

How did Liu Rushi know who founded Islam, and what kind of person that person was, of course he couldn't answer.

Dayong didn't need her to answer, snorted, and said angrily: "In my opinion, this man is shameless, immoral, and righteous. To say he is a saint is a joke. If such bastards are all Saint, that handsome man is super holy!"

"If you say that the teachings of Islam are good, then the commander-in-chief will read to you a few passages of the rotten scriptures that record their teachings. If you still say that Islam is good this time after listening, then you will be the commander-in-chief. Said, please leave quickly, girl, I don't want to waste my saliva with you, an ignorant girl."

Without Dayong's signal, the secretary hurriedly read the scriptures copied from Huihui Qingzheng Temple.

"The Sutra says that those who oppose Allah and His Messenger and disturb the land, their reward is to be executed, or crucified, or cut off their hands and feet alternately, or expelled from the country. This is what they have in this world. the reproach they received; and in the Hereafter they will receive a heavy punishment."

"According to the scriptures, should people like me who don't believe in Islam be crucified and executed, or should they have their hands and feet cut off and leave their homes?"

"When the forbidden month is passed, wherever you find those who are mates, kill them there, capture them, besiege them, and wait for them at every pass. If they repent and keep their prayers, they will be rewarded. zakat, then let them go. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."

"Does the text of this scripture understand that Muslims can kill us non-believers at will? If we want them to stop killing us, we have to believe in their religion? This religion is really strange. They force others to believe in it. It's really overbearing to fight and kill!"

"On that day, burn the gold and silver in the fire of Hell, and burn their foreheads, their sides, and their backs. This is the gold and silver that you have hoarded for yourselves. Taste the The taste of the things in it!"

"Miss, have you ever heard monks preaching about using torture to torture people, or have you seen Taoist priests robbing people's wealth?"

"O you who believe, attack the disbelievers who are near you, and make them feel your severity. You know that Allah is with those who deny themselves."

"Listen, this time the leader of the religion openly called on his believers to attack those who don't believe in other religions. What's the point? Is it a crime for people who don't believe in him to go to Islam? Are we people who don't believe in religion deserve death?!"

"O Prophet, encourage the believers to fight bravely; if there are twenty of you who persevere, you can defeat two hundred enemies; if you have a hundred, you can defeat a thousand disbelievers; For the disbelievers are an unwise people."

"Miss Liu must not believe in Islam. In their eyes, you are a fool, but you are not worthy of living in this world."

"O Prophet! Fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and deal with them harshly. His destination is Hell, and that destination is evil. You did not kill them, but Allah killed them. I will cast terror upon the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore behead their heads, and cut off their fingers."

"Are these scriptures really supposed to lead people to be good? Why does the commander-in-chief sound more and more like they lead people to do harm?"

"Prepare for them as many forces and horses as you can prepare, by which you threaten the enemies of Allah, your enemies, and others besides them, whom you do not know, but whom Allah knows. Whatever you do for No matter what you spend in the Lord's way, you will be fully paid, and you will not suffer."

"This is the proclamation from Allah and His Messenger on the Day of Judah: Allah and His Messenger have nothing to do with those who marry God. It is better for you if you repent, but if you turn away from it, then , know that you cannot escape the condemnation of Allah. Thou shalt rejoice to the disbelievers with a painful punishment."

When the document read a sentence, Dayong explained it, and even read more than a dozen of them back and forth.After reading the document, Dayong sneered: "So that Ms. Liu would know, the entire scripture is less than 20 words, but there are 486 mentions of "punishment, punishment", 215 mentions of "hell", and 106 mentions of When it comes to "cutting" and "killing", 55 mentions of "sternness"; 35 mentions of "hatred" and "hatred"; 23 mentions of "terror"; 116 mentions of "fear" and "fear", 28 "Fire" is mentioned, "blood" is mentioned in 25 places, "obedience" is mentioned in 95 places, and "disaster, disaster" is mentioned in 98 places. There is only one mention of "tolerance". Do you think that these Muslims are good people, and this time Islam is the teaching of Taisho, the teaching that guides people to be good?"

"As far as I know, those who believe in Islam this time have forgotten their ancestors. Muslims are not allowed to worship their ancestors. They can only respect their leader, the so-called Allah. The leader who married a widow and raped young girls after getting rich. Ms. Liu wholeheartedly speaks for this Islam, does it mean that Ms. Liu thinks this time Islam is the upright religion in your heart?"


Without investigation, there is no right to speak. Liu Rushi just saw the Liaodong Army generals wearing white hats go back to kill them, but he didn't know why they wanted to kill them. Now that he heard these shocking teachings that he had never heard of, he was naturally so shocked that he couldn't say a word. come out.

Chen Zilong was also shocked in his heart. If the scriptures that Shi Dayong asked people to read were true, then this time Islam is really terrible. If they are allowed to develop, then the thousands of years of culture of my Chinese Han people will be destroyed by them .This is much more serious than changing dynasties. Changing dynasties is nothing more than changing one person to be the emperor. The Confucian culture is still passed on. People still know their ancestors, and they can worship their ancestors during festivals. But if people in this world believe it If you go back to Islam, the Four Books and Five Classics will all be destroyed, and the common people will lose the right to worship their ancestors. This is not only the subjugation of the country, but also the extermination of the species, the destruction of my Yanhuang bloodline, and my inheritance of the Spring and Autumn Period!This is a great disaster!But why have you never heard from the teachers about the dangers of Islam this time?Chen Zilong was at a loss.

"Now that I have said so much, I will tell you another story. There is a Persian country in the west of my Ming Dynasty. Since the country converted to Islam, the Persians have almost completely forgotten their ancestors. Later, their king Pahlavi Realizing that his ancestors were not Muslims, in order to let the people know their own history and traditions, he ordered people to write the history of Persia and restore the Persian traditions that were broken by Islam. As a result, Muslims were extremely dissatisfied. The king was violently driven away, and the leader of the cult, Khomeini, was pushed to power. After the leader of the cult came to power, he called on the elderly and children to serve as attacking vanguards for the Muslim army, and called on the believers who had girls at home to dedicate their daughters to Islam. So that the leaders of these religions can have sex. There was a literati who was hunted down by the leader of the world because he wrote a book that exposed the true face of Islam. Hmph, how can I write a book in Ming Dynasty? Was he hunted down by the court?"

I don't know if Liu Ru was fascinated by the story or what, but after Dayong finished speaking, she actually asked: "Did the literati ever escape the pursuit?"

Dayong froze, and snorted coldly: "I don't know."

Liu Rushi also realized that he shouldn't ask too many questions. What he heard today was something he had never heard before, so he was stunned for a while, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

"As far as the Muslims in Henan you have seen, most of them are Han Chinese who bleed the same blood as us, but you can ask them, do they think they are Huihui or Han Chinese, and do they believe in the imperial court or theirs? Allah? Let me tell you, I have personally interrogated dozens of Huihui, all of whom said that they are not from Ming Dynasty, they are the descendants of Allah!... What is the use of a bunch of guys who don’t even recognize their ancestors? What’s wrong with me beheading them?... Xu Benshuai’s words are too far away from you. You will think that I am fabricating Islam’s bad news. Well, go and sue the people of Tangyin for bullying Bring the pleadings over here, and let these two have a good look."

Seeing that Liu Yu's expression was not full of confidence, Dayong thought for a while, and then asked the clerk to bring all the pleadings for the people of Tangyin to report back.There were too many evils committed in Tangyin that time, thousands of cases were recorded, and each piece of paper was full of blood and tears of the Han people. It took four guards to work together to bring those pleading papers.

"Look carefully, you can't fake it, there are people involved, and the family is clearly written everywhere. If you don't believe it, then go and ask to see if the commander-in-chief has lied to you."

Liu Rushi and Chen Zilong went forward to flip through the pleadings at the same time. After half a stick of incense, they both put down the pleadings and stopped looking at them. They looked at each other and took a step back. Liu Rushi bowed to Dayong with shame on his face. Apologizing: "If I don't know how to do so many evils, I have wronged the general for making decisions for the people. If so, I am here to apologize to the general!" If this is the case, she really feels that she is wrong. It is definitely not fabricated by the disfigured commander-in-chief in front of me. The actions of those Huihui thugs are really outraged. In troubled times, severe punishments should be imposed, so that the place can be peaceful.Rushi is good at getting along with the Donglin talented scholars of Fushe and Jishe, but she is not a pedantic person. Her desolate life experience and experience of the world have made her know what is right and wrong, so she can make the first apology in her life.

"So?" Dayong heard that the name sounded familiar, didn't this girl call herself Liu Yu just now?

"Liu Yu is the little girl's pseudonym, Rushi Fang is the little girl's real name." Rushi felt a little apologetic.

Dayong was startled: "You mean your name is Liu Rushi?"

"Exactly." Seeing Dayong's strange expression, he was a little puzzled: "Why?"

"Nothing." Dayong smiled, "Good name."

Chen Zilong also sighed: "When the students read the history books back then, they saw that King Muying of Qianning had castrated [-] times in one go against Yunnan, and dedicated some of them to the royal family as eunuchs. Among them was the eunuch of Sanbao who later converted to Buddhism. Seeing this cool move, I feel that King Qianning's methods are a bit too cruel and heartless, but listening to what the general said today, looking at what Tang Yin Huihui did, I am afraid that he felt a big mistake back then."

"The king of Qianning investigated the opportunity first, and knew that this time the disaster would be serious, so he used the method of thunderbolt. What the commander did today is also the method of thunderbolt. Only in this way can the people of our Han family not suffer. The so-called method of thunderbolt is obvious. Bodhisattva heart, this commander has always been a bodhisattva heart to the people of Ming Dynasty, but he has the heart of the king of Hades to those cult thugs and bandits, haha."

Liu Rushi suddenly asked: "However, there are also old and weak women and children in the return. God has a good heart for life. If you can't bear to see them die by the sword, I don't know if the general can forgive them and let them be good. Let them know about Islam. The general also said just now that most of them are actually Han Chinese this time, so if you believe it, the general also wants to give these comrades a chance to change their ways."

"Of course the commander will give them a chance to reform. The commander has set up a new reform camp, which has accommodated more than 6000 times. There are many women and children in it. However, these people are deeply poisoned, and it may be difficult to reform." Dayong showed embarrassment.

"There are no people in the world who know their mistakes and don't correct them. If you believe that as long as you educate them properly, these people will definitely repent."

Dayong smiled wryly, and said: "It's difficult, if the girl doesn't believe it, I will send someone to send you to have a look."

Just as Chen Zilong was about to say that he would go to Beijing, Liu Rushi nodded happily and said, "Young lady has exactly this intention, thank you General for making it happen."

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