Updated: 2012-10-16

"The humble Zheng Guo was ordered to take care of the Taiwan University, and he followed the general to help the Daling River!"

"The last general, Liu Zeyi, led two hundred soldiers from his troops to take orders!"

"The last general, Wang An, led [-] soldiers from the right guard to go out with the general to help!"

"The last general, Ge Qing, led six hundred soldiers to take orders!" [


Qiu Hejia didn't break his promise, he really gathered troops for Shi Dayong.As the various ministries arrived one after another, Shi Dayong calculated that the soldiers and horses that Qiu Hejia transferred to him belonged to six different places.

Among them, the five hundred soldiers led by Liu Zeyi and Wang An were not frontier soldiers of the Liaodong Army system, but guards of the guards.Ge Qing, who led the most soldiers, was trained by the Jinzhou Regiment, while Zheng Guo led the guards of Qiu Hejia.The other two units together have less than 200 people, belonging to the rest of the guest army who went north during the Tianqi period. After the main force was wiped out, these people did not return to their original places, but stayed on the spot.

There are more than 200 soldiers and horses in the six divisions. Except for the cavalry of Zheng Guobu, the other five divisions are all infantry.Not only that, many soldiers didn't even have cotton armor on them, and they didn't even have a decent weapon in their hands. At first glance, they looked like military children pulled out temporarily.

Shi Dayong was dumbfounded, but he had no choice but to accept it, because he knew that Qiu Hejia did his best to mobilize the [-] soldiers. He couldn't be too harsh on Qiu Hejia, the old governor also had too much in his heart. bitter.

Since he promised to lead the troops to help, once the manly man has said a word, there is no room for regret.Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, you can only bite the bullet and go through it.

Although there are few soldiers and horses, the hearts of the people are still there.

After the six troops were settled, Shi Dayong issued an order: "Xia Desheng and Li Yizhong's troops will go to battle with this general. The cavalry battalion will be temporarily led by Cao Bianjiao, and there is no need to go to battle."

Xia Desheng and Li Yizhong were originally Zu Dashou's generals, this time when they heard that Shi Dayong was going to take them to aid Jinzhou, it was naturally their duty to do so, and after receiving the order, they went to prepare.

Cao Bianjiao was dissatisfied with Shi Dayong's order, he had already heard that the main force of the Jin army was surrounding Dalinghe City, and their slave chieftain Hong Tai personally led the army, all the big and small Baylors from all banners came!

Xiao Cao was young and energetic. He often heard his uncle say how powerful the slave chieftain was and how good the Eight Banners soldiers were at fighting. At that time, he felt that his uncle was exaggerating. He only wanted to have the opportunity to fight Jiannu in the future. Now he is finally waiting for the opportunity. , It was still a big scene, but Shi Dayong ordered him to lead the remnants of the cavalry battalion to stay at home and not fight. Unavoidably, his temper came, and he lost his temper on the spot.

"Does the general think that I, Cao Bianjiao, am too young to fight? Will I miss the general's important matter?" The young face showed unwillingness.

"Xiao Cao is too thoughtful. I would never have thought this way. Keeping you at home is for the sake of the wolf cavalry." Cao can understand his painstaking efforts.

Cao Bianjiao shook his head and said: "There are still few armors, and the wolf cavalry army will not be able to form an army in a short time. In this case, why don't the general take Xiao Cao to the Daling River? Why do you have to keep Xiao Cao at home!"

"Little Mr. Cao Qian, it's too dangerous to go out to help, and you're close to death. It's kind of you to stay at home." Guo Yi, who was a few years older than Cao Bianjiao, kindly persuaded him.

But upon hearing this, Cao Bianjiao became even angrier, and said angrily: "I, Cao Bianjiao, am not afraid of death! The general is kind, and Xiao Cao understands it, but to go to help, Xiao Cao, as a soldier of the Ming Dynasty, is responsible for neglecting others! Even if he died, he would sacrifice his life for the country, and he deserves to die! A man is born to be shrouded in horse leather, how can he be greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"It is easy to seek death, but it is difficult to seek survival. As a general, he thinks about how to live, not die."

Shi Dayong has decided not to take Cao Bianjiao, so no matter what he says, he will not let go.Walking up to him, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "I have decided not to take you there, no matter what you say, it won't change. If you still obey my order, go and train the wolf cavalry for me right now." , if you don't obey my order, I'll transfer you to leave immediately!"

"General!" [

Cao Bianjiao was anxious and angry, he stared blankly at Shi Dayong, trying to see a wave of wavering on his face, but soon, he realized that there was no room for accommodation in this matter.

With a choked throat, he said, "Take care, General, Xiao Cao is waiting for you to come back." He turned his head and left without looking back.

After a long time, Shi Dayong smiled wryly, Cao Bianjiao transferred him away so suddenly, but it was really a last resort to go to help, it would be more convenient to keep him in Jinzhou.

Instruct Li Dashan: "Everyone in the supply camp plus the civilian husband who escaped last time, no one should be missing, and all of them will come to help with me."

Li Dashan was stunned: "General, these people are timid when they see Jiannu, what are you taking them for?"

Shi Dayong said displeased: "Take it if you are told, don't ask why."

Li Dashan hurriedly said: "Yes, the last general is going to gather people now."

After half a stick of incense, Li Dashan led a gathering of 700 people including the baggage camp and the civilian husbands who had escaped from the last grain shipment.

Xia Desheng and Li Yizhong's 500 cavalry also dispatched from the battalion and gathered with the six troops. After counting, there were a total of [-] cavalry.

It was only three quarters past Si Shi, and Shi Dayong sent an order to start the cooking in advance.After the soldiers were full, they sent orders to leave the city.


The news that the Governor ordered General Shi Dayong to lead troops to help Dalinghe spread in the morning, and all the generals in Liaodong felt it was inconceivable.Although Shi Dayong fought against Jiannu at the foot of Dalinghe city not long ago, and achieved a record of more than two hundred beheadings, the victory was due to luck. If Jiannu hadn't retreated inexplicably, his head might have been chopped off.

Now his headquarters Songshan soldiers have long been disabled, I heard that most of them have transported their corpses back to the pass, the only thing he can use is the [-] cavalry that Zushuai gave him, what will he use to help?

Later, news came that the governor's yamen had transferred more than 1000 soldiers to Shi Dayong's command. This time, there was an uproar in Jinzhou City.Governor Du Daoqiu is confused, even if he really wants to send help, he should send some Liaodong soldiers. How can those guards and regiments be used? Isn't it necessary for Shi Dayong to lead them to die?

They didn't want to think about it, if Governor Qiu could really mobilize Liaodong soldiers, why would he need to mobilize some guards, regiments for training, and even his own personal guards.This is not because the generals in Liaodong are domineering and disobedient.

Shi Dayong didn't have time to think about how the Liaodong generals saw him going to help Dalinghe. He only had one thing in his head now, and that was how to come back alive.

No officials came to see him off, and there was no heroic spirit of sending a strong man with spirits. Everything was carried out in silence.

Two thousand five hundred soldiers walked out of the city gate quietly. Everyone knew what they were going to do, and the team was full of sadness.

On the top of the wall, Wu Xiang and Song Wei looked at Shi Bu's disappearing figure, sighed at the same time, looked at each other, and walked down the wall silently.

Inside the governor's yamen, Qiu Hejia leaned on the railing to face each other, feeling guilty.

Maybe, my decision was wrong; maybe, because of my own thought, Shi Dayong was buried in vain.

However, for Daming, for the emperor, even if he knew it was wrong, he still had to do it. [

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