Updated: 2012-10-16

After leaving Jinzhou for ten miles, there was no Ming army cavalry or soldiers on the official road, not even a commoner, only Shi Dayong, a pieced together aid team.

Behind them, there were more than a dozen cavalry following unhurriedly from a distance. Looking at the armor, they were cavalry from the Liaodong Army.

Guo Yi asked Shi Dayong strangely: "General, why are those people always following us?"

Shi Dayong glanced back, turned his head and smiled: "It's okay, they went back to report the funeral for us."

"Reporting a funeral?" Guo Yi pouted with a look of displeasure: "Fuck the hell, the devil wants them to report a funeral!"

"Why are you scolding people?"

Shi Dayong said solemnly: "When a person dies, there must be someone to report the funeral, otherwise no one will know whether we are dead or alive. People should leave a name when they are alive, and listen to a letter when they are dead, right? There is no need to scold people. Family, people also have good intentions, it is better than dead and no one knows. Think about it, who made us have a narrow escape this time."

Hearing this, Guo Yi curled his lips and did not speak again.


After traveling for a few miles, the atmosphere became more and more tense, and the speed of the team slowed down significantly.

Liu Zeyi and Wang An's subordinates are all guards. There are old and weak in the team. The oldest one is in his 50s. His hands are full of calluses. It looks like they were ground with a hoe instead of a knife or gun. .The youngest was probably only thirteen or fourteen years old, and his body was extremely thin. He carried a rusty blunderbuss and followed behind the adults tremblingly.In the eyes, there is faintly visible fear.

Xia Desheng was concerned about the safety of his old boss. Seeing that the guards were walking too slowly, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious. He rode his horse and ran behind Shi Dayong, clasped his fists and said, "General, those guards are walking too slowly. At this speed, when will we get to Da Yong?" Ling He! Go and urge them!"

"Need not."

Shi Dayong waved his hand, signaling to Xia Desheng that there is no need to rush.Turning around to give Guo Yi some instructions, Guo Yi hurriedly beat his horse and ran back.

Not long after, Liu Zeyi, Wang An, Ge Qing, Zheng Guo and other commanders rushed to the front one after another. The more than 200 guest soldiers came from Yulin, Shaanxi Province, and the leaders were a pair of brothers. general flag.

The two brothers' surnames are Wu. According to the customs of their hometown, the eldest is Dalang, and the second is Erlang. Because they have the same name as the character in the Water Margin story, the two brothers are often laughed at by others.

The Wu family brothers, like the more than 200 fellow villagers they brought with them, have been artificially forgotten. No one remembers where they came from and why they stayed in this foreign land.

Liaodong in the first year of the Apocalypse has been ten years.In the past ten years, many things have happened. At that time, more than 1 people came to Liaodong, and now only these 200 people are left, and the others have turned into bones and buried in the black soil.Coming together but returning differently, the pain in the hearts of the Wu family brothers can be imagined.

In Liaodong, the guest soldiers are rooted, not to mention the more than 200 remnants.

It has been ten years, and I was in my early twenties back then, but now I am in my prime.

Seeing other people marrying wives and having children, getting promoted and getting rich, but I am living a worthless life, no one cares about me, no one asks me, I live my life in a small castle, and now I am going to be dragged out to die, I feel so sad Even more uncomfortable.

However, these ten years can be regarded as a lot of life. Thinking of those brothers who died in battle, the brothers of the Wu family can't help but feel that they should have died long ago.


"After Jiannu besieged the city, we sent scouts to drive our army's scouts around. They didn't even know what was going on there. The people from Jiming Post had already withdrawn. It must have been occupied by Jiannu now. Let's go further. A few miles away, maybe we will run into Jiannu, everyone must be prepared."

The person who spoke was Zheng Guo, the captain of Qiu Hejia's personal army. This person was an escort in his early years. After Qiu Hejia was sent to the court, he was introduced to Qiu Hejia because of his guard.Since then, he has followed Qiu Hejia all the time. In the first battle of Yongping, he once climbed the city with the army and made great contributions.

After hearing what he said, Shi Dayong nodded and said: "We have come all the way, but we didn't see a single soldier from Daming, which means that the front has already been occupied by Jiannu. Not surprisingly, we will probably fight Jiannu at Jiming Station. If you can’t go back alive, it depends on whether you have the courage.”

The regiment's guard Ge Qing suddenly said: "General, I heard from the people in the governor's yamen that the slave chief Hong Tai personally led the troops this time. There are tens of thousands of people. With our small number of people, can we really save the Daling River?"

When he asked, the others immediately looked at Shi Dayong.

Shi Dayong smiled, looked at the middle-aged man, and asked, "Why, are you afraid?"

Ge Qing was honest, and said without any concealment: "Back to the general, I am afraid of the last general." He stretched out his hand and pointed at the team behind him: "More than 2000 people are going to fight against tens of thousands of cavalry. Let me ask the general, aren't you afraid?"

Shi Dayong didn't answer him, but turned his gaze to Liu Zeyi, Wang An and the others, and asked, "Are you like Ge Shoubei, afraid of that Jiannu?"


Wang An hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "If the general really asks the junior general, the latter is not afraid of the general's jokes. The latter's heart is beating so hard that he can't wait to turn his horse and go back immediately."

"What about you?" Shi Dayong turned to Liu Zeyi.

Liu Zeyi's head drooped involuntarily, and he said in a low voice, "The last general is also afraid."


Shi Dayong didn't ask the Wu family brothers again, but directly said to them: "Then you two are afraid, right?"

Hearing this, Wu Dalang was about to open his mouth as soon as he moved his mouth, but he heard Shi Dayong say again: "Actually, I am just like you, I am also afraid! There are tens of thousands of Eight Banners soldiers in front, and we, with only so few people, really want to rush up. I'm afraid that there is not even a scum in the dead!"

Hearing this, Li Yizhong couldn't help asking: "Since the general is also afraid, why did he take orders to help?"

Shi Dayong sighed, then spread his hands openly: "In this world, we can't decide many things." After a pause, suddenly laughed again, and said loudly: "But since we are here, then we are here A boat is on board, everyone might as well think about it, and accompany me to this dragon and tiger cave! If you can't live together, you can die together, right?"

Liu Zeyi smiled wryly: "The general is not afraid of death, and we naturally are not afraid of death. The general is afraid of death, and we are also afraid of death. But if the general advances, we will not retreat. If the general retreats, we will naturally not advance either. "

Before he finished speaking, he saw the cavalry in front commotion. He raised his eyes and saw rows of golden cavalry suddenly appeared three miles away. Looking at the colors of the flags, they seemed to be the two flags of Jiannu Zhenglan and Bordered Red.

"General, Jiannu is indeed waiting for us here, and this will open a bloody path for the entire army!"

Xia Desheng devoted himself to rescuing his old boss. He drew his long knife and wanted to lead his troops into battle.

I didn't want to but was stopped by Shi Dayong: "Mr. Xia Qian wait a moment!" [


Xia Desheng was puzzled on the horse. This time, he and Li Yizhong, the [-] cavalry, were the only ones who could take the lead and fight a bloody path for the whole army.The Guanjian slave defense line has not yet been fully assembled. There is a gap between Zhenglan and Xianghong. If we don't rush at this time, when will we wait?

Shi Dayong ignored Xia Desheng's puzzled gaze, but suddenly said to Wu Dalang: "Wu Baihu, I heard you are from Shaanxi?"

Wu Dalang was stunned for a moment, and replied: "General Hui, the humble rank and all the subordinates are from Shaanxi."

Shi Dayong gave a "huh", nodded and said: "I heard people say that the people of Shaanxi have a voice calling for Xin Tianyou, and they roared with a loud voice, which is soul-stirring. Right now our soldiers are depressed, but I don't know if Wu Baihu can call Xin Tianyou, Can you sing a song for our soldiers to boost morale?"

"Since you are from Shaanxi, why don't you know the ditty in your hometown!" Wu Dalang said loudly, "The general doesn't dislike the lowly position, how can he abandon himself in a lowly position!" Twisting his brother Erlang, he shouted: "Second brother, it's rare for the general to think highly of our Shannian's ditty, The two of us are going to go all out today, so let's shout for a while in front of the two armies!"

"Hey, medium!"

Wu Erlang nodded heavily, opened his voice and began to sing.The voice is extremely vicissitudes, and it is loud and clear. The voice wanders in the sky, flows in the ditches and streams, echoes in the mountains, and floats in people's ears.


Just as they were preparing to meet the Ming army on the opposite side, they suddenly stopped and did not stand up, but suddenly someone sang a song.Azige couldn't help being very puzzled, and turned to ask Mang Gurtai beside him: "Third brother, what the hell is the Ming army doing? What kind of song is this singing?"

Mang Gurtai had already understood it, and said with a smile: "Ming's heart is timid, and he wants to use this song to cheer people up. It seems that Ming also understands people's hearts. It's just that he dared to go out of the city to rescue only [-] people. It's too courageous."

Hearing a few more words, he waved his hand impatiently, and said to Azig: "Old Twelve, I will hand over this battle to you with the red flag. Brother, I will go to King Khan."

"Third brother, don't worry, just this little Ming army, I can swallow them all with one Niu Lu!"

Azige was full of confidence, and after Mangurtai led his men to King Khan's tent, he began to line up his troops, making sure to wipe out all the reinforcements of the Ming army, so that Jinzhou City would never dare to send reinforcements.


"It's a big mountain, but the lights are gone... Heroes on the battlefield are sweating, and the shroud of horse leather is still there"

After singing the song Xintianyou, the Wu family brothers still have more to say.After hearing this heroic Qin Yin, the Ming army's previous fear of war gradually faded away.

Xia Desheng was eager to fight, and seeing that Huo Hou was about the same, he asked for orders again: "General, it's time, let's go!"

Ge Qing, Liu Zeyi, Zheng Guo and the others were also ready to charge into the formation, and when Shi Dayong gave an order, they led their troops to rush into Jiannu's defense line following the cavalry.

Unexpectedly, Shi Dayong raised his hand slowly, stared at the Jin Army in the distance for a while, and then spit out a few words unhurriedly: "The order, the whole army retreats, let's go back!"

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