() Adopting the third option, there is actually another favorable condition for directly attacking the lowest attack aircraft group, that is, the flying altitude of the A-20 attack aircraft is much higher than the Il-2 commonly used by the Soviets. The flight height of the il-2 is often only about 50 meters, and it is easy to hit the ground when swooping down to attack them.But although the American A-20 is called an attack aircraft, it is actually more like a light bomber, flying at a height of 1000 meters, which gives the Americans plenty of room to dive.

Now the flying altitude of Ron's fleet is more than 200 meters higher than the top Soviet fighter jets.There was a chance to peel the onion layer by layer.But this would give the a-20 a chance to attack the ground.Moreover, Ron is now equipped with a p-51 fighter jet, which has unparalleled control capabilities at high speeds.

"Execute Plan A!" Ron gave the order, and at the same time, with a 180-degree roll and a pull rod, his p-51 fighter jet roared down immediately.

Behind him, the remaining 15 P-51s also swooped down.

Before the battle, Ron and the others formulated two plans to directly attack the underlying targets, namely plan a and plan b.The so-called plan a is actually a wave of flow.The so-called plan b is also called the fishing plan. In this plan, 16 p-51s will be divided into two groups. The first group will attack first. People will definitely take this opportunity to rush over and attack them. At this time, the remaining eight P-51s that are still on the high ground will swoop down with the oriole behind.

If the bottom attack plane is the thick-skinned IL-2, Ron will definitely choose this plan, because this plan is more stable.But now, the ones below are all A-20, and they are still flying at an altitude of 1000 meters. In addition, the Soviets also adopted the tactics of double-height escort. If plan b is implemented, the f6f placed by the Soviets on the highest floor will To become the slingshot behind the titmouse.

However, if you choose to implement plan a, there will be a problem with the design of the Soviets: that is, if the Soviet fighter planes at the top want to wait for the dived American fighter planes to climb up, they must let the 16 American fighter planes face each other. The first attack round of the A-20.Considering that the pilots of the A-20 are all rookies, but those who attack them are all aces.Such a round of attacks may cause heavy losses to the A-20.But if these f6fs rush down with the Yankee's p-51, they will face the problem of cao control far inferior to their opponents at high speeds.Therefore, at this time, the best solution is the plan a, which seems a bit reckless.

With the help of gravity, the speed of the aircraft is constantly increasing even without the traction of the propeller.In order to control the speed, Ron has already reduced the throttle valve to the minimum, but the speed of the plane quickly reached about 750 kilometers.

At this speed, the plane began to shake, and at the same time, Ron also saw that the Soviet fighters also rushed down.

Ron rushed from the 20 o'clock direction of the A-3 formation, and the sun was behind him at this time. Although the rear machine gunners of the A-20 were firing crazily, it was almost impossible for them to shoot effectively due to the interference of sunlight.

Ron pressed the shooting halo a little in front of an A-20, and then fired and shot.Due to the shaking of the aircraft, the dispersion of shells at this time must be much larger than usual.To shoot down enemies, more shells are needed.So Ron changed his previous habit of only shooting, and fired about a third of the shells at the target in one breath.This should ensure a shot down.

At this time, Ron's fighter jet had also rushed into the A-20 fleet. He did a barrel roll to avoid the shooting of several self-defense machine guns that were firing at them, and at the same time completed a turn. And let his fighter plane pass through the A-20 fleet and continue to rush down.

After getting out of the fire threat range of A-20, Ron began to pull up the plane with all his strength.The huge overload pressed him tightly on the seat, and Ron felt like an elephant was sitting on his stomach.At the same time, the tip of his nose began to tingle, and at the same time, the scene in front of him began to darken. At first, it was just like the sun was suddenly blocked by a dark cloud, but immediately, the gloom turned into darkness, and everything around him became dark. There is still a little light in the front, and something can be seen vaguely.At the same time, his thinking seemed to have become dull, as if it had been frozen.

Everyone who knows about flying knows that this state is called black vision, and it is caused by the fact that most of the blood on the pilot's body is pressed to the legs in a state of heavy overload, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain.As long as the overload is reduced, it can be restored soon.

Just like now, the black mist in front of Ron is rapidly dissipating.Just as Ron expected before starting this big overload maneuver, the unprotected belly of the A-20 fleet appeared in front of him, and it was getting closer and closer to him.

Just when Ron was about to fire again, a warning from the wingman suddenly sounded in his ear: "01,3, [-] o'clock direction!"

Before Ron could fire at the A-20 again, or even look in the direction of 3 o'clock, Ron immediately did a barrel roll.Then, he saw a p-39 passing in front of him at a very high speed.

The pilot sitting in the cockpit of this p-39 is Valia.Just now she discovered that an enemy fighter plane was preparing to attack the A-20 formation.She rushed straight from the side, planning to give this guy a hard blow.Just because of the high speed brought by the dive all the way down, her plane shook very badly.This made her best precision shooting extremely difficult.She had to get close enough to be sure of destroying her opponent with one shot.

It's just that the opponent was too cunning, just when Valia was about to fire, that guy suddenly did a barrel roll.So Valia's attack failed this time, and because the distance was too short, she had no chance to attack again, so she could only pass by.

But Valia's attack was also not meaningless.Because of her attack, Ron also had to give up the opportunity to continue attacking those A-20s.

At this time, the American p-51 has basically completed an attack on the a-20, and then they are all entangled with the p-39 and f6f that swooped down behind them.

At this time, the situation began to be unfavorable to the Americans. In the process of completing the first round of attack just now and then quickly pulling up for the second round of attack, the American p-51 lost a lot of energy, and at this time it swooped down The Soviets already had an energy advantage.

These Soviets are veterans, giving them an energy advantage, and the following battles become more difficult.The Soviets skillfully used the high-yo-yo and low-yo-yo techniques to attack the Yankees over and over again.Of course, the Yankees will not catch them without a fight. They also have a not-so-low speed now. Relying on their unparalleled control at high speeds, the Yankees have no chance of fighting back.However, at this time, the first goal of the Yankees is not the Soviet fighter jets, their first goal is still those A-20s, and the first goal of the Soviets is not to shoot down the Yankees, but to keep those A-20s .

And so a strange situation arises: sometimes the Soviets make mistakes, and their haste gives the Americans a chance to fight back.However, the Americans did not immediately take advantage of this opportunity to fight back, but seized the time to attack those A-20s that had not dropped their counterweights.There were also times when the Soviets had a golden opportunity, but had to strike early to prevent American planes from firing on the A-20s.As a result, the Yankee narrowly escaped death.

Due to the chaotic scene, when the battle was over, both sides had no idea what the outcome of the battle would be. The specific result could only be drawn after all the photos of the camera guns were washed out, and then carefully studied.

The staff was busy until a week later before the results were finally announced.In this round of confrontation, the Americans successfully shot down all 12 A-20 attack aircraft, of which 9 A-20s were shot down in the first round of attack alone.In addition, the Americans shot down 3 Soviet fighter planes in the subsequent air battle with the Soviets.As for the Soviets, they shot down 18 of the 11 American fighters, of which Valia shot down 4 alone, almost becoming a single ace.

But such a result means little to Valia, because according to the rules of the game, the Americans won an undisputed victory.

However, the Soviets did not wallow in the misery of failure, at least not Kotin.In his opinion, Valia made an empiricist mistake again this time, copying the domestic experience mechanically, which led to the loss of the match, which is not necessarily a bad thing for him.Although this achievement may make his superiors a little dissatisfied, during this period of time, through exchanges with American personnel, he systematically sorted out a set of process structures for building a simulated enemy army.This alone makes it impossible for superiors not to appreciate him.What's more, in the past few days, he and the Yankees have finalized one more thing, that is, Soviet pilots can participate in high-altitude interception and anti-interception training.

High-altitude large-scale combat has always been a weakness of the Soviet Air Force. (Who said that neither the Soviet Union nor Germany has good high-altitude bombers?) Can join this kind of training to understand the details of US strategic bombing. The future of air defense has far-reaching implications.

In Ron's view, the tactic of box formation and fighter jets following the escort is actually not the best tactic. He already has a much better tactic than this.So showing the Soviets something that is about to become obsolete is actually nothing.After all, we are allies, aren't we?Besides, it is not necessarily a bad thing to show the Soviets a powerful strategic air force and deter their opponents.

Moreover, Ron didn't plan to really stay in the US Army Aviation or the future Air Force for a long time.What will happen when the time comes to resist US aggression and aid Korea?Can't you bring the U.S. Air Force to fight the volunteers?Maybe, like General Doolittle, it seemed all right to retire as soon as the war was over and go get rich wherever you wanted.

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