New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 102, The Muscle Show of the Bottle Fighter

() As early as when the U.S. military proposed to the Soviet Union to invite a delegation of Soviet pilots to come to the United States for a friendly visit, the Soviets put forward the request to understand each other's style of play so that they can cooperate with each other in the future.To put it more clearly, what the Soviets meant was that if the Americans wanted to understand the relevant experience of the Soviet Union fighting the Germans at low altitudes, they had to exchange their experience of dealing with the Soviets at high altitudes.

At that time, General Arnold asked the opinions of many people on this issue.Among them are Li Mei and Ron.

It is said that when General Li Mei faced this problem, he expressed it like this.

"Are you saying that letting the Soviets understand our tactics will cause problems in the future? I don't think it will be a big problem. After Germany is defeated in the future, the Soviets will also be able to get from the Germans they captured. Get what they want. Moreover, our advantages are based on comprehensive technological and national power advantages. Don’t the Germans understand our tactics now? But what can they do? The Soviets in the future It won't make a difference either.

You ask if I support this exchange?I do not support this exchange, and certainly do not oppose it.Because we don't actually need the experience of close-range ground attacks.We have enough heavy bombers to blow the Germans straight back to the stone age.It is estimated that after we land, the ground troops will have nothing to do except complain that we have blown up the bridges and roads and interfered with their march, because by that time, what they will face is nothing more than a Just an army with stone axes. ...You ask if I think Germany can be defeated by bombing alone?you still need to ask?Isn't that as obvious as a louse on a bald man's head? "

Ron, on the other hand, answered General Arnold in this way.

"General, this is how I see it. Our superiority at high altitude is unshakable. Because the Soviets cannot produce bombers and fighter jets as good as ours. They are inferior to us in technology and national strength. This advantage cannot be shaken by tactics. Yes. But the Soviets also have an advantage that can threaten us, and that is their ground forces. Their ground forces are much stronger than ours, at least for now. And their air force-to be honest, I think they should be called army aviation Squads—cooperate closely with the army, and can effectively attack tactical campaign targets such as artillery groups, fortresses, and opponents' marching columns, assembly points, and material storage and transfer points, and directly support the advancement of ground forces. If we have to face such a situation in the future I don't expect our ground troops to stand up to these cattle...and to show them our superiority in the air, to show them our muscles, will also help to maintain peace after the war. So I Think this deal is better for us."

In the end, General Arnold approved the exchange plan.Therefore, the high-altitude drill has become the key item of this exchange.After a series of low-altitude drills, the high-altitude project was put on the agenda.

The high-altitude project is arranged like this.

The first item is familiarization with the aircraft.The Soviets will fly American fighter jets suitable for high-altitude combat to conduct general flight training at high altitudes.Or take an American heavy bomber to experience the attack training process of a heavy bomber for yourself.

The second project is the high-altitude confrontation between fighter jets and bombers.Soviet pilots will have the opportunity to personally fly the aircraft to face the dense box formation of bombers.

Now, Project One is about to start.

Early this morning, before the fog on the runway had completely dissipated, a group of Soviet pilots arrived at the airport early.At this time, there was a row of p-47 fighter jets parked on the apron.

This is not the first time the Soviets have seen this kind of fighter jet. Among other things, they have seen this kind of aircraft when they first arrived at the "Inverse Cross" a few days ago.But at first sight of this thing, the Soviets didn't like it very much.Damn it, this guy is also called a fighter jet?Look at this, look at that fuselage, as thick as a wine barrel.Look at that figure, it's almost like, uh, like Comrade Valia in another 20 years. (What? I don’t understand? Well, the figure of a Russian woman is similar to that of Coca-Cola, except that the figure of a young woman is like a Coca-Cola bottle, and the figure of a middle-aged woman is like a Coca-Cola can.) Or, the whole plane looks like , It's like a big (river crab) bottle with a set of wings.

When they heard that the empty weight of this thing was as high as 5 tons, and the full weight was close to 9 tons, the Soviet pilots shook their heads in their hearts, how stupid it would be to fly such a heavy thing in the air.Although the existence of f6f tells them that heavy things are not necessarily stupid, but f6f is not so heavy.

Those Yankees, however, liked the plane very much.They even claimed that this is the strongest fighter jet in the United States, and it is the invincible king at high altitudes.This actually made the Soviets look forward to this kind of ugly fighter.

According to the scheduled procedure, this experience flight will be served by an American pilot as the lead plane and a Soviet pilot as the wingman.Before takeoff, Ron called everyone together for a meeting.Although the flight manual had been distributed to the Soviets before, Ron still took the trouble to explain to the Soviets the precautions when flying the p-47.

After the meeting, everyone started to prepare for the flight according to the scheduled formation.

The first group to take off was Ron and Valia.Once in the cabin, Valya was taken aback.Space in the cabin of this plane is a luxury.The seat is also very high, sitting on it is like riding on an airplane.Unlike some airplanes, the pilot can only expose his head, and the whole person is buried in it.

This arrangement makes the pilot's vision very good.As an ace master, Valia naturally knows how important this is to air combat.

After starting the engine, the plane began to roll on the runway. As the speed gradually increased, Ron gently pulled the control lever, and the huge plane began to fly away from the ground.

Following Ron, Valia's p-47 also flew up.The plane was as clumsy as Valia had predicted it would be at first, with a noticeably low rate of climb.And the cao response at low speed is not very good.

"At low altitude, this guy can't do f6f." Valia secretly labeled the p-47 as a low-altitude waste material in his heart.

However, after a period of climbing, the altitude has exceeded 5000 meters, and Valia was surprised to find that the rate of climb of the plane has hardly dropped much.At this altitude, if the p-39 was replaced, the rate of climb would have dropped into a mess.

Ron took Valia to continue to climb. When it reached 7000-8000 meters, Valia found that the performance of this aircraft has completely surpassed the MiG-3 she had flown.

"At this height, and to do that. It's an amazing machine."

In the end, Ron took her to climb to an altitude of 10000 meters in one breath. At this time, they had already flown out of the troposphere and came to the stratosphere.Since 70.00% of the five-mass atmosphere is already below the plane, the color of the sky has also begun to change from azure blue to a dark blue that is almost black. The sunlight is stronger than when it is below, but on the dark blue sky, But you can faintly see stars twinkling.

"Okay, now let's do a hover without losing altitude." Ron said.

At such high altitudes, the airfoil is much less efficient than at low altitudes due to the thin air.When circling, if you are not careful, the circling radius is a little smaller, and you will lose altitude.

"Okay," Valya replied.When he was at low altitude just now, Valia had experienced the hovering of P-47.Overall, it sucks.That's to be expected though, you can't expect a 9-ton fat man to tiptoe himself up and dance ballet.And at high altitudes, the hovering performance will definitely drop further.But considering the plane's monster-like engines, maybe its hovering ratio is still good.

Ron tilted the wings slightly and started to circle, the wingtips pulled out two long flight paths in the thin air at high altitude.Valya followed, and she noticed that the turning radius was even smaller than that of the MiG-47, which was much lighter than the P-3.Valia understood that the performance of such a heavy aircraft should be attributed to its powerful engine.

"American aircraft designers are really happy," Valia couldn't help but sighed, "With such an engine, they can use the weight as they please. Look at this aircraft, it is so heavy If the Soviet Union can also have such good engine technology, what a good aircraft the Soviet designers should be able to design."

After completing a 360-degree circle, Ron will take Valia to experience the biggest advantage of the p-47-dive.

"There is no aircraft that can dive as well as the P-47." This is the most Valia heard praise for the P-47 from the Yankees.But when the dive started, Valia didn't immediately feel how good the p-47's dive was.

"The acceleration during the dive is not too high. At least in this section, many aircraft can keep up with it. Of course, if they can fly to this altitude."

But after a while, Valia knew how terrifying the p-47's dive was. She stared closely at the speedometer, watching the pointer on the speedometer swing wildly.

"It's already 750 kilometers, and this plane doesn't have much vibration!" You know, if it is replaced by the Soviet La-5fn, at a speed of 650 kilometers per hour, it will shake as if it is about to fall apart. At a speed of 700 kilometers per hour, it will definitely fall apart.

At this time, the reading on the speedometer has reached 850 kilometers per hour.Valia now needs a lot of willpower to restrain himself and let himself continue to dive with that crazy Yankee instead of immediately changing out of the dive.

"Pay attention, now I will perform a barrel roll for you, you don't have to follow along." Ron's voice came from the radio, and he could be heard that he was still very relaxed at this moment.

Ron gave the rudder lightly and at the same time began to pull the stick, and the plane began to do a downward barrel roll.Valya really wanted to do a barrel roll, but she still hesitated, so her fighter plane rushed to the front of Ron immediately.

"Okay, let's level up now, and move a little softer."

Valia carefully leveled the plane.Her complexion changed slightly.At a speed of 850 kilometers per hour, this aircraft can relatively flexibly complete some more intense maneuvers, which is really unscientific.Valia thought, if she was flying a fascist plane and bit Ron's 6 o'clock tightly, and then Ron did a barrel roll like that, what would have happened?

no doubt.If the Fascist plane tried to do a barrel roll at that speed, its wing would have snapped in two instantly.If you don't do such a barrel roll, you will rush to the front of others just like you did just now, and become a living target.

Now, Valia is absolutely sure that this stupid looking p-47, which looks like a big (river crab) bottle, is absolutely worthy of the reputation of the king of high altitudes.

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