New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 106, Historic Actions

() In the evening, Ron and Li Mei discussed how to deal with the current situation.

"General Li Mei, I have an idea." Ron said.

"Ah, General Ron, um, let's not be too polite. Or I can call you Ron, and you can just call me Li Mei." Li Mei said, "Ah, you think you have a solution? I Just know that your head will not disappoint. Talk about it."

"Well, I'm going to..."

"In this way, there will be fewer escort fighter jets following the bomber. If there are missile attack planes that slip through the net, there will still be trouble."

"We can have a small number of fighters per bomber fleet, which should be enough for this small formation of ju88s. It's just that the jets are still a problem. Fortunately, there are only a limited number of these planes. They don't have enough of them now to change that The whole situation. We have to seize this opportunity. For that, I need command of all long-range fighters across the UK."

"Well, what do you need me to do?"

"I need you to go with me and ask General Arnold for this authority."

"I would be happy to make this proposal with you to General Arnold. I think I have a chance to witness a truly strategic air offensive."


"My friend, come and take a look at this plan." General Arnold handed a document to another general.

The general took the document, read it carefully, and handed it back to General Arnold.

"Young people grow up so fast these days. It makes me feel old."

"This young man has asked me for temporary command of the entire British fighter force. Tell me, my friend, what do you think of his plan?"

"Full of high-spirited and enterprising spirit, at the same time, the analysis of problems is very sharp, and the measures are also very effective. I like it very much."

"I knew you would like this plan. This plan is as imaginative and aggressive as your plan to attack Tokyo. However, this kid's qualifications are still a little shallow. I would like to trouble you to make a trip, as My representative, go to England to see and help those children."


"Ron, the old man agreed to our plan." Li Mei waved the telegram she had just received and shouted to Ron.

"Okay, we'll get ready right away." Ron also became excited, "We'll go to the headquarters right away and discuss it with the commander."

"The old man also sent a new commander for our Eighth Air Force."

"Who is it?" Ron asked, and a name faintly came to mind.

"A lunatic, take a look." Li Mei handed the telegram to Ron.

Ron opened the file, looked at it, smiled, and said, "I knew it was him."

"So we still have to wait until our new commander arrives."


Two days later, Eighth Air Force headquarters.

Ron showed up in the Eighth Air Force commander's office.

"You're Ron?"

"Yes General!"

"You're so young. Compared with you, I feel like I'm going to grow old." Lieutenant General Doolittle, the new commander of the Eighth Air Force, laughed.

"You have always been my role model, General," said Ron.

Ron said this not out of politeness and flattery, but because General Doolittle is indeed a legendary hero.

Back then, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, severely damaged the American Pacific Fleet, and defeated the U.S. military in the Philippines, which led to low morale in the United States.President Roosevelt proposed that it is necessary to take active offensive actions to give Japan a serious look.But at that time, the U.S. Navy suffered heavy losses, and everyone felt that there was no way to fight back.

At this time, General Doolittle creatively proposed a plan to use the navy's aircraft carrier to carry the Army Aviation's b-25 Mitchell medium bomber to bomb Tokyo, and personally led the team to implement it, which was a great success in the end.This victory not only greatly boosted the morale of the American people, but also directly led to the subsequent Battle of Midway Island, which became a turning point in the entire Pacific War.

"I have read your plan." Doolittle said, "There is a sentence in it, which I like very much. That is 'the mission of fighter jets is to destroy the enemy in air combat'. I have ordered that all squadrons should be involved in their combat operations. Hang a banner with this sentence in the room to replace the original sentence "All actions of the fighter force are to protect the bombers."

Ron saw that when Doolittle mentioned this sentence, not only the corners of his mouth began to curl up, but his eyes also lit up.It seems that his love for this idea is definitely from the heart.

But this is also normal, because in the original history, the proposer of this concept was General Doolittle.Even Ron's entire early clearance tactic was originally proposed and personally directed and executed by General Doolittle in the original history.It was by relying on this tactic that the U.S. Army Air Force broke the backbone of the Luftwaffe in just one week and completely grasped the air supremacy over Germany.

"Your idea is very right for me. It's almost as if I made it myself. So, as soon as General Arnold asked me to be the commander of the Eighth Air Force, I immediately agreed. Let it go, I It is your backing!"

General Doolittle stretched out his hands, pressed on Ron's shoulders, and pressed hard again.

General Doolittle's frank attitude made Ron feel a little ashamed.Because his plan was actually completely copied from Doolittle.Relying on the tactics of plagiarism, it was praised by the original owner of the intellectual property.Although Ron's skin was not thin, it was still a little hot.

General Doolittle noticed that after this praise, Ron's face began to turn red, and this discovery made General Doolittle happy.A hero who has achieved great ambitions at a young age and has already been famous throughout the army, unexpectedly shows such an expression when he is praised by others. This is really... so cute.In Doolittle's eyes, Ron suddenly became a big boy.

Unlike Li Mei, who was born as a commoner, Doolittle was already a wealthy man before the war.He was already a Shell executive at the time, earning a lot of money.Re-enlisting in the U.S. military is not about climbing the ranks.In fact, in the original history, as soon as World War II ended, General Doolittle immediately chose to retire, and then returned to Shell Oil to serve as the vice president.To be honest, this position has more prospects than being a general.

Therefore, when General Doolittle found someone whose thinking was very similar to his own, but a little bit ahead of his own, he naturally would not have any bad thoughts, on the contrary, there was a sense of sympathy for each other.

"Come on, talk about your specific ideas." General Doolittle said.


On August 1943th, 8, this is a day that will be recorded in the history of the US Army Air Forces, and it is also the most important day in the history of European air combat.Because starting from this day, a decisive air combat campaign of unprecedented scale and far-reaching impact began.

At 5 o'clock in the morning this day, the sky just showed a little fish-belly white.German captain Simon was bored in front of the radar screen.He had just replaced Fritz on the night shift.Because the Air Force gave the Americans a heavy blow a few days ago, and now the Americans have much less action during the day, and many of their planes have also joined the night bombing of the British.So these days, class ri is very easy,

But suddenly, the instrument kept sending out warnings.Some staggering figures have been reported.

It's not like Simon has never seen this kind of situation. When the American bomber fleet launched the so-called "thousand-plane bombing", the radar response was like this.Compared with the previous bombings, the Americans dispatched this time more than an hour earlier.Don't Americans give up after suffering the losses of the previous few days?

After a while, Simon realized something was wrong.Because these thousands of targets are flying too fast.Obviously, these guys are not bombers, they are all fighters!

"Damn it, what are these Yankees doing? What are they doing with so many fighter jets? Where are their bombers?"

It wasn't just Captain Simon who asked the question.Almost all officers in the Luftwaffe had this question in mind.

However, for the German Air Force, there is still a bigger problem, that is, whether the German fighter jets will take off, and when.


Rodriguez was crossing the English Channel with his squadron, a full 24 P-51 fighter jets.Near him, there are the entire brigade, even the entire wing, the entire Eighth Air Force, and even almost all fighter jets belonging to the Allied Forces, including the British Spitfire. The huge fleet filled the entire sky .These planes are now shining silver in the rising sun.

The unit was told the other day to wash off the paint on the fighter jets except for the markings to save weight.So now all the p-51s are showing their true colors of aluminum alloy and are running naked like crazy.When receiving this order, someone asked, did this sacrifice concealment so that the enemy could easily find us.The above immediately gave this answer: "We are infertile and need to be concealed. We are not afraid of the enemy. The only thing we worry about is that those bastards dare not take the initiative to come and die."

In this operation, Rodriguez received the task of maintaining presence in the A3 area and clearing all air targets. If a large-scale enemy fighter jet fleet is found, call the command center and ask them to dispatch other fighter squadrons, or even fighter jets. Clear out these targets.

The A3 area is the deepest cruising airspace in Germany. Those airspaces that are closer are assigned to the Spitfire and P-47 with auxiliary fuel tanks, and those squadrons equipped with the P-38 and P-51 with long range , is responsible for performing airspace clearance tasks in such places that go deeper into enemy territory.

Rodriguez opened his eyes wide and looked around.Where is the enemy now?

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