New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 107, the most obscene trap in history

() Why did the Americans send so many fighter jets over?This is a question that greatly puzzles the Luftwaffe.But since the Americans dared to come to the door, the Luftwaffe must not be polite.Just after the radar found the target, almost every German airport sounded a shrill siren.Fighter units began to scramble.

Captain Muller, the bf-109 pilot, had just woken up at this time and had only half shaved when he heard the emergency call.So he took a few random shaves with a razor, touched his face with a towel, grabbed his helmet and flight jacket, and ran to the tarmac.

Along the way, Mueller saw a large group of people running towards the tarmac.Like him, many people are still putting on clothes while running.

When Muller came to his bf-109g5 fighter jet, several mechanics were already refueling the plane.A ground crew handed him a piece of compressed dry food and a glass of water.While preparing for the flight, Muller quickly ate.

"Report sir, the preparations are complete, you can board the plane." A ground crew said to Mueller.

Mueller swallowed the last bite of food in a hurry, then took a sip of water indiscriminately, and climbed onto the plane.

At this time, the ground staff added another sentence as usual: "Sir, we must eliminate more Yankees!"

Muller recognized this ground crew. He also learned to fly back then. It is said that his greatest wish was to fly a Stuka painted blue to bomb the Russians.To avenge his grandfather.According to him, his grandfather was bombed to death by the Americans when he was just five years old.So he and Zhi (Hexie) are at odds with each other!

This nonsense became a well-known joke in the flight school at that time, so much so that everyone nicknamed him "Five Deaths".However, although the head of "Grand Five Deaths" often suffers from cramps, he still learns to fly well.Unfortunately, later, due to an accident, one of his legs was broken. (There are rumors that one night, Grandpa Wusi drank a little too much. As a result, he was so drunk that he tried to push his sister. As a result, his father broke a leg with a stick.) Later, although the leg He grew up, but he could no longer fly a plane.He was even kicked out by the army.Later, because of the general mobilization, he returned to the army and became a ground worker.

At this time, the tower had issued a take-off command, and Muller started the plane and slid towards the runway.

Before Mueller took off, quite a few planes had already taken off.They all cranked up their horsepower and struggled to climb.Muller also pointed the nose of the plane at the end of the runway, released the brakes, and accelerated to roll.

After Muller flew up, he got an enemy report from the radio: there were more than a thousand enemy fighter jets in the sky, and the Luftwaffe dispatched nearly two thousand bf-109 and fw-190 to the intercept.

The enemy's bomber was not mentioned in the enemy's report. This unusual situation surprised Muller.However, this situation also made him feel a little easier.To be honest, Muller felt that the enemy's bombers in dense formations covered with self-defense machine guns were much more dangerous than fighter jets.Fighting fighter jets mainly depends on technology. As long as technology can prevail, risks can be controlled; but fighting bombers mainly depends on luck. If luck is not good, no trump card with good technology will lead to a dead end.Muller has shot down more than a dozen enemy planes. Although it is nothing compared to those guys who have shot down hundreds of them, he still feels that it is better to fight for skills than for character.

Muller pushed the throttle to the limit, and he had to get the plane to climb to high altitude as quickly as possible.His team climbed quickly behind him.The U.S. plane is approaching. If your fighter plane is still at a lower altitude when the two sides contact, then you will be extremely passive after the fight.

The fighters of the bf-109 series are all good climbers, and their climb speeds are astonishingly high at low and medium altitudes.But when climbing to a height above 6000 meters, the output of the engine has begun to weaken significantly, and the climbing speed has also decreased.The enemy report told Mueller that the enemy plane was at an altitude of 7500 meters, and they still needed to climb higher.

It took a while, and Muller's fleet finally climbed to the predetermined height of 8000 meters.Mueller looked around, surrounded by all kinds of German fighter jets: bf-109, fw-190 (God knows how they climbed up), and even the most advanced me-262.

Mueller had made an application to fly me-262 in the past, but failed to get a reply.

"This is really a good plane. The speed of 850 is even faster than the dive speed of BF-109. If you can fly this kind of plane, it will be really..."

Just when Muller was envious, a me-262 not far away suddenly burst into smoke, and then an orange flame burst out from the engine pod on the left.

The me-262 immediately turned into a dive, trying to blow out the flames with the strong wind brought by the dive. (This is a common trick after a plane catches fire, but it doesn't necessarily work.)

However, the flames burned bigger and bigger. Finally, the engine exploded and the whole plane disintegrated. There were no umbrella flowers in the sky. Obviously, the pilot did not have time to parachute.

Surrounded by our own people, there was absolutely no enemy plane sneak attack, and that plane just climbed honestly at a shallow angle without making any other big moves.But suddenly he fell headlong and killed a top pilot (the one who flew me-262 was the ace).Muller also heard from a comrade who was transferred to fly the Me-262 about the jet's shortcomings.The buddy said that the reliability of the me-262, especially the reliability of the engine, is extremely bad, and it often breaks down for no reason.At the time, he also thought that his buddy might be exaggerating a little.But now it seems that this thing is really...

In fact, when all high-tech is first put into use, there will be reliability problems.Epoch-making high technology is often accompanied by epoch-making low reliability.

The loss of this me-262 cast a shadow over Muller's heart.It's not a good sign that this kind of thing happened before the official battle.

"Heading 024, keep the altitude." The guidance from the ground command center continued to come from the headset.Müller adjusted his course while carefully maintaining altitude.At this altitude, the bf-109's engine is already struggling.

In high-altitude combat, it is relatively easy to spot enemy aircraft.Because the track is too obvious.After flying on course for a few minutes, a group of fighter jets came into Muller's field of vision.

The current altitude of these enemy planes is about 109 meters lower than Muller's bf-500, but Mueller knows that the high-altitude performance of the American planes is far superior to his own planes.If you can't rely on the current altitude advantage to shoot down the enemy plane in a short time, the enemy will be able to use the engine advantage to reverse the situation after a long time.

If it is a small team battle, with his back to the sun, Muller is quite sure that he will use a classic sneak attack to shoot down the enemy.But under the premise of large fleet operations, it is unlikely to have such an opportunity.Because of the huge trajectory pulled out by the large fleet, as long as they are not blind, who else would not be able to see it?

But even if there is no chance of a sneak attack, air combat still has to be fought.

"Initiate an attack!" The captain's command came from the headset.

"Follow me, attack!" Muller issued an order, leading three fighter planes of his subordinates to dive towards the enemy plane.At the same time, other teams rushed towards the enemy.

The enemy plane had also spotted Muller and the others long ago, and the distance was still far away. The enemy plane did not rush straight at them like it did when escorting the bomber before, but quickly completed a turn, as if planning to escape.

Muller knew that the enemy's fighter jets were faster than his own. Although he now has the gravity acceleration bonus brought by the height advantage, the distance between the two sides is still far away, and it may not be possible to catch up.

"What are these guys doing? They came all the way, and they didn't fight us when they met us?"

Sure enough, the situation was as expected by Muller. After successfully narrowing the distance between the two sides to about 2000 meters, the distance between the two sides could no longer be narrowed.

Fortunately, there are still artifacts like the me-262 in the German camp. Although one was inexplicably dropped just now, there are still 90 of them in the fleet of more than 3 fighters of various types.The fleet on the American side has about 60 fighter jets, and the Germans have a numerical advantage.If you can use these fast me-262s to catch up and interfere with them, maybe the main fleet will be able to catch up with them.

Sure enough, the three me-262s began to surpass other fighters and began to approach the Americans quickly.


"German fighter jets all have the weakness of insufficient range. Regardless of the fact that we have to fly over half of Europe, they take off on the same spot. Even so, they still spend much less time in the sky than us. Therefore, after encountering them , don’t be in a hurry to enter the battle. First drag them in the air and run two laps with high throttle. Their engine’s high-altitude performance is not good, and if they turn on high horsepower at high altitude, the fuel consumption will be even worse, as if a big hole was opened in the fuel tank. It won't be long before they're running low on fuel. Then we're back to slowly bullying these Germans who are eager to get home and drink their nai!"

This was one of the tactical contents that Brigadier General Ron, who was directly in charge of the fighter air combat in this operation, explained to the pilots who participated in the operation before this operation.

Ron is definitely a celebrity among pilots, and many of the pilots who carried out this plan have received training in the "Reverse Cross".Therefore, the stories of those ace instructors in "Reverse Cross" often become the talk of these guys when they brag.When it comes to Ron, most students will have the following statement:

"Mr. Ron, well, he may not be the most skilled, nor the bravest, but he must be the most wretched one...I'm not talking about his appearance, I'm talking about his air combat ability Way. Sometimes before he knocks you down, he can disgust you several times first, once..."

But those guys who haven't been trained by him are always a little dubious about this.However, as soon as Ron laid out the tactics, everyone's doubts disappeared immediately, and everyone immediately reached a consensus: Ron, this guy is definitely the most wretched pilot since he has a fighter jet!

"But if the Germans have those jets, be extra careful. They can easily catch you. But the circle and roll of this plane is super bad, be careful, it is not difficult to dodge their attacks. If you are about to fall behind due to its interference, then dive first, gather enough speed, and then catch up. Anyway, there are not many Germans about this thing. If you encounter it, you can buy a lottery ticket when you come back .”

Now, these Rodriguez and the American fighters of his brigade are implementing this tactic meticulously.Rodriguez believes that now, the Germans may not have much fuel left in their tanks.

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