New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 108, the most obscene trap in history

() Three me-262s quickly approached the American p-51. The four 262mm guns of me-4 are very powerful. If they can hit p-30, they can definitely kill in one hit.But this kind of cannon is prepared to attack bombers, its ballistic characteristics are not very good, and the accuracy of long-distance shooting is quite poor.When dealing with highly maneuverable targets like fighter jets, to ensure the efficiency of the attack, they must be very close.

If the enemy's fighter jets are defenseless, it is not difficult to quickly approach and attack, but now, sneak attacks are no longer possible, and the problem can only be solved by technology.

It wasn't long before Loew drove the me-262.But when driving fw-190, he was already an ace.On the Eastern Front, he shot down a whole dozen Il-2s, plus a few fighter jets, and a few Bo-2 trainer bombers, bringing his total downed to 22.Now he is eager for his first victories on me-262.

Loew gradually approached a p-51.But the plane was very alert, and it immediately slid and dodged from Loew's gun.Love pulled up the plane and started rolling in the direction of the P-51.

This roll immediately caused Loew, who was used to the fw-190, to feel deeply painful. Compared with the super fast roll of the fw-190, the roll of the me-262 was as slow as a snail.This makes me-262 far less threatening than fw-190 when bz enemy aircraft.Because the opponent can use a small turn to get rid of his attack.

Indeed, as expected, just as he was diving down towards the enemy, the enemy plane turned slightly again, and then the attack failed again.

However, such an attack was not fruitless. During the dodge, the speed of the p-51 was affected, which made the bf-109s behind gradually catch up.

"If the enemy planes are approaching, just dive and leave. If there are one or two of them following, then take them down for a while, and then move closer to the group. At this time, the friends who have the advantage of altitude will solve your troubles. Yes." This was exactly what Ron had deployed a few days ago.

So the two p-51s began to descend.

P-51 cannot get rid of me-262's attack by diving.However, Loew knew that if he kept going, he would be attacked by enemy planes at higher positions if he was not careful.So Loew decided to let the two P-51s go for the time being, and then chase other enemy planes.


Mueller's plane had a yellow light on its fuel gauge and was low on fuel.He must get out of the fight immediately.Relying on a few me-262s to spoil the situation just now, they finally caught up with a few p-262s that were constantly dodging the attacks of me-51s.But when these p-51s saw that something was wrong, they swooped down and left.A few fw-190s followed, but whether they could shoot down their opponents was a big question mark.

Now, it is not just Muller who has the yellow light on the fuel gauge. The entire fleet, from me-262 to bf-109, is almost out of fuel.

A huge problem lies in front of the Germans: if they choose to return, the aircraft group will definitely be chased by the enemy's tail when the enemy's strength is basically not weakened too much, and the loss will definitely not be small.If you continue to entangle?Once the fuel is exhausted, it can only skydive.

Eventually, Mueller was instructed to return.The huge fleet began to disband, lowered their altitude, and returned to their respective flights.No, that's not the correct statement.The correct expression should be: each escaped for his life.The reason why they chose to disperse and flee for their lives was just to reduce losses.

The three me-262s couldn't leave right away. Although they didn't have much fuel left in their fuel tanks, they still had to rely on their performance advantages to provide cover for the retreating friendly planes.Also staying with them was Muller's squadron.They must hold off the enemy plane and buy time for their comrades.


Rodriguez stared at a descending Bf-109, and he clung to the back of the Bf-109, looking for an opportunity to fire.At this time, a particularly weird sound entered his ears.

"Damn," Rodriguez immediately gave up the attack and made a sharp turn.Just then, a German jet flew past him.

This isn't the first time an attack has been interrupted by this guy.If it weren't for this damn me-262, I could have shot down at least two planes just now.Seeing me-262 roaring away, Rodriguez gritted his teeth with hatred.

Loew, there have been five or six actions to support his comrades, and each action consumes a small amount of fuel.Now, he can no longer continue to fight.He had to return, and any delay would be a loss for this advanced fighter.

So Loew finally looked back at those comrades who were suffering from the enemy plane's pursuit and the fuel tank's warning, and then steered the plane to the airport.


After the departure of me-262, the situation began to turn more unfavorable for the Germans.The reason why the German planes that stayed to hold down the American fighter planes was able to persist for so long under the siege of superior enemy planes.A big reason is because me-262 can always support them when they are in danger.Now that me-262 is gone, the Americans' attacks have become unscrupulous. More than 20 bf-109s were besieged by more than 60 p-51s, and it was only a matter of time before they collapsed.

"All breakout! Return!"

They've been holding Americans down for a while, and they've done enough.Now, they must flee for their lives.

Escaping is very difficult. The dive performance of bf-109 is not good enough to get rid of p-51.Escape only sells six o'clock to the enemy.But at this time, they had no other choice.

But this is not the biggest problem encountered by the Germans. A more serious problem has emerged: the German radar stations have sent new intelligence, and they have discovered a large-scale bomber fleet!


"One hour after the fighter unit departs, we will send the bombers. I believe that by that time, the enemy fighter unit should have run out of fuel in the battle with our fighter unit. It is busy to land. We will rush there Let them have a good bomb meal at the airport.” This is what Li Mei said when assigning missions to the bomber unit after the fighter jets departed.This sentence immediately caused cheers among the bomber crews.

An hour later, more than 1200 bombers of various types began to cross the English Channel.At this time, the German fighter jets were trying to get rid of the entanglement of the American fighter jets and return home.


After a scuffle, all three fighter planes brought by Muller were shot down.The wing of Muller's own fighter plane was also shot a big hole by the American 20 guns.If it weren't for a large cloud that appeared in time.He must be dead too.After getting out of the clouds, he readjusted his course, tightened the throttle, and flew towards the airport almost entirely by gliding.

The last drop of fuel in the fuel tank was exhausted, the engine made a rattling sound, and then the propeller that had been whirling stopped. Fortunately, at this time, the runway had appeared in front of him.At this time, a heavy engine roar also began to reach his ears.

The plane that lost power bumped to a stop at the end of the runway.The plane had no power to taxi back to the hangar by itself.A convertible barrel car (vw82 car, its status in the German army is similar to Willys Jeep in the US military) and a trailer are already waiting there.Muller got on the bucket truck. At this time, "Five Dead" also drove a tractor to pull the immobile BF-109.Start driving to the hangar.

As soon as Mueller got into the car, he heard the roar of an airplane.The driver looked up, immediately changed his face, kicked the accelerator directly to the floor. , the small barrel car immediately accelerated and flew towards the direction of the air-raid shelter.

"What's wrong?" Mueller asked.

"American bomber!" The driver looked blank.

Mueller looked up.He saw a swarm of bombers (perhaps 40 or more) flying overhead.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Muller yelled wildly.

The bombers were already dropping bombs.However, the bombing altitude of the heavy bomber is very high, probably more than 5000 meters.It will take a while for the bomb to fall.Now, it depends on whether the barrel truck can drive to the door of the air-raid shelter before the bombs fall.

The distance from the end of the runway to the bomb shelter has never been longer.From the reflector, Muller could already see that a bomb had landed and exploded near the end of the runway.The rain of bombs is catching up at a speed of about 280 kilometers per hour.Mueller watched as his BF-109 was ripped to shreds by the bomb along with the tractor that was towing the plane.

"Quick, get out of the car!" The driver slammed on the brakes, and the barrel truck almost stopped against the entrance of the air-raid shelter.Muller jumped out of the car, took a dive, and rushed directly to the air-raid shelter...

Bombings come and go as fast as they come.After a while, the air strike passed.Muller emerged from the dugout clutching his arms.When the dive just touched the ground, he sprained his hand.He looked around and saw that the hangar had been blown into ruins, and the runway was full of large and small bomb craters.His own plane was broken in two and scattered at one end of the runway.On the contrary, the bucket cart that carried him escaped was parked there properly, the engine hadn't been turned off, and the key was still inserted well.

Mueller walked over, got into the car, and drove it toward his BF-109.

The barrel truck stopped beside the wreckage of bf-109.Muller jumped out of the car and looked around, and after a while he found what he was looking for:

"Grand Five Dead" fell nearly 109 meters away from the wreckage of bf-30. He was lying there, half of his head and a thigh were blown away.Mueller walked over and saw that he was still holding something tightly in his hand.It took a lot of effort for Müller to separate his fingers.It was a photo of a woman. Muller knew her. She was the older sister of the legendary "Grandpa died five times". She was indeed a bit pretty.Turning over the back of the photo, Muller also saw a line of beautiful small characters: "She will always follow you".


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