New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 110, The Collapsing Roof

() The start of the battle on the second day was not much different from the first day. It was also about an hour before the bombers were dispatched, and the huge fighter group crossed the English Channel.But the difference is that the Luftwaffe did not take off a large group of fighter jets to intercept, but only sent a few planes to monitor from a distance.When the American fighter jets approached these planes, they all turned around and left without hesitation.Over Europe, there is hardly a German plane in sight.

Rodriguez reduced the throttle, and now his fleet is flying at an altitude of 6500 meters.This is not the absolute advantage altitude of the p-51 over the bf-109, but since there is no bf-109 fleet at all, it is relatively more fuel-efficient to fly at this altitude.Moreover, at this altitude, small-caliber anti-aircraft guns cannot hit high-mobility targets such as fighter jets, and large-caliber anti-aircraft guns cannot hit them.Relatively safe. The p-51 fleet maintained a speed of less than 450 kilometers per hour, circling repeatedly over this airspace.

About 40 minutes later, another team of p-47s with oversized auxiliary fuel tanks rushed to the sky above this area.In order to save fuel, the p-47, like the p-51, was washed off all the paint except the identification marks.The fat fuselage is shining silver in the sun, and it can be seen from a long distance.

Rodriguez knew that the arrival of the p-47 meant that the bombers were approaching.Even with an extra-large fuel tank, the range of the p-47 is still not comparable to that of a pervert like the p-51.Therefore, it is impossible for them to clear the airspace so long in advance like the p-51. They can only rush to the relevant airspace before the arrival of the bombers and when the German fighter jets are expected to take off and climb.

Indeed, as Rodriguez expected.German air defense radars had spotted the American bombers.As a result, all German airports are busy.

Mueller's BF-109 is getting ready for takeoff.This time their task is to protect the heavily armored ju88 and bf-110, and cover them to attack the incoming bomber group.


The takeoff was smooth, and Muller, his wingman Mengele, and some other bf-109s first climbed to an altitude of 1500 meters, and then began to maintain this altitude and circle over the airport.At this time, those bulky ju88s and bf-110s also began to take off in sequence.

Both these ju88s and bf-110's have been further armored, and doing so has had an obvious downside - their climb is as slow as a snail's way up a vine.



Rodriguez is in this fleet. In the tactical arrangement before the war, Ron predicted that the Germans might use BF-109 to provide escort for other heavy-loaded large and powerful aircraft, and then these aircraft would attack the bombers. The group launched an assault.So he formulated a battle plan specifically for this situation.According to the plan, he will lead his p-51 to launch an assault on the enemy planes to disrupt the formation of enemy planes.Then the p-47 launched an attack on the German assault fleet.

So Rodriguez ordered his fighter planes to prepare for the first round of assaults from different angles in units of squads.Before the action, he asked Dodge, the captain of another squadron, "You go first or I go first?"

"Anything!" Dodge replied.

"Okay, boys from Cobra Squadron, let's go first!—Hitler, I'm here to kick your ass!" Rodriguez shouted, taking the lead in the dive.At this time, the altitude difference of a full 1000 meters made his fighter plane quickly accelerate to about 800 kilometers. At this speed, the plane shook violently, making it difficult to shoot accurately.But Rodriguez's original intention was not to do anything to the Germans below through this round of attacks.The purpose of this round of attacks was to disrupt the formation of the Germans and screen targets for the next round of attacks.

"It's like lions attacking a herd of bison. They first make the herd run. During the run, some bison will break away from the group and become the best targets for the next round of attacks. The same is true for us. The Germans dodged in a panic, so that in the next round of attacks, they can find targets that are easier to attack." This is what the wretched General Ron said when he explained the tactics to them.Rodriguez is doing exactly that right now.

24 P-51s swooped in from 6 directions, and started firing at a considerable distance. The 20-rotor gun has a muzzle velocity of 1000 meters per second, and its ballistic performance is quite good.Even at long distances, it still has pretty good precision.In order to avoid the shots of the Americans, the bf-109s began to dodge continuously.During the dodge, the bf-109 piloted by some novices began to lose too much energy, so that they could not keep up with the movements of other aircraft.

In the first round of impact, Rodriguez's Cobra Squadron did not achieve any impressive record.The energy status of the enemy planes is not bad, so they basically dodged successfully.Only one or two aircraft were hit by stray bullets flying far away, but none of them seemed to be fatal wounds.

After completing the first round of attacks, the Cobras did not continue to entangle with the Germans. They immediately pulled up at a large angle. During this process, many pilots had black vision, but because their energy advantage was too obvious, making When they jumped, none of the German fighter jets could keep up with them, so although they couldn't see anything for a while, their safety was not threatened.

Just as the Cobras began to jump, Dodge's Viper Squadron also began to attack the Germans.His attack this round is more targeted than the Cobra Squadron's attack just now. Those bf-109s that lost too much energy in the attack just now and are in a disadvantageous position have become ready-made targets, 24 p-51 just went straight to those guys.This time, the Americans achieved tangible results.Two Bf109s were shot down on the spot, and three others were also apparently injured.

This time it was the Cobra's turn to take advantage again. They swooped down again after they had just climbed up, and with a fierce artillery fire, they shot the three injured BF-109s into the air.

But this time when they tried to pull up again, some bf-109s that had maintained their energy well before took the opportunity to approach them.

Muller focused on a p-51. The energy status of this plane was still much higher than his own, but he pulled up too fast, which gave Muller a chance to shoot inside.Mueller cut in and fired heavily at the plane.Two 13mm airfields and a 1mm gun sprayed their vomit frantically at the opponent. The two planes staggered in the air. Mueller turned his head and looked at the fighter.He was sure that he had hit the fighter plane with several bullets and shells.A few bullets also likely entered the cockpit directly.

Sure enough, the plane was completely out of control. It flew straight up until it stalled, and then fell headlong.The pilot did not parachute, perhaps the few 13mm bullets shot into the cockpit had directly killed the pilot.

However, Muller's personal victory did not change the crisis. As the Viper swooped down again, several fighter planes trying to launch a counterattack were hit and disintegrated. (The Americans' four 4-guns are amazingly powerful, and they can almost kill a small aircraft like the bf-20 with one hit.) Even Muller's fighter plane suffered two 109-gun shots.One of the shots knocked out half of the vertical tail.This greatly reduces the aircraft's operational performance.

"When the situation is extremely unfavorable, the pilot has the right to judge whether to retreat." This is one of the privileges of German fighter pilots.After the plane was injured, Muller handed over the command to his deputy, left the fleet with a dive, and began to return to the stomach.

After Mueller withdrew, the entire cover cluster became more and more chaotic.At this time, the p-47, which had been on standby at high altitude, started to act. They dropped the auxiliary fuel tank and rushed towards the lower ju88 and bf-110.



The remaining ju88 and bf-110 saw that they had lost their cover, so they simply threw away the heavy loads such as anti-aircraft rockets, turned around and ran away.And the p-47s also hunted down the past...

During this day, similar battles broke out continuously, with similar results.Except for a team of me-262, basically none of them had much impact on the bomber fleet.

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