New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 111, The Collapsing Roof

() Most assault aircraft were suppressed, but one aircraft could easily break through the interception of American fighter jets.This aircraft is the me-262 jet fighter.This kind of aircraft can fly at a speed of 850 kilometers per hour, which is much higher than those of American fighter jets.This makes it easy for them to get rid of the interception of American fighter jets.

In today's operations, the German army gathered almost all the usable me-262s in their hands.A total of 30 me-262s were sent out, and they will launch a deadly attack on the US bomber fleet.

The wings of each me-262 are full of anti-aircraft rockets.This makes them slightly slower, but still much faster than a normal propeller fighter.

"At 12 o'clock, US bombers!" A pilot shouted.Loew looked forward, and a huge fleet gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

This is a huge formation of b-24 bombers. There are nearly 200 bombers in the entire formation. The densely packed bombers seem to cover the sky in front of them.

The me-262 carrying anti-aircraft rockets will not choose to intercept head-on like ordinary fighter jets.Their tactics are like this.They would first climb to a slightly higher altitude than the bomber group and then turn to the side of the bomber group.Then approach the bomber from the side, and launch an attack with anti-aircraft rockets outside the killing range of the bomber's self-defense firepower.Such an attack angle can maximize the hit rate of rockets.

This time, they also adopted this attack method.Loew, along with the other pilots, turned to the flank of the bombers and prepared to attack them.

"Pay attention to the high altitude!" The comrades shouted from the headset.

Loew looked up, and at a higher altitude, he saw a group of P-47s approaching at high speed.

The speed of the p-47 is certainly not enough to intercept the me-262, but if the p-47 has an altitude advantage, then by diving, they can reach a speed of more than 900 kilometers per hour in a short time.During this time, the p-47 was already a sufficient threat to the me-262.

But estimate the speed, before the p-47 arrived, the rocket attack should have been completed.So me-262 continued to approach the b-24 bomber group.


In just one attack, about five bombers were hit and began to fall.Loew could see that some of the burning bombers started to deviate from the course, and then their noses began to droop, and they fell to the ground with flames.Some small black spots floated out of the downed plane, and then turned into white umbrella flowers.

Several bombers were hit, but still insisted on flying in formation.At this time, due to the need to dodge the downed bombers, the formation of the entire bomber formation was a little messy.

However, the Germans were not without losses. The engines of three me-3s lost power directly because they sucked in the exhaust from the rockets.But now the height is high enough, they can slowly slide down, while carefully trying to restart the engine.Of course, the action must be very careful, otherwise, it is not impossible for the engine to catch fire directly.

But now, other teammates don't care about them. "Rush up and shoot them down with machine guns!" Faced with such a fleeting opportunity, the Germans certainly would not let it slip away in vain.The remaining 27 me-262s immediately rushed towards the bomber group.

As soon as it entered the self-defense fire range of the bomber, the bullets of the self-defense machine gun on the bomber shot from all directions, weaving into a dense fire net, as if whoever rushed over would be cut into several sections.But as the distance shortened rapidly, the net became sparser, and the meshes began to become larger, and me-262 passed through these meshes.Because the me-262 is too fast, many machine gunners are not used to it.So most of the bullets hit behind them.

At the same time, the huge fuselage of the b-24 became bigger and bigger in Love's sight, almost filling the sight.Loew pressed the launch button, and the four 4mm M30 guns began to roar, the plane vibrated violently, and the flames from the muzzles lit up the entire cockpit.When Loew passed by, he saw that the already injured B-108 had begun to lose control.

But at this time, those p-47s that swooped down from a higher place have also been killed.The 24 P-47s in this squadron were led by a Jew named Albert, so he drew a big Star of David on his plane.Prior to this, his squadron had been flying at an altitude of 9000 meters, which was nearly 2000 meters higher than the bomber.This makes it difficult for him to attack me-262 before they attack, but only by diving from such a high altitude can they gain enough speed to attack me-262 effectively in a short time .

At this time, the me-262s had already rushed into the bomber group, so the p-47s rushed in without hesitation.

When Loew hit a B-24 and was about to look for the next victim, his wingman shouted: "6 o'clock, fighter jet!" Loew turned his head and saw a series of tracer bullets heading towards him The plane is coming.As a pilot who has flown FW-190 all his life, he hastened to do a barrel roll like a reflex.


A me-262 was getting bigger and bigger in Albert's sight. Albert knew that his number of attacks was extremely limited, so he immediately fired wildly at the plane.That's when he saw the me-262 doing a barrel roll.

"Damn you think you're flying an FW-190?" Albert complained about the foe's stupidity for using this rotten plane to play with the roll, while gently doing a barrel roll.At the same time continue to fire continuously.He saw countless flaming shells entering the plane, and then, a piece of the tail of the plane fell off, and then the engines on both sides emitted thick smoke.Then the plane plummeted.

But Albert didn't have time to be happy, because at this moment, he heard a "puff" sound.This is the sound of bullets hitting his fighter plane.Albert quickly made a roll, and then, he noticed that the one who shot at him just now was actually a B-24 next to him.Apparently, due to the speed of the two planes being too fast, all the bullets fired at me-262 hit his p-47.Fortunately, the p-47 has a thick skin. Albert checked the plane, and it seemed that the problem was not serious.

At this time, most of the me-262 had passed through the bomber formation. In the process, 4 more bombers were shot down and 12 bombers were injured to varying degrees.

But the Germans were not without losses. Loew's fighter jet was shot down, but fortunately Loew successfully parachuted.Another me-262 crashed into a b-47 while avoiding the p-24. Although it succeeded in shooting down another bomber, it was also smashed to pieces.Another 6 me-262s were also injured to varying degrees.Considering the reliability of the me-262, these planes must also withdraw from the battle.In this way, due to various reasons, the number of me-262s that have withdrawn from the battle has reached 12.In this way, there are only 262 me-18s left.At this time, the American bomber group basically successfully reorganized its formation.If you hit again, maybe the loss will be even greater.In addition, the 6 injured fighter planes needed to be escorted, so the Germans simply gave up the attack and chose to evacuate.

At the same time, the p-47 dropped the auxiliary fuel tanks in the battle just now, so they can't stay here for a long time.So the p-47s shook their wings to the bomber and began to return.

In the battle just now, several p-47s were injured.Most of them were wounded by self-defense fire from bombers.Another was hit by a piece of aircraft skin that fell from its head.

Bob Johnson's p-47 gradually fell behind.In the battle just now, one cylinder of his fighter plane was damaged by a bullet, which made his economical flight speed not as good as other planes.And the other planes didn't have any more fuel to fly with him.

As a result, the p-47 could only fly back alone.Bob Johnson flew for a long time, and when he was about to reach the English Channel, a group of planes appeared in his direction at 9 o'clock.At first Bob thought it was the US military's own p-47, but when he saw these planes approaching him at high speed, he began to wake up.

Soon those planes approached to a recognizable distance, and Bob Johnson's pupils shrank suddenly. That was a total of 16 FW-190s.

Regarding the mainstream fighter jets at that time, Ron once made this comment: "In terms of gang fights, the high-altitude p-47 is the first, and the low-altitude fw-190 is the first." The reason why Ron said this is because the two aircrafts They all have a common feature, that is, the body is strong and the firepower is powerful.This allows them to take advantage of group fights where the chances of firing are greatly increased.

Today, in order to save fuel, Bob Johnson's plane flies at an altitude of about 4000 meters.At this altitude, the flight performance of the fw-190 is stronger than that of the p-47, and it also has an overwhelming numerical advantage of 16:1.In addition, Bob Johnson's fighter plane itself has been injured, and the situation is even more unfavorable to him.Although the English Channel is close at hand, is there any chance for him to fly back?

There is another one tonight

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