New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 112, The Collapsing Roof

() Bob Johnson didn't care about fuel consumption anymore, he pushed the throttle valve to the end, and the r-2800 double hornet engine roared violently.Although one cylinder is missing, this extremely reliable engine is still pumping out power continuously.

But those fw-190s had already taken advantage of the altitude, and they swooped down in turn, and bullets and shells rained over them like raindrops.Bob Johnson narrowly escaped the attack of the first three planes, but in the evasion, his originally little energy was exhausted.

"The biggest advantage of the p-47 is that it can dive well. When the situation is unfavorable, you can use this characteristic to escape." So Bob Johnson pressed the nose of the aircraft and began to dive downward.

But the dive of the fw-190 is not bad, and the acceleration in the initial stage of the dive is even faster than that of the p-47.So Bob Johnson's actions did not allow him to get rid of the Germans immediately.The only good thing is that the Germans can't attack him from multiple different angles now, they can only attack Bob from his six o'clock direction.Therefore, only one aircraft can fire on Bob at a time.

"Puff, puff, puff," this is the sound made when the 190mm shells fired by fw-15 hit Bob's p-47.Although Bob continued to make some evasive moves, it was still inevitable to be shot in the face of the shooting of as many as 190 aircraft cannons and two machine guns of the FW-4.

Fortunately, these shells were shot from the direction of 6 o'clock.Generally speaking, the shells shot from the tail have the weakest lethality.Moreover, for fighter jets, the direction of the tail is always the direction with the strongest resistance to strikes.In addition, the p-47 is very strong, so although it has been hit by a lot of shells or bullets, the p-47 can still keep flying.

After a while, the sound of gunfire from behind stopped, and an fw-190 slid sideways to get out of the attack position—he had already used up all the ammunition.

Due to the need to dodge non-stop, although Bob wanted to use the p-47's dive acceleration to get rid of his opponent, he was never able to reach the speed enough to get rid of the fw-190.And those lingering fw-190s also followed behind it, constantly firing at him.

Not long after, in the continuous shallow dive, Bob's original height of 4000 meters was only 400 meters left.But he still couldn't get rid of the enemy plane.Bob has only one way, and that is to continue to lower the altitude to about 10 meters. In this way, the enemy plane needs to be very careful when diving to attack him.Otherwise, you'll hit your head on the ground and die.

If Bob can maintain the altitude of the plane at about 10 meters, then the enemy planes attacking him can still only fire one by one from his 6 o'clock direction.

It's just that in the past period of time, his fighter plane has suffered a lot of hits, the aileron and tail have been hit, and now they are not very flexible.This makes the aircraft even more clumsy when it moves.

Another FW-190 fired from behind and Bob made a slight side spin.A string of bullets emptied, the plane pulled up a little bit, (it is extremely dangerous to maintain a height of 10 meters) and then cut from the inside line again, and then fired another string of shells.Bob kept an eye on his movements, and he turned in the opposite direction again, dodging most of the shells again.

Just like that, after an unknown amount of time, a blue sea finally appeared in front of him.Bob knew that with just a little more flying, he would be able to fly across the Channel.The Germans don't dare to fly to the strait anymore, and the flamethrowers of the Royal Air Force are not easy to bully.Fly across the strait and he is saved.

After Hanks fired the last bullet, he pulled up the fighter plane, but found that no teammates fired at the American fighter plane that refused to crash.

"I'm out of bullets! Who of you still have bullets!"

"Mine have already been fired."

"mine too."


The Germans were surprised to find that all 16 FW-190s had fired the last bullet.But the p-47 that didn't know how many shots it took was still flying.

"Forget it, God is in that guy's cockpit today," exclaimed a German.

"I'm going to fly over to see what that lucky kid looks like." Another German guy said while controlling the fighter jet to fly towards Bob.

At this point Bob's condition is already very bad.His plane was severely damaged, and just now, a 7.92mm bullet flew from behind. This bullet hit the bulletproof glass of the front windshield, bounced back, hit the bulletproof steel plate behind, and bounced again After going out, I don't know where it bounced again, and finally hit Bob's knee.

This action made Bob's left leg unable to move for a long time, and it was inconvenient to push the rudder.Bob didn't know at this time that his enemy had run out of bullets. He only knew that neither the condition of the plane nor his own condition made it difficult for him to dodge effectively.

However, the German fighter did not cut into his 6 o'clock direction, but chose to fly parallel to him, and kept approaching him.Bob looked towards the German plane, and he saw the German in the cockpit gave him a thumbs up and kept shaking.Then, the German fighter waved its wings and flew away.

Not only the German fighter jet, but other German planes also flew to Bob one by one, gave him a thumbs up, then shook the wings, and then left.

When all the fw-190s flew out of sight, Bob believed that he was really out of danger.It's just that the fuel in his fuel tank is already pitifully low, and he probably won't be able to fly back to the base.

...Bob was over England when the last drop of fuel was consumed.The test flight at the base is gone, but there is still a road below.With difficulty, Bob aimed the nose of the plane at the road, and began to prepare for an emergency landing...

An hour later, Bob's plane was towed back to the base, and his comrades counted more than 200 bullet holes in his fighter plane.


As night fell, the fierce battle of the day had come to an end.Everyone withdrew their troops and went back to the camp to count the results of the battle.

"General, the battle results are calculated." A staff officer handed a document to Ron.

Ron took the file, unfolded it on his desk, and read it.

"The fighter force dispatched 3524 sorties, and 241 large and small air battles took place." Ron watched while thinking, "Today's battle density is much higher than yesterday's."


This victory is also much more than yesterday.Although the exchange ratio is far less good-looking than yesterday.But compared to the Germans, they still have an overall advantage.Such battles lasted for a few days, and the entire Luftwaffe would cease to exist.At that time, Europe will become a house without a roof, and it can be bombed as it wants.

Ron withdrew his thoughts, and asked the staff officer, "Call the bomber unit and see if the bomber's situation has been counted?"

"Yes, General!" The staff officer turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait, you immediately send someone to send a copy of the battle report to Commander Doolittle." Ron added.



"From this point of view, if we persist for three to five days, it is estimated that the entire Luftwaffe will collapse. Well, as Ron said, through this battle, we will be able to completely tear off the roof of Europe." Doolittle smiled while thinking.

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