() Unlike the high-spiritedness on the US side, the German army is in mourning.In the two days of air battles, the losses were so great that the German Air Force felt unbearable.Even the commander of the air force, the Nazi sub-marshal, and Marshal Hermann Göring, who had long focused on politics, had to turn his attention back to the air force.

Now, the intentions of the Americans are so obvious.

"Those Americans just want to use the time window when most of their fighter jets are superior, and consume us. We can't just be fooled by them!" An officer shouted at the meeting.

"But why not just let them bomb?" Another officer asked weakly.

"Is there any difference between the current situation and letting them bomb? Can we stop the bombing now? Since we can't stop it, we will lose so many elite pilots. Why should we continue?"

"I agree that we should stop intercepting like this. Do you remember at the Battle of Britain? How Dowding did it when we started bombing London! He hid his elite and watched us bomb London, Then silently accumulated strength, and finally gave us a hard blow! This war is a war of the whole country, and all people have the obligation to sacrifice! The British have set an example for us! I am not unwilling to sacrifice, I'm just against meaningless sacrifices! I think that such a decisive battle should be avoided until our main fighter jets regain their technological superiority, or at least get rid of their technological disadvantage!"

"The current situation is different from that of the Battle of Britain! At that time, our bombing intensity was completely incomparable with that of the Americans and the British. And at that time, they could hide in Scotland, which was out of our reach. But Now, they can now send out thousands of bombers at once, causing unbearable losses to Germany! For example, if they launch a series of attacks on Romanian oil fields, what should we do? Once such targets are destroyed, our entire The army cannot be maintained. How do we avoid war?

And even if we hide, people can still find us.As long as the Americans are willing, their fighter jets can even fly directly from the UK to the Russian airfield.Where can we hide?Can we still not take off for training? "

"We can strengthen the anti-aircraft firepower and use anti-aircraft guns to top it. Then we will produce Me-262 with all our strength. After a certain number is formed, we will launch a large-scale counterattack, just like what Dowding did in the Battle of Britain. That! As for the training, I don’t believe that Europe is so big, the Americans can stare at every piece of airspace with a magnifying glass.”

"Okay, stop dreaming!" Marshal Hermann Göring said, "The Führer will not agree!"

This conclusion made the officer who kept preaching that he would temporarily avoid the war immediately dumbfounded.He turned his attention to another senior general in the meeting, Field Marshal Spiele.

However, Marshal Spiele said nothing.He sat there quietly, like a marble statue.


The meeting failed to achieve any results. When it was time to adjourn the meeting, Field Marshal Spiele stood up. He glanced at the officers present and said:

"The battle situation is not optimistic, but we must persevere for a long time anyway. To do this, you must learn to protect yourself in air combat."

This last sentence had a profound meaning, and everyone was taken aback. Goering stared at Marshal Spiele, but Marshal Spiele didn't say anything, but sat down directly, and It became a statue again.


It was almost midnight after the meeting ended.On the car back to the residence, Marshal Spiele said to the adjutant:

"Heinze, make arrangements for me. I'm going to meet the Führer."


The next day was another sunny day.And there will be no widespread rainfall in the next week.This is good news for the Allies, but not so good for the Germans.

Because the weather was fine, of course the set of the previous two days continued.Early in the morning, Yankee fighters came out again to bully people.

The p-51s occupied their respective cruising areas with ease, and began to circle around there boringly.There was still nearly an hour before the bombers would arrive here.Before this, the German fighters will not appear.

Sure enough, about 40 minutes later, the sharp-eyed Rodriguez spotted a German aircraft group, but compared with the previous two days, the number of aircraft in this group was much smaller, only 8 aircraft in total.

"What the hell are the Germans doing? Why do they order so many planes?"

"Could it be that they want to use these planes as bait to trick us away?"

There is no need to keep the radio silent while clearing the airspace, so everyone discusses it directly on the radio.

"No matter him, General Ron said, our fighter force never cares who the enemy is or how many enemies there are. We just want to know where the hell he is!"

"But Ron Zhang Guang also said, keep our position and fight at a height that is beneficial to us."

"In this way, the hearts team and the spades team will go and have a look, and the others will continue to maintain their altitude."

Two squads of eight P-51 fighters began to break away from the group and fly towards the Germans.

The eight fw-190s of the germans are climbing.However, unlike usual, they did not use the maximum rate of climb to climb.They climbed slowly, which allowed them to maintain a decent level speed.

When the p-51 dived down at high speed, these fw-190s all avoided the attack with a beautiful instant turn.Then the American fighter planes pulled up at a large angle as usual and prepared to continue to bz the opponent. Unexpectedly, after the Yankees leveled off, they found that the eight FW-190s simply gave up and continued to climb, and ran to a low altitude after a dive. .

"Give up the pursuit and return to the formation." Just when the eight p-51s were about to come and chase the poor bandits bravely, such an order came from the wireless power.

"Keep your altitude and don't be tricked into low altitudes. As long as they don't climb up, they can't threaten our bombers. So what's the point of letting them fly at low altitudes?" Rodri seemed to know the doubts of the people below. Gus explained it this way.

...in this day.Rodriguez's squadron went out on two missions and encountered four batches of German fighters, which was no different from before.It's just that the number of aircraft in these German fleets has dropped a lot, and the fleet is also full of aircraft such as bf-4 and fw-109. In the past, the ju190 and bf-88 with anti-air missiles were all alike. I haven't seen it.What's more terrible is that these planes now almost give up climbing and run to low altitudes as soon as they see the US military fleet.It seems that they don't intend to seriously carry out the task of intercepting bombers at all.What do the Germans want to do?


"What do the Germans want to do?" Looking at the new battle report, Ron frowned.During this day, the Germans basically did not launch any decent counterattacks, and the number of air battles between the two sides was less than one-fifth of yesterday's.In this day's air battle, Ron's fighter force only lost 10 planes, two of which were shot down by anti-aircraft guns.And they shot down only 14 German planes.This is the closest exchange ratio in air combat in the past few days.The bomber on Li Mei's side never received even a single hit from the air.The most dangerous me-262 has never appeared.However, he still lost 22 bombers, all of which were shot down by ground anti-aircraft artillery.

Obviously, the meaning of the Germans' avoidance of war is already obvious.The losses in the first two days were too great for the Germans to bear.Moreover, most of the Germans also saw that their real purpose was to consume the Luftwaffe through such air battles.So they stopped playing with the Americans.

Now the basic strength of the Luftwaffe is still there.The jet is also being continuously produced and perfected.Ron thought, if he was a German commander, he would definitely want to save his strength first, and then launch a counterattack after a large group of me-262s were gathered.Ron knew that the British were also working on jets, and so were the Americans.But these jets can't quench their thirst when they are far away, and secondly (this is a more important point) the range of these planes is very tragic, and they can't fly to German airspace at all.And a jet fighter with a range as far as the P-51, at least in this era, is still completely Zenith Star technology.He must find a way to force the Germans to come out and fight again.

And to do this, we must rely on Li Mei's help.


"Okay, I understand what you mean." Li Mei said, "You want me to intensify the attack and force the Germans out."

As Li Mei said, she walked to a wall and opened the curtain hanging on the wall, revealing a huge map of Europe.

"Let's find out together, attacking those targets will make the Germans feel pain."

Ron walked over, his eyes wandering on the map, and finally, he said to Li Mei:

"How's Ploiesti?" Ron asked.

"We attacked there in the first half of the year, and the effect was not great. However, the scale of the attack was limited. Increasing the scale of the bombing may have some effect. However, the fuel for the Germans mainly comes from coal synthetic oil, so these synthetic oils need to be added Factories. But this way, there are more targets.”

"And what about the other targets that would hurt the Germans?" Ron asked.

Li Mei lit a cigarette and fell into deep thought. Knowing that the cigarette was almost burned to the fingertips, Li Mei said:

"Perhaps we can learn from our ally, Marshal Arthur Harris, and give Berlin a serious blow!"

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