() Marshal Arthur Harris mentioned by Li Mei is the commander of the Royal Air Force bomber unit.The RAF has been conducting strategic bombing of Germany for longer than the US Army Air Forces.However, the industrial strength of the United Kingdom is far inferior to that of the United States, which makes the Royal Air Force's ability to withstand losses far inferior to that of the United States.In order to reduce losses, unlike the American allies who precisely attacked those heavily defended German industrial areas during the day, the Royal Air Force always used the cover of night to attack German targets at night.

Although the night attack brought difficulty to the defensive side in interception, it also brought difficulty to the offensive side in hitting the target accurately.It is too inefficient to bomb industrial targets that require precise strikes at night, so the British targeted cities.

The British believed that attacking cities, or to put it more clearly, residential areas, killing and injuring German residents in large numbers could not only damage the morale of the German people, but also fundamentally affect industrial production.

Not long ago, the British Royal Air Force under the command of Marshal Arthur Harris used thousands of Lancaster heavy bombers to launch rounds of bombings on Hamburg, Germany, killing at least more than [-] German residents.The entire hamburg was almost razed to the ground.

Now, in order to force the Luftwaffe to continue to come out desperately.Ron and LeMay came up with the idea of ​​using large-scale air raids on Germany's most important cities.If the U.S. military can swagger in broad daylight, launch a deadly and precise bombing of Berlin, the capital of Germany, on a scale larger than the Royal Air Force's air strike in Hamburg.That would have caused huge casualties to the Germans and seriously affected German morale.Li Mei even hoped that the bombers of the Royal Air Force would give up their habit of attacking at night and, together with the Americans, launch a large-scale bombing of Berlin, Germany during the day.

Ron and Li Mei submitted the plan to General Doolittle, who was silent for a long time after reading it.Then he spoke:

"General Li Mei, General Ron, are you sure there is no other way?" It seems that targeting civilians and launching large-scale air strikes on cities is still a bit difficult for Doolittle to accept.

"Other means are difficult to put enough pressure on the Germans in the short term." Li Mei replied without changing her face.

Li Mei's performance made Ron secretly admire in his heart. He really deserved to be the master who burned Tokyo later. How can he be like Arthur? Marshal Harris, who blew up a hamburger and Dresden, and confessed in his memoirs after the bombing was over. to go.Look at Li Mei, who burned Japan almost all over. The little devils burned to death were not much less than those killed in the eight years of the entire Chinese Anti-Japanese War. The old boy came back with a big Asahi medal.

Doolittle turned his gaze to Ron.

"General, the German jet is an epoch-making creation. We have had a rather poor trade-off ratio against such aircraft. Once the enemy has amassed sufficient numbers, we are no match for them."

"The Brits and we both have corresponding jet programs."

"Yes, but those planes don't have enough range to escort the bombers. If we can force them to fight us now, we can rush to use up the most experienced pilots of the Luftwaffe now. Aircraft It can be quickly replenished, but the pilots cannot be quickly replenished. Once the excellent German pilots are exhausted, even if they all fly advanced fighter jets, it will not be a concern.”

"Then can we first give a warning to the residents of Berlin and tell them that they must leave before tomorrow. In this way, if the Germans really leave, it will be tantamount to admitting defeat, which may have a greater blow to morale. And I think, if we do this, the pressure on the Luftwaffe will be even greater. And the mass movement of people will make their capital chaotic. If the Germans stay in Berlin, then they are all Nazi supporters, Killing them would be a good way to explain to domestic public opinion."

Ron opened his eyes wide and looked at Doolittle. When he heard Doolittle's proposal at first, he thought General Doolittle was a saint, but who knows, he immediately threw out "to the country" Public opinion is also easy to explain," such a sentence.It turned out that what Doolittle was struggling with was not whether he should do this, but how to both do something and erect something.

"I didn't realize that this guy is so black-bellied!" Ron slandered, and hurriedly agreed:

"Let's step up the printing of promotional materials tonight, and spread leaflets with a shocking lineup of thousands of aircraft tomorrow morning. At the same time, from this evening, let the BBC broadcast a bombing forecast program for Germany. By the way, let them laugh at the Luftwaffe These cowards."


A train is heading towards Berlin in the dark night.The windows of the train are tightly covered by special blackout curtains. Although the lights in the carriages are bright, from the outside, it is just a piece of darkness.

Field Marshal Spiele sat in the carriage of this train.He was sitting at the table, writing and drawing on a piece of paper.After a while, he crumpled up the piece of paper again and threw it into the trash can.

"My God! What will it take to convince that Bohemian chieftain?"

Bohemian Chieftain was the nickname given to Hitler by the veteran Field Marshal Rundstedt in private.A hereditary military aristocrat like Lao Long has always looked down on Hitler, who came from a humble background.The so-called "Bohemia" is a region in the Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I. (Now in the Czech Republic) There are so many Gypsies in this area that to say a person is a Bohemian is basically to say that he is a Gypsy.

Gypsies and Jews are the least popular ethnic groups in Europe.In the eyes of most Europeans at that time, the Jews were all vampires, and the Gypsies were all witches, prostitutes, liars and thieves.If the settings in some games of later generations are applied, Jews are evil and lawful necromancers, and gypsies are evil and chaotic orcs.And Lundstedt called Hitler the "Bohemian leader", nothing more than mocking Hitler's low military level and his fondness for cranky messing around.

Marshal Spiele is no more qualified than Rundstedt, he dares to say anything.If there was no one around, he probably wouldn't have dared to utter such a sentence.

However, how to convince the "Bohemian leader" who is famous for his stubbornness is really a nerve-wracking thing.On the new sheet of paper in front of him, Field Marshal Spiele began to draw up the battle plan that would be used to conquer the stubborn fortress.After working until late at night, when the wastebasket was full of all kinds of crumpled waste paper, Marshal Spiele reluctantly drew up a battle plan.

"Although there is no guarantee that the fortress will be conquered, this is probably the best plan I can come up with." Before going to bed, Marshal Spiele said to himself.


Early the next morning, Field Marshal Spiele was informed that the Führer would receive him at the Chancellery at nine o'clock in the morning.So Field Marshal Spiele rushed to the Chancellery at eight o'clock to wait for Hitler's reception.

As soon as you enter the Chancellery, you can see the extra-large planning model of Berlin City in the hall. Hitler hopes to build Berlin City into a new Rome after ruling the world.So in this model of future Berlin, it is full of buildings in the style of the Greek Parthenon and the Roman Pantheon.Some of these ideas are said to have come directly from Hitler.

The time agreed with Hitler has not yet arrived, so Marshal Spiele can only wait here.So the bored Marshal stood there and carefully observed the model.

It has to be said that the Bohemian leader has more or less taste in art.For example, this model is very beautifully built and can confuse people.Field Marshal Spiele still remembers how inspired he was when he saw the model for the first time.However, the feeling of that time is gone forever.Now the Marshal only worries about the Air Force and the future of Germany...

"Marshal, the Fuehrer invites you in." An aide came over and said to Marshal Spiele.

So Field Marshal Spiele turned around, nodded to the aide, and followed him inside.

Field Marshal Spiele met Hitler, he informed him of the current plight of the Air Force, and proposed to him, either to give him more fighter units, or to allow him to temporarily take measures to avoid combat, in order to wait for more me-262 service .

After hearing these two demands, Hitler was so angry that he roared at Field Marshal Spiele:

"You have no fewer fighter jets than the Americans! You actually demanded more planes. Do you think we are an inferior nation like the Slavs, who can only survive by relying on numerical superiority? You were beaten so hard by them Take off? You are still not a German! You actually asked to avoid the war and let them bomb at will!...I came to Hebei Province, where the steel mills are doing well...you have let me down so much!"

Just when Marshal Spiele was trying to continue to persuade Hitler, who was already close to madness, the shrill air defense siren sounded.

An aide came in.

"Führer, air strike, you must move to the air-raid shelter immediately!"

"I'm not going!" Hitler roared, "I'm not going anywhere! I want to see what the Luftwaffe has done!" He turned his head and glared at Marshal Spiele, his whole face twisted up.

"You are no longer worthy of your current position. I will remove you from your position! Let a truly brave person take this position!"

The college entrance examination will be invigilated for the past two days, so the update will be relatively late, and Nai bottle wants to say sorry.

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