New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 115, Aircraft Bombing

() By the time Marshal Spiele came out of the Chancellery, the American air strikes were over.Looking up, one can still see the long trails left by the bombers in the sky, as well as the small black flowers left behind by the anti-aircraft shells exploding at high altitude.

"The Americans fly very high. When bombing at such a height, it is difficult to guarantee the accuracy. Of course, this is also safer, and the threat of anti-aircraft guns to them will be less." Marshal Spiele looked up and observed The tracks left by American planes, while thinking.

However, these are not what he can manage now.Just now, the Führer had dismissed him as Commander of the Third Air Force and ordered Field Marshal Catherine to take his place.

"Now it's Catherine's turn to worry." Marshal Spiele was thinking like this, walking down the steps of the Chancellery.A gust of wind blows, and some pieces of paper flutter in the wind.Marshal Spiele saw that a group of police officers were busy picking up the pieces of paper and gathering them together.

"What are those papers?" Marshal Spiele asked.

His adjutant immediately ran over to the policemen, they exchanged a few words, and then the adjutant ran back and handed a piece of paper to Marshal Spiele.

"Marshal," the adjutant handed him the paper, "he said these were leaflets dropped by those American planes just now. They didn't drop bombs just now."

Marshal Spiele lowered his head and saw that the leaflet said:

"Residents of Berlin, we will visit again at noon tomorrow and drop real bombs. The whole of Berlin is doomed to be destroyed. This is inevitable. Berlin is a city of crimes, the lair of evil Nazis, it must will be destroyed, just like Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. Don't imagine that the Nazi Air Force can provide you with protection. We are here today, have you seen even one of their fighter jets? Tomorrow, God's punishment will be Come, it is God's will, it will be done! Those who are strapped to the Nazi chariot, those who do not want to be buried with the Nazis, should flee this sinful city, just like Sodom and Gomorrah ,Do not look back!"

The final inscription is: "Commander, U.S. Army Eighth Air Force: Doolittle"

Field Marshal Spiele crumpled up the leaflet, fully understanding his opponent's intentions.The opponent wants to force the Luftwaffe to engage it by striking the city.Letting go of such a blow would be too much of a blow to morale, and once there is a large-scale flight of urban residents, the entire industry will also collapse.But the Luftwaffe has no power to stop the enemy now, and it has almost no other choice but to fight like death.

The day after tomorrow, Marshal Catherine will come to take his place, and he has to rush back to organize tomorrow's interception.


In the early morning of August 8th, before the sun had risen, the first group of attack aircraft began to take off.The first to take off were Mosquito bombers belonging to the Royal Air Force.The Mosquito bomber is a wonderful flower of the Royal Air Force. It is also known as the two "sacred trees" (magical wooden aircraft) of World War II together with the Soviet La 28 La 5 series.Except for the engine and other parts of this aircraft, the main structure of the entire aircraft is made of wood.Compared with those all-metal planes, wooden planes always feel like backward things from World War I.However, the performance of the mosquito bomber was top-notch throughout World War II.Especially, at high altitude, it can fly at a high speed of 7 kilometers per hour.Faster than most fighter jets.In addition, most of the planes are made of wood, and the anti-she radar signal is small, which is difficult to find and intercept. Compared with the Lancaster heavy bomber, the mosquito bomber has less losses.

In fact, the Mosquito bomber had one of the lowest loss rates of combat aircraft in World War II.Before Ron crossed over, he once saw a post on the Internet, which asked if he returned to World War II as a pilot, which combat aircraft would you most like to fly?At that time, Ron chose the Mosquito bomber without hesitation, because the survival rate of flying this aircraft was the highest.

But this time, the task of the mosquito bombers dispatched first was not to bomb German targets, but to interfere with German radars. More than 200 Mosquito bombers flew towards their targets loaded with a special bomb.

Because the radar reflection area of ​​mosquito bombers is very small, the German radar can only detect them at a very short distance.Therefore, it is most appropriate to entrust them with the task of dealing with radar.

The Mosquito bombers flew all the way over the German radar station, then opened their magazines and dropped that special bomb.The bomb is not filled with explosives, but a large amount of lightweight aluminum foil.When the bomb falls to a certain height, it explodes, throwing aluminum foil into the air.A large number of aluminum foils are floating in the sky, and when radar waves shine on these aluminum foils, a large number of echoes will be generated.

Now, the German radar is completely useless because of the interference of these aluminum foils.Since there was no Doppler filtering technology at that time, the radar could not distinguish between the radar waves reflected by the aluminum foil and the radar waves reflected by the aircraft, so that the radar screen was brightened by the echoes of those aluminum foils, and everything out of sight.

This new type of bomb was invented not so long ago by the British.It came in handy for the first time when bombing burgers.But this time it was used on a much larger scale, and the entire radar defense line along the coast of western Europe was temporarily rendered useless by such an attack.

This move was completely unexpected by the German army.Now, a new problem was posed in front of Marshal Spiele: During the period when the radar was blinded, there must have been enemy planes that took the opportunity to cross the police cordon of the radar station.But what planes are those planes, how many are they, and how are they routed.All became unknown.If it is the enemy's bomber fleet that is crossing the border now, fighter jets must be launched immediately to intercept it. If the sky is completely lit, and then the observation post sends back news, it will be intercepted.But if it is a group of fighter jets that cross the border, if the fighter jets take off now, they will be in a 24-day dilemma.

"It must be the bomber fleet, otherwise why would the enemy interfere with our radar?"

"The real goal of the enemy is to consume our fighter jets! This kind of trickery is just to fool a fool like you!"

The two staff officers simply argued over this.The other staff officers were also divided into three factions, either supporting the bombers or supporting the fighters.Another faction?They are making soy sauce.

"Notify the fighter unit to be ready for action and take off at any time." Marshal Spiele made a decision, "Notify the jet unit, all take off."

In the eyes of Marshal Spiele, the Americans' actions were purely deceptive.Because if the American battle plan remained the same, that is, send fighters first, wait 40 minutes to an hour before sending bombers, the Germans would be at a disadvantage no matter how they responded.On the contrary, if bombers and fighter jets are sent at the same time, it will give the Germans a chance.Excellent generals often do very risky things in war, but they rarely take meaningless risks.

However, Marshal Spiele ordered all me-262 troops to take off.The task he gave them was: search for the enemy's bomber force and don't engage the enemy's fighter force.If no enemy bomber is found within 10 minutes, return immediately.

In fact, Marshal Spiele didn't really expect any miracles from me-262, he just wanted to create an excuse for this army not to participate in the battle.This kind of aircraft is the hope of a comeback, but the number of them is still too small to play a decisive role at all. Those who fly the me-262 are all aces, and the reliability of the me-262 is too low now, (the destroyed ones The number of enemy planes will not be much more than the number of crashes) It is not worthwhile to lose in vain.Although Marshal Spiele was about to leave the command post, he still hoped to leave Marshal Catherine with something to count on.

In fact, for future counterattacks, Marshal Spiele even transferred many old fighter pilots to the Me-262 flying unit.So much so that these units have far more veteran pilots than jets.This is also preserving the fire for future counterattacks.

Of course, this doesn't come without cost.The price will be seen shortly.Among the troops that actually went to intercept missions this time, the number of veteran pilots has dropped significantly.The remaining rookies are sure to bleed.


In fact, the departure method of Ron's fleet did not change at all.It is of course good to deceive the Germans by interfering with the radar station. If they cannot be deceived, there is no loss.This is like what a chess player friend in his previous life said when he was teaching him to play chess: When your situation is clearly superior, the best way is to quickly simplify the situation.Don't try to organize a complicated battle at this time, it will only give the opponent a chance to come back.

If there is any difference between this battle and the previous ones, the only difference is the number of aircraft invested, especially the number of bombers.Due to the joining of the Royal Air Force, more than 600 more fighter jets were invested in this operation, but this is of little significance.Because those 600+ aircraft are all Spitfires.

The fire-breathing is good in everything, but the range is too bad.These guys take off from the UK with full tanks, fly over the English Channel, and have to turn backwards.Although they hung the auxiliary fuel tank this time, the effect was still limited. At most, they could fly to northern France to clear the airspace.But in northern France, German fighter jets are as rare as giant pandas.

The real difference lies in the bombers. The British took out 843 bombers in one go, and all of them were Lancaster heavy bombers!This made the number of heavy bombers in the bombing of Berlin exceed 2000 in one go.This will be the largest bomber fleet since the outbreak of the war.

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