New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 116, Aircraft Bombing

() All the me-262s that were able to fly took off. These planes circled in the sky and did not find any bombers. Instead, they encountered a fleet of about 70-80 p-51 fighters.Before going to heaven, Field Marshal Spiele asked them not to fight enemy fighters.However, considering the situation at hand, it is very beneficial. The jet fighters of jg-7 still plan to do something.

At that time, 7 me-32s of jg-262 found a group of p-7000s at an altitude of 51 meters. The speed of the -51 me-400 at this time is as high as 7 kilometers per hour.At high speed, me-262 has a very good climb rate.Colonel Johannes Steinhoff, the wing leader, decided to launch an attack on this group of p-730 fighter jets.

Since the enemy has a clear numerical advantage, Colonel Johannes Steinhoff decided to first use climbing to gain a high altitude advantage, and then attack the enemy formation by diving.Strive for a successful blow and never get entangled with the enemy plane.

Because the roll of me-262 is not good, this makes it difficult for me-262 to keep up with the enemy plane once it swoops sharply when it dives to attack the enemy plane.Especially when the close rate of both sides is very high, this weakness is further magnified.So that the efficiency of me-262 is quite a problem when attacking fighter jets.

However, the problem of stand-alone can be made up by team cooperation.Colonel Johannes Steinhoff divided his fighter planes into 8 four-plane groups. When attacking fighter jets, they would first launch anti-aircraft rockets that were originally intended to deal with bombers at the target, although this thing is not at all It is not suitable for hitting targets like fighter jets, but it can at least force the opponent to dodge and more or less make the opponent lose a little energy.In addition, it can also reduce your own load and make your aircraft more flexible.Then you need to give full play to the advantages of cooperation. If you cooperate well, if 4 aircraft attack a target, there is still a high chance of shooting down the opponent.

At this time, the opponent also discovered the me-7 of the jg-262 wing.At high altitudes, cold water vapor can condense on particulate matter in engine exhaust, forming distinct flight tracks.The opposing pilot can see it from a long distance.Plus the jet engine the me-262 uses is loud and weird.The other party can also hear it at a considerable distance.Therefore, it is very difficult for me-262 with a large fleet to sneak attack others at high altitude.

Colonel Johannes Steinhoff began to jump, and quickly took advantage of the height.The P-51 on the opposite side also quickly increased the distance between the planes, and not only did not follow the climb, but instead dived slightly to increase its own speed, thereby reserving energy for the subsequent dodge.

After completing the occupation, 32 me-262s first fired anti-aircraft rockets at the Americans. 768 rockets sprinkled towards the p-51 like a rain of fire, and the scene was extremely spectacular.However, as the Germans expected, the rockets passed through the p-51 fleet and failed to shoot down even a single enemy plane.

However, the Germans didn't expect those rockets to hit anything. Immediately after the rockets, 7 me-32s of JG-262 roared down.

Under normal circumstances, when an attack is launched, it is the old pilots who rush to the forefront.But this time, the assault group of jg-7 was not arranged in this way.Because of the low roll of the Me-262, most of the first fighters to rush down will not get a good chance to shoot, so the pilots who rushed to the front were all pilots with less seniority, and those masters were ranked further back.

Second Lieutenant Somme's p-51 was targeted by a me-262 four-aircraft team.He was a new pilot, and he was taken aback by the firestorm of rocket attacks just now. Although the rockets failed to hit him, he made several large overload moves when dodging.This caused his plane to lose a lot of energy, and the speed of the plane was also significantly reduced.

Now, Som's p-51 became an obvious target, and the veterans of jg-7 immediately noticed him.So, the four me-262s rushed towards him.With a sharp turn, Som avoided the attack of the first me-262, but his sharp turn sent himself directly to the muzzle of another me-262.

"A rookie is a rookie. He always cares about his head and tail when he does evasive moves." Captain Stam shot a p-51 that he had sent under his muzzle with a salvo, and then shot it back. If I feel in the mood, I will spit out such a sentence again.

In the previous round of attack, JG-7's me-262 shot down a total of 6 enemy planes without any loss.

Stam pulls up the plane carefully. This action must not be too hasty. Unlike the FW-190, the Me-262 pulls up violently at high speed, and it is easy to cause engine stalls or even engine fires. At this time, no matter which phenomenon occurs, it may be fatal.

Therefore, the rhythm of me-262 launching the first round of attacks is much lower than that of fw-190.This also gives the victim a chance to readjust.

When the me-262 pulled up again and seized the attack position, the p-51s were also ready to attack.

"The German jet has four 30mm guns, which are very powerful. A single frontal hit is enough to destroy a fighter like the P-51. Generally speaking, it is quite dangerous to face it head-on. However, its 30-gun The shooting range and shooting speed are not as good as our 20 guns. Therefore, when you are at a disadvantage, you can use your advantages of a small turning radius to find a way to fight it. It is actually a feasible choice." Mentioned when the pilots analyzed what to do in the face of me-262.

Now in the face of me-262's combination attack, there will always be times when simple dodges are always secret.Therefore, Captain Sith ordered: "Don't just dodge anymore, prepare to confront them!"

So this time when the me-7 of jg-262 swooped down again, the p-51 below did not dodge left and right. Instead, they pulled up directly and rushed towards me-262.

For this situation, Stam is not too worried, he is quite trusting in the firepower of me-262, and now he is diving, while the opponent is jumping.With the help of gravity, the trajectory of the shell fired by the me-262 will become straighter, while that of the opponent will become more curved.And me-262 is also stronger than p-51.So he felt that there was no need for him to avoid this kind of confrontation.

The result was just as Stam expected, a 30mm artillery shell he fired directly hit the P-51 below into the air, but almost at the same time, Stam also heard his fighter fuselage uploading There was a "puff puff puff" sound.There is no doubt that he was also shot. Obviously, he underestimated the four 51 guns on the p-20.

When facing head-on, the shells are most powerful.If it is normal, if you are hit by 20 shots a few times, if you are lucky, you may not be finished, but in the current situation, being shot is almost fatal.

Stam looked over to his plane, the right engine was ablaze.Stam knew that the engine might explode with a bang at any moment, killing him directly.He had to jump out of the cockpit before the engine exploded.

Stam unbuckled his seat belt and planned to climb out of the cabin and skydive.But at this moment, the engine exploded with a bang, and the wing broke in two.The plane started to spin crazily, and Stam was hit hard on the canopy...

In this round of confrontation, another 6 p-51s were shot down, but this time, the me-262 also suffered a lot of losses. 4 of the same me-262 were shot down and one was injured.Although it seems that the result of the air battle is 12:4, the loss of 3 p-51s can be exchanged for a me-262.The Germans seemed to have the upper hand.But Colonel Johannes Steinhoff knew that the account could not be calculated in this way. The me-7 pilots in the jg-262 wing are all aces, and the value of any one of them far exceeds those American rookies.This kind of exchange is really a big loss.

"It would be great if we just left after the first round of attacks." Colonel Johannes Steinhoff unconsciously came up with such an idea.

But now there is still time to leave, Colonel Johannes Steinhoff immediately ordered: "Retreat!" So the me-262s voluntarily retreated after passing by the Americans.

Of course, p-51 does not have the capital to pursue, so they can only watch me-262 go away.

After the me-262 landed, it had to undergo a fairly long overhaul before it could go to the sky again.This also means that when the bomber force appears, the me-262 cannot go to the sky.

This is exactly the result Marshal Spiele needs. In his opinion, the sharp sword me-262 is far from being ready for immediate use.For this reason, he had a long conversation with General Adolf Garland, who was directly in charge of me-262, and hoped that he would continue to protect the sharp sword after he abdicated until he could effectively counterattack.

"Marshal Catherine will also understand this, and you don't need to worry too much about it." Finally, Marshal Spiele promised him that he would persuade Marshal Catherine to support this plan.

... Just as the me-262s landed one after another and were quickly moved to a safe place, other fighters and interceptors such as fw-190, bf-109, ju88, and bf-110 began to rush take off.

The commanders issued a call to the pilots to "keep the enemy out of Berlin even if it hits".But this call is actually only valid for rookies who have less than 50 flying hours.Now that the war has progressed, only those seventeen or eighteen-year-olds still really believe in that.

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