New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 117, Aircraft Bombing

( ) Captain William Darcy is a veteran pilot, he has served in the RAF Lancaster heavy bomber for nearly four years.He has carried out many bombing missions, bombing cities at night, air raids on Tirpitz, and bombing the Ruhr Dam.

The goal of Berlin is not a new goal for him.He bombed the city as early as 1941 during the Battle of Britain.It's just that when the air raids on Berlin were carried out in the past, they were all at night.If one were to ask what Berlin was like, Mr. Darcy would probably answer in this way.

"Berlin is dark, (except for the first air raid) there are countless anti-aircraft searchlights. Anti-aircraft fire is also very strong... What, what do you think the buildings in Berlin look like? You can see a little when the bomb explodes, But the time is too short, I can't see clearly. But this time, I must drop the bomb accurately on the German Reichstag."

But this bombing is different. This time the Lancaster heavy bombers of the RAF will also bomb Berlin during the day.In fact, after the US Army Aviation began large-scale daytime bombing, the British have been paying attention to the bombing tactics of the Americans.Things like box formations were copied by the Royal Air Force almost as soon as they appeared.It's just that the aircraft of the Royal Air Force mainly fly at night, and they are not used much.

843 Lancaster heavy bombers lined up in a huge four-story box formation, and Darcy's bomber was not conspicuous in the middle of the fleet.But in fact, he is not the same as some other Lancasters and other bombers.They're here on a special mission.The code name of this mission is "Mandarin Duck Tea".This extremely vulgar mission code is said to have been proposed by an American general after learning the details of the plan.To please their ardent allies, the British used this code name.Of course, such an action code also fully demonstrates one point, that is, Yankees are uneducated and inferior people.The bombers that carried out this plan were specially modified, and only one bomb was installed in their special magazines. This kind of bomb was called a "high cabinet".

The "high cabinet" was manufactured by the British Air Force during World War II and was thrown by a specially modified "Lancaster" bomber to deal with the reinforced concrete fortifications and buildings of the Nazi German army.The projectile is 98 meters long and nearly 6000 centimeters in diameter; dropped from an altitude of 20 meters, it can explode a crater more than 30 meters deep and more than [-] meters in diameter.

This kind of bomb is too big, so that even though it has been modified, this kind of bomb still cannot be completely stored in the magazine, and half of the bomb is exposed outside.Now the targets of these bombs are some iconic buildings in Berlin.Such as the Houses of Parliament and the Prime Minister's Office.After knowing the plan of the British, Ron thought wickedly: "In the future, if the Soviets invaded Berlin as they did in the original history, where should they put the red flag in the end?"

Several groups of U.S. P-47 fighter jets flew high above the British bomber fleet.These planes are responsible for providing close protection for this huge fleet.If German aircraft with air-to-air rockets or air-to-air missiles appeared, they had to disperse or destroy them before these aircraft attacked.

At a further distance, there are several large formations of US bombers.The large formation covering the sky and the sun, dragging a long, silver river-like flight path, is really spectacular.


The intercepted fighter jets of the Germans were always attacked by American fighter jets at lower altitudes, and the aircraft that could really withstand the artillery fire and climb to the corresponding altitude were even more pitiful.Overall, the damage done to the bomber fleet was limited.But there are still some German fighters that have achieved relatively good results.

For example, when a group of bf-109s was climbing while protecting ju88, the p-51s that were thrown down broke up.After the team was broken up, some veterans realized that a lone fighter plane could hardly pose a threat to the bomber group, so they all went home.On the contrary, some rookies, after being separated from their teammates, continued to search for the bombers of the Allied forces under the instigation of the concept of "loyalty to the head of state".

It is easier for a plane flying alone to avoid the American fighter group. The reason for this is simple: one plane is always better in concealment than a hundred planes.

So some of these sporadic fighter jets were able to escape the search of the American fighter jets responsible for clearing the airspace, and successfully approached the bomber fleet.

Normally, the good luck for these fighters should have ended there.The self-defense firepower of the box-formation bomber group is not something that a few lone fighter jets can challenge. What's more, the pilots of these planes are all rookies who may not even have a hundred hours of flight time.

But these rookies did something that stunned the bomber fleet.A fw-190 rushed straight into the b-24 fleet, firing wildly.Of course, he didn't hit anything, but was bitten by the m2 machine gun on the bomber several times.The severely damaged fighter finally crashed into a b-24 bomber.The German fighter plane was naturally shattered, and the b-24 bomber that was hit was also broken in two.

Two minutes later, news came from the British that the bomber had been hit.A lone bf-2 approached the British bomber fleet, and directly rammed into the British Lancaster heavy bomber that was performing the "Mandarin Duck Tea" mission.It's just that the British were very lucky. Before the collision, the German pilot was shot by Lancaster's self-defense machine gun and lost control of the plane.So his plane didn't hit Lancaster's vitals, only knocked off half of its vertical tail.However, although the Lancaster was still barely able to fly, it was obviously impossible to continue to carry out bombing missions.It had no choice but to break away from the formation, and then casually dropped the oversized bomb before turning around and heading back.It's just that Captain Reginald never imagined what happened to the bomb he dropped at will.


A convoy is galloping down the highway.At the beginning are two BMW R42 motorcycles equipped with mg-75 machine guns. Judging from the epaulets with two lightning bolts on the crew's clothing on the motorcycles, they belong to the SS system.Behind the two motorcycles is an open Audi sedan, and behind this is a Henschel 11d1 truck full of SS soldiers armed with mp-44 assault rifles.

In Ord's backseat, two men were talking.

"Dr. Schneider, are you really sure that the Holy Grail is hidden in that place?"

"Yes, my research has convinced me of that! But, Captain Bach, are you sure we're safe traveling under enemy bombers like this?"

"Doctor, these are heavy bombers. They don't have time to drop bombs on small targets like us. They don't even notice us on the ground. The Fuehrer is very eager to get the Holy Grail as soon as possible, so I must seize every second bell."

"Hearing what you said, I feel much more at ease." Dr. Schneider leaned back on the seat and looked up at the sky, "Wait, Captain Bach, look, what fell that ?” <! "


Reginald flew alone to the UK in a Lancaster heavy bomber. Now there is a section of clouds below, and nothing can be seen.

"Where the hell are we, Peter?"

"Captain, we should be above France, and we should be able to see the strait below." Navigator Peter Cunningham replied after checking the route map.

"Okay, let's lower the altitude."


A moment later, the injured Lancaster emerged from the clouds.A huge city appeared in front of Captain Reginald.

"Damn it, you said we're on the strait, so where is this?" Reginald roared angrily.

"Captain, I'll check again..."

At this moment, a huge iron tower appeared in front of and below the plane.

"Forget it, damn it, we're in Paris now! Climb up!"

But at this time, the anti-aircraft artillery below had already fired.The side of the Lancaster bomber was immediately filled with flower-shaped gunpowder smoke left after the explosion of the anti-aircraft shell.

"Engine number one damaged!" cried Private McIntosh.

"Engine No. [-] is on fire! Engine No. [-] is on fire!"

"The plane is dead, guys, we're skydiving," Reginald said. "Hell, skydiving over the city!"

"Captain, there's a big open space over there!" Navigator Peter Cunningham said.

"Okay, I hope you'll be more reliable this time. Get ready to skydive!" Reginald gave the order to skydive while adjusting the course.

Everyone jumped out one by one, and as the captain, Reginald was the last to jump out.The parachute took him across a lake inhabited by white swans, over an iron fence, and down towards a river with many floating logs.Wait, those logs move!help!


The crazy counterattack of a few German pilots did bring losses to the Allied fleet, but the huge fleet was still unstoppable.Berlin was already in sight of the navigators.

"Get ready to enter the attack route!" An exciting shout came from the radio.

At this time, those anti-aircraft guns on the ground also fired crazily towards the sky.From the most common 75mm flakl60 anti-aircraft guns, 88mm flukabwehrkanone 3637 antiaircraft guns to a smaller number of 128mm flukabwehrkanone 40 antiaircraft guns, various large-caliber antiaircraft guns equipped by the German army opened fire one after another.All kinds of shells continued to explode in the bomber fleet, and the entire sky was like a pot of boiling water tumbling with foam.One bomber after another was hit by flak, caught fire, and fell.

But none of this stopped the Allied bombers.Another firm voice came from the radio:

"Expand the box formation, each unit enters the attack route, and prepares to drop bombs."

Against the artillery fire, the bomber formation began to enter the attack route...

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