New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 118, Aircraft Bombing

() Darcy's goal is the Reichstag.This is a huge building that adopts a classicist style, but combines it with a modern atmosphere.

After the victory of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, construction began during the period of William I. The building took more than 20 years from site selection, design proposal collection, to completion.It took 10 years to determine the design plan alone, and finally in 1882, the Frankfurt architect Paul Vallott's new Baroque—the design plan of the heyday of the Renaissance style was selected.It's just that during the construction, because the support wall of the conference hall was not strong enough to support its large vault, the Germans had to change the traditional rock vault in the original plan into a steel and glass vault to reduce weight.This approach gives the Capitol a special blend of ancient and modern flavors.

In fact, since the famous "Congressional Arson Case", there has never been a plenary meeting of members here.Hitler even kept some traces of the fire damage, so that he could use it to educate German youth in "patriotism".Now, this building has actually become the "patriotic" education base of fascist Germany.

"Prussia is the root of all evil!" These are the original words of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.Darcy also very much agrees with this.His father, old Mr. Darcy, had served on the Royal Navy's Iron Duke battleship and personally participated in the Battle of Ridland.Old Mr. Darcy often talked about his experiences with his son, and his hostility towards Prussia was often revealed in the conversation.This sentiment also affects Darcy.Blowing up this symbol of Prussia is not a psychological burden on Darcy at all.

The target of the Parliament Building is easy to find. It is on the south bank of a corner of the Harwell River, and there is a large green area to the southwest of it.From the air, it is quite conspicuous.

Just as Darcy was gradually lowering the altitude on the bombing route facing the Capitol, the American b-24 had already started dropping bombs.The bombers of the first wave had magazines full of high-explosive bombs.These bombs will be used to lift the roof of the building.Then the second wave of bombers following behind will drop incendiary bombs, setting everything on fire that can be ignited.

This approach is derived from the experience of the British. It was by this method that the British almost blew up the hamburger to nothing.When it was learned that the Americans were also planning to use the city to practice their hands, the British contributed this experience without any concealment.

Years later, Darcy told his grandson about the bombing in this way:

"The scene of more than two thousand bombers dropping bombs together was extremely spectacular. Each bomber dropped a long string of bombs. Countless bombs, large and small, rolled and fell from the sky, as dense as raindrops. Looking down from the sky, The bombs can be seen getting smaller and smaller until you can barely see it with the naked eye. After a while, you will see an orange flower suddenly bloom on the ground where you have flown Se's little flowers, and then, along your flight path, a long string of flowers will bloom in an instant, which is really beautiful and terrifying."

The idea of ​​"beautiful" is of course only the Americans and British who dropped the bombs. The Germans who stayed on the ground did not have such a leisurely mood.

Jonas, who was an anti-aircraft gunner at the time, later recalled:

"Berlin was bombed before, so on the first day, when I saw the leaflets, I didn't pay much attention. Yes, we already knew what happened in Hamburg. But Hamburg is Hamburg. We are Berlin, we Hamburg's air defense strength is not comparable to that of Hamburg. Among other things, the 128mm anti-aircraft guns we control are much more than Hamburg.

Before the air raid sirens sounded, we were already on the gun emplacements.Then the enemy appeared, I have never seen so many bombers, densely filled the sky, just like locusts.There are so many enemy planes that we don't even have to deliberately search for targets, we just need to keep firing.

Our tactic is that within 3-4 seconds, all the anti-aircraft guns are fired at the fastest speed, and a square "barrage" with a range of 240 meters is fired, so as to cause maximum damage to the incoming enemy aircraft.It worked pretty well, and I saw a bomber crash headfirst into our barrage and be torn to pieces right away.

But there are still too many enemy planes, everywhere, densely packed bombs fell, and the city was full of flames and thick smoke.In my ears, the sound of bombs exploding, the sound of houses collapsing, and the sound of burning flames rang out.We fought back desperately, and suddenly, a big bomb fell, hitting a place only four or fifty meters away from our anti-aircraft turret.I felt like I passed out as soon as it got dark... When I woke up, the air raid was over, and the military doctor was talking to me, but I couldn't hear him.I tried to stand up, but couldn't do it at all.Later, after I recovered, I went outside the anti-aircraft turret and saw a large crater with a diameter of more than 50 meters and a depth of 30 meters.That's what the bomb left..."

One anti-aircraft shell after another continued to explode around Darcy's Lancaster bomber, and right in front of him, a Lancaster was hit.The shell of the 88mm anti-aircraft gun directly cut off a large part of the left wing of the plane.The plane scrambled to drop the bombs and struggled to stay afloat.However, the entire aircraft banked and rolled irrevocably to the right.Apparently, the plane was doomed and the crew had already started parachuting.

But Darcy turned a blind eye to all of these, he stared at his target tightly: "It's now, drop the bomb!"

The tall chest bomb weighing 5.4 tons was thrown out of the magazine.The plane immediately lightened a lot, and the people sitting in it felt like they were jumping up suddenly.Darcy steadied the plane and began to climb rapidly.James, the tail gunner, stared closely at the falling giant bomb.

The tall cabinet hit the target accurately. It got in from the side of the large vault of the Capitol, and then exploded violently.The Capitol, strong as it is, is still vulnerable to the blows of the tall cupboard.In the fireworks of the explosion, the small half of it near the Harwell River collapsed, and the huge dome tilted over, as if it would roll down if there was a gust of wind.

"Great job! Captain, you hit it right! It's as beautiful as it was in Lingenfjord, Tromse Harbor!"


This is an elementary school located near the Berlin Zoo.Before the bombing began, elementary school math teacher Hannah was in the classroom teaching four operations to grade 4 children.At this time, the air raid alarm sounded, and Hannah immediately stopped explaining.She gently put the pointer on the podium, and said to the children: "Now, please leave the classroom in an orderly manner and go to the air-raid shelter next to the playground."

Perhaps it was because the school had conducted many evacuation drills before this; or the calm smile on Teacher Hannah's face comforted everyone, so the children did not panic, and just like before, one by one from the Quickly walked out through the front and back doors of the classroom.

Seeing that all the students had left the classroom, Hannah also walked out of the classroom and closed the classroom door behind her.Of course doing so is useless.

Hannah's class is on the second floor. When she came to the stairs, she saw that the principal Wolfgang was already standing there directing.Stairs are the most dangerous place during emergency evacuation. Students who are eager to leave are prone to stampede incidents here. This is a bloody lesson.

Fortunately, the usual training played a role.Everyone left the teaching building in an orderly manner, lined up, and trotted all the way to a corner of the playground—the entrance to the air-raid shelter is here.

This is a small air-raid shelter that has not been dug for a long time, and the entrance is very narrow.The students lined up and began to enter the air-raid shelter one by one. Principal Wolfgang and Hannah, German teacher Sabina, art teacher Brita and several other female teachers (as the war situation worsened, the school has been There is no male teacher anymore) while maintaining order, he raised his head worriedly and looked around from time to time.

When the first bomber appeared in the sight of the teachers, the children had already entered the air-raid shelter.So everyone hurried in.

The door to the bomb shelter was closed.The kids weren't particularly nervous inside.Because, there are electric lights in the air-raid shelter, it is not pitch black.At first, some leather monkeys regarded this as a rare entertainment.

But after a while, the ground began to shake violently, and then the lights above their heads blinked and went out, and the children screamed in horror.Fortunately, Brita turned on the flashlight in time, and the light of the flashlight quieted the frightened children.

The ground was still trembling, and dust and cement fragments were constantly falling from the roof of the cave.The air smelled of dust.Hannah held the two youngest girls in her arms and prayed silently.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe a year, maybe a century?Anyway, the time is terribly long.Hannah couldn't help thinking of a theory of Jewish physics that had been criticized.A Jew actually threatened to say that the length of time can be changed.How ridiculous this is, his theory was refuted in that book called... oh, "100 Scientists Against Einstein"... But now, Hannah feels that this Jewish idea It also seems to make a little sense.

Hannah shook her head, as if trying to shake the deviant thought out of her head.Now, the vibration is much smaller, and the bombing is coming to an end.Sure enough, after a while, Principal Wolfgang, who had been guarding the door of the air-raid shelter, brought the news that the police had been lifted.

Hannah leaves the bomb shelter with the children.The air outside the cave seems to be more turbid than inside the cave, full of the smell of gunpowder smoke.Hannah couldn't help coughing.

"Teacher," a child took her hand, "Where is our teaching building?"

Hannah raised her head and looked in the direction of the teaching building. Through the gunpowder smoke, she saw that the teaching building was gone, and there was only a big hole there.

"Teacher, teacher," another child pulled her, "Look, there is a cute big cat!" Hannah turned her head and saw a tiger lazily walking towards here.

"Get behind me!" Hannah opened her arms, keeping the children behind.Principal Wolfgang also rushed over holding a half stool that he didn't know where he came from.

However, the tiger didn't seem to be interested in them. It swaggered past Hannah, walked to the corner of the street in front, then turned a corner and disappeared.

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