() Except for the speed, the newly acquired fighter is almost above the me-262 in other performances, but the gap in speed is still an irreparable shortcoming.The fuel consumption of the early jets made it nearly impossible to reach the skies over Germany.For example, the "Meteor" of the British, the blanking time is only a short one hour.

But this is still good news for Americans.After all, using this thing against me-262 is better than using p-51 and p-47.

"Can I try this plane?" Ron asked.

"Ah, General, I can't answer this question because I'm just an employee of Lockheed. My duty is to take good care of these P-81 fighter jets and report back to the company."

"Then," Ron turned to the squadron leader of the squadron, "Harry, get me a plane and I'll try to fly it."

"General, this..."

"Don't you think my skills are not enough to fly it?" Ron seemed a little unhappy.

Although, Ron is no longer the ace with the highest number of shot downs in the US military. Since he participated in the construction of the "Reverse Cross", he has never had the opportunity to go to the battlefield again.So now, many pilots have surpassed him in record.Especially recently, the number of kills of some pilots has risen particularly fast.Just yesterday, a guy named Michel actually shot down 6 German planes in one sortie.If it wasn't for running out of ammo, he might have been able to shoot down more.However, Ron's status in the minds of American pilots did not decline at the same time because his position on the shot down list dropped. On the contrary, because he became the "principal" of almost all fighter pilots in the "Reverse Cross", which led to his current The status in the hearts of American pilots is much higher than before.It can be seen that being a "principal" is indeed an extremely promising thing.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that the principal of a military academy ranked among the top four in the world, although he often loses battles, was almost captured alive by Ri himself once, and later when he was fighting the tg party, he was transferred to the military academy under the absolute advantage thousands of miles.In addition, my life is still very disorderly, and I suffer from severe syphilis (that) poison.If it was an ordinary general with so many problems, he would have retired long ago, but this one can still get the support of President Roosevelt properly and is regarded as a hero by the free world.It's not because he is the principal.Of course, the later Truman didn't take this set, and as a result, the headmaster had nothing but tragedy. (Chang Kaishen: Mother (that) Xi (that) skin, Nai Ping, blackened me again! Nai Ping: Chang Gong, I’m wronged, I’m really not talking about you this time.)

"Well, General, you can fly it, but you can't fly it across the channel." After a moment of hesitation, Squadron Leader Harry agreed to Ron's request.

Ron carefully read the technical description of the aircraft in the pilot lounge.Replaced with a full set of flying equipment.When he came out of the pilot's lounge, two P-81s were ready to take off at one end of the runway.

"General," just as Ron was about to board the plane, Major Harry, the squadron leader who was also neatly dressed, came over and said to him, "I will be your wingman during this flight. There is also a Propellers, so the angle of attack should not be too large when taking off and landing, otherwise, the propellers behind will easily hit the ground."

"Thank you for the reminder." Ron nodded to him, "Okay, get on the plane."

Sitting in the cockpit, the Lockheed technician spent nearly an hour comparing the real thing.I told Ron all the take-off, flight and landing procedures carefully, and asked Ron to repeat it verbatim.

After this tossing, it was already 5:[-] in the afternoon, and the time to go up to the sky was at most an hour, and then I had to land honestly, or I had to fly at night.

Both engines started in sequence, the brakes were released, and the plane began taxiing on the runway.

Ron pushed the throttle lightly, and the roaring engine immediately made him feel that this plane was unusual.The acceleration of the plane was very obvious, as if a rocket was installed behind it.The acceleration of twin-engine aircraft is generally better than that of single-engine aircraft. For example, the acceleration performance of the p-38, which has brought many honors to Ron, is quite good.However, compared with this guy, the acceleration of the p-38 seems gentle.

The speed of the plane quickly rose to 260 kilometers per hour. If it were other fighter jets, it would have been able to pull the joystick and take off into the air.However, due to the influence of the swept wings, the take-off speed required for this aircraft is much greater than that of an aircraft.It was not until this time that the p-81 fighter reached take-off speed.

Pulling the control lever very lightly, Ron felt the nose wheels of the plane start to lift off the ground.Unlike most aircraft, the p-81 uses a three-point landing gear, which is very similar to the p-39.

After the rear wheel slid on the ground for a while, it gradually left the ground and began to climb.

The climb of this plane is really not covered, better than any plane Ron has flown before. (In other words, among the planes that Ron drove before, the p-38 climbed well.) In just over 4 minutes, the plane climbed to an altitude of 5000 meters.This climbing result is a bit worse than what Lockheed claimed, but it was the first time for Ron to drive it, so it was very normal that he couldn't show its full strength.

Ron continued to climb to a height of about 7000 meters, and then began to try to do some movements.Ron first made a horizontal scissors. The response of this plane is not bad. It rolls almost the same as an ordinary single-engine plane, and in the roll, no matter whether it is going left or right, the speed is exactly the same. are not affected by propeller torque.

However, hovering is a bit tragic. Low-speed hovering is completely incomparable with the p-38, and at most it is at the level of the p-47.But the low-speed hovering of the p-47, this, this is really ponytail wearing tofu-it can't be lifted at all.

Ron originally thought that the high-speed hovering situation would be better, but it turned out that, um, it was indeed better, not worse than the p-47 (the hovering of the p-47 has always been a cup), and when the speed is above 630 kilometers per hour, the hovering performance can even Better than p-38.but?Who will compete with you at such a speed?

The climb is still as good as ever, and the head-up speed is also very fast, probably a little worse than the p-39.This means that the aircraft can complete loops with a relatively small radius.

Soon, more than an hour passed, and Ron started the last test before landing - diving.

Ron Cao controlled the P-81 to dive down from a height of 7000 meters, and the speed of the plane rose rapidly.When the speed reached 850 kilometers per hour, Ron also did a barrel roll.The aircraft is very responsive, and there is no feeling of wing compression at all.Until the speed reaches 900 kilometers, there is still a good cao control response.But Ron didn't dare to continue diving at this time.He began to recover from the dive.

After finishing this Chase action, it was already 6:50 pm.The sky gradually darkened.

"General, it's time for us to return." Harry's voice came from next to his ear.

"Okay, return home." Ron adjusted his course and started to fly to the airport.

Just then, something appeared in Ron's vision.

It was a flying object with a long tongue of flame, and it was flying at a high speed at an altitude of about 600 meters above the ground.Its long tongue of flame is very conspicuous against the gradually darkening background.

"Go and see, what's that?" Ron said.Anyway, there is still enough fuel in the fuel tank, so there is no need to rush back to the airport.

That thing flew very fast. At a low altitude of 600 meters, it actually flew at a high speed of about 640 kilometers.Fortunately, Ron's plane had just swooped down, and the speed was ridiculously fast.So it didn't take long for Ron to catch up to the thing.

The thing looked like a small plane, but without a cockpit.Above its tail, there is a cylinder-shaped engine that is breathing out flames.There is also an obvious Iron Cross logo on the fuselage.

"Damn it! V1 missile? Why did this thing come out early?" Ron couldn't help being taken aback.

V1 missile is the world's first cruise missile.Historically, this thing only appeared in June 1944, and now it is only August 6, how did this thing come out?Could it be that I have opened too many cheats, which interfered with the history of this plane, so the god of this plane couldn't stand it anymore, so he also opened cheats?Ron couldn't help thinking about it.

"But it's useless to think too much. Anyway, I can't blame me for this matter. If you want to blame it, blame the bottle." Ron thought about it, and immediately felt psychologically balanced.Therefore, worries like "God is dissatisfied" were all thrown aside.What?What is a nai bottle you ask?I'm sorry, I don't understand what you said, hehe...

In fact, Ron didn't know that in the original history, the Nazi's V1 missile was successfully finalized at the end of 42. According to the original plan, it should have come in handy from August to September of 43.But when the launch site was being built, it was discovered by French resisters.After the information was transmitted to the Royal Air Force, the Royal Air Force immediately sent more than 8 Lancaster heavy bombers to the launch site under construction to watch.As a result, the launch site was bombed to pieces, and more than 9 staff members were killed. The plan for the v500 missile was also delayed as a result.Since then, the British began to bombard the production base of V700 missiles.As a result, the first missile was not launched until June 1.

But on this plane, due to some unknown reasons, the French resisters failed to send the information in time.As a result, the v1 missile debuted ahead of schedule.

Ron's fighter had no shells in it.So he asked Harry:

"Does your plane have shells?"

"I didn't have mine, General," Harry replied.Since this flight was over an absolutely safe area, the ground crew did not load them with shells.

This is how to do?Could it be that he just watched this guy fly over to bomb the target of the allies?Ron suddenly remembered that in the original history, some pilots used an unconventional trick against V1.

So he carefully controlled the plane to approach the V1 missile, then extended his right wing under the wing of the V1 missile, and then made a slight roll to the left.

The wing of the p-81 was picked up and slightly picked under the left wing of the v1. V1 immediately rolled to the right involuntarily, then immediately lost its balance and fell headlong.

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