New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 123, Attack or Defense

() The V1 missile that Ron shot down in this test flight was the first German cruise missile shot down by the Allies.But on this day, more V1 cruise missiles were not intercepted.On this day, the Allied forces did not know exactly how many missiles the Germans fired.But there was no doubt that London had been attacked.During the night, there were 32 explosions in downtown London.The situation in the suburbs and other areas has not yet been counted, but it is certain that many areas have been attacked by unidentified flying bombs.

In one night, 32 bombs fell into the urban area, which is not worth mentioning compared with the amount of bombs dropped by the Germans during the 40-year Battle of Britain.But these 32 bombs caused a lot of damage-in addition to causing damage to more than 82 buildings to varying degrees, it also caused 110 deaths and [-] injuries to varying degrees.

A mere 32 missiles can cause such a large number of casualties. There are many reasons for this.First of all, the absolute air supremacy over the past three years has caused the Allied forces to lose their vigilance to a certain extent.In addition, some technical characteristics of missiles, a new type of weapon, cannot be ignored.

The first is that the v1 missile flies at a low altitude, which greatly reduces the probability of radar detecting it. The flying altitude of 600 meters is not undetectable to radar, but the detection distance will be greatly reduced.Furthermore, in order to save costs, many parts of the V1 missile are made of wood.This also reduces the reflection of radar waves.Moreover, the V1 missile is at a height of 600 meters and a high speed of 640 kilometers, which also greatly reduces the pre-alert time of the intercepting party.Therefore, when the missile fell, the citizens of London were not warned, and the air raid alarm was not sounded.People are stuck in their homes, unprepared.In 40, before the bombs fell, most of the citizens had already hid in the air-raid shelters.


Grod Wolfschein Forest.

A monorail stretches deep into the dense forest.If you walk along this railway - which is impossible, of course, because the SS guards here will shoot and kill any intruders - you will find that, deep in the forest, there is a place called " Görlitz" is a small, unassuming single-platform station.Get off from there, and you will see two special iron towers erected in the forest, which are communication towers.In the middle of the two iron towers, in a small open space, a huge entrance made of boulders and concrete can be seen.From there, it is the famous wolf den.Compared with the Chancellery, this is the real headquarters of Germany.

After Berlin was bombed, Hitler left the Chancellery and returned to his command center, Wolf's Lair.Now, he is here to listen to the report of the Air Force general on the situation of the V1 missile.

"My head of state, yesterday, we launched 400 new cruise missiles to London, all of which hit the target accurately, and London suffered heavy losses!"

"Are you sure! Did the British lose a lot?" Hitler asked.

"Yes, my Führer," the Air Force officer replied loudly, "I'm sure!"

Hitler turned to look at another man in SS uniform.

"Führer, our intelligence officers confirmed that there were multiple explosions in London last night," the man explained to Hitler.

"That's true." Hitler suddenly became happy. "I said a long time ago that attack, attack, and only attack is the way to win. But there are always some idiots who want to drag us into strategic defense." If you want me to say, spending money on defensive fighter jets is far worse than spending money on offensive missiles!"

Hitler clenched his fists and slammed down hard.

"How many missiles does the Air Force have now? Why are so few launched this time?"

"Head of State, the Air Force now has 2000 missiles, but we don't have enough launching positions."

"Then go build more missiles and launch sites!" Hitler turned around and said to a man in civilian clothes with a high forehead: "Speer, I hope you can personally supervise the development of this cruise missile." Production and equipment. I hope that before long we will be firing thousands of missiles on London!"

"Good Führer, your will is an order!"

"By the way, does this weapon have a name now?" Hitler asked.

"not yet."

"Then what name should we give him?" Hitler put his hands behind his back and started pacing.Then he stopped and said to an aide-de-camp: "Call Minister Goebbels right away and ask him to spread the word and give this weapon a good name."


As the first pilot to shoot down the enemy's special weapon, Ron is being questioned by a group of American and British experts.

"General Ron, can you describe the process of shooting down this new German weapon?"

"I'd love to," Ron replied, "it goes like this..."

"General, can you describe the flight characteristics of this thing?"

"Ah, this thing flies very fast. It can fly at a speed of 600-630 at about 640 meters, but the flying method is very monotonous. Basically, it flies in a straight line at a constant speed. Come on, it's not difficult to shoot this thing down."


After blah blah for a while, the experts finally left.Ron received a notification from General Doolittle, asking him to come to him to discuss the next move.

When Ron arrived at Doolittle's office, he found that in addition to Doolittle, Li Mei, and a British general with the rank of general was also present.

"Ron, this is General Arthur Tedder, Chief of Staff of the Royal Air Force."

"General Arthur Ted, hello." Ron saluted him.

"Everyone is here, let's start." General Doolittle said, "Let's take a look at this information first."

Ron took the information handed over by the staff.That was the translation of Goebbels' speech broadcast on German radio not long ago.In his speech, Goebbels declared: The end of the British has come, because Germany has developed a super weapon-revenge missiles, which successfully attacked London yesterday.It was a response to the despicable bombing of Berlin by the British and Americans.This weapon would win the war for Germany, and if the British did not surrender, they would be attacked by tens of thousands, if not millions, of missiles.Britain will be completely razed to the ground!

"Goebbels is just bragging." Ron tossed the document aside in disdain.

"We all know that Goebbels is bragging. This is his profession. But in any case, this weapon is also a threat." General Arthur Tedder said, "This morning, our reconnaissance plane photographed some photos."

So a few photos were placed in front of everyone.A kind of long rail can be seen from these photos.

"These rails all point to London. And the French Resistance also confirmed that residents in this area heard a strange roar yesterday afternoon."

"We can blow up these things. However, this thing should be worthless, and it should be easy to create a fake target that looks exactly like this." Li Mei looked at it and said.

"This thing has a fried head. With the precision of this thing, aiming at London, it is estimated that it can miss dozens of kilometers."

Ron said this mainly because he didn't want to see the target of the strategic bombing being diverted.In his view, the Germans threw this thing at this time in the hope of diverting the attention of the Allied forces.So that the Air Force, which was already about to be defeated, could recover.And Ron said that the V1 missile can deflect tens of kilometers, which is not an exaggeration.In order to reduce costs, the guidance system of v1 is extremely simple, and the navigation gyros used are also low-end products.Therefore, deviations of tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers are common.

But General Arthur Ted didn't think so.In his opinion, Yankees like Li Mei and Ron don't feel any pain at all about whether bombs can be dropped in British cities.Of course they can face the V1 missile and put on a posture of not caring.If it was New York with so many guys, these two guys definitely didn't behave like this.

"The hit accuracy of this thing is indeed bad, but because it is difficult to predict, people cannot be evacuated in advance. Once it hits, the casualties will be huge. As the guardians of the British people, we must eliminate such threats. For this reason, We can't wait to reduce our bombing of German cities," said General Arthur Tedder.

"This is really regrettable, but we can understand. We are also willing to provide some help within our capacity." General Doolittle knew that the British would definitely transfer the main force of the bombers to deal with V1 missiles.It wasn't what he wanted, but he said it anyway, "Ron, you're the only one of us who has experience shooting down this thing. Do you have an idea of ​​how to defend against it?"

"First, we can deploy more manpower observation posts, and at the same time maintain a group of fighter jets patrolling at an altitude of 1000-1500 meters. Once the alarm is received, we can command the fighter jets patrolling in the air to intercept enemy missiles. Of course, doing so will take up A large number of fighter jet resources. I think this kind of thing is better left to the Spitfire and Meteor of the Royal Air Force.”

Ron couldn't help but use his long-legged plane that could escort the bomber fleet to do this kind of thing.John Bull's fighter jets are short-legged and cannot escort the bomber fleet, so it would be good to stay for this purpose.

"Secondly, we need to deploy more anti-aircraft guns. Since the target will not maneuver and dodge, as long as we can get a timely warning, even large and medium-caliber anti-aircraft guns should be able to get Good kill rate."

"I think that if we bomb, it's not just the launch base that needs to be bombed, the transportation hub nearby is even more important." Li Mei also spoke.

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