New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 125, Interception and Safari

() Michael is a p-47 ace with 7 kills already.Early this morning, he received an order: take his squadron, go to Scotland to take over a new aircraft, and start adaptive training.The task is urgent, and they only have less than a week.

At first, Michael thought that this new aircraft was a p-51. In fact, many squadrons have already replaced their p-47s with p-51s.Michael knew that the P-51 was a good aircraft, one that was more suitable for the current situation than the P-47. The p-47's legs are too short, which seriously affects its performance.

But Michael is still very reluctant to part with p-47, this chubby guy has too many advantages.It is strong, has powerful firepower, can dive without any scruples, and has excellent high-altitude performance.However, the current US military needs long-legged aircraft.

But when the c-47 landed at an airport in Scotland, what Michael saw was a completely different aircraft.

"This guy! It's really, really big!" Michael couldn't help sighing as he looked at this thing, which was slightly larger than the P-47.

"Captain, will we drive this thing out to escort the bombers from now on?"

"Probably." Michael replied.

However, the content of the subsequent training was completely beyond Michael's expectations.In less than a week, the main content of their practice is low-altitude hunting.


Unlike Michael, Bob Johnson was not willing to give up the p-47 anyway.

"There is no better aircraft in the world than the p-47. It saved my life in the siege of 16 fw-190s. I will never fly another aircraft in my life!" So, he Continued to fly the p-47 and was sent on a mission to intercept v1 missiles.

"This is really a boring task. It's going around in a fixed airspace every day. And shooting missiles is much more boring than attacking enemy planes." Bob Johnson even regretted his choice.

At this moment, new instructions came from the radio.

"Iron Gate calls Husky No. 3, there is a target in area [-]! Please answer if you receive it! Please answer if you receive it!"

"Husky No. [-] received!" Bob Johnson replied to the command center.

"Husky No. 211! Adjust the heading to 2000 and reduce the altitude to [-] meters."

"Husky No. [-] understands!"

"Husky One" was Bob's squad number.Now they are under the management of the British for the time being. The British likened the interception mission to a housekeeper, so they named each participating team with the name of a dog.When deciding on the name, Bob Johnson and the others went a bit late, and as a result, all the good names were snatched away, leaving only the code name "Husky".

"Damn it, why is it such an unlucky code name?" Everyone knows that the most unsuitable dog for tasks like "housekeeping" must be a husky.In terms of housekeeping, it is probably not as good as a "Chihuahua". If a thief enters the house, the "Chihuahua" will bark at least twice. The thief steals things vigorously, and in the end he will help the thief drag the stolen things courteously and send the thief out of the house.

Ever since he got such an unlucky code name, Bob Johnson really felt like he was cursed.For two or three days in a row, Bob Johnson's team has shot down a single V1 missile, and those teams code-named "Foxhound", "Greyhound", and "Dogo" have all shot down nearly There are a dozen V1 missiles, and Bob Johnson's "Husky" team hasn't fought yet.

But now is not the time to complain about this, Bob? Johnson with his team turned to the target area, 2 minutes later, they reached the target area over.

"Look, my God!" Bob Johnson's wingman Byrd shouted.

Right in front of them, there are at least fifty v1 missiles flying towards them at high speed with their tail flames.

"Husky No. 1 called Iron Gate and found a large number of V50 missiles. At least [-]. They are preparing to attack!" Bob Johnson pushed the throttle to the bottom while reporting the situation to the command center. "Attention Husky team, follow me, attack!"

Bob Johnson's p-47 and those v1 missiles fly in the opposite direction, so the close rate of the two sides is surprisingly high.Almost in the blink of an eye, the double-reverse will pass by.

If it was a fighter jet that was intercepting, Bob Johnson would definitely swoop over in the first place and confront her head-on.With the firepower of 6 20 guns with super long range, they can probably take advantage of the head-on attack.After staggering by, relying on the energy advantage, he could immediately use a half somersault to turn back and bite the enemy plane.

But the target intercepted now is different from the enemy fighter jet.They can't fire back, they can't dodge, but they're much faster than fighter jets. (The speed of 1 kilometers per hour of the v640 missile does not seem to be faster than the speed of those fighter jets near 700 or even more than 700. But it should be noted that the nominal maximum speed of fighter jets is 6000-7000 The air is relatively thin and the resistance is relatively low It flew out at a small height. However, the speed of the V1 missile 640 flew out at a height of no more than 600 meters from the ground. At this height, most propeller planes cannot fly at such a speed. For example, the nominal The p-705d with a maximum speed of 51 kilometers per hour cannot even fly at a speed of 600 kilometers per hour at this altitude.) If you still want to deal with it just now, after completing the half somersault, can you still catch up with v1 smoothly? Not necessarily. (The p-47 can rely on diving to achieve high speed, but at low altitudes, due to the high resistance, it can maintain high speed far less than the p-51.) Moreover, Bob Johnson knows that behind him, it is not too much In the distance, there is an anti-aircraft artillery position of the British.If the pursuit is a little slower, v1 will enter the firepower net of the anti-aircraft gun. In order to avoid accidental damage, he must withdraw from the attack.

Therefore, Bob Johnson's team intends to adopt such an interception method, that is: maintain the altitude until the horizontal distance between the two sides is quite close, and then roll the lever and dive vertically.In this way, if the time and distance are judged well, when they finish the dive and level off, they will appear exactly at the 1 o'clock direction of the V6 missile, and the distance between the two sides will be very close.At the same time, relying on the dive, the speed of the p-47 will be much higher than that of the v1 missiles, and then with the help of actions such as Gao Yoyo, they have the opportunity to launch several attacks on these missiles.

Bob Johnson is flying upside down now. (In this way, he can make a vertical dive at any time. At the same time, in this state, he can always maintain visual contact with the V1 missiles) Staring closely at those V1 missiles, judging the distance between the two sides.

It's now!Bob Johnson roared: "Attack!" With a sudden pull of the lever, his p-47 nose sank and immediately dived vertically.Behind him, the other three P-47s also swooped down.

As expected, when he leveled the plane, the v1 missile was just a little less than 600 meters ahead of them.At this time, the speed of the p-47 was as high as about 800 kilometers, and the distance between the two sides was shrinking sharply.

At a distance of 400 meters, Bob Johnson fired at a v1 missile. Shooting a target that cannot dodge is not a difficult task for a fighter plane that can fire 6000 rounds of shells per minute (of course, the fighter plane does not have that many ammunition in it.).With a short she, Bob cut off one wing of the V1 missile in front.The missile immediately whirled and fell down.

Bob then pulls the plane up to reduce its horizontal velocity and to select the next target.He stared at another V11 about 400 meters away from him in the direction of his 1 o'clock, then pushed the nose of the aircraft, rushed straight over, fired 6 guns, and smashed the V1 missile again.Then Bob pulled the plane again, looking for the next target.

Before the V1 missiles flew into the fire circle of the anti-aircraft gun, Bob completed three attacks and shot down three V1 missiles.Now, although there are still many targets that have not been shot down, they have all flown to the fire area of ​​​​the anti-aircraft artillery, and Bob gave up chasing them.He began to climb with his team to prepare for the interception of the next batch of possible targets.


While Bob was busy intercepting the V1 missile, the squadron under Major Harry, which was the first to be equipped with the P-81, was flying over Europe on a "safari" mission.

Harry's task is mainly to test the feasibility of large-scale "safari" and to draw lessons for reference.

According to the experience provided by the Russians during the "Reverse Cross" joint training, the fleet of "Safari" should not be too large.Therefore, the p-81 fighter jets that set off this time were all dispatched in a two-aircraft formation.Their goal is to build eight airports with ultra-long runways.According to reconnaissance, there was jet activity at those airports.

The me-262 accelerated very slowly after takeoff (it's all due to the bad engine, the throttle valve will catch fire when pushed a little faster.), so for a long time after takeoff, this jet will be in a state of low altitude and low speed, which is This aircraft is at its most vulnerable. The task of the p-81 formation is to find it at this time and shoot it down!

Harry and his wingmen were flying more than ten kilometers away from the German airport. At this distance, it was difficult for the Germans on the airport to see them, but they could see the airport.

Now, Harry saw, there seemed to be some movement at the airport.So he stabilized the joystick with one hand, and with the other hand he removed the telescope from the telescope clip and held it up to his eyes (like all American fighters, the P-81's cockpit is so luxuriously spacious that adding a little Things are very easy.)

Harry's telescope is specially made.The so-called "special" does not mean that its multiple is very large.On the contrary, due to the unavoidable vibration of the aircraft, the telescope with a higher magnification is almost unusable on the plane. (Actually, the same is true for hand-held telescopes. Telescopes larger than ten times are almost impossible to use by hand.) In addition, the way of use is hand-held, so the multiple of the telescope is only 4 times.Only half of the Zeiss military binoculars commonly used by the Germans.

Still, something was better than nothing, and with that, Harry discovered that two jets were preparing to take off at one end of the runway.

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