New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 126, Interception and Safari 2

() "Hehe, the business is about to open." Harry stared at the two fighter jets on the runway and swallowed.Now is not the time to attack immediately.Attack now, the Germans have a good chance of keeping the pilot.Harry planned to attack the Germans when their jets were up, but not fast enough.In this way, once it hits, the pilot is dead.

At this moment, Harry remembered what Ron had said to them during the tactical drill.

"The jets of the Germans hang the engines on the wings on both sides, which inevitably leads to the weight distribution of the aircraft away from the roll axis. This makes the aircraft need to overcome a ratio when it rolls. The reverse torque of single-engine aircraft is much larger. So the roll of this aircraft must be very slow. In fact, you can refer to the situation of bf-110 and our own p-38. Everyone knows , our p-38 is almost the best twin-engine fighter - so in the exercise, we will use it as a target - but its roll is still not comparable to a single-engine aircraft, the German jet must Same thing. Also, this is not the first time we've fought this jet, all records show that this jet has super high speed, but no one has ever mentioned that it has a good roll, on the contrary, many Pilots who escaped the dive attack of this type of aircraft have all mentioned the sluggish roll of this type of aircraft. I don’t need to say more about the importance of roll in air combat. All pilots know it very well. Because except somersault And half somersaults, all other tactical moves start with the roll. The sluggishness of the roll will inevitably cause the other moves to lag. This is a huge weakness when dodging an attack."

In the subsequent drills with the p-38 as the imaginary target, this was also very obvious. The p-38 at low altitude and low speed had almost no resistance to the bz of the p-81.

"It would be great if the situation with the Germans went as General Ron predicted," Harry thought.For Ron's prediction, fighter pilots are quite convinced.Because before this, Headmaster Ron's predictions about the performance of the enemy's aircraft were often surprisingly accurate. He was often able to predict the opponent's weaknesses quite accurately based on the pitifully few statistics.This led some pilots to even refer to him as a "wizard" in private.

Now that the two jets were taxiing down the runway at high speed, it wouldn't be long before they were flying.Harry shook the wing, motioned to his wingman, and swooped in the direction of the airport.

When he was preparing to launch an attack, Harry had already increased his speed to about 600 kilometers per hour. Now by diving, his speed has rapidly increased to 800 kilometers per hour. In fact, it only takes 1 minute to fly over a distance of more than ten kilometers. about.

At this time, the two me-262s of the Germans had just taken off, and they were only about 60-70 meters above the ground.This is an embarrassing height: it is impossible to use the dive to increase the speed, and there is no way to skydive - jumping at this height, before the parachute can be opened, the person will fall into a meatloaf.

When Harry swooped over, the German pilots had already spotted them—the me-262 pilots were all elites drawn from various troops.But they can't do anything about it. Now, me-262 is at its weakest point. It needs height but no height, and speed but no speed.But they still tried very hard to make a turn to avoid the American attack.

It's just that the roll of me-262 is too slow, and the current speed is not enough, and it can't perform high-overload movements by itself.Their dodging movements were slow in Harry's eyes like slow motion in a movie.

The white belly of the me-262, which is trying to roll, is almost full of Harry's sight. When the launch button is pressed, the six 20mm guns roar together, and the gushing shells knock out a me-262 almost instantly. Torn to shreds.

When Harry fired, his wingman also fired at another me-262, and he also shot down the opponent without any suspense.And it wasn't until this time that the German anti-aircraft guns reacted and began to shoot at Harry's formation.But Harry's speed was too fast, which made the angular speed of the anti-aircraft guns completely unable to keep up with their movement, and the shells all fell behind them.

Harry pushed the throttle to the end, and the two R-2800 engines burst out with a powerful thrust of 4600 horsepower.Quickly push them out of the fire circle of the anti-aircraft gun.Then Harry pulled the nose of the plane and jumped up, climbing to an altitude of 6000 meters in one breath before leveling the plane.

"Great job!" Harry boasted to himself.But he understood that the main reason for this success was proper tactics.It's much easier to shoot down enemies on a safari than in a serious dogfight.

After the attack just now, there should be no more jets taking off from this airport for a short time.But anyway, there is still a lot of fuel in the fuel tank. It is not a bad thing to continue wandering around the airport. In this area, the chance of encountering enemy planes is always greater.

"Captain, pay attention to below 3 o'clock!" The voice of the wingman came from the headset.

Harry looked down to the right and saw that at an altitude of about 2500 meters, there were 6 planes forming 3 pairs of formations and flying towards the airport.I can't see the model from a distance.But depending on the size of the plane, it might be something like a fighter jet.

"Although there are many enemy planes, our planes have performance and energy advantages. If we make a sneak attack, we will definitely not suffer." Harry quickly made such a judgment.

Harry adjusted his course. He planned to fly over the opponent's head first, then dive down, fly below the opponent's six o'clock, and then attack from their belly direction.This set of procedures is also the most typical sneak attack procedure.

Obviously, due to the unfavorable position of the enemy plane (Harry and the others are facing away from the sun) they failed to find Harry's crew.They didn't know it until Harry swooped down behind them.

At this time, Harry had also discovered that these planes were not fighter jets such as the bf-109 or fw-190 he first judged, but a biplane (river crab) plane.

"Go145 trainer!" Harry, who was accustomed to reading the German aircraft identification manual, immediately judged the model of this aircraft.

The go145 trainer aircraft is the most important trainer aircraft in Germany, with a total output of more than 9500.Most German pilots were trained on this type of aircraft.

Although it is not a high-end product like a fighter jet as expected, it is based on the spirit of "no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat" and the principle of "thieves don't run away empty".Harry continued to attack.

With one shot, an unsuspecting go145 was smashed into pieces.The pilot on that plane apparently didn't have time to jump out.In fact, from this perspective, attacking a trainer is more efficient than attacking a fighter, because you can kill two enemy pilots at once.

Harry's wingman also succeeded.Although his shells failed to directly hit the enemy plane into the air, they also cut off the two layers of the enemy's left wing.Now that go145 was spinning crazily and fell to the ground.Looking at it like that, it might be difficult for the pilots on it to climb out of the cockpit and parachute.

The first round of the sneak attack was always smooth, but when Harry and his wingman swooped down for the second time, the situation changed. The German's go145 began to rely on its own advantage of circling, and it turned against Harry and the others. circled. Although the go145 does not fly fast, its turning radius is very small and it is extremely flexible. It is not easy to hit them accurately.Harry and his wingmen found nothing in the second attack.

"Be patient," Harry said to himself.This sentence is also what Ron has always emphasized to fighter pilots.If you can't do it once, you can do it twice, and if you can't do it twice, you can do it three times.Since the enemy planes at an energy disadvantage have no ability to counterattack at all, it is enough to catch them once and make a mistake.And as long as we are human, we will always make mistakes.

Sure enough, in the fifth round of attacks, Harry seized the opportunity to shoot down an enemy plane again.Then on the ninth strike, Harry and his wingman teamed up to shoot down another.

The friendly planes around were constantly being shot down, which put a lot of pressure on the remaining two go145s.But at this time they have gradually lowered the height to about 100 meters.

"Give up the attack!" Harry issued a new command.The altitude of the target is too low now, and the dive attack is very dangerous.And in the previous attack, his plane lost a lot of energy.It would be a big loss if someone played "the oriole is behind" at this moment.

So the two p-81s withdrew from the attack and continued to climb.The remaining two go145s were considered successful in recovering their lives.

In the attack just now, Harry's formation consumed a lot of fuel.So Harry decided to return.They climbed to 6000 meters in one breath, and then flew westward.

"In one attack, we shot down 3 planes. The efficiency of safari is really not comparable to that of normal air combat. Think about those German guys, since 41, they have been playing safari with the Soviets every day for several years. No wonder a The number of shooting downs is so high. If I can do this every day in the future, I will be so happy." Harry flew back, looking forward to a bright future.

Just then, two more planes appeared in his field of vision.

Those were two Junker 52 transport planes.It was the primary transport aircraft of the German Army and one of the most sturdiest aircraft the Germans ever built.In the German army, it has the nickname "Iron Anne".Probably because the allies had never gone deep into the air above the German-controlled area to perform safari missions before, so the two Junker 52s flew swaggeringly without escort.

"This is really a gift from God!" Harry looked around and made sure that there were no other enemy planes nearby, so he took his wingman and rushed towards it...

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