New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 127, "Airport Wall Protector" Program

() Headquarters of the German Third Air Force, Field Marshal Catherine's office.

"Marshal, we lost another 65 planes. In addition to the 41 planes lost in the interception operations, 24 planes were lost due to sudden encounters with enemy safari fighter jets during takeoff, landing or flight."

"Encountered an enemy safari fighter jet? Where is it?" Marshal Catherine was taken aback.

"Here, here, and here." The staff officer immediately pointed out on the map where the planes were attacked.

Marshal Catherine stared at the map, was silent for a while, and then asked, "How much did me-262 lose?"

"Marshal, a total of 262 me-8s have been lost."

"Eight." Marshal Catherine stood up, folded her hands on her chest, and paced.He walked around the office slowly twice, and asked again, "How is the situation of the pilot?"

"Your Excellency the Marshal, the pilots of the me-262 were all lost. They were too low to parachute when they were attacked."

"Well, what other planes were lost?"

"There are also some bf-109s and fw-190s, and a few go-145s. Also, there are two Junkers 52s, but they were not shot down near the airfield."

"Those two planes were mostly unlucky. They were shot down when they were going to the airport or returning home. The enemy's target is obviously aimed at our me-262."

"Marshal, in this attack of the enemy, we found a brand new enemy aircraft. Here is a picture of it, but it is not very clear."

Marshal Catherine took the photo, looked at it, then stood still, and said to the staff officer: "Notify the Air Force Staff, a meeting will be held immediately! Also contact the Gestapo and ask them to come here after our meeting. "


"Everyone, our enemy has launched a new trick. I have to say that our current opponent is very cunning and very powerful." After the staff briefed the situation, Marshal Catherine said, "He understands, me-262 It is the key for us to break their air superiority. He also understands that our current problem is that the number of advanced fighters is seriously insufficient. His purpose is to use their current numerical advantage in advanced fighters to force us to fight them decisively, so as to obtain a more An exchange ratio in their favor. Like we did on the Eastern Front."

Yes, in 41, on the Soviet-German battlefield, after relying on the undeclared sneak attack to gain an advantage, the Luftwaffe took advantage of the confusion caused by the raid (especially the confusion caused by the rapidly advancing ground forces to the command system of the Soviet Air Force ) and the performance advantages of fighter jets constantly forced the Soviet Air Force to fight them under unfavorable conditions, thus obtaining a very beautiful exchange ratio.Some pilots even achieved hundreds of achievements in just one month after the start of the Soviet-German War.

Catherine didn't know an old Chinese saying, which is called 30 years in the east and 30 years in the west, and Feng Shui turns around.But he also realizes that the situation is almost reversed now compared to 41 years ago.And Germany is not as explosive as the Russian bear. It is almost like Zhang Wuji's blood bar when facing the extermination master.If you really hit on such a guy, you will definitely be KO'd directly by him.

"We have reduced the interception and attack in order to accumulate strength, just like what Dowding did back then." Speaking of Dowding, many veteran officers present felt as if a gust of cold wind was blowing by them.During the Battle of Britain that year, when the British Air Force suffered heavy losses, Dowding once gave up the protection of London in order to restore strength and accumulate strength, and finally defeated the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain.

"However, our opponents are stronger than we were back then. Back then we didn't have decent long-range fighter jets, and we didn't have so many bombers. The situation we faced was even more difficult. For this reason, we need to show more wisdom and courage to be able to Turn it around like the British did. Everyone here is an expert. In this critical moment, I need everyone's wisdom."

"Marshal, we can set up blocking balloons in certain areas of the airport," a staff officer suggested, "this will greatly restrict the direction of entry of enemy planes, and we will concentrate the anti-aircraft guns on the passages we have reserved, so that It can greatly reduce the direct threat of enemy aircraft to the airport."

"This is useful, but it's not enough. The acceleration process of our me-262 is quite long, and it doesn't have the ability to protect itself when it flies out of the airport. The enemy can wait for the me-262 to fly for a while. Then launch an attack after the distance," a staff officer retorted.

"Then we can let bf-109 and fw-190 take off under the protection of the arresting balloon first, and then let them protect me-262!" The staff officer who just proposed the balloon plan continued to insist on his opinion.

"I don't know how the heads are so long, but I thought of using a rag like a balloon! This thing can restrict the movement of enemy planes, but it will also seriously hinder our own sight! And in some cases, it will directly affect Security at the airport!"

"I think we can do this. We take off some fighter jets before the enemy planes may come, and then these fighter jets cruise around the airport, so that we can protect the me-262 from taking off. Once the me-262 takes off smoothly, we can protect more takeoff and landing of the plane."

"That's a good idea!"

"Yes, let's do it!"

"Okay, since everyone supports it, let's do it like this!" Marshal Catherine finally made a decision, "The staff will immediately formulate a plan,'s called the 'Airport Wall Guardian' plan."


While the Germans were meeting to discuss countermeasures, the fighter division of the U.S. Eighth Air Force was also having a similar meeting.It's just that in addition to the staff members, the pilots who returned from the mission participated in the meeting.

"Today is only a small-scale dispatch, and there are such victories, especially the downing of 8 German jets in one go, which is even more encouraging." Ron has always praised his subordinates, and this time is of course no exception, "Better Yes, our boys have good timing, the Germans on the 8 jets can't parachute, they can only go to hell. There is information that in Germany, the jets are all aces .We just got rid of 8 aces by one guy. This result is higher than shooting down 5 times the rookie!"

"Then sir, I shot down a me-262, can it be counted as 5 shot downs?" Obviously, it was a pilot who asked the question.And his question also caused a burst of laughter.

"Ah, Durant, I remember you said that your wife is three times more beautiful than average, shouldn't we also go to court and report your double bigamy?" Ron replied.His answer immediately brought a burst of applause.

"What are you yelling about? Jealousy? You gay guys who can't find a good girl are all jealous of me!"

"The good cabbage has been gobbled up by pigs!"


"Okay, don't wander off!" Ron had to come out and stop it.Maybe it was because Ron was usually too petty, and the pilots were always too relaxed when facing him, so that they got off topic by discussing the issue.This coincides with the fine tradition of Dasc and Dalongkong's post that the third floor must be crooked.

"Don't be dazzled by today's victory! The Germans will not wait to die, we have to consider the reaction of the Germans."

Although the pilots of the Eighth Air Force were a little too proud, they all became serious when they heard this.After all, this is a matter of life.

"Sir, what would you do if you were a German?"

"What am I going to do?" Ron thought, "In the face of the absolute power gap, things like tactics are really powerless. In fact, my tactical level is not better than those of the Germans. It's just that I am on the stronger side. And I have the advantage of knowing my opponent better. As for the German’s countermeasures, in fact, in my past time and space, the Germans’ countermeasures were not bad, but the opponent’s cards were too good.”

Ron thought so, and said: "If I were a German, I would take off some fighter jets at dawn, and then let these fighter jets cruise near the airport, so as to protect the jets from taking off. Once the jets A smooth takeoff can protect the takeoff and landing of more aircraft."

"Then how do we deal with it?"

"Simple, we will concentrate and attack one or two airports at a time, so that we will have an overwhelming numerical advantage, and then we will kill the German fighter jets that took off first to cover. Anyway, we will have numbers and energy With double advantages, we must be the ones who take advantage."

"Black, sir, you are really dark, but we like it!"

"Damn gay, get out of here!"

"One more thing to remind everyone," Ron continued, "what is our goal?"

(The pilots chanted "No cavities!" in unison while standardizing eight teeth.

Ron: "Nai bottle, what's going on? How much cute little money did Sister Gao Lu give you? Strongly demand dividends!"

Nai bottle (while collecting things): "It's nothing, I wrote it late, I was sleepy, and I made a mistake."

Ron: "Don't believe me! Show me!"

Nai Ping: "If you make trouble again, I will wear Luo Yufeng for you!"

Ron: "Fuck you!")

"Destroy the Luftwaffe!"

"That's right," Ron nodded. "When destroying the Luftwaffe, it's much more efficient to directly kill the pilots than just kill the enemy planes. Our planes have good firepower. Don't save shells too much. It's better to blow them up in the air." Enemy planes. However, please be gentle and don’t shoot down the parachute. If you do this, you may hurt your comrades who were parachuted and captured.”

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