New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 128, Strong Onlookers and Oriole Behind

( ) The next day, Harry's squadron continued to attack.However, their formation has changed, and the two-aircraft formation has been replaced by a larger four-aircraft formation.Moreover, this so-called four-machine formation is not really a four-machine formation in the strict sense, it should be said to be a 4+2 formation.

In this formation, two P-81s were in a lower and more forward position, with the other two aircraft following behind and above.The vertical height difference between the two groups is about 1500 meters, and the horizontal distance is also about 1500 meters.Such a distance is a little far for ordinary fighter jets, and it is very likely that the front planes will be in a hard fight, while the support planes behind cannot arrive in time.However, considering the super acceleration and dive performance of the P-81, the aircraft at the rear and upper will rush to the battlefield much faster than ordinary aircraft. In addition, this fighter has a strong physique. A hit by a large-caliber anti-aircraft gun like this will generally not be solved by others.So this problem is not too prominent.However, increasing the distance can bring a benefit, that is, the increase in concealment.Let the fighters in the back row have more opportunities to be yellow birds.

The four planes set off in twos and twos.Soon, they caught up with the p-51 troops who had set off earlier than them.

We are now very close to our goal.Harry began to lower his altitude.This is not to avoid the German radar. In fact, the German radar is very average. It is reliable for targets as large as bombers, but it is difficult to say for small targets such as fighter jets.Who can notice the small target of 4 planes when the escorting large fleet is all over the sky?Besides, the attitude of the Americans is that they are not afraid of being discovered - if you find out, you will send a plane out to fight me!


The weather on this day is not bad, but at an altitude of 3000 meters there are still some small clouds, sparsely dotted in the blue sky.

Harry led his formation to approach the airport at a speed of 1500 kilometers per hour from a height of 530 meters.Looking from a distance, one could see two planes preparing to take off on the gray-white airport runway.Harry didn't rush over immediately, he began to look around at the sky around him.

"Before launching an attack on the enemy, the most important thing is to ensure your own safety. In terms of strategy, the emphasis is on destroying the enemy. Only by destroying the enemy can you protect yourself; but in tactics, preserving yourself is the priority. Only by preserving yourself Only then can we effectively attack the enemy." This is the principle that Ron established for the fighter force in this battle.

"Before going into battle, you must carefully observe the air situation and understand the situation of the enemy and yourself. Don't rush into battle!" This is the teaching of "Inverse Cross" to every fighter pilot.If a pilot is not habitual when walking, he will walk out of several irregular s, on average every 10 seconds without looking back habitually observe the direction of 6 o'clock.Then he must not have been trained by the "Reverse Cross".

This good habit, and the p-81's cockpit with a good view saved Harry. When he looked back, he saw several FW-190s diving down vertically above his six o'clock.It is estimated that these guys are planning to rush under their belly to give themselves a powerful blow.

"Sharp right!" Harry broke the radio silence and gave instructions to his wingman.At the same time, roll yourself 90 degrees to the left and start circling to the left.The two p-81s immediately separated left and right, and began to turn in opposite directions.

"We've been spotted!" Seeing the sudden actions of the two strange-looking American planes in front, Captain Marcus, who was sneaking up to give them an idea, understood that there was no chance for a sneak attack.

But not being able to sneak attack doesn't mean you can't fight.Now the two German fighters have the advantage both in energy and in angle.In terms of energy, they dived down from a height of 3000 meters. Relying on the dive, they gained a speed of nearly 800 kilometers.In terms of angle, they are now in the 6 o'clock direction of the American plane.Therefore, Marcus believes that they have every chance to shoot down these two weird looking American planes.

"Kerry, you attack the one on the right!" Marcus ordered the other crew.At the same time he and his wingman began to roll sharply to the left, trying to cut into the American line.

The horizontal hover of the fw-190 is quite ordinary, far inferior to the fire-breathing of the british, and also inferior to almost any American fighter jets that are still serving in the allied forces except the p-47, and of course it cannot catch up with ri's own Zero War and Ki-43 are not even comparable to the Germans' own bf-109 known as the "flying slate".But fw-190 has one performance that is extremely good, which makes the problem of poor hovering less serious, and this performance is roll.

The fw-190 has the best roll of any WWII aircraft.The roll rate is surprisingly high.This allows an FW-190 pilot following the enemy plane to always complete the roll first and enter the turn when he finds that the enemy is rolling and intends to turn.In this way, although the hovering ability of the FW-190 is not good, it can take advantage of the time difference caused by the rapid roll to cut into the inside line of the enemy plane first and get a chance to fire.With the powerful firepower of the fw-190 series aircraft, for some smaller targets, one hit is enough to be fatal.

The wingman following Marcus moved a little slower and failed to get the chance to fire, but Marcus still seized the opportunity to fire on the American fighter plane.

Shells whizzed past Harry's cockpit, and Harry clearly heard a few "puff puffs"—that was the sound of a German 20mm gun hitting his plane.Harry saw one hit the left wing, which drilled a small hole in the wing, and a few more that might have hit the fuselage.Fortunately, there was no problem with the control of this aircraft.

"It would be great if it was equipped with mk-108. A few hits will definitely kill this guy!" Marcus clearly saw that the American plane was hit by several 20mm shells, but none of them dropped. One point, I can't help but think of the 30mm caliber mk-108 cannon.

But Marcus also knew that the Mk-108's launch speed was too slow, coupled with its low muzzle velocity, its ballistic performance was in a mess, and it was simply not suitable for hitting targets like fighter jets.In fact, if I used the mk-108 just now, I probably wouldn't be able to hit a single shot. (So ​​the fw-190 performing the air security mission will not carry such heavy, but inefficient things when attacking fighter jets)

The horizontal hovering ability of fw-190 is not enough to allow Marcus to keep biting the back of the Americans. At the same time, his current speed is too fast, which also leads to a serious wing surface compression effect, which makes the already bad hovering ability even worse. rotten.However, the fw-190 has never been used to compete with the enemy horizontally. It must be driven on a vertical plane. It is the most typical bz fighter.

Marcus quickly pulled up the fighter plane, used his current high speed to jump to a high place, and then swooped down to attack the enemy plane.Now, while his fw-190 was climbing at a nearly vertical angle, he turned his head and tried hard to maintain visual contact with the target.

It's just that the field of view of fw-190 is really very problematic.Because the cockpit is deeply buried in the fuselage, (so that the drag is low) the rear view of this aircraft is almost equal to no.The enemy plane swooped down, turned to his rear, and quickly hid in his blind spot.

However, Marcus was not helpless, he continued to pull the lever and began to enter the inverted state, so that he raised his head (at this time he was in a head-down state) and quickly found the target again.So he continued to pull the joystick, and swooped towards his opponent.

Considering the strength of the enemy plane, Marcus hoped that this shot could hit the opponent from the side and front (this can maximize the lethality of the shell) instead of shooting from the side and rear like just now. (Although this has a higher hit rate.) So he adopted a more aggressive forward tracking method, (pointing the nose to the front of the opponent's nose, compared to pointing the nose to the rear of the opponent's rear pursuit, this attack The aggressiveness of the FW-190 is stronger, of course, it is also more unstable, and it is easier to get rid of.) He believes that if the enemy plane keeps running away, with the excellent roll of the fw-[-], he will definitely get another good chance to shoot .

Of course, Harry also saw this attack. At this time, by diving and accelerating with full horsepower, he already had a speed of about 680 kilometers.His wingman had also completed a circle at this time and turned behind him, but the two enemy planes following him temporarily lost their target, and did not immediately dive down with Marcus.

Seeing the enemy plane rushing down, he also pulled the lever and jumped up, forming a diagonal head-to-head situation with the enemy plane.In this way, maybe Harry can get a chance to face her at an oblique angle with his opponent.

The American 20 gun has a higher firing speed and muzzle velocity, and a more reasonable projectile type (but the charge of the warhead is smaller than that of the German one), so it also has a range far exceeding that of the German 20 gun.Coupled with the fact that the p-81 is equipped with as many as 6 such cannons, it is definitely not a Meiji choice for the Germans who have an energy advantage.So Marcus quickly made a barrel roll, and both sides missed it, and neither got the chance to shoot.

Marcus pulled up the plane again and jumped upwards, while the slower Harry formation took advantage of the fact that the P-81's center of gravity was lower than that of ordinary planes and its head was raised quickly, quickly completed a somersault, and began to dive down.

At this moment, the rescuers from both sides arrived.

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