New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 129, Strong Onlookers and Oriole Behind

() The two p-81s of the Americans arrived first, and they rushed straight at the two fw-190s of Marcus that were climbing rapidly.

"Marcus! Direction at 9 o'clock!" The two FW-190s that had just lost their target issued an alert to Marcus. The view from the cockpit of the fw-190 is very poor, which caused Marcus to not find the incoming enemy plane in time. Fortunately, he was reminded by his teammates, and Marcus didn't even have time to take a closer look to the left, so he hurried over Got a bucket roll.

But Marcus' wingman was not so quick to react.After the war of attrition in the previous period, there are fewer and fewer experienced veterans.In addition, many aces have been transferred to the jet force. Now in the ordinary fighter force, the pilots with a little experience are the lead planes, and the wingmen are usually only about one or two hundred flying hours. rookie.In some units, even the lead planes have to be served by rookies who have only flown for [-] hours.Now there are not many lead planes like Marcus who have been flying for nearly a thousand hours.

In the face of the surprise attack, the difference between the rookie and the veteran was immediately revealed. As a veteran, Marcus used a barrel roll and successfully avoided the enemy's attack, but as a rookie who had only flown for a hundred hours (Most of these hours are still completed on the go145 trainer plane), Hankerson is not so quick to react.He hesitated for a while after getting the warning, and even tried to turn his head to see where the enemy was.The delay was fatal: a barrage of 20mm shells hit his plane hard.

The fw-190 is a fairly sturdy aircraft, but with the accumulation of 6 20 guns, this aircraft is still quite fragile.In addition, the American pilots were instructed to shoot enemy planes into the air as much as possible in order to eliminate more enemy pilots.So the Americans attacked him particularly violently.The P-81 shot at him for more than 4 seconds, firing more than 400 shells.Of course, it is impossible for all of these shells to hit, but at least more than 20 shells hit his plane.Although the plane did not disintegrate immediately, it also ignited a raging flame.

"Hankison, skydive!" Marcus shouted, but there was no response from the earphones—two shells hit the cockpit just now.

Obviously, it was now impossible for Marcus to continue attacking Harry's fighter.After losing your wingman, keeping yourself is the most important thing.Fortunately, the opponent has no chance to continue attacking himself.Because they also have to deal with the other two fw-190s rushing towards them and the bf-109 that swooped down from a higher position.

But Marcus knew that these planes might not be able to pose much threat to the two enemy planes that had just attacked them.Unlike the two enemy planes he attacked just now, the speed of these two planes is very high now, as fast as, um, just like their own jets.

The fw-190 and bf-109 that swooped down may not be able to reach such a fast speed.If the enemy tries to flee, they cannot stop him.

However, the enemy seems to have made a mistake. Facing the two FW-81s and four BF-190s rushing towards them, the two P-109s did not choose to run away directly. Actually played a spiral climb!

This is simply provocative!There are actually planes that play spiral climb with bf-109 without taking advantage of the speed.Although these four bf-109s are all just bf-109g6, not the bf-109k4 that has just been mass-produced and is known as the king of climbing, the climbing of the bf-109 series, especially the climbing at low and medium altitudes, has always been unparalleled. (At least, that's how the Germans see it) Playing a spiral climb in front of bf-109 is simply killing you!

"These arrogant Yankees, don't they know the truth of 'If you don't die, you won't die'?" Captain Frederick, the commander of the bf-109 formation, thought so, leading the other three without hesitation. A bf-109g6 followed.

The other two FW-190s knew that in this kind of climbing competition, most of them had nothing to do with themselves, so they aimed at Harry's two P-81s.

But now Harry's two p-81s are no longer easy to mess with. Relying on the time brought to them by the successful sneak attack of their teammates just now, they have successfully regained their altitude. Now although the opponent's three fw -3 still has a numerical advantage, but the two sides are already quite close in terms of energy.

Harry understands that as long as the energies of the two sides are close, it will be a matter of time before the more motivated self gains an advantage.So he also brought these three FW-190s around the airport to amuse the circle.

Captain Frederick felt very embarrassed now: After climbing for so long, he didn't know if the opponent's plane was about to stall, but his own bf-109g6 already seemed powerless.what to do?If you exit the climb at this time, you will definitely be attacked by the enemy's dive; but if you don't exit, if you are the first to stall, you will die!

However, a move by the opponent made Frederick immediately make up his mind—quit immediately!Just when he was hesitating, the opponent made the climbing angle a little higher.

This action shows that the opponent still has strength left!Continue to climb, the first stall must be yourself.Although exiting now is passive, it is better than being shot at a live target after stalling.

But Frederick immediately realized how dangerous it was to let the P-81 follow behind. The acceleration of that plane was unbelievably fast, and it caught up within range almost instantly, and then six 6-guns fired. The shells hit like raindrops.

Frederick's formation was also mostly rookies, and in such an attack, a bf-109 was directly smashed into pieces.

"Scatter!" Frederick ordered.In this way, at least one aircraft will not be pursued, and this aircraft may assist other friendly aircraft that are attacked.

People on the ground can also see clearly the unfavorable situation in the sky.It's just that their air combat area is not within the range of small-caliber cannons, so they can't help much for a while.What, you said to try with 88 guns?With this thing, not to mention whether you can hit it or not, even if you hit it, it's hard to say who will hit it.

Of course, the airport is not helpless, and several FW-190s and BF-109s took off urgently at the airport, (the main runway in the middle, and the dirt runways on both sides, all used) came to support.Since they are obviously at a disadvantage in terms of performance, they should rely on their numerical advantage to win!

Now, all four P-81s were entangled, unable to stop these planes from taking off, and in a few minutes, the continuous takeoff group could form an overwhelming numerical advantage over them.At that point, they have no other choice but to leave.

But these few minutes are very difficult in air combat.Frederick was lucky that the Americans did not follow him when the fleet dispersed.So after gaining a little speed by diving, he gently pulled the plane up a little.He saw his two friendly planes struggling under attack by American fighter jets.

"Andreas, hold on, I'm here to support you!" While encouraging his wingmen on the radio, he flew towards the American plane and started firing at a considerable distance to interfere American attack.However, these efforts have had rather limited effects.Andreas' plane was hit anyway, with several 20 shells smashing its wooden vertical tail.

"Andreas, parachute!" It's not that the plane lost its vertical tail can't fly, but it certainly can't get rid of the enemy's attack.The firepower of the Americans was so fierce that they often killed the pilot and the plane together.But the American demeanor is still good, they never attack the parachute.On the Western Front, everyone is more or less gentlemanly.Not like on the Eastern Front, which was just...

On the Eastern Front, the Germans would not hesitate to fire on Soviet parachutes.What about the Soviets?Of course they were not polite to the Germans either.In one air battle it even happened that a Soviet plane damaged a German plane, and the German fighter was badly damaged and had to make an emergency landing in the wilderness.The Maozi plane also ran out of bullets.The German who successfully landed felt that his life should be saved.Who knew that old man.He actually drove his undamaged fighter plane and successfully landed beside it, and then the hairy pilot and the German guy started exchanging pistols again.Finally, when everyone had run out of bullets, the old man jumped on him and pinned the unfortunate German to the ground with his hands and strangled him to death.On the Western Front, such a story has never happened before.

Andreas jumped out successfully, and the Americans graciously did not shoot at the parachute.

At this time, another bf-109 that was attacked was also hit, and a fire broke out.The pilot reluctantly climbed out of the cockpit and jumped out.But the pilot's luck was really bad.His parachute strap got caught in the plane somehow, and he slammed into the hull of the plane, then was dragged by the burning fighter plane and fell straight to the ground.

At this time, the 12 newly launched fighter planes had already taken off and gained a certain altitude and speed.Now they are attacking the Americans. 14 vs 4, the Germans have an overwhelming numerical advantage.

However, at this moment, the technical officer at the airport radar station changed his face drastically, because, not far away, in a whole squadron, as many as 24 American fighter jets suddenly jumped up from the low-altitude radar blind spot, and then went straight to the ground. rushed over here.

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