New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 130, The Secret Weapon of the SS Air Force

() The p-51 that rushed over completely changed the situation. Under the attack of the p-51, which has the advantages of numbers and heights, the bf-109 and fw-190 that had just taken off immediately fell into trouble.With the help of the p-4, the four p-81s of the US military were able to devote themselves to the attack.In just a few minutes, 51 German planes were shot down (only the pilots of 8 planes were able to parachute safely), while the US military had a p-3 shot down and another one was injured.

The remaining German fighter planes fled to low altitude and escaped unharmed under the protection of small-caliber anti-aircraft guns on the ground.


Throughout the day, 12 hours, there will be waves of P-51 fighters coming and going all the time.They travel to various airports.There are a certain number of patrol fighters over each airport, and their total number is not much less than that of American fighters, but the number of patrol fighters over any airport is at an absolute disadvantage compared with those p-51s.This directly led to the fact that the exchange ratio of each air battle was obviously beneficial to the Allies.

It's not that the Germans never thought about concentrating these fighter jets, so that they won't suffer a loss when fighting the American p-51, but in this way, the sky over other airports will be completely empty, and it will give those who are more vulnerable. The p-81 opportunity for small fleet activities.

On this day, the Germans again suffered huge losses.Since the number of Luftwaffe dispatches on this day was much larger than the previous day, the losses were also heavier.When the sun went down, the sky over Europe fell silent for a while. Due to the concentrated efforts to bomb those suspected V1 missile bases, as well as the railway, road, and bridge hubs leading to those places, the number of bombers that the British could use for night bombing also decreased. decline.So at night, the Germans can lick their wounds relatively undisturbed.

On this day, the Luftwaffe lost a total of 118 fighters, including 109 bf-58 series, 190 fw-54 series, and 262 me-6 series. (Jet losses were less.) Almost all of these planes were shot down in fighting near the airfield.If this situation continues, the Germans will absolutely not be able to bear it.


"We must divert the attention of the Americans from this damned safari!" Marshal Catherine said to herself.

But is there any other way to divert the attention of Americans?Obviously, the commanders of the United States have been keeping their eyes on how to consume the pilots of the Luftwaffe.What could distract him from it?

"We used v1 to divert the attention of the British. So what can we do to divert the attention of the Americans?"

Marshal Catherine has not found a good solution, but the fact that the German Air Force has no good solution does not mean that the Germans have no solution. A fledgling team gave Marshal Catherine unexpected help.


"The Führer formed our SS air force to stop the enemy from bombing us. We must take this responsibility - no matter how difficult it is! We are not afraid of any danger, yes we are Germany People have nothing to fear but God! So, don’t tell me it’s dangerous, don’t tell me that many pilots will die, we are different from the Air Force, we don’t have many babies who have flown for hundreds of thousands of hours, we only love Germany and love The Führer's passionate youth! After we take off to fight, we don't plan to come back! So, doctor, reliability and safety are not a problem! There is only one thing you need to guarantee, and that is that this thing can shoot down enemy bombers!" SS Colonel Thomas is yelling at an engineer.

Thomas came from the Wiking Division of the Waffen-SS and was originally an army commander.During one battle, an 82mm mortar shell entered the trench where he was, blowing off one of his legs.But he still stood firm and continued to command until the Soviet attack was repulsed.In the hospital, he had another small leg amputated because of a severe infection.After recovering from his injury, he was allowed to go home to visit relatives, but when he returned to Hamburg, he found that his home had become a big pond.During the British bombing of Hamburg, a heavy bomb hit his home, killing his wife and children.But all this didn't break him, it just made him crazier.

Later, under the will of the Fuehrer, Field Marshal Goering began to form the SS air force.The big frame of this team was quickly set up, but it encountered a big problem in terms of personnel.This new team is short everywhere!The first is the lack of a commander.This should not have been a problem.As the commander of the Air Force, Goering had a way to bring a group of Air Force officers over.But this plan was opposed by the Führer.Firstly, the head of state was worried that the transfer of the air force commanders at this time would have a negative impact on the counterattack plan. Secondly, he was unwilling to see too many people from the Wehrmacht system infiltrate the SS.So most of the commanders of this team were drawn from the ground troops of the Waffen SS.It was at this time that Thomas was drawn into the SS air force as a commander.

In fact, what is more lacking than officers are pilots.Goering originally thought that as the commander of the Air Force, it would be easy for a group of experienced pilots to actively join the SS Air Force.But the truth slapped him hard.With the exception of Rudel, most of the aces showed no interest in joining the SS.Therefore, most of the pilots in this unit are rookies who have been trained in aviation school and have no more than 100 flying hours.

With such a rookie, what kind of battle can be fought?Although Thomas didn't know much about air combat, he also knew that in land battles, if there were no veterans in a team, it would be full of supplementary soldiers whose beards hadn't grown out. Compared with the army, I'm afraid it will be [-]% off.Under certain conditions, even a [-]% discount is required.This kind of troops is pure cannon fodder.

Since the people in hand are all cannon fodder, the accident losses caused by poor equipment reliability are nothing too great, because anyway, rookie cannon fodder will have a high accident rate no matter how reliable the equipment is. of.

As a result, a particularly unreliable interceptor entered the field of vision of the SS Air Force.

This aircraft is the ba349 rocket-powered interceptor.As early as June 1939, Dr. Werner von Braun proposed a plan for a vertically launched rocket-propelled aircraft, but it was rejected by the Department of Aviation Technology on the grounds that it was impractical.However, in the face of the increasingly powerful air pressure of the Allied forces, the Germans thought of a plan again, so this plan was launched in a hurry, and it took less than a month for the prototype of this kind of thing to be built.

In its first experiment, the thing set off fireworks directly in the air.In subsequent experiments, this thing also maintained an accident rate of more than one quarter.However, this thing is still in service.It became the exclusive weapon of the SS Air Force. (The Air Force said, don't kill them)

The fuselage of this thing is cylindrical, the short and straight wings do not have any longitudinal planes, and all the longitudinal planes are on the cross-shaped tail.It uses a liquid-fueled rocket engine with fuel tanks located in the middle of the fuselage: t tank (hydrogen peroxide and stabilizer) and c tank (hydrazine methane hydrate), (these two fuels once mixed It will spontaneously ignite, and it is very corrosive, so you must be very careful.) In order to increase the take-off speed, ba349 also uses 4 solid booster rockets, which enables ba349 to reach a height of 60 meters in 11000 seconds.In terms of weapons, it was originally planned to equip two 2mm mk30 cannons, but obviously, the people driving it were all cheap cannon fodder, and they did not have the skills to use weapons like mk-108 for precision attacks, so in the end, the SS decided to Don't install cannons at all (it can save money) and only equip powerful rockets to deal with Allied bombers more effectively.

The way this thing takes off and lands is also very special.First of all, instead of taking off, it launches vertically.Before the launch, a 24-meter-high launch stand will be erected, and its wingtips and belly wings are fixed on the guide rails to control the launch attitude.The control system and control surfaces of the aircraft will be locked during launch until the booster rocket burns out and is blown off the fuselage by the explosive bolt 10 seconds later.At this time, the control system is turned on, and the ground controls the aircraft to climb by radio. Of course, the pilot can take over the control at any time. When the ba349 climbed to close to 10,000 meters, the pilot controlled the aircraft to descend and approach the enemy bomber formation (the U.S. military generally approached the bombing target at an altitude of 6,200 to 9,400 meters). When the distance from the bomber was 1.6 to 3.2 kilometers, the pilot threw the nose cone, Qi she 24 launched anti-air rockets.Then, because the fuel is almost used up, the ba349 will directly descend to an altitude of 1400 meters. At this altitude, the pilot uses an explosive bolt to blow off the plane from the connection in the middle of the fuselage. The rear fuselage with the engine is automatically The opened parachute lands safely on the ground so that the most valuable engine can be reused.The pilot has to wait a while to climb out of the cockpit to avoid being hit by the tail, the pilot opens his parachute, and the front fuselage is jettisoned. (A large number of parts in this part are wooden and worthless)

Such a complicated landing method places high demands on pilots, and rookies will mess it up if they are not paying attention.But this is not a problem.Because rookies are not worth much.

Today, 20 of these aircraft were sent to the [-]st Air Force of the SS, and tomorrow, a group of rookies will fly it to attack the US bomber fleet.

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