New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 131, The Secret Weapon of the SS

( ) The next day was cloudy over most of continental Europe, with high fish scale clouds and small patches of cloud at 6000-8000m.This is not a good thing for bombing, because bombers usually fly at this altitude.Flying in such a cloud layer, the probability of a vicious (river crab) accident in a dense box-shaped formation will increase significantly; at the same time, when dropping bombs in this environment, the accuracy of bombing will also be greatly affected.

Therefore, on this day, the bomber fleet that came to bomb had to drop the flying altitude to below 6000 meters.At this height, the American P-51 no longer has an overwhelming advantage in performance over the most common German fighters. If it was some time ago, the German Air Force would definitely seize this rare opportunity and organize a large-scale attack. Large-scale interception operations.But now, because of the attrition of the preceding battles, the Luftwaffe no longer had the strength to organize such an operation.So the American bomber fleet still swaggered out.

However, the decline in flight altitude still caused the loss rate to increase-the efficiency of ground anti-aircraft guns has increased significantly.Since crossing the English Channel, the bomber fleet has been continuously hit by anti-aircraft guns.The density of ground anti-aircraft guns has increased significantly.In 43-44, Germany's military production began to enter a climax.Under Speer's organization, Germany transferred most of the production of civilian products to factories in France and other occupied territories, and almost all of its local factories were converted to arms.In this way, the efficiency of arms production has greatly increased.Although facing the strategic bombing of Britain and the United States, the German arms production has increased a lot.Among other things, as far as barrel artillery with a caliber above 75mm is concerned, Germany's production even greatly exceeds that of the Soviet Union, which has always liked to play artillery.

However, the German soldiers on the Eastern Front did not feel this change. In their feeling, the Soviet artillery still had an overwhelming advantage.Many soldiers and army generals mentioned the destructive bombardment of the Soviets over and over again in their family letters and even in their memoirs written later.

Their feelings are not wrong, although some generals always like to exaggerate the strength of the enemy when writing their memoirs, so that they can show how superb their commanding skills are when they win battles, or use it to illustrate their own when they lose battles. It's not that I'm incompetent, but that there are too many enemies.For example, the famous German general Man Buqun wrote a memoir called "Everything is Blame the Mustache" after the war.There, Man Buqun often used similar brushwork to describe his battles with the Soviets: I only have 6 divisions in my hand, and none of them are full.And opposite me, the Soviets had as many as 12 divisions.But he will not take the initiative to tell you that the Soviet divisions are much smaller than the Germans.A German division has nearly 5000 people, while a Soviet division has only 6000 to [-] people.

However, Man Buqun was quite honest when he claimed the overwhelming superiority of the Soviet army in suppressing artillery.Although the production of large-caliber artillery in Germany was higher, the Soviets did have much more suppressed artillery on the front lines of the Eastern Front.This is not only because of the Soviet Union's advantage in the number of mortars, but also because a considerable part of the large-caliber artillery produced in Germany is anti-aircraft guns. These artillery are left on the Western Front to deal with American and British bombers, so the German Army can really It is not as many large-caliber artillery as the Soviet Union when it is taken to the front line.

Of course the Soviets would like to see such a distribution, but the Americans don't see it that way.Recently, the threat of anti-aircraft artillery to the bomber fleet has become more and more serious.Now, as the Luftwaffe's interception becomes weaker and weaker, anti-aircraft guns have become the biggest threat to Allied bombers.

However, the efficiency of anti-aircraft guns cannot be compared with that of interceptors.Therefore, although the losses caused by anti-aircraft guns are gradually increasing, due to the defeat of the Luftwaffe's interceptor fleet, the losses of the bomber force have dropped significantly compared to before.

Under the fire of anti-aircraft guns, the bomber fleet continued to move forward.The mountainous area in front of it covered with lush and lush forests is the Ardennes Mountains. After flying over, Germany is ahead.


Rookie pilot, Second Lieutenant Frank, is strapped into an airplane seat in an odd position right now.His legs were pointing upwards, with all his weight on his back.

In fact, it was Frank's first time flying the eccentric aircraft.Before that, he had only experienced a few ground drills.This made him very nervous.

Fortunately, the takeoff of this aircraft does not require pilot intervention.Because this kind of aircraft does not take off on the runway, it takes off by launching, just like a rocket, or like a sky cannon.

Surrounding him is the dense and lush forest of Ardennes, and the launcher of the ba349 rocket-powered interceptor is erected in this forest.The surrounding tall trees played a very good concealment role.

The enemy's bomber fleet was getting closer and closer, and Frank heard Commander Thomas shouting in his earphones, "Boys, the time has come to die for Germany and the Führer. I order you to destroy the enemies of the empire at all costs! Now, take off!"

Following his order, Frank immediately felt the whole plane vibrate, and then a puff of red and black smoke rose from the surroundings, and then the plane rose from the ground and flew straight into the sky.

At this time, the huge overload made Frank feel as if an elephant was sitting on his chest, making him completely out of breath.After an unknown amount of time, there was a "bang" in his ear.Frank knew it was the sound of the blast bolt blowing away after the booster rocket had burned out.

As the booster rocket was thrown away, the acceleration of the plane dropped significantly, and Frank could now breathe heavily. Although it was only 10 seconds, the excessive tension still made him feel suffocated.

At this time, the vertical plane of the plane has been unlocked.The pilot can already take over the control of the aircraft.However, before take-off, both the instructor and the factory representative suggested that the pilot should not take over at this time.Just let the plane climb to 10000 meters in one breath under the control of the ground radio, and then it will not be too late to take over.On the one hand, the above decision was made to facilitate the formation of dense formations, but the main reason was that they were worried that these rookies would cause problems when they climbed by themselves.


Clark Gable sat bored in the machine gun tower and looked around.Recently, his work has been much more leisurely.In the past, as soon as their bombers went out, a large number of German fighter jets would swarm up.In that situation, just like he used to go out on the street but forgot to put on his sunglasses, a large group of crazy movie fans could immediately make him flustered.It's just that movie fans are much more refined than Germans, at least they don't shoot bullets at themselves.

But recently, it has been much more leisurely, and it is rare to see German fighter jets.Flying in the sky is either Allied bombers or Allied fighters.And those things painted with iron crosses are as rare as bison on the great plains of North America. (Before the westward movement, there were tens of millions of bison on the North American plains, but they were slaughtered by humans and were almost extinct)

There are always a lot of air leaks in the machine gun tower, so this place is always very cold.Clark Gable let go of the handle of the machine gun, began to rub his hands vigorously, and breathed on his hands at the same time.At this moment, he suddenly heard a sharp whistling sound.He looked up and saw that just ahead, there were dozens of things spouting flames and thick smoke, and they were heading straight into the sky at an alarming speed.

"God, what the hell is this?" Clark Gable raised his head and watched these things fly higher and higher until they got into the fish scale cloud above his head. He grabbed the machine gun and got ready.


During the sharp climb, Frank saw the Yankee bomber fleet, which was even more spectacular than he had imagined.

"This is the bomber fleet, it's magnificent, they are so beautiful." Frank thought silently, "Yes, the bomber fleet is beautiful anyway, how even and rhythmic their ranks are. You It is conceivable that when they dropped their bombs on the ground, the roar of the engine and the roar of the bomb intertwined, what an elegant and charming symphony it would be."

Just when he was thinking wildly, his ba349 had already passed the height of the bomber and plunged into the clouds.So his eyes turned pale and he couldn't see anything.

After reaching an altitude of 10000 meters, Frank, like other rookies, began to take over the aircraft. Then, a very troublesome thing appeared-the enemy plane, where is the enemy plane?

The rookies got lost due to cloud disturbances.They only roughly knew that the enemy plane should be below them, so they each started to dive down.According to the original regulations, they should be concentrated together to ensure the density of firepower when launching an attack after a while, and then after passing through two clouds during the dive, the rookies were completely separated.

Finally, when Frank came out of a cloud, he saw the huge bomber group again.He also saw that his comrades had dispersed and were heading straight for the enemy group.Many people have already fired at the enemy plane.

Rookies always like to follow the crowd. As soon as they see someone firing, everyone starts firing rockets, but completely forgets to care about whether the firing distance is reasonable.As a result, most people fired a little earlier.One guy was so excited when he fired, he didn't notice that there was a friendly plane more than 800 meters in front of him, so he opened fire directly.As a result, the enemy plane missed, but the friendly plane was blown up to pieces.

The effect of the rocket attack was not ideal. The rockets fired by 20 ba349s (originally 24, 4 of which crashed during takeoff) only shot down two bombers.

The rookies fired up all the rockets, but that didn't mean the attack was over.A ba349 that was flying straight down collided with a b-17, cutting him in half.

"Good job!" Frank was very excited when he saw this feat.He suddenly remembered his school again.It was a very ordinary liberal arts school, and when he left, there was a memorial to the fallen soldiers in the school that had just been completed, "on the top of the monument there is a larger golden iron cross, decorated with larger stone carvings of laurel wreaths, How many names should be written on it, and maybe mine too: Frank, from school to the battlefield, died for..."

Before he had time to think about it, Frank aimed at an American bomber and crashed into it...

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