New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 133, two-pronged approach

() The next day, the U.S. bomber fleet attacked as usual, but it was not attacked by that special rocket plane again.The rocket interceptors did not appear again on the third and fourth days.Some people in the U.S. military have already begun to mutter, is it because the effect of the last attack may not be very good, so this thing was abandoned by the Germans?

However, on the afternoon of the fourth day, a group of photos caught the attention of the Allied forces.

"Marshal, you see, the Germans have opened some roads here, here, and in the forest here. These positions are very close to the V1 launch positions we have recently determined. In addition, people from the resistance organization Heavy vehicles have been seen passing on these roads in the middle of the night. MI[-] spies sent us pictures by carrier pigeon, unfortunately the pictures are blurry."

Marshal Arthur Harris of the Royal Air Force raised his head calmly, and said to the staff officer reporting to him, "Oh, Charlie, show me these photos."

The staff officer named Charlie handed a stack of photos to Marshal Harris, "Marshal, these are the forest roads taken by our air force's reconnaissance plane, and these are some new suspicious buildings in the woods. A few photos of enemy heavy vehicles sent back by our intelligence agents."

"Are these?" Marshal Harris asked, pointing to some pictures.

In these photos, you can see some heavy-duty trucks, which are loaded with tarpaulin-wrapped things like rice dumplings in China. Looking at the shape, some of them have protruding cameras. The wing thing looks a bit like an airplane, but it's obviously a little too short.

Harris took a closer look and said to Charlie: "Ah, please bring me the information about the new German interceptor that those Yankees sent us two days ago."

"Okay, Marshal!"


"You mean, after comparison, our intelligence officials all believe that if the things in these two blurred photos are stitched together, it is the thing in the American photo?" Marshal Harris asked.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal."

"Ah, that's right!" Marshal Harris stood up and picked up the cap hanging on the wall, "Charlie, go and call General Doolittle and tell him that I have urgent matters to discuss with him face to face. "


Ron was staying in the war room, watching the air battle situation of the day.At this time, a staff officer came over.

"General, General Doolittle's call."

"Okay," Ron nodded at him, then walked to the next door.

After a while, Ron returned to the war room, temporarily granted various rights to a group of staff officers under him, and then hurried out again.


Another day later, the Royal Air Force's bomber fleet set off early in the morning to bomb those possible V1 missile launching positions.

In the past, British bombers always attacked at night due to the lack of escort forces.This also makes their strike precision far inferior to that of the U.S. Army Air Forces that operate during the day.Recently, due to the introduction of box formation tactics and the reduction of the German Air Force's operations during the day, the risk of dispatching during the day is no greater than that at night (the efficiency of anti-aircraft artillery during the day is much higher than that at night), but the attack efficiency is much higher. Far more than at night, so now, the bomber unit of the Royal Air Force also chooses to go out to bomb the enemy during the day.


"Colonel, the radar unit has spotted British bombers," an officer reported to Colonel Thomas.

"Okay! Fuel up the plane and get the boys ready! We're going to play big this time!"

Yes, Colonel Thomas' team is going to play big this time.Although he lost nearly half of his pilots in the last operation, he immediately got a supplement—a group of cannon fodder with no more than 80 hours of flying time.Now, the force in his hands has expanded rapidly. Under his command, there are already a full 100 interceptors and 120 pilots who have never flown such a dangerous interceptor.Colonel Thomas intends to put all these chips up at once.

"As long as the amount invested at one time is large enough, the problem of not being able to form a perfect formation due to lack of training and thus unable to guarantee the strike density of rockets is not a problem. So, either don't play, or play big ones if you want to play. "

In the forest, the camouflage on the launchers for the BA349 rocket-powered interceptors to take off has been stripped off. In order to avoid being discovered by the Allied reconnaissance planes, these launchers are usually camouflaged with a large number of branches. Just like an ordinary big tree.

There are two to three launch positions on each position, and in the forest, dozens of launch positions are dotted around.

The staff has erected the ba349 rocket-powered interceptor on the launch pad, and now they are carefully adding fuel to it.This is an extremely dangerous job, the t fuel tank (hydrogen peroxide and stabilizer) and the c fuel tank (hydrazine methane hydrate) will spontaneously ignite once mixed, plus they are very corrosive, so it must be done very carefully careful.Otherwise, it will be a huge disaster.


A group of P-38 fighter jets are flying at low altitude, their wings are full of rockets, and there are two 500-pound aerial bombs hanging under the belly.This kind of mount has reduced the range of the p-38 a lot, but considering the relatively short distance of the target, the range is really not a problem.In the other direction, there was a group of British Mosquito bombers.These planes are all flying at extremely low altitudes.

On a Mosquito bomber, the navigator Tusk is guiding the plane. Tusk is a Pole. After the defeat of Poland, he came to the UK with the government in exile and joined the Royal Air Force as a volunteer.

"From the map, we crossed this mountain ridge and arrived at the suspicious area."

"Okay, keep an eye on the ground for me! Don't miss the target." Pilot William replied.

In front of them, there was a high mountain ridge. William carefully controlled the plane and climbed up close to the angle of the mountain slope.After a while, the plane crossed the mountain ridge, and a wide river valley appeared in front of them.

The river valley is full of lush and lush trees, and as far as the eye can see, there are fascinating dark green colors everywhere.A small river with a luster like silk appears and disappears in this dark green river valley. Sometimes, when the sun shines on it, it will glow with golden light.

But in the valley, there are other things.In this carpet made of dense broad-leaved forest, you can see many scars that look like they have been eaten by insects.Those are the launch positions that have been stripped of their camouflage!

"Target found! Assault all!" William broke the radio silence, issued an order, and then quickly turned to the nearest target.Tusk firmly pressed the target with the bombsight.

"Da da da" the anti-aircraft guns of the German ground air defense forces began to fire at them.It was a Flak38 20mm anti-aircraft gun, a quadruple-mounted anti-aircraft gun with quite ferocious firepower.However, the appearance of the Mosquito bomber was obviously unexpected to its controller, so its first few shuttles were far away.By this time, William had dropped a string of bombs.

This string of bombs accurately covered the launch tower.In the violent explosion, a launch tower, together with the interceptor aircraft on it, was blown to pieces.The bombing caused a fire, which quickly spread to another launch tower nearby, and then another violent explosion.

After dropping the bomb, William began to pull up the plane. At this time, another flak38 20mm anti-aircraft gun hidden in the dark opened fire at him, and the dense shells rushed over like a swarm of fire bees.The plane was hit before William could make an evasive maneuver.

A 20mm shell struck the cockpit, amputating one of William's legs.Blood gushes out like a river with its gates opened.William knew that he was dying.

"Tusk, skydive quickly, fast!"

"William, are you alright?"

William supported himself with all his strength and controlled the plane, "Don't be wordy! Jump!"

The Mosquito bomber has only two crew members, and it is difficult for the rear seat personnel to climb to the front cabin to control the aircraft.When skydiving, the general order is to jump from the back seat first.So Tusk hurriedly unfastened his seat belt, opened the canopy, and jumped out first.

After the parachute opened, Tusk turned his head to look at William's bomber, but he saw that the bomber turned sharply, and then slammed into a firing position.


While the British mosquito bombers were attacking the Germans, in another place not far away, the American p-38s were also attacking the Germans.

Unlike the mosquito bomber, the p-38 is not a professional bomber. Although it has an astonishingly large bomb load, in terms of the maximum bomb load, the maximum bomb load of the p-38 and the four-round b-17 are actually On par.But it has only one pilot, unlike the mosquito bomber, which has a full-time bombardier and a special bombing sight.Therefore, the p-38's attack relies more on the rockets it carries and the 20mm Gatling on the nose.

Originally, whether it was rockets or Gatling cannons, their power was relatively limited, and it was difficult to destroy a firing position all at once.But in this attack, the effect of rockets and cannons was surprisingly good.Almost every accurate shot will bring about a huge explosion. ...

When the attack by the American and British planes ended, the entire valley was filled with smoke and flames.

"Colonel, we lost 48 planes!"

"Are the rest ready?" Facing the flames and thick smoke in front of him, Colonel Thomas didn't seem to be touched at all, but said coldly: "When you're ready, shoot them up immediately!"

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