New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 134, two-pronged approach

() The sudden blow by the Allied forces caused the rocket interceptor of the SS Air Force to suffer a heavy blow before it took off. 48 launchers, together with 48 rocket interceptors, were reduced to ashes.This is not the most irreparable loss.The Germans also lost almost 48 ground support units in the explosion caused by the air raids.This loss really distressed the Germans.

Unlike pilots who are completely regarded as one-time cannon fodder, the ground support of the rocket interceptor unit of the SS Air Force is truly invaluable.Since the maintenance and take-off preparations of this aircraft are extremely complicated and dangerous, the ground staff who maintain it are all top-notch in this area.All the staff members of this ground team have a bachelor's degree in science and engineering.Among the 48 lost teams, all captains have long-term experience in chemical and mechanical maintenance, and 11 of them have master's degrees.Their numbers are the real bottleneck that limits the size of this army.

Such a loss is irreparable. For a long time to come, the SS Air Force may find it difficult to organize a large-scale interception of a hundred aircraft.

However, the huge loss also caused the commander of this team to fall into a strange state of mind.Human psychology is very strange.For example, in gambling, when a person loses half a month's salary in gambling, he will feel very distressed, and he will probably stop immediately and quit gambling.But if he lost half of his family fortune at once, he would probably pile up the rest of his capital without hesitation.

Colonel Thomas was in such a state, so he gave the order for all the remaining interceptors to take off.

But it would be unfair to say that Thomas was completely out of his mind.From such a well-organized raid on the launch base, it can be easily seen that the enemy has the intelligence of their own troops.But judging from the number of attack aircraft sent by the enemy, the enemy also obviously underestimated the number of interceptor aircraft it has.In this way, if an attack is launched at this time, the enemy will definitely be caught off guard?

Plus, he did have money to gamble, he had 52 planes, and his men weren't like the guys in the Air Force.Those guys in the air force are of a higher level and better trained, but when it comes to fighting will, those guys who only focus on their own transcripts can't compare with the commando team that is all volunteers in their hands.

It's just that there were not as many fighters as 52 that finally got into the air.Although some aircraft or launchers were not destroyed in the raid just now, they were also damaged to a certain extent.In the end, only 35 ba349 rocket-powered interceptors could be launched.

According to past experience, once the ba349 rocket-powered interceptor is launched into the air, the enemy is basically powerless against it.Because it climbed so quickly, enemy fighters simply couldn't keep up.

Most of the Allied bombers operate at an altitude of 7000 meters, and fighter jets also operate at this altitude.The ba349 rocket-powered interceptors will climb to 10000 meters with an astonishingly high rate of climb in one breath, and then dive down. When they dive to a height where they can launch an attack, their speed has far exceeded that of the Allied escort fighters. At that time, there was simply no way for Allied fighter jets to intercept them.

Luka is a cannon fodder pilot.Well, he knew that himself.In fact, every pilot who boarded the ba349 rocket-powered interceptor left a suicide note before boarding the plane.Luca also wrote a suicide note.This suicide note was later broadcast on German radio stations, using it to encourage soldiers to fight for... In this public version of the suicide note, Luka criticized the Jews for their harm to the empire and to mankind.And righteously declared that it is the duty of every German to sacrifice for the country.It is my honor to be loyal to the country and to the head of state.Finally, he called on more German youths to stand up and sacrifice for the country.

However, according to the declassified information after the war, the public version of the suicide note was completely falsified by Goebbels' system.As for the original version, it has since been lost.According to insiders, the main content of the suicide note is actually only one thing, which is to tell his mother that if he dies, the family can get some preferential policies, hoping that his mother can use this to support his two younger brothers.

But these are all things for later, now Luka is sitting in the cockpit—more precisely, lying in the cockpit, nervously waiting for the launch.Not far from him, a fire was still burning.From time to time there was the sound of trees snapping in flames.

Just when a large group of British bombers had appeared in his field of vision, the order to launch was finally issued.The engine behind Luka began to roar deafeningly (a pilot who lived to the end of the war recalled that this thing would definitely become deaf after flying a few more times), and then Luka felt as if someone was It was like kicking it on the back, and the plane flew up.

Ruka's luck was good, and the take-off process was smooth.Just to his right, another plane took off a tenth of a second before him.Luka could see the plane clearly.When the plane had just climbed to an altitude of 500-600 meters, Luka found that there was also a small flame on the left side of the plane's engine.The small flame was growing rapidly, and finally when the plane climbed to an altitude of about 1100 meters, the explosion occurred.The entire plane exploded into a big fireball, countless fragments shot towards Luka's plane with flames.

The ba349 rocket-powered interceptor is uncontrollable during the climb, but due to its astonishing climb rate, it is difficult for enemy fighters to have a chance to intercept it. Can only hope for luck.

But Lady Luck was indeed on Luka's side, grabbing her skirt, and Luka escaped the near-mortal turn of events—a few flaming fragments flew past his plane, but didn't. hit him.

In just a few tens of seconds, Ruka's ba349 rocket-powered interceptor had surpassed the British bomber fleet in altitude.

Now, the fuel of the plane has been exhausted, the rate of climb of the ba349 rocket-powered interceptor began to decline, and Luka began to officially take over the plane. At this time, his altitude had reached 10000 meters.

The plane began to tremble, and Luka knew that the engine fuel was about to run out at this time, and the engine still had some thrust, so he leveled the plane.Then glide and dive down.

Using rockets to attack the bomber fleet, the most reasonable angle of entry is from the side.Rockets fired from this angle have the highest hit rate.Although I haven't actually practiced it, the recent ground drills have made the rookies remember the requirement to go around to the side before attacking.

Ruka's ba349 rocket-powered interceptor began to turn while accelerating its descent.

At this moment, he suddenly saw that another ba349 rocket-powered interceptor at his two o'clock direction suddenly shook violently, then broke off its wing and fell down.Then a strange-looking plane flew past.

The Germans didn't know that there was a team of p-81 fighter jets staying on top of the bomber fleet, flying at an altitude of about 11000 meters.The task of these aircraft is to intercept possible ba349 rocket-powered interceptors.

Back to a day ago, Ron was explaining his plan at the US-British Joint Tactics Conference.

" is the most economical way to destroy the enemy on the ground. But we must not fully rely on this. We cannot get the good intelligence support we have today for every operation. We can destroy the enemy on the ground. In fact, this kind of enemy plane is very easy to conceal, and we cannot detect it in advance every time. Therefore, we must have the means to destroy the enemy in the sky openly."

"Based on our last experience with these things, and especially their horrific rate of climb, I deduce that this thing is likely to use rocket power to propel such aircraft to a certain altitude above the usual position of our bombers, and then Dive down to attack us. We all know that rocket engines have great thrust, but the fuel is consumed quickly. And it also needs to carry its own oxidizer. Therefore, I think the power flight time of this kind of aircraft must be pitifully small. Considering what they carry A mathematician helped me estimate its climb altitude, which would probably not exceed 11000 meters, taking into account the weight of other devices. When they climbed to this altitude, their aircraft had the lowest mobility. We will Deploy a group of fighter jets at this height and destroy them here."

Ron's view has been supported by everyone, although perhaps this time, relying on means such as attacks will probably be able to nip the threat in the bud.But wars, in the final analysis, still rely on upright strength to win victory.In fact, if an army does not have the ability to compete with the enemy in a dignified battle, it will not be possible to defeat the opponent through so-called tricks.

When Ron read history when he was a child, when he saw the first and second Opium Wars, when "My Great Qing" was defeated by thousands of enemy troops, he often had a question, that is, why did we fight against foreign devils? Can't use tricks?Just like in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", first feign defeat, then lead the enemy into the encirclement, and then attack with fire and flood, only a few thousand people, if there is a Zhuge Liang at that time, wouldn't it be a piece of cake to settle them?

But Ron has already understood that strategy is only useful when the strength is equal.Otherwise it's pure joke.For example, on the Korean battlefield, in the second battle, the Volunteers adopted a series of tactics to lure the enemy into deep, interspersed and encircled.It also achieved considerable results.But the Volunteer Army can fight such a battle. In addition to the role of "strategy", the combat effectiveness of the Volunteer Army itself is the foundation of victory.In this battle, the 113th Division of the Volunteer Army set out from Tokugawa, detoured along the mountain path to Sansuo-ri, and advanced more than 14 kilometers in 70 hours, cutting off the U.S. Ninth Army from Junyu-ri to Sansuo-ri to Sunchon. and relying on the strength of a light infantry division, violated the principle of "do not stop when returning to the army", blocked the two retreat routes of the mechanized unit of the U.S. Ninth Army, and in the following four days, let no matter whether it is a soldier Or the enemy army with obvious advantages in equipment must not go beyond the thunder pool.If the Volunteer Army does not have the combat power to stand up to the enemy in a frontal confrontation, if a division of the Volunteer Army can be chased and beaten by a brigade of devils, the devils who are killed are not as good as the number of surrendered devils who are puppet troops. As for the team, luring the enemy deep in the second battle may directly lead to a rout, and the interspersed encirclement after that is even more of a joke.

Therefore, sneak attacks and ambushes are important in combat, but it is most important to find a tactic that can restrain the opponent in normal frontal combat.

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