() To be or not to be? Hamlet thought for a long time, but to shoot or not to shoot, Ron made a decision without even a second: "Let the pilot take the m1 carbine or m1911a1 pistol to fight It must be crazy to fight against special forces with mp-44 and mg-42 who have a numerical advantage over themselves! Even if they have the advantage of firing first, such a thing is absolutely uneconomical." So Ron immediately He squatted down and made a silent gesture to everyone.

If the Germans just evacuated the airport in the dark, everyone would be fine.But at this moment, the surviving Russian found the flare.

A few flares illuminated the airport at once, and the figures of the retreating Germans were fully revealed.As a result, the leveled 37mm anti-aircraft gun and the 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun all came over like splashing water.Many German soldiers who couldn't escape in time were directly smashed into two pieces by the shells of the 37mm anti-aircraft guns.

At this time, a German soldier jumped directly into the drain in order to avoid the Soviet artillery fire.

One guy was almost face to face with Ron after he jumped into the gutter.The man saw that Ron had pointed the muzzle of the M1 carbine at himself, while the muzzle of the mg-42 in his hand was still facing the other side.He quickly dodged to the side, and at the same time threw the mg-42 in his hand directly to hit Ron.

While dodging the mg-42 machine gun that was falling towards him, Ron fired a shot at the German.But when he was dodging, his feet slipped and he almost fell to the ground.So the shot that was fired naturally didn't know where it went.At this time, the German guy opposite had drawn a pistol and pointed it at Ron, but his gun didn't fire.That damn p-38 jammed.

The German immediately dropped his pistol again, drew his dagger and rushed at him.At this moment, Ron and several others who came to their senses fired at the German one after another with their own weapons.Several rounds of various types—7.62 m1 carbine, .45 caliber m1911a1—pounded the German in the chest.The German fell, and when he fell, he threw the dagger in his hand and stabbed Ron in the calf.

Fortunately, the other Germans were either suppressed by the firepower of the Soviets, or they would move further away from the airport whenever they had the chance, but no one turned around and jumped into the gutter to seek revenge for those Yankees. of.So, apart from Ron getting stabbed in the calf, nothing happened to everyone.

At this time, the roar of tank tracks was heard in the distance—this was the arrival of Tula's garrison for reinforcements.


The sun rose, and the sun illuminated the messy airport.Last night, because they were worried about what tricks the Germans would have, when the Germans withdrew, the Soviets did not pursue them.

In this night attack, the Soviet army suffered heavy losses, and the remaining intact soldiers of the two anti-aircraft artillery regiments were less than one regiment.Many anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft machine guns, and searchlights were also destroyed.Many facilities at the airport were also damaged.But some of the most important things have been preserved.The hangar is fine, and the p-81 fighter jets in the hangar are fine.Most of the pilots are also fine, although there are a few fools who want to go up to the Germans with their guns and have sex with the Germans, but the Soviet airport guards still control them very well.The most seriously injured pilot was not Ron, but Gulayev.This restless guy wanted to participate in the battle, but he accidentally fell into a ditch and fractured his right leg.

After dawn, the guy was sent to a hospital in Tula together with Ron.The result of the preliminary diagnosis was that Ron's injury would take a month to fully heal. As for Gulayev, he should not think about God for at least half a year.

After staying in the hospital for two days, Ron returned to the airport. At this time, there were new changes on the Soviet-German battlefield.While Ron was in the hospital, the Soviets recaptured Smolensk after a bitter battle.This news gave Ron another idea.

Although the German army maintained a fairly good order when it withdrew from Smolensk, and established a solid defense on the new position on October 10.But the defense of this area, at least the defense in the air, must have been weakened compared to before.And Smolensk is closer to the target that Ron asked to strike.Therefore, if the joint forces can be transferred to Smolensk, the combat efficiency of the joint forces will be further improved.

And this transfer is also a good thing for the Soviet army.A strong air force was diverted in the direction of Smolensk, which would certainly attract the attention of the Germans.The goal of the Soviet Red Army in the Battle of Smolensk was originally to hit Orsha in Belarus in one go, but because of too many losses, it only advanced to the west of Veliri, Rudnia, Deribin and along the coast. On the line of the Pronia River, the attack had to be stopped.If the United Air Force suddenly transfers to Smolensk now, it will definitely make the German army who has just breathed a sigh of relief nervous again. At the same time, in order to intercept them, the German air power will also be adjusted. The campaign aimed at retaking Kiev was also beneficial.

Sure enough, the suggestion about the transition was quickly responded by the Soviet Union, and the Soviets agreed to their request almost immediately.And made preparations at an airfield near Smolensk.

On October 10th, the United Airlines team began to prepare for the transfer to Smolensk.There was no trace of the attack on Tula Airport, and the airport was very busy, with fighter planes lined up neatly on the apron, making final preparations before departure.

The distance from Tula to Smolensk is not far, and it seems a bit wasteful for the long-legged p-81 to simply transfer there.So the United Air Forces came up with a thing called a "combat transition."

The so-called "combat transition" means that the p-81 took off from Tula, went to the German-controlled area to perform combat missions, and flew directly to Smolensk Airport to land when returning from the mission.

Ron sat in a wheelchair and watched the p-81 fighter jets take off one after another. Then, a guard pushed him next to a transport plane.Because of a calf injury, Ron couldn't fly the fighter plane by himself, so he could only take the Soviet transport plane.

This is a two-winged transport plane. If it weren't for the different emblem painted on the fuselage, Ron would have almost called out the name "c-47".This is a dc-3 transport aircraft produced by the Soviet Union under license. Its appearance is almost exactly the same as its American cousin c-47.Several airport staff helped Ron stand up, and helped him limped on the plane.

Compared with the sunny airport, the cabin of the transport plane was very dark. It took Ron a while to let his eyes adapt to the light in the cabin.

"General, please sit here." Several Soviets helped Ron to sit on a chair with leather seat cushions and leather cushions.Ron looked around and saw that the other seats around him were straight, unpainted wood.

"Where's the leather upholstery on the other chairs?" asked Ron.

The Soviets laughed: "General, the actions on the transport plane were all added temporarily. They didn't have leather cushions. The leather cushions on your seat, General, were compensated to us by some idiots in the Army."

Seeing that Ron seemed interested, the Soviet continued with the story.

"That was a few months ago, during the counteroffensive phase of the Battle of Kursk. On that day, we transported some ammunition to a temporary airfield near Belgorod. You may not know that the so-called 'temporary airfield "Actually, it is a relatively straight road. When there are planes taking off and landing, we will close the two ends of the road and let the plane land. Then we drag the plane to a small piece of flat ground temporarily pushed out by a bulldozer on the side of the road. Then open the road to other traffic."

"On that day, our plane had just landed, and before it could be dragged to the temporary apron, an Army daredevil drove a T-34 tank onto the road. When the tank passed by our plane, smashed our tail fin. We stopped the daredevil and demanded compensation. But what did the daredevil have? He didn't even have a bottle of vodka. Finally, their company commander came - a man with a long Take the bearded Caucasian man - he listened to our complaints and said to us: "Comrade, our fighters crashed your plane and should be compensated. In this way, you go to his tank to find, except Weapons and fuel, you pay for whatever you fancy.'”

"Look at the company commander, what's worth taking on the tank? Can we still take down that 85mm gun and put it on my transport plane to fight German tanks? Or pour the diesel in their tanks Go to our fuel tank with aviation gasoline? Isn't that courting death? But the company commander was right about one thing, that is, the combat mission is tight, and they don't have time to stop and bargain for a long time. So we had to accept his offer opinion, and found this pair of leather mats from that daredevil's tank."

"Is there such a leather cushion on the T-34?" Ron was a little suspicious.Not long ago, out of curiosity, he went to the Soviet T-34 to experience it.There is such a simple thing in there, how can there be such a thing.

"This thing is not standard in the t-34, this thing is in your American products." Seeing Ron's puzzled look, the familiar Soviet man continued, "That's what they got from other It came from the army's m4 tank."

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