New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 148, German Counterattack

() A group of soldiers from the Fort Onin Army rushed to the tarmac. According to the previous training, they would stick some time bombs on the planes parked on the tarmac and blow up those planes.But when they rushed to the tarmac, they realized that these planes were all inflatable models.If it weren't for some ropes to firmly fix them on the ground, maybe a gust of wind could blow these "planes" all over the ground.

"Damn!" The German second lieutenant Hughes who led the team yelled.But he also knew that now was not the time to scold these things. He looked around and found that the battle near the hangar was the most intense.So he ordered: "Follow me, go around to the direction of the hangar from here!"

The defenses near the hangar are the tightest.But the hangar is also the focus of the Germans' attack. Skorzny personally led the team to attack the hangar. In order to quickly capture the hangar, his team concentrated nearly half of the manpower and more than half of the mg-42 machine guns. And all 60mm mortars.

At first, Skorzny's progress was quite smooth, but when he had already attacked the hangar, the advance became more and more difficult.Although they eliminated many Maozi along the way, there were always more Maozi thrown into the battle.According to calculations, this German army should have wiped out 8% of the Soviet troops that could be used to guard the hangar.But the resistance of the Soviet army not only has not been weakened, but has become stronger and stronger.Skorzny is starting to feel hairy now.He already knew that something was wrong, that his intelligence must have gone wrong, that the Soviet army was much larger than expected.

Indeed, the Soviet army must have been far stronger than expected, and after the initial chaos, their resistance is now becoming more and more methodical.And Skorzny knew that in at most 10 to [-] minutes, the Soviets' first support army would arrive, and that team still had armored forces.

Now, I hope that other units can quickly come to support after completing the task, and give the Soviets a knife from behind.


Hughes led his team of more than forty people and quietly touched the hangar from the direction of the tarmac.

"As long as we pass through this open area, we can give the Soviets a hard blow from behind." Hughes thought as he led the team forward quietly.

However, at this moment, an accident happened suddenly!Several snow-white light beams suddenly appeared, illuminating Hughes and his team at once.The strong light of the high-power anti-aircraft searchlight completely blinded Hughes and others at once.

"Ambush!" Hughes immediately closed his eyes, fell forward and fell to the ground, shouting at the same time: "Lie down!"

But at this time, the Soviet anti-aircraft machine guns and 37mm anti-aircraft guns had already rained down.


Leaning against a low wall, Skorzny noticed Hughes and their ambush. Hughes' ambush fully shows that the Soviets still have spare power.The possibility of breaking into the hangar is even smaller.Now perhaps the question of retreat must be considered.

According to the original plan, once the anti-aircraft firepower and fighter jets on the airport are destroyed, a German transport plane will land on the airport immediately, and then the commando can take the transport plane to withdraw.And if the attack fails, the assault troops can only disperse and break through to "site b", which is a small flat land in the forest. There will be a few biplanes there, which can transport some wounded away, and others can only go to "site b". Relying on my own two legs, try to see if I can use the cover of this large forest connecting the control areas of the Soviet Union and Germany to return to the German control area.Looking at the current situation, it is time to consider retreating.

But the retreat was not that easy. If nothing else, if those searchlights were not killed, the commando would be attacked by the Soviet army until it crossed the large open field outside the airport and entered the forest.If you really want to retreat under the searchlight, if one tenth of your men can retreat into the forest, it is God's blessing.The searchlights must be eliminated!

"Mortars!" Skorzny shouted.

A mortar shell flew past, but missed the searchlight.These searchlights were unplanned, so the Germans did not have figures for its location.At the same time, in the dark night, the too dazzling searchlight makes it prone to errors in ranging.Just like when driving at night, a car with high beams is coming from the opposite side, and the dazzling high beams on the front of the car will interfere with your judgment of the distance between it and you.

"Shit! It's so far away!" Skorzny's position is a little bit away from the group of mortars that fired just now, which makes it easier for him to judge the distance and landing point.

After the two gunners quickly fired two shells, they immediately picked up the mortar and shifted their positions.As soon as they left, the Soviet mortar shells roared down-now the Soviets are getting better organized.

Corresponding to the better and better organization of the Soviets, the situation of the Germans is getting more and more difficult.Originally, although the number of Soviet troops was large, relying on the powerful firepower of the assault rifles in their hands, the more well-trained Oninburg troops have always had a clear advantage.But the appearance of the searchlight completely changed the situation.The searchlights not only exposed the Fort Onin troops hiding in the dark.Its blinding lights made it almost invisible to the soldiers of Fort Onin's troops who were facing it.

"Snipers!" Skorzny shouted.

The sniper Morsi who was following Skorzny began to shoot at the searchlight.

With the sound of "boom, boom", one searchlight went out, and then another.

"Good job! Morsi! Go back and ask for credit!" Skorzny grinned, "Hurry up and kill the rest!"

"Scarface! Those two are too far away to fight!" Mursi accidentally called out Skorzny's nickname during the fierce battle.

"Can't hit it? Damn it!" Skorzny knew that Morsi was not talking nonsense. The distance between the remaining two lights was indeed a bit far away. At least, it was estimated that there was a distance of about 1400 meters from him. The range of the K-98 rifle is far out of reach.

Just then, several mortar shells landed near one of the searchlights.The searchlight immediately went dark.

"Good job!" shouted Skorzny, "and kill the remaining lamp!"

However, things didn't always go as expected. Just as the German mortars were about to fire at the last searchlight, there was a sudden whistling sound of shells falling in the sky.

"Lie down!" Several German soldiers who were surrounding the mortar and were about to fire at the last searchlight immediately flew around.Almost immediately, a barrage of shells exploded around the German mortars.

"Damn it!" Skorzny clenched his fists.But at this moment, the searchlight on the opposite side suddenly went out.

"What's going on here?" Skorzny wondered, "Could it be that someone else touched it from somewhere else?" But he immediately dismissed this speculation because there was no gunshot over there.

"There must be a malfunction. No matter what, it is too late to take down the airport." Skorzny immediately made a decision; "Retreat according to plan b!"


"Damn it, why did the searchlight go dark?"

"Battalion Commander, the line is faulty!" A short man answered loudly.

"How long will it take to fix it?"

"do not know!"

"If you fix it in 2 minutes, I will reward you. If you can't fix it in 5 minutes, I will send you to a military court!"


"Damn it, where's the flare? Haven't found it yet?"

"Commander, our flare is on the broken down car, and the car is still on the road."

"The 21st regiment isn't there?"

"The 21st regiment is in chaos. The regiment leader, political commissar, and warehouse custodians can't be found. Now we can only find it in the warehouse by ourselves!"

"hurry up!"


"General, the gunfire has faded away. The battle seems to be over." Several Yankees squatted in a gutter next to the airport.

"I just don't know what the result will be." In the darkness, someone whispered.

"The Soviets won," said Ron, "because the hangar didn't explode."

Ron's statement was recognized by everyone, because if the Germans were the victors, it would be impossible for the Germans to occupy the airport for a long time, so they would definitely blow up all the planes in the hangar immediately.Now there is no big explosion in the hangar.This phenomenon directly explains the outcome of both sides.

"The Germans are really...crazy enough to come up with such a trick. Fortunately, Mao Zi is still very good. They didn't get caught by others." A US military pilot said.

"It's not that Mao Zi is good, but the luck of the Germans is too bad. In the words of the principal, it is 'bad character'. You see, the airport just added an anti-aircraft artillery regiment and a searchlight battalion this afternoon. The Germans must not know This change in troop strength. They thought there was only an anti-aircraft artillery regiment at the airport. If the Germans attacked one day earlier, or the reinforcements arrived one day later, we would all be in trouble."

"Have the Germans withdrawn?" Squadron leader Harry quietly poked his head out of the gutter and looked out. "We can't see anything clearly, we'll hide here again." Harry said.

"If you keep hiding, if you go out now, you will definitely be beaten by Maozi as a German."

At this time, a sound of footsteps came.Everyone became tense, and Ron also clenched the m1 carbine in his hand, poked his head out quietly, and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

In the reflection of several embers at the airport, Ron saw a group of Germans passing by not far away.

To shoot or not to shoot, that is the question.It is silently watching the enemy slip away from his gun,

Still relying on the m1 carbines in my hands, which are far away and impenetrable even with cotton-padded clothes, and the most well-trained German special forces armed with assault rifles, I fought against them and held them back so that the Soviets could rush over and annihilate them .

Which of these two choices is more noble?more sensible?

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