New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 147, German Counterattack

() According to the compass, the direction was roughly determined, and the team began to move towards the top of a nearby hill less than [-] meters high-it was the highest place nearby, with a wide field of vision, which made it easier to determine everyone's current position.

It took half an hour, and several people went up to the top of the mountain carefully, and a large plain was in front of them.In the far south are the dense chimneys of the factory area, and closer are large tracts of farmland and pastures, among them are collective farm buildings, and then there is a large forest.A road ran from the factory area, passed through farmland and pastures, led to the collective farm, then turned a corner, passed through a forest, and continued into the distance.

"Sir, I know where we are." Roman Kraft said, "It's the 'Red October' farm, from there to the east, across the open land, and you only need to walk another 20 kilometers to reach Tula Airport gone."

"Nonsense! You don't need to say it now, we know it too! This is on the map!" Belikov said.

"According to our known information, there are three collective farms within half an hour's drive near the airport. We need to know whether the Russians have deployed combat forces in these farms. In addition, we also know , within this range, there is a garrison point. In addition, Tula City is very close to the airport, and the garrison in Tula City will directly pose a threat to our mission. We need to determine how many garrisons and their equipment are within half an hour's drive When necessary, we need to take some actions to prevent them from responding quickly and buy time for the final action." Heinze said.

"It is not difficult to know the situation of the Russian garrison, as long as a safe observation point can be found nearby." Schultz said.

"Sir, I know a relatively safe place where I can clearly observe the garrison point." Roman Kraft said, "The garrison point is next to the forest, and there is a forester's hut about 3 kilometers away from the garrison point. There is only an old man guarding the forest. From there, you can clearly see all kinds of situations in the barracks with binoculars."

"This place is so close to the garrison point, will the soldiers often have contact with the forest guards? Will there be any incidents where the soldiers come to the door?"

"This is not a problem. The forest guards often wander around in the woods. Except at night, they are not at home most of the time. At night, soldiers are not allowed to leave the barracks casually." Roman Kraft replied.

"Well, then, let's take that forester's hut."


"Sir, our reconnaissance team sent back information. The Soviet garrison north of the airport is a heavy anti-aircraft artillery regiment, equipped with 16 85mm anti-aircraft guns and many anti-aircraft machine guns. The number is unknown. In addition, there is an air defense regiment at the airport. There are 12 37mm anti-aircraft guns, and the number of machine guns is unknown. The Tula garrison also has some t-3476. The number is about 12 or less. They can arrive in about 20 minutes."

"In this way, even if we block it, it will be difficult to ensure that we can block the enemy's army for half an hour. It is very difficult to completely destroy the enemy's airport." Skorzny said, staring closely at the sand table.

"The point is to eliminate the enemy's aircraft and pilots," said a staff officer.

"However, it is very difficult. It is obvious where the plane is, and it is difficult for us to determine where the pilot lives at night. We have limited time. If the enemy escapes into the surrounding wilderness, we do not have time to search and pursue. I feel that the airport The anti-aircraft guns are too much of a threat to us. We should give priority to eliminating anti-aircraft guns and aircraft."


"General Ron, the Germans have new developments." A staff officer handed a file bag to Ron. "The Germans continue to space airfields in Poland, the Czech Republic, etc. In addition, the two airfields that were attacked by us last time have been reactivated. At the same time opposite us, the Germans have deployed more fighter jets on his front airfield. Patrol The number of times has also increased significantly.”

"The Germans hope to intercept us with fighter jets at the front-line airport. Or, they hope to at least provide us with an early warning of our actions." Ron thought, "This trick of the Germans is actually very easy to deal with. The most fundamental way is to increase the long-range The number of fighter jets and the number of airfields stationed at it. Of course, this will take time. Besides, there is actually another way.”

"In addition," the staff officer continued to report the situation to Ron, "because of the increase in the number of night raids by the Luftwaffe, the Soviets sent us a new airport air defense regiment and a searchlight battalion."

"Is there room at the airport?" Ron asked.

"I'm afraid we'll have to pitch a tent," replied the staff officer.

So Ron took out his pen and started writing his new plan

"The concept of sending p-51 fighter jets to the Soviet Union"

Ron knew that even the U.S. military itself has limited equipment for such an expensive and good product as p-81.You must know that if you equip one of this thing, you can almost equip three p-3s.Also the p-51 is much more expensive in terms of training and maintenance costs.Except for some specific situations, three p-81s can definitely do more than one p-3.Only when performing certain combat missions with higher performance requirements, the p-51 will come in handy.

There will not be too many such tasks, so the number of p-81s will certainly not be too many.If you want to carry out large-scale safari operations on the Eastern Front, the best way is to form a large number of U.S. troops equipped with p-51 fighter jets, and then deploy them directly to the Eastern Front. Anyway, because of the short range of the aircraft, the Soviets must send them to the Eastern Front. Deploy as far forward as possible to ensure you get the enemy.This has led to a large number of relatively empty second-tier airports here for the Soviets.These airfields could just be used to configure the p-51.

Moreover, although the main task of these p-51s is to hunt in the depths of the German army, the first target is the German jets.But during these activities, they must have shot down more other planes.When constantly crossing the military demarcation line between the Soviet Union and Germany, it will certainly be able to easily kill many German front-line fighters and attack aircraft.It can also greatly reduce the pressure on the Soviet Air Force.Of course, the supply of materials is still a problem.But the burden of supporting thousands of fighter jets is much lighter than supporting thousands of heavy bombers.If you do some research, there shouldn't be a solution.

However, this kind of issue involving various aspects cannot be decided by Ron alone, and he can only make a suggestion to the above.As for whether the above agree or not, that is not sure.

It took two hours to write this report.Ron began to draft the next document, which was called "Proposals for the United Air Force to transfer to other airports."


It is now the second half of September, and the moon comes out late, almost until two o'clock in the morning before lazily climbing into the eastern sky.It is now two o'clock in the morning.The reddish moon rose from the east. Under the moonlight, the originally dark land, like a sleeping sea, gradually brightened up. It was like waves turning up on the sea. Some things that had been sunk in the darkness , Gradually floated up, people can barely distinguish it.Here are the dark pine forests, here are the sleeping fields and pastures, and there, the thin gray line is the road, and the long gray line?That's the runway of the airport.

Yes, that's the runway of the airport.Now, some people are staring closely at this gray and white runway.They were both pilots of German glider.

Just in the middle of the night on this day, more than 200 people from the Fort Onin army boarded dozens of gliders and started their raid.There's a reason why they chose a glider instead of a parachute.First of all, with a parachute, the transport plane must fly over the airport.The sound of the engine of the transport plane will certainly alarm the guards at the airport.Then the special forces of the Fort Oning Army may be washed by anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns in the air above the airport.This is no different from sending death.Instead, the glider can be released far from the airport and fly over silently.Moreover, the landing performance of the glider is very good, unlike the parachute where the landing point is almost completely determined by God, the glider can control the landing point very well, as long as there is a small flat ground, they can land accurately.In this way, the Germans can land directly in the most critical places.For example, near the artillery positions of the anti-aircraft guns, and the apron.Secondly, using a glider can carry heavier weapons, and it can ensure that soldiers can immediately go into battle as soon as they land.

It must be admitted that the German raid exceeded all expectations.When the Germans rushed out of the glider, the guards at the airport failed to react.The commandos quickly occupied some key locations, and many soldiers on duty on 37mm anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns were killed by a dagger or a crossbow bolt while they were asleep.

But there will always be someone who responds.The mobile sentry Ivan was the first to spot the enemy and fired the first shot with his gun sand.Although he was immediately knocked down by several bullets, his shot made more Soviets react.

Some Soviets began to try to use anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns to attack the Germans, but the Germans were obviously prepared.They knew the airfields so well that every time a machine gun fired, a grenade or a mortar round would fly in and blow the machine gun to pieces within seconds at most.In the chaos, the Soviets fell one after another, and the Germans advanced rapidly.Ahead is the apron and hangar.


"General!" A man broke into Ron's bedroom and pulled Ron up from the bed. "The airport was attacked by enemy paratroopers. The enemy is coming this way!"

"What!" Ron was taken aback.Taking a closer look, it was Claire who was in charge of security on the US military side.He stuffed an m1 carbine into Ron's hand and said, "General, we have to move." Later, when Ron thought of his reaction that night, he would always think of the "Moscow Battle" filmed by the Soviets. Zhukov.Comrade Zhukov also encountered such a situation. At that time, Zhukov was looking at the map. Someone came in and reported to Zhukov that German paratroopers were approaching. Zhukov calmly asked for a sand, put it on the table, and continued to study the map.Whenever he thinks of this scene, Ron will feel painfully that compared with those real famous generals, his nerve strength is really much worse.At that time, I was immediately dumbfounded, and would only obey Claire's command honestly.

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