New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 146, German Counterattack

() This is a war room. Although it is daytime, because the door is closed tightly and the heavy curtains on the windows are drawn tightly, the room must be illuminated by lights.Right in the center of this room, there is a large sand table of a certain airport.

"Is the accuracy of this sand table model high?" A scarred face with the rank of major asked.

"Major, our army once captured Tula, so we know the situation of several airports near Tula. According to the reconnaissance of our air force, the team that attacked us should be stationed at this airport. We have With the data of the airport in 41, this sand table was built based on this data combined with the information obtained from the recent aerial reconnaissance.”

"How many aerial reconnaissances have you conducted since the attack?" Skorzny continued, crossing his arms over his chest.

"There have been 6 air reconnaissances, the first 4 were all carried out in rainy weather, three of which failed to find the target, and once flew over the airport and took some photos of the target airport. Encountered the enemy when returning home The reconnaissance plane was able to return safely by drilling into the clouds and other means. However, due to bad weather conditions, the air defense deployment near the airport failed to detect it. The last two times we dispatched on sunny days. As a result, the dispatched None of the reconnaissance planes came back."

"The defense is so tight?" Skorzny smiled, "This is really challenging."

"Do we have an airport similar to this one?" he asked.

"There are too many. Most of the Russian airports are built according to the same mold. The basic style and layout are not too different."

"Then can you lend us an airport in the near future?"

"Major, you must ask a higher department for this."

"Well, I see. By the way, have you done many reconnaissances on this airport before?" Skorzny remembered something again.

"Colonel, as far as I know, we have not conducted reconnaissance near Tula for a long time. In fact, if there were not all indications that the enemy planes that attacked us departed from Tula, we would not have done so at all." Go scout that place," the Air Force liaison replied.

"Why is this happening?" Skorzny's expression became serious.

"Major, you have to know that most of our bombers have a very limited range. Although Tula is still within the range of our bombers, if the bombers want to attack the targets there, the amount of ammunition they carry will drop significantly, and the strike force will be greatly reduced." Insufficient. Moreover, our fighter jets have a shorter range and cannot provide full escort for the bombers. In this way, the risk of attacking targets near Tula will be very high. Since..."

"Since the target of attacking Tula is less effective and more dangerous, of course there is no need for all air forces to keep an eye on Tula." Skorzny continued his words, "Then your recent reconnaissance operations will probably make them Alertness. Well, from the failure of the reconnaissance planes you sent two times to come back, it can be seen that they are indeed alert. This is not will affect our plan..." Scholz Ni was pacing up and down in the war room.


"During this period of time, German reconnaissance planes have appeared near our airport many times. What do you think about this?" Ron asked at the United Air Force meeting.

"The Germans must have done this to get back their place with us." Kori Dub said, "If it was me, I suffered such a big loss, and I can't stand it if I don't get something back." .”

"However, it is not easy for the Germans to attack us. The nearest German airfield is nearly 600 kilometers away from us. The German bombers can reach us, but their fighter jets cannot fly so far. They plan to let the bombers run naked. Are you coming to strike us? If so, it's a real delivery," another pilot said.

"Do you think they will hit us with the same thing that they used to attack London?" said an American pilot named Neo.

"Don't worry about that," Ron replied, "the facility for launching shev1 is not small, and it can't be built in such a short period of time. And the range of that thing is also not enough. So far, we and the British have never found out The launch device is more than 350 kilometers away from London. This actually shows how far this thing has. This thing will definitely not reach us."

"So, General Rowan, what would you do if you were a German?" asked Pokryshkin.

"Me, um... How about this, let's each take a piece of paper and write our thoughts on it? See if there is any difference?" Ron suddenly became very funny, and said this sentence.

"Okay, let's do it now." This old-fashioned routine in China is quite novel to the Russians and Americans. The pilots immediately became interested, and some people immediately brought paper and pens.

Ron wrote these words on the piece of paper: "Night bombing." Ron knew that, unlike the British and Germans, the Soviet Union lacked night fighters.Ron vaguely remembered that the Soviets seemed to use the PE-2 bomber to modify a night fighter, but the number was very limited, and there was no radar, so they could only rely on searchlights to fight, so the efficiency was probably not too high.So Ron felt that the safest way was to bomb at night.Although there are problems with the accuracy of the night bombing, at least the safety is relatively guaranteed.

At this time, Ron saw that Pokryshkin had already written it, so he handed over the note he had written, and said to Pokryshkin, "Let's exchange it."

Pokryshkin took Ron's note with a smile, and at the same time handed the note he had written to Ron.Ron opened the note, and there were only two words on it: "Night Attack".

The two laughed at the same time, and then each held up the notes in their hands for everyone to read.

"So, what do we do about it?" someone asked.

"The blackout is well controlled, and with some electronic interference or something, it should be able to reduce the enemy's efficiency to a very low level," Ron said.

During World War II, it was impossible to use ground markers to correct the course during night bombing like during the day. If there is no special navigation technology, if you want to attack a target that is a little farther away, you may not be able to find the target, and it will be a waste of time. Things like this will become the norm.For example, during the Battle of Britain, German bombers tried to attack London at night. In the beginning, due to the difficulty of navigation, many bombers could only drop bombs into the British crop fields to create strange circles.Later, relying on radio navigation technology, it was possible to accurately find London.

At that time, the Germans set up two radio transmitter stations at the same distance from the relative intersection points of the left and right ends of a certain vertical line directly pointing to London.Sends a radio signal of comparable strength to an aircraft in flight.The aircraft judges whether its position is left or right by paying attention to the signal strength at the left and right ends it receives, and adjusts its heading.

Of course, the British also have a way to deal with it, and that is electronic interference.Use your own radio device to send the same signal as the Germans, thereby interfering with the navigation of the German army.So how did the British Army navigate its own night bombing operations?You know, the target that the British want to attack is thousands of kilometers away.It's actually simple, the British rely on celestial navigation.That is to use the starry sky to determine latitude and longitude.This is an uninterruptible navigation method, but it has high requirements on the professional quality of personnel.Germany lacks long-range bombers, and naturally it will not train a large number of personnel with such skills.Therefore, they may also continue to use the methods used in the Battle of Britain.Then, preparing corresponding interference equipment is an extremely effective method.

"In addition, if the Germans want to bomb us, they must first gather bombers at nearby airports. We can also monitor the nearby airports where the Germans are at any time. The p-81 is a good reconnaissance plane with a slight modification. High and fast," said Pokryshkin.

"Recently, after the Germans had this hit from us in Poland, intelligence indicated that the jet activity had all but ceased. We could also reduce our safari flights in Poland by sending some aircraft to operate near a few German airfields nearby Hunting mission."

"Speaking of safari, I have another thought..." interposed an American pilot.


"I need your air force to launch a series of feint attacks first, so as to distract the enemy's attention and shift their focus to defensive bombing. Only in this way can we achieve a surprise attack when the enemy is already alert. ’ said Skorzny.

"During the period of our training preparations, your Air Force would be better off launching one or two air strikes. Then publicize the victory of the air strikes in the newspapers and radio, and then reduce or stop reconnaissance activities altogether. In this way, the enemy will most likely They will think that our attack on them is over, and they will relax their vigilance, so our chance will come."

"Okay, Major, I'll take your suggestion back." The air force liaison replied, "Also, we found this airfield south of Kiev, and its condition is very close to the target airfield. We can Loan it to you, and you and your subordinates can go there right away. Until the end of the mission."

"Hehe, thank you for your cooperation." Skorzny laughed, which made the scar on his face twitch, making him look extraordinarily hideous. "We'll get there, but we just have to train at night and during the day, the airport has to look like nothing has changed."

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