New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 145, German Counterattack

() The p-81 fleet easily opened the distance from the bf-109gs and quickly climbed to a higher position.But the German bf-109 did not continue to follow.According to the German air combat regulations, when pilots think that the current situation is unfavorable, they can decide whether to retreat.Obviously, the current situation is unfavorable no matter how you look at it, so the German pilots followed the regulations and chose the most reasonable approach-retreat directly.

P-81 took the initiative to distance itself from the bf-109s, so when Pokryshkin found out, the enemy didn't want to catch up at all, but turned around and went home.This distance has become a magic weapon for the Germans to protect themselves-when the p-81s turn around and come back, the bf-109s must have run away without a trace.

Since we can't catch up, we can only return honestly.But what Pokryshkin didn't expect was that in the serious air raids and air battles, he didn't lose even a single plane, but when he returned, something happened.

When approaching the ground control line between the two sides, Pokryshkin sent several teams to several nearby German airfields to see if they could take a few kills.However, the German military airport near the front line is obviously more vigilant.These teams turned around and found nothing. Instead, several planes were damaged by ground fire.Among them, Kovalenko's P-81 was even more severely damaged. It wobbled over the military demarcation line and fell headlong.Poor Kovalenko jumped out of the sky.He thought that he would be able to get back to the airport soon after landing with the help of his brothers in the army, but who knew, damn it, a gust of wind suddenly blew... Then, well, he successfully landed in the middle of the control area of ​​both sides Inside a large minefield.

In order to rescue or capture the pilot, the Soviet and German armies also had a small but very intense firefight.In the end, with the support of air firepower, although Kovalenko was slightly injured, he was still snatched back.

But Kovalenko is not the most tragic, the most tragic is Pokryshkin himself.In order to support the battle to retake Kovalenko on the ground, he personally went into battle. After the battle, when he was flying back and climbing, he was hit by several 85mm anti-aircraft guns.Yes, damn it, it's an 85mm flak gun, the Soviets' own flak gun!

A direct hit of an 85mm shell cut off the rear half of Pokryshkin's P-81 fuselage. Pokryshkin finally climbed out of the plane. Due to the low altitude, the parachute just When it was opened, the person fell to the ground.There was a crisp sound when his left foot hit the ground, probably broken.Then, he saw a large group of infantrymen chaotically surrounding them, and those guys kept shouting "Hula", "Go forward, Davarich, capture the fascist bandits alive", "Hands up, hand in your guns!" kill" and the like.It almost drove Pokryshkin to death.

When those guys came to Pokryshkin, a half-child-like private who looked only sixteen or seventeen pointed a loaded pistol to his chest, and said cursingly: " You damn fascist, hurry up and follow us!"

Pokryshkin almost fainted, where did he find this strange thing?Don't you even recognize the Soviet Air Force uniform on his body and the lieutenant colonel's logo on his shoulder?

"Alyoza, don't mess around!" He held the sand in the half-grown child's hand with one hand, and pointed the gun at the sky.It was a young man in his twenties with a second lieutenant's epaulettes.Turning his head, he stammered to Pokryshkin with a face full of shame:

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, we...we don't know...we haven't seen...we are..."

What else can I say?What else can I say?In a series of battles in 41 and 42, the Soviet Union lost too many veterans.And the existing veterans were all gathered into the elite troops with the title of guards who carried out the attack mission.So much so that some troops performing garrison missions, or even the entire company, do not have two veterans.Therefore, when they see an aircraft they have never seen before, they automatically make it into a German aircraft, which is nothing more than a natural thing.What else can you say about these recruits?

"Get a stretcher, my left leg is broken," Pokryshkin said.


In this way, the raid code-named "Joint Law Enforcement Operation" ended.During this operation, Allied Air Forces destroyed at least 83 German aircraft on the ground, including 15 jets.This is just a count of the aircraft destroyed on the runway and the tarmac. The German army should have lost a lot of aircraft in the hangar, but neither the Americans nor the Soviets had a way to verify the number of losses.In the ensuing air battle, they shot down another 31 enemy planes.The United Air Force lost a total of 4 fighters, one was shot down by German anti-aircraft fire, one was accidentally shot down by its own anti-aircraft fire, and two seriously injured planes had to choose to hover in the air and run out of fuel because they could not lower their landing gear. , and land on a dirt runway.It turned out that the pilot was fine, but both planes were severely damaged, completely losing the possibility of repairing them, and they will only be used for dismantling parts in the future.

Clearly, the operation was a brilliant success.The United Air Force received awards from both the United States and the Soviet Union at the same time.At the celebration party for the prohibition of alcohol, a large group of American and Soviet pilots were released.


But on the side of the Germans, the situation was different.In this attack, the loss of jets and pilots was unbearable.After the war, according to the records of the German files, in this attack, the Germans lost 36 me-262 jets and 26 experienced jet pilots.At the same time, such an attack also shows that the eastern sky is also very unsafe.

"Action must be taken to stop them! They can no longer be allowed to do whatever they want! Can't we send bombers to blow up the airport used by those damned guys?" In the wolf's den, Hitler was roaring.

"Führer, of course we can do this, but I am afraid that simple bombing cannot completely solve the problem. We need stronger means." An air force officer replied.

"What better way do you have?" Hitler asked.

"Dear Führer, Major Skorzny of the SS has some new suggestions. He proposes to us that the problem can be solved by a paratrooper assault."


Skorzny is the commander of the newly formed "Fort Onin".The Military Intelligence Bureau of the German General Staff originally had a subordinate special forces code-named "Brandenburg".This team performed quite well in the Polish campaign in 39 years and the Western European campaign in 40 years.However, due to the gradual increase in conflicts between Hitler and the officer corps, Hitler's trust in the Military Intelligence Bureau under the General Staff of the Wehrmacht declined, which also led to the decline in the status of the Military Intelligence Bureau in the intelligence system of the Third Reich.Much of its work began to be handed over to the Gestapo and SS.In addition, in the eyes of the rather traditional German officer corps, "special operations" is nothing more than a "sneaky, very unmanly" stuff. The "Brandenburg" troops were also not taken seriously in the Wehrmacht.

In 1943, the SS Foreign Intelligence Service also began to create its own special forces.This special force was named "Fort Onin Force".This unit is almost a replica of the "Brandenburg Army".When the special operations represented by the "Brandenburg Forces" are getting less and less attention in the Wehrmacht, the concept of special operations is becoming more and more popular with the SS.With the establishment of the "Oningburg Force" and their successful rescue of Mussolini in July 43, Hitler simply put the hundreds of well-trained officers and soldiers who were still in the "Brandenburg Force" Go directly to the "Fort Onin troops".

Skorzny, who became famous for his successful rescue of Mussolini, is an adventurous guy. He is a big man with a height of 6 feet 4 inches. There was a huge scar on it.This earned him the nickname "Scarface".Now, with the substantial increase in his strength, Skorzny's ambitions have also expanded. He is looking forward to attacking again to complete those seemingly impossible tasks.At this time, news of the raids on several airports near Warsaw reached his ears.He immediately sensed that another opportunity to make contributions was in front of him.


One evening two days later, a train pulled into a heavily guarded military station near Kiev.A big man with an obvious scar on his face got out of the car first, and then hundreds of soldiers wearing camouflage and holding a super-sized submachine gun with a long curved clip got out of the car one after another, and then boarded the car that had been waiting for a while. Several half-track trucks there left quietly.

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