New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 144, Advance, Davarish

() The German interceptor fleet appeared in front of the p-81 fleet. Due to the need to take care of the fw-190, which climbed slowly at high altitudes, the height of the German fleet was a little lower than that of the p-81s.At this time, it is actually a good way to dive directly by relying on the height advantage.But it wasn't bad enough, tricky enough, or wretched enough.

It was already expected to be intercepted by German fighter jets when returning home.So before the action, Ron and Pokryshkin made a lot of corresponding plans for this situation.The plan to directly dive and attack the large aircraft groups in the area by virtue of the height advantage was rejected at first.

"If we do this, we will have a lot of losses." Ron said.

"The losses of the Germans will be greater!" The old men have always pursued a policy of not being afraid of sacrifice, and they have long been used to losses.

"But you know, we are fighting in German-controlled territory. The Germans parachute to go home. If we parachute, the chances of getting back are too low. You know, pilots are much more valuable than airplanes. Besides, I There is also a way to make them lose more and us lose less." Ron said while showing a smile that was unanimously called "evil and wretched" by many people.

"Tell me about it," said Pokryshkin.

"Compared to the Germans' short-legged aircraft, our P-81 has a clear range advantage. In fact, according to our calculations, even when returning, even considering the fuel we must return The high-intensity flight time will still be significantly longer than the Germans. In addition, we have advantages in speed, climb, and dive. Therefore, if a large group of Germans really appears, we will take them to the sky first, Their high-altitude performance of their engines is far inferior to ours. When they reach high altitudes, they consume fuel and have no power. They will run out of gas after a short time. When they return to the voyage, we will kick their buttocks and beat them!"

"What if they don't follow?" Quoridub asked.

"They don't follow? Return directly?" Pokryshkin smiled, "That's why they sold us 6 o'clock on their own initiative. I don't believe they can fly back safely by selling us 6 o'clock on their own initiative. "It seems that the father of the Red Army's air combat tactics has fully understood the essence of this wretched practice.

Because of this discussion, when Germany's large-scale interceptor fleet appeared, the p-81s immediately began to turn and continue to climb.In order not to scare the enemy away directly, Pokryshkin carefully controlled the speed and climb rate of the whole team. It could neither be so fast that the Germans would lose confidence in keeping up with it at a glance, nor could it really make the Germans lose confidence in following. Follow up.

The German fighter group followed the p-81s to climb higher and higher.At this time, the performance difference between bf-109 and fw-190 became more and more obvious.At an altitude of 7000 meters, bf109g can still continue to climb with p-81, but fw-190a is already unable to do what it wants, obviously unable to keep up.This also caused the German fighter group to gradually divide into two parts-the bf-109g flying at a higher place in the front and the fw-190a flying at a lower position at the back.

Pokryshkin continued to lead the German fleet while climbing and circling. Now the altitude has reached 8500 meters, and the German fw-190a has obviously lagged behind the bf-109g.Now if you look down from a higher height, you will find that the German fighter group and the US-Soviet joint fleet are chasing each other in a circle like playing a bicycle track chase.The three fleets composed of p-81, bf-109g, and fw-190a are exactly at the three equal points of the ring.

Now those backward fw-190a are in a very dangerous situation.If this goes on, at most three to four large circles, p-81 will appear above their 6 o'clock. The circle that the p-81 rotates is very large, much larger than the circle radius of the fw-190a.But cutting inside is useless, because the position of p-81 is much higher than that of fw-190a, even if fw-190 cuts inside, it can't climb to such a height.Even if it cuts through, it can't attack the opponent, but it will only give the opponent a chance to dive and attack for nothing.How about exit attack dive escape?The enemy will definitely come after him.Looking at the size of the enemy plane, I'm afraid its dive will not be bad.Even considering the existence of those bf-109g, the enemy dare not let go of the attack, but once the fw-190a retreats without a fight, in this battle, the German's numerical advantage over the enemy will disappear.It even turned into a quantitative disadvantage. If such a situation really formed, can the bf-109s support it?

But the fw-190 fleet must be withdrawn.At 8500 meters, they wouldn't help much if they were still around.At this altitude, the output power of the engine without a supercharger is becoming more and more difficult to maintain normal flight.If they continue to stay, they will only be a burden to bf-109.

"Let the fw-190 retreat and let the bf-109 protect them." The Germans finally issued such an order.

Now, Pokryshkin is faced with a choice: attacking the retreating fw-190 is a very pleasant thing, but as the saying goes, "the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind", when attacking fw-190, he has been following The bf-109gs behind him also had the opportunity to cut inside and attack themselves.But no matter what, letting the enemy go is always uncomfortable.If the p-81 is fully powered, dives at high speed, and pulls up quickly after one attack, as long as it doesn't bite the fw-190 dead, those bf-109g of the germans will definitely have no chance to be the oriole.

"Follow me, attack for one round, exit quickly, don't get entangled!" Pokryshkin made a choice.Weigh the gains and losses, as long as the expected benefits outweigh the risks, do it without hesitation.Is there any place in war that does not require any risk at all?

The p-81s made a sharp turn and swooped towards the fw-190, which was diving and retreating.

If the altitude is lower, the fw-190 will accelerate much faster when it dives.But at its current altitude, its engines are underpowered, making its acceleration almost entirely dependent on gravity.And the p-81 with the water jet boost turned on, under the full power of the two r-2800 twin hornet engines, accelerates much faster than the fw-190.So although fw-190 entered the dive earlier, the distance between the two sides is still gradually approaching.The German bf-109s also dived down, but the diving performance of the bf-109s was a little worse, and the distance between them and the p-81 was constantly increasing.

Soon the p-81 fleet approached the fw-190 fleet that was trying to break away.But at this time, the fw-190s will also gain a good speed by diving.With speed comes the ability to make movements, so they are by no means waiting to die.Some fw-190s played a barrel roll, trying to make the chasing p-81 rush forward while dodging.Some fw-190s began to do scissors flight continuously, and even some desperately pulled up directly, wanting to play head-to-head with p-81.

One fw-190a4 pulled up in front of Pokryshkin like this, ready to play against him.He must not have known that Pokryshkin was sitting in the plane in front of him.When it comes to playing against she, Pokryshkin is recognized as a god-man.The ace killer killed more than a dozen German aces in duels.In the original history, he killed a total of 59 enemy planes, 28 of which were aces and super aces!

Relying on the advantage of range, Pokryshkin didn't even make many moves. With just one click, he smashed the fw-190a4 that wanted to play against him.

Pokryshkin did not gain the most from this round of attacks.In this round of attacks, Quoridub gained the most.Kori Dub was a flying genius. After graduating from the flight school in 1941, he was directly retained by the school as a flight instructor.This is not a simple matter, you know, who can become a flight instructor, who is not a guy with rich experience, a rookie who has just graduated, can take this position for granted, his talent can be seen.It wasn't until the beginning of 43 that he got the chance to go to the battlefield.The first time he went on a combat mission, he surprised everyone—he and the lead plane were besieged by 12 Bf-109s, and the lead plane was quickly shot down.But Kori Dub survived under the siege of 12 enemy planes.Until the enemy plane finished firing all the bullets, Quoridub's plane was still safe and sound, except for a few small holes on the wing by 7.9mm machine gun bullets.

As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing.After the difficult first time, Quoridub's performance began to rise rapidly.In the original history, it took only two years. By the end of the war, he was already the number one trump card of the Allied forces.

Kori Dub is best at shooting from a large angle, and has the reputation of "magic shooter".Just now, an FW-190 attempted to perform a barrel roll in front of him.But Quoridub had already seen his intentions, and with a slight pull of the lever and a long shot, one wing of the enemy plane was cut off.Immediately afterwards, another fw-190, which was making scissors, crashed into his scope and became the second victim.When pulling up and exiting, another fw-190 rushed past him, but he was shot again and hit a fireball.

After a round of blows, p-81 quickly distanced itself from fw-190.At this time, due to the continuous dive chase, the height of the cluster has been reduced to about 3 kilometers.When the p-81 leveled off, the bf-109g following them also swooped towards them.

"Don't love to fight, speed up to distance, and then climb." Pokryshkin ordered.

The speed of p-81 in the dive just now has reached nearly 900 kilometers per hour. This speed cannot be maintained for a long time in a horizontal state, but this speed is much higher than the limit that bf-109 can reach when it dives.So p-81 can easily pull away a safe enough distance, and then quickly climb up to deal with those bf-109g.

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