New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 143, Advance, Davarish

() When receiving the order to attack, Captain Herman had just finished his breakfast and was playing poker with some comrades in the lounge while waiting for take-off training.This morning, Herman's luck was very bad, and he had lost several times in a row.But this time, his luck returned.In this hand, he drew two kings and three aces, and this time he was sure to win.However, at this moment, the Jing bell of the attack suddenly rang violently.

As soon as he heard the bell, Matera next to him immediately threw all the poker in his hand on the table, stood up and ran.Herman glanced at the table, what are Nainai's and Matera's cards, there are not even two "j", they are all "3" and "5".This guy won the most against him just now, and now he just ran away like this!

But the bell was still ringing, and Herman didn't dare to stay, so he could only follow and run outside.It's just that while running, he complained in his heart: "It's not too late, but at this time, it can be seen that this is a..."

After sitting in the small cabin of fw-190a4, Herman realized that this was not the bell for training departure, but an attack to attack a group of Soviet bombers that had just attacked the German airfield.Although Herman was very puzzled by the fact that the Soviet bombers came here for no reason to seek death, his superiors told him that this is true, this is not a drill, this is not a drill!

The first to take off is a group of ju-88s. These dive bombers with the nickname "Dr. Universal" are a typical all-rounder.They can not only do their old job of dive bomber, but also can be used as night fighter and heavy interceptor.When used to intercept enemy bombers, relying on his thick skin and heavy firepower, he is even better than a genuine fighter like bf-109g.

Herman's fw-190a4 fleet took off behind the ju-88, and those bf-109g took off in the order behind Herman's fw-190a4.Because the enemy planes were fleeing at an accelerated rate, in order to stop them, neither the ju-88 nor the fw-190a hovered on the airport to wait for other types of planes to take off, but flew directly to the target.Fly while completing the formation.

This approach has a very sad consequence.That's what makes this air battle a classic example of stupid "refueling tactics".

The first to appear near the combined formation were eight ju-8s.The appearance of this kind of aircraft almost made Yankee and Lao Maozi stupid.Damn, 88 ju-8s ran in front of 88 p-72s. Isn't this the birthday guy hanged himself-do you think you have a long life?What's more terrible is that these ju-81s really swaggered up.Don't they understand that if you don't die, you won't die?

However, no matter what dizziness the Germans are in the end, anyway, the meat delivered to their mouths is not free, and it is not free.So Pokryshkin also separated 81 from the p-8 fleet to deal with these lovely meat.

USAAF Captain Byrd's squad was the closest to these ju-88s.So they and lucky got this chance to eat meat.After receiving Pokryshkin's order, Lieutenant Bird issued such an order: "Brothers, go eat meat!" He has already shot down 4, and now, the crucial fifth A shoot down was spreading his wings, and he flew towards him.

Seeing several enemy planes actively turning and flying towards him, Captain Hertu, the commander of the ju-88 team, immediately understood that he might have kicked the iron plate.If people are really so-called "long-range bombers", how could they do such a thing?Besides, look at the roll of others, is that made by bombers?Then look at the people who left the formation and immediately began to climb rapidly. Looking at the rate of climb, they can piss off bf-109. Is this a bomber?If this shit is a bomber, shit said that these guys are bombers, and the whole family is a bomber in sb!

But now cursing those nonsense guys "dead with one household registration book" or "family crematorium" is of no help.Hertu could only send a warning to the other planes on the radio, telling them that the enemies were all fighter jets, while preparing to fight.

Relying on the super climb, Byrd quickly took advantage of the height and began to dive towards the opponent.Hertu knew that with the ju-88's roll and steering, it was as difficult to get rid of the opponent's attack as to prove the four se problems.Therefore, he simply gave up dodging, but took advantage of the speed, pulled the plane straight up, and wanted to play head-to-head with the p-81 that dived down.

This approach is exactly in Bird's arms.You know, in this era, there is no aircraft gun with better ballistic characteristics than the 81mm rotary gun on the p-20.Coupled with the condescending confrontation and the addition of gravitational acceleration, Bird's range is definitely farther than the ju-88 below.

"Dare to fight me, I'll kill you!" Byrd opened fire first, and six 6-gun guns sprayed out shells like raindrops.

Hertu was a little surprised that the enemy plane could fire at such a long distance.At the current distance, Hertu knew that his mgff cannon could not reach the opponent at all.But now, we can only rely on the strength of the ju-88, and bite the bullet.

"Puff puff puff", Hertu's ju-88 has been hit by several shells, but the enemy plane is about to enter its range.At this moment, Hertu saw that the nose of the low-level aircraft suddenly sank and disappeared from his scope.

"Damn it! The negative g capability of this plane is actually so good!"

The two sides staggered, and Bird's p-81s began to pull up fighter jets to prepare for the second attack.Hertu, on the other hand, led his team to turn and dive, hoping to escape by diving. ——I can't do without running away. The fight just now made him understand that he has almost no hope in air combat.Moreover, his left engine had been injured in the battle just now.And he wasn't the only one who was injured, in the confrontation just now, out of the 8 ju-88s, two were directly shot down, and almost all of the rest were injured.If you don't run away, none of them will be able to run away.Now Hertu can only hope that the opponent flies too far and runs out of fuel, so he cannot continue to pursue.

But this idea is completely extravagant, how can the opponent let go of the meat that is already in his mouth? The p-81 easily caught up with the diving ju-88. Although the tail machine gun of the ju-88 was still firing hard, how deterrent could the 7.9mm machine gun be?A little longer, the tail machine gun of the ju-88 went out, and then...then Hertu jumped out of the plane before the plane was completely dead...

Just after dealing with the group of ju-88s they sent up, 12 fw-190a4s appeared in front of them.

Buying fw-190a4 at low altitude is definitely a super fighter.With thick skin and thick flesh, powerful firepower, group fights are extremely powerful.But at high altitude, his engine without a supercharger would immediately have a heart attack.Then the performance of the entire aircraft immediately dropped to a notch.

However, unlike the ju-88, the fw-190 is an authentic fighter.Therefore, we must pay attention to it, and the way to pay attention to it is that 72 p-81s go together, and 12 fw-190s fight in groups...

But that's where the good things end.The two formations that came to intercept in a row were gnawed until there was no bones left, which fully explained the problem. In addition, these formations sent back messages by radio before they were destroyed, and it was determined that these enemy planes were all true No buckle fighter.

Of course, the Germans did not intend to give up at this point, they began to gather a larger fleet, and those fighter jets that were rushing to eat meat were stopped, and they had to wait for more friendly planes in the sky. Those ju-88s who came excitedly to grab the meat were all asked to turn around and go home immediately.

The p-81s in the joint formation continued to fly back slowly at a low speed.If they were faster and ran back at a cruising speed of more than 600 kilometers, it is estimated that the Germans would not launch new interceptions.At most, after they run away, shout at their backs: "Fuck you, run fast!" Then go home and say to yourself, "Those guys will sneak around, if they dare...", of course , Believe it or not, that is another matter.

But these nasty guys, they don't run away!Doesn't this embarrass everyone?The Luftwaffe on the Eastern Front still had dignity. They couldn’t beat the Anglo-Saxons. Fortunately, they were also a high-level nation, but they were bullied by inferior Slavic soaps and dared not take off to fight. This, this...

So the command system of the German army turned crazily immediately: "Black Eagle, please go to... immediately, Redbeard, please go to..." After a series of complicated dispatches, a mixed formation with nearly 90 fighter jets was concentrated stand up.It has to be said that at this time, the superb dispatching ability shown by the German army is admirable.

However, the intensive radio communication is actually tantamount to telling the Soviets that there will be a larger-scale air battle soon.In order to cope with the upcoming air battle, the p-81, which has been slowly and leisurely, quickly climbed to a height of 7000 meters.At this altitude, the high-altitude supercooled water vapor will condense on the tiny particles in the exhaust gas shot from the exhaust pipe of the aircraft, thus forming a snow-white flight trail. The track drawn by the 72 planes is so clear that it looks like a rushing river from the ground.

The P-81 is a fighter with excellent high-altitude performance. Choosing to fight at an altitude above 7000 meters will undoubtedly give itself a greater advantage over enemy aircraft.

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