New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 142, Advance, Davarish

() While the Americans were attacking "target a", the Russian fleet also appeared over "target b". "Target b" is a larger airport with a wider main runway, larger parking pads, and even a reinforced hangar that "Target a" doesn't have.Of course, there is far more anti-aircraft firepower than "Target A".There are at least eight quadruple-mounted 4mm anti-aircraft guns on both sides of the airport. There are also 20-2 such small-caliber anti-aircraft guns in the tower, hangar, and apron.And according to intelligence, there are some self-made flak3s in the airport.In addition, there are two anti-aircraft artillery positions on the periphery of the airport, with 38 to 8 10mm anti-aircraft guns and an unknown number of 88mm guns deployed respectively.

Because of this, in the attack plan on "target b", special emphasis was placed on the suppression of air defense forces.In order to suppress the air defense force, the number of P-81s sent to "target b" is exactly twice as large as that sent to "target a".

The Soviets also chose to enter from the direction of the sun.They changed their formation into two columns at a farther place, and each plane tried to press its shadow on the plane in front as much as possible.After approaching the airport, the planes began to fly to their respective routes according to their predetermined goals. At the same time, all the planes adjusted their engines to idle speed.As a result, the sound of the engine is also reduced.Although the fighter planes of the two squadrons, even when the engines are idling, the noise is still not small.However, because "target b" itself is very busy.Now there are several transport planes preparing to land, so the sounds from the p-81 fleet are all covered up.

In this way, the airport is basically defenseless against the incoming p-81.However, the two 88mm anti-aircraft artillery positions on the periphery of the airport were able to spot the attacking P-81 fighters first because of the different perspective from the airport.However, the commander on the air defense position had never seen a P-81 fighter jet, and never imagined that an enemy fighter jet would fly here.As a result, the commander did not order an immediate attack, but first contacted the airport tower and asked them if they knew the identities of the group of planes.The unidentified tower did not respond immediately, so it was not until P-81 began to dive towards the airport that the commander could be sure that it was an enemy plane.Of course, by this time it was too late.

Unlike the Americans who safely left 8 fighter planes at high altitudes to prevent accidents, the Soviets did not leave planes at high altitudes, and all the fighter planes rushed down.This is because although there are more planes attacking "target b", there are more targets to attack, and there are 88 anti-aircraft artillery positions nearby. If they stay at a high place, they will only become their targets in vain.Another reason is that if the number of attack planes invested at one time is small, they will be hit by the concentrated fire of those anti-aircraft guns on the airport.And with so many planes rushing down at once, it is difficult for the anti-aircraft artillery firepower to concentrate and play a role.

In fact, those anti-aircraft guns with fixed gun positions did not play much role, because they were the targets of priority attack.First there were a few rockets, followed by the accumulation of six 6-gun guns. Most of the anti-aircraft guns were destroyed before they could fire.What really posed a threat were those flak20 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. Their positions were not fixed, and it was almost impossible to be identified before the rainproof cloth covering the anti-aircraft guns was lifted.So these anti-aircraft guns have escaped the first disaster.But there are too few of them, and the location is not suitable for firepower.It is impossible to form a firepower network for mutual support, and the 38mm shells cannot form a one-hit kill effect on a solid fighter like the p-20, so when these flak81 self-propelled antiaircraft guns fired, they failed to shoot down Any p-38.Instead, shortly after firing, they were hit by concentrated fire from several P-81s.And then, well, there's no more.

With the anti-aircraft firepower at the airport silenced, the Soviets began to attack any target they could see with impunity.On the "target b" apron, there are at least 50 aircraft.But now those aircraft, whether it is the jet-type me-262 fighter jet, or the propeller fw-190 fighter jet and bf-109 fighter jet, or the Junker 52 transport plane, or the ju-88 bomber, are all finished. Eight Soviet P-8s dropped a full sixteen 81-pound napalm bombs on the tarmac, burning the tarmac into a sea of ​​flames.

Several fire engines rushed over to put out the fire.But before they could connect the water pipes, they sprayed foam for firefighting to the scene of the fire.Two P-81s sprang out from nowhere, smashed the fire truck into pieces with a string of shells, and knocked down a large group of firefighters.

The pilot lounge on the side of the tarmac was hit directly by at least four 4-pound high-explosive bombs.It was completely blown up, and a worried boy threw another napalm bomb on it.This time, it can be ensured that no one will survive by relying on character.If anyone can survive such an attack, it must not be human, but the great true bandit skua.Moreover, after he escaped, he would never have the opportunity to fly the plane again. Hitler would pack it up without hesitation and give it to Dr. Menger for research.

"Target b" has hardened hangars.However, according to reconnaissance, these so-called reinforcements can only withstand the attack of ordinary high-explosive bombs.The Allied Forces speculated that the Germans would definitely put the most precious and delicate jets in there.Therefore, in the fleet of this attack, there is a whole squadron, and 24 p-81s are equipped with armor-piercing shells that are usually used to attack warships.These planes swoop down toward the hangar at a nearly vertical angle from a height of 3000 meters.

The p-81 was fitted with dive flaps.This greatly improves its stability during dive bombing, so that when it dives and drops bombs, its hit rate is only less than 10% lower than that of the Navy's dreadnought dive bombers.So much so that some guys from Lockheed even considered whether to add a bombardier to it. They believed that with the addition of a bombardier, the bombing hit rate of this thing would definitely not be worse than that of the Dreadnought.

However, the Army has never been too cold about dive bombers, and the Army feels that there is no need to add a bombardier and a new aircraft for a hit rate of less than 10 percent.And Lockheed also knew that with the p-81's cheating takeoff and landing performance, it would definitely not be favored by the navy.Therefore, this idea naturally ended without a problem.

Although the precision of the p-81's dive bombing is not as good as that of the dreadnought, the precision is quite guaranteed when it is used to strike targets that cannot maneuver, such as hangars.At an altitude of 800 meters, they dropped bombs. 48 of the 45 armor-piercing shells hit the target accurately.Among the bombs that hit the hangar, 40 successfully penetrated the top protective layer and exploded inside the hangar.It is estimated that most of the aircraft in these hangars can only be used for dismantling parts and remelting.

Four other planes dropped bombs on the oil depot.However, the oil depots of "objective b" are obviously better protected than those of "objective a".The high-explosive rounds failed to penetrate the protection of the oil depot.These planes returned without success.

It has only been a few minutes since the attack was launched.But the entire airport has been plunged into a pyrotechnic hell.After completing the strike on key targets, the Soviets did not stop there.They started firing cannons at other vehicles on the airfield, and anything they could see that was moving.

"That's enough, don't waste any more shells." Pokryshkin ordered, "Let's return, and there are still many targets that can be hit on the way back."

This is what Ron had already discussed with Pokryshkin: Before launching an attack on the main target, he must "enter the village quietly, not with a gun", but on the way back after the attack, he must follow the The principle of "mopping up operations" ravaged all the way back like a swarm of locusts.

After receiving Pokryshkin's order, the Soviet aircraft began to retreat from the sky over "target b".They broke away from the low altitude, and after getting away from the range of the 88 anti-aircraft guns, they began to climb rapidly.The fleet climbed to an altitude of 6000 meters in one breath.And at this height, the rendezvous with the Americans was completed.

The huge fleet is at such an altitude, slowly and swaggeringly flying back.Like in a parade of arms.This was done on purpose. They were waiting, waiting for fighter jets from several nearby German airfields to come over, and then slapped the Germans severely in the air battle.Had this been achieved, it would have dealt a severe blow to the morale of the Luftwaffe.

The Luftwaffe on the Eastern Front was different from that on the Western Front.Except in the "small land", they rarely suffered too much in the battles with the Soviets.So they still have a strong desire to fight.In addition, after "target a" and "target b" are attacked, the messages sent are "bombed by enemy bombers".As a result, many German officers immediately thought of this attack as a sneak attack like the Soviet long-range aviation bombing of Berlin last time.Coupled with the speed at which the attacking aircraft group flew back after the attack, they were even more convinced that they were a group of long-range bombers.The Soviets did not have fighter jets that could escort long-range bombers.Isn't such a large group of bombers without escorts a large group of medals that can fly?Therefore, various nearby airports quickly dispatched interceptor fleets. Apart from the usual bf-109g and fw-190a, even things like ju-88 ran over recklessly.Of course, if the target is really a group of bombers as they imagined, the ju-88 with thick skin and strong firepower is more suitable than bf-109g and fw-190a for this mission.

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