New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 141, Advance, Davarish

() This is an early morning in September, the moon has set, the sun has not yet risen, the stars are low, as if they are within reach, and the vast Russian wilderness is still shrouded in a thin light blue morning mist.The surrounding area was quiet, only the nightingale made some low chirps from time to time.

At this time, the airport was suddenly brightly lit.The strong lights immediately dispelled the faint mist on the runway, squinting your eyes, you can faintly see a long row of neatly lined fighter jets under the dazzling lights.Then, the chilly morning wind will bring the low roar of the plane engine to your ears.A new day of battle is about to begin.

Ron stood on the side of the runway, watching the American pilots and Russian pilots board the fighter plane one by one, put away the boarding ladder, and then taxied to the runway one by one.The last time he accompanied Pokryshkin to the sky twice, Ron cheated two more victories.As soon as he landed, Ron immediately ordered that no one should report the battle just now to the higher-ups.Because he knew that if the higher-ups found out that he was involved in air combat again, they would definitely make trouble for him.

However, before the official implementation of the "Joint Law Enforcement" operation, a special order was issued from above, ordering Brigadier General Ron to stay in the command center honestly and do his command work well.Therefore, Ron, who originally planned to lead the team himself, had to stay at the airport depressed again.

The Germans have now completed the remodeling of two airports in Warsaw.These two airports were named Target A and Target B respectively by the U.S.-Hungry Joint Force.The first to take off is Harry's squadron, who will be responsible for the attack on target a.The Soviets who take off later will be responsible for the attack on target b.

Harry waved to Ron, then closed the canopy and slid down to the runway.After a while, 24 American P-81s took off.Then the two squadrons of the Soviets, a total of 48 aircraft, also took off in turn.

The sky was still dark, and the pilots gradually formed a formation relying on the guidance of the navigation lights on the wingtips, and then flew westward.

Watching the fleet disappear into the western sky, Ron turned to the driver and said, "Let's go back to the war room."


Each P-81 that took off carried a large drop tank and two 500-pound special aerial bombs.Originally, according to the range of the p-81, there was no need to bring an auxiliary fuel tank to fly to the target, but in order to avoid the German radar, they chose a winding route, which increased the flight distance a lot.

About 30 minutes after flying away from the airport, the sky in the east began to brighten gradually, and the aircraft fleet approached the front lines of both sides. Lit up.If there is no cover from the clouds, the planes reflecting the sun will look extraordinarily bright and dazzling when viewed from the ground.But it is cloudy now. Looking down from the plane, the dense clouds below are all small clouds.As for what's under the clouds, they couldn't see it at all. Similarly, it was impossible for people on the ground to see those fighter planes that were shining with golden light.

After passing the front line smoothly and flying about 40 kilometers forward, the ground gradually lit up, and the fleet began to lower its altitude-here, there was a German radar station.The fleet passed through the clouds and lowered the altitude to about 500 meters, relying on the cover of some nearby rolling hills to avoid radar detection.This is the most dangerous part of the voyage, the altitude of the fleet is low, and the speed is not fast (otherwise there is a risk of hitting a mountain).Once discovered by the enemy, it will be quite passive.Fortunately, all the veterans participated in this operation, and the whole process went smoothly.

The Germans were on the Eastern Front and did not have a complete radar system like the Western Front. After crossing the detection area of ​​this radar, there was no radar in front that needed to be lowered so low to avoid it.The fleet began to climb rapidly, and climbed to an altitude of 7000 meters in one breath.

The fleet maintained this altitude and flew for another half an hour.At this time, the fuel in the auxiliary fuel tank has been exhausted. (During flight, the fuel in the drop tank will be consumed first.) The pilots began to drop the drop tank.Seeing the auxiliary fuel tanks made of high-quality aviation aluminum being thrown down one by one, the Russians felt a little distressed.

"These Yankees, really..." Gulayev thought, "it would be nice to use wooden fuel tanks. The Germans picked them up, and they were useless for anything but cooking. It's not like picking up these Things, once you turn your head around, you can use them to build airplanes."

Wood can indeed be used to make auxiliary fuel tanks.Chennault's Flying Tigers used drop tanks made of wood and bamboo.It’s just that this kind of auxiliary fuel tank is too heavy. (Dear, don’t think that wood products are lighter than aluminum alloy. In the case of ensuring strength, wood is much heavier than aluminum alloy.) The efficiency is not high.Moreover, it is not cheap to let Americans do such carpentry work, calculating the labor cost.

The fleet continued to move forward, and at this time, German planes began to appear in the sky.It was a Junker transport plane, probably because in this airspace, I have never seen a fighter jet from the Soviet Union or the United States, so this Junker didn't care about the fighter jets flying over his head, and still swayed Fly away slowly from the height of 4000 meters.

But this encounter made the Americans and the Soviets quite nervous.Although even if the Germans find them, there will be no serious consequences.In terms of air combat, driving a p-81 and flying at an altitude of 7000 meters, would you still be afraid of the Germans?It's just that if the surprise attack effect cannot be achieved, the results of the battle will probably be greatly affected.


Now very close to the target, the group began to disperse and descend.The Harry formation flew towards target a, while the two squadrons of Pokryshkin and Gulaev flew towards target b.

After 10 minutes, Harry Squadron approached target a.

This is a typical military airport with a significantly longer main runway.On both sides of the main runway, there are also two dirt runways, where fighter jets can also take off and land in case of emergency.At one end of the main runway, there is a tower on one side and an apron on the other. There is also a bungalow next to the apron, which may be a pilot's lounge or something.There are some hangars a little further on.However, these hangars have not been specially reinforced.It can only serve as a shelter from the wind and rain.This is probably related to the fact that it has almost never been attacked by air.

Harry saw four jets and other planes parked on the tarmac, and two more jets taxiing on the runway.He looked around, but there were no other fighter planes on patrol in the sky.

"What a chance!" thought Harry.He immediately issued an order: "Attack! Attack as planned!"

The American pilots are quite familiar with the situation of target a, and the United Air Force made a large-scale model of target a based on the intelligence of aviation reconnaissance and resistance organizations.And assigned tasks according to it.

The 8 fighter jets stayed on alert at a higher altitude, and the remaining 16 planes were divided into three groups. The first group of 8 planes bombed and swept the hangar, and the second group of 4 planes bombed and swept the apron and rested the pilots. room, a third group attacks the aircraft taking off, or joins the attack on the tarmac.

As the commander of the formation, Harry must stay at a high place to command unified command at this time.So all he could do was drooling, watching his lads pounce on the defenseless German airfield like a naked twat.

The p-81s reduce the engine power to a minimum, thereby reducing the sound of the engine.Relying on the dive, they rushed at a speed of nearly 600 kilometers. Since they were against the sun, the Germans did not detect them until they started firing.

Huck of the third attack group watched the lead plane Tom smash a German jet that was sliding at high speed with a long shot.He was about to attack the second enemy aircraft.Unexpectedly, the wreckage of that jet rolled on the runway and hit the second jet following behind.The two planes immediately exploded into a big fireball.His hopes of shooting down his first jet were immediately dashed.

"Tom, you can't steal food like this!" Huck complained, sounding like a distraught woman.

On the other side, Su Ke was leading his wingman Beta to attack the tarmac. As the lead plane, Su Ke launched the attack first, and he swept the tarmac with a cannon.Not only destroyed the four jets, but also destroyed a Junker and a ju-88 along the way.But he focused on sweeping the shell, and the bomb he dropped was skewed.

Beta knew that it might not be his turn to sweep the planes on the tarmac, so from the very beginning, he aimed at the pilot's lounge. Of the two 500-pound bombs he dropped, one landed on the tarmac. It overturned two planes that had been destroyed by Su Ke, and the other shot accurately landed in the pilot's lounge. The bungalow was immediately torn to pieces by the bomb.

The eight planes that bombed the hangar also dropped bombs in turn, billowing the hangar with smoke.Tom, who didn't drop the bomb just now, also dropped the bomb here.

After this round of attacks, the anti-aircraft artillery and machine guns on the airport began to fight back in disorder.I saw that other planes have successfully pulled up.Harry swooped down from a high altitude with the remaining 8 fighters and dropped the final bomb on the oil depot at the airport.

Of the 16 bombs, only one hit its target.But one bomb is enough.The oil depot was blown up and burned, and the burning fuel flowed out of the ruptured oil depot, and it flowed everywhere.The entire airport was engulfed in thick smoke.

"Okay, head back. We've done a good job," said Harry.

Harry really did a good job, basically killing all the targets that should be killed.It's just that he definitely doesn't know what the Russians did on the side of target b.

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