New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 140, Joint Law Enforcement Operations

( ) Luther ran very fast.After observing that his wingman was shot down, Luther understood that he would definitely not be able to please him today, and that he would be blessed by God if he could escape.So when Ron and Pokryshkin stared at the two FW-190s, Luther stepped up the accelerator and sprinted back.As long as the two fw-190s can withstand it for a while longer, he feels that there is still a good chance of him escaping back.

In order to escape as soon as possible, Luther did not choose the way of running close to the ground. Instead, he adopted the method of horizontal acceleration, jumping, and then horizontal acceleration.In this way, you can reach the altitude where you can fly at a faster speed as soon as possible.However, what he didn't expect was that the two fighter jets that shot down his wingman didn't entangle with the other two fw-190s for long.They threw the two fw-190s to the Yak-9s that took off later, and turned around to chase them.

But even so, Luther still had a great chance to escape.Because he has fled a long way.If he lowered his altitude at this time, his aircraft would blend into the background of fields and woods in the eyes of enemies at higher altitudes.The chances of the enemy finding him will be very small.However, he was too confident in the fw-190's speed.He felt that as long as he drove to full power, no one from the Soviets could catch up with him.So he chose to accelerate the flight in the middle of 4000 meters.

It also makes him an obvious target.After Ron and Pokryshkin chased him for a while, they saw the fw-190 flying ahead at a glance.

Ron and Pokryshkin began to descend, catching up at an altitude of about 1500 meters lower than Luther.The reason for this is to allow Luther to hide his plane in the background of the ground when he looks back, making it harder for him to find himself.

Of course, flying at a lower altitude often means a lower energy state.But Ron wasn't particularly worried about that.First of all, you have two planes on your side, while your opponent has only one.In the words of the Greeks, this is called "fighting two-on-one, and Hercules is not invincible"; If you single out a group of us, you want to gang up on us and gang up on you."

Another reason lies in the excellent performance of p-81.Relying on its strong power, even at sea level, the p-81 can fly at a speed of 670 kilometers per hour, which has reached the extreme speed of the fw-190a4 at the most ideal altitude.Coupled with its terrible climbing ability, even if the position is a little lower, it will not suffer.

Because Ron and Pokryshkin were flying very low, Luther failed to spot them when he looked back several times (due to the loss of his wingman, his ability to observe targets in the rear was greatly reduced).As the distance between the two sides got closer, Ron also began to gradually increase the height.At this time, the distance between the two sides was getting closer. Even if they rose a little, when Luther looked back, their plane would still be hidden in the background of the ground.

In this way, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.Get closer, even with the protection of the ground background, Luther will definitely be able to spot them when he turns around.At this time, Ron simply pushed the joystick slightly to let the plane dive and accelerate, and then quickly pulled it up, relying on the super strong climb of this kind of plane, and rushed towards the belly of the enemy plane.

The bandit got bigger and bigger in Ron's sights until it almost filled them.Ron started to fire, and he fired a long shot.The fw-190 was trembling under the heavy rain of bullets, and countless pieces fell one after another. Suddenly, a large ball of flames burst out from its right wing, and then the right wing of the plane broke in two .

The fighter plane with its broken wing began to roll and fall.Ron skimmed past it, then somersaulted again, and then continued to shoot at the falling enemy plane until it exploded into a fireball in the air.

"Here is very close to the German-occupied area, we can't give him the opportunity to parachute back and report to the enemy that he has encountered us." Ron explained.Obviously, if the Germans learned that the p-81 appeared on the Eastern Front, they would probably be aware of their purpose.And this will definitely affect the subsequent combat effect.

"I understand," said Pokryshkin.As the father of Soviet air combat tactics, he naturally understood Ron's purpose of blowing up the enemy plane.

"Just, I wonder, if he climbs out and jumps before you catch a shuttle. Would you shoot the parachute?"

"I don't answer such hypothetical questions." Ron answered shamelessly.


A week later, the Soviets' refitting training was basically completed, and according to reports from local guerrillas, the runway reconstruction of the German airports near Warsaw had also been completed.Now near the airport, you can often hear a distinctive high-pitched roar of engines.It appears that German jets have started landing at these airports.


"Okay, everyone is an old hand. The time for a week's dressing training is indeed a bit short, but it is not a big problem for everyone. In fact, the situation everyone has mastered is very satisfactory. Next One step is to carry out our mission."

Ron said to all the pilots at the combat mobilization meeting.

"Our mission calls for us to run long distances at the airfields the Germans have set up around Warsaw. Eliminate the German jets that are training there. Now let's look at the airfields..."

"According to all indications, the enemy does not understand our situation. So we have a chance to achieve a surprise attack. Everyone knows that a surprise attack is almost the least costly and the most successful mode of operation. Some of our old comrades have experienced the Germans The sneak attack on us in the Barbarossa plan, when our air force suffered heavy losses, I believe these comrades still remember it. Now it is our turn to give them a sneak attack!" Pokryshkin mobilized.

"Fuck those fascists!"


There was shouting and cursing in Russian from below.It can be seen that the morale of those Russians is very high.

"If you want to talk about the experience of being attacked, I have also had it." Ron said to the American pilot, "Back then, when I was still in the Philippines, I was attacked by fascist Japan. Nainai bear, whether it is Japan or Germany, fascists What the brats are best at is sneak attacks without declaring war while talking about friendship with you. So, I always think, when we have a good sneak attack, let those fascist brats know that sneak attacks are not Their patent. And our sneak attack must be better than theirs. The difficulty of sneak attack without declaring war is too low. We want to sneak attack them, even if war has been declared, even if they are already nervous and sleep with their eyes open, We can still catch them off guard!"

"Moreover, compared to the Western Front, we are more likely to achieve a sneak attack. Due to the constant changes in the front, the Germans simply cannot establish a set of air defense radar network as tight as the Western Front, and their air defense radar network has many loopholes. You see, this is the location map of the German fixed radar station provided by intelligence agencies and resistance organizations. We have calculated the blind area of ​​these radars based on the local terrain data. There are many loopholes in it that allow us to penetrate the past .And the activeness of the resistance organization also made it impossible for the Germans to maintain a large-scale lookout and early warning system based on countless watchtowers. This is the first favorable condition for us to achieve a sneak attack..."

"The second favorable condition is the weather. In the battle against German fascism, God has made it clear that he will be on our side. In the next two days, it will be cloudy from Belrose to Ukraine. The clouds are low, and there is still fog in the morning. Therefore, it is impossible for the enemy in this area to detect us visually, but our target area is all sunny, which is very conducive to ground attack..."

"Of course, we have to be prepared for the situation that the Germans are already prepared for, so I intend to arrange the fighter force in this way... Finally, I announce that the code name of our operation is: 'Joint Law Enforcement'. "


Regarding the name of the operation, the Russians originally proposed another name called "Operation Hammer".At that time, Ron made a joke and said: "This name is too vulgar, why not call it 'Thor's Hammer'?"

The Russians discussed it and thought that, as Ron said, the name "Operation Hammer" was quite vulgar.But Ron's "Thor's Hammer" was not much better, and it was suspected of promoting feudal superstition.Then for this name, the Russians and the Americans argued with each other for a long time.

In the end, the name "Joint Law Enforcement" proposed by Harry was recognized by everyone.

Harry explains the name only this way:

"In the United States, each state has its own police system, and the police in each state are independent of each other. In the beginning, this model gave some criminals the opportunity to rob banks in Virginia and then come to New York Live a happy life. Because the Virginia police department has no right to come to New York to arrest people. Later, the states began to jointly enforce the law, so that those criminals can no longer get away with it. The situation this time is not the same This? The German planes fled from our attack range to our allies' attack range, thinking that by doing so they would get away with the punishment they deserved. Our two allies united and put The criminals were caught."

"It's a good name." Pokryshkin agreed. "The German fascist criminals were so rampant before. One of the important reasons is that we didn't unite effectively. Now it's time for us to unite and eliminate them!"

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