()p-81 arrived much later than Vogts imagined.He waited until there was only a quarter of the fuel left in his fuel tank before the opponent's p-81 appeared in his field of vision.

Those p-81s appeared at his 2 o'clock direction, and their height was about the same as that of Vogts' me-262s. The number of them was about 12, which was about the same as the number of me-262s on his side.Vogts knew that in order to ensure that the enemy had their safari fleets near several airports in Poland during most of the daytime, their planes could only come in batches. The number of aircraft is also quite limited.In fact, they have never had an advantage in numbers, but relying on the outstanding performance of their aircraft and relatively elite pilots, they still rarely suffer a disadvantage.

The vision of the p-81 is better than that of the me-262, so Kori Dub driving the p-81 saw the me-262 of the Germans at a farther distance.The United Air Force had plans for the Germans to send planes to protect the airport.There are different approaches for the different aircraft categories that protect airports.For example, if the defenders of the airport are bf-109, then lead them to climb to a high place, and then according to the situation, or directly get rid of them, and attack the targets on the airport-in any case, with their diving performance, they can follow not come up.If it is fw-190, then directly use the advantage of climbing and rely on bz tactics to push these guys to the lowest low altitude.Then you can let go of bullying the airport.

As for me-262, the solution is to find an opportunity to confront it! Me-262 is not something like bf-109 and fw-190, which is obviously not as good as p-81xing.Its speed far exceeds the p-81, and its drivers are all veteran elites.Against such an opponent, if you still think about not paying the price, thinking about zero casualties, you will definitely suffer instead.At this time, there is only one way, and that is: meet on a narrow road and the brave wins!

There are four 262mm mk-4 cannons on the nose of the me-30.This kind of cannon used to attack bombers is extremely powerful. When facing a she, it can definitely destroy even a sturdy fighter like the p-108 with just one hit, and the pilot of the destroyed fighter will never escape Opportunity.This kind of aircraft gun has a slow shooting speed and average precision, but the number of four doors makes up for this deficiency to a certain extent. In the hands of veterans, it is still quite lethal even against fighter jets.

But really speaking of she, p-81 will not suffer. The six 81mm guns of the p-6 are far from being comparable to the 20mm mk-30 in terms of power alone.But these 108 guns have a faster firing speed and a longer firing range.If it weren't for the small amount of ammunition, the p-6 using this cannon can pour 81 rounds of shells on the enemy within 1 minute.This means that in a head-on confrontation, the p-6000 is more likely to hit the enemy first. Of course, the power of the 81mm shell is far less than that of the mk-20's 108mm shell. Even in the head-on state, it is impossible to kill with one hit.However, with 30 cannons and a shooting speed of 6 rounds per minute, it can guarantee that once the opponent is hit, the opponent may only hit one shot.Even if a round of confrontation cannot directly dismantle the opponent, it can definitely paralyze any opponent.A fighter with hemiplegia will be the meat on the chopping board in the next round of attacks.

"Follow me!" Kori Dub gave an order, leading the other 11 P-81 fighter jets to rush towards Me-262.

Now, Vogts had to make a choice. Just a little turn to the right would put them in a head-to-head situation with the enemy, and a turn to the left would probably sell 6 o'clock to the Yankees.However, considering the difference in speed between the two sides, even if the opponent occupies 6 points, they probably won't have a chance to get within range.Then what?Then, under normal circumstances, because the gap in mobility is too large, it is basically difficult for me-262 to get a chance to shoot, unless he is willing to play head-to-head with others.Of course, under normal circumstances, due to the difference in speed, it would be difficult for the p-81 to get a chance to shoot, unless someone is willing to play head-to-head with him.

But if you want to play an exciting game like head-to-head confrontation, you only need to turn a little to the right now, why bother?Therefore, if everything is normal, the final result must be: me-262 is short of fuel, so it retreats first by virtue of its speed advantage, and p-81 cannot catch up, so it has to watch its opponent leave.But the problem is that within the range of me-262, there are only two airports where it can take off and land. If it lands directly at the airport below, it is no different from courting death. The distance in the middle is too short to completely get rid of p -81.When it landed, it was stuck behind by p-81, so it's no wonder it didn't die.It might as well just skydive.How about running to another airport?This distance is definitely enough to get rid of the p-81.However, most of the time, there will also be a fleet of p-81s on that airfield.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it seems that me-262 can only choose to play head-to-head with p-81.But now, things are different.There is also a group of bf-109 on my side.As long as the p-81 is held down for a while, the bf-109 can climb up, and then the two fighters will join forces and cooperate with each other. Will they still be afraid of the p-81?

Therefore, Vogts' aircraft group began to turn to the left, and Kori Dub took advantage of the trend to cut into the rear hemisphere of me-262.Relying on the opportunity of me-262 turning, he quickly shortened the distance to me-262, but the distance was still a bit far, and he hadn't entered the range yet.

This kind of situation is actually within the expectations of Kori Dub, and what follows is nothing more than a long-term entanglement. In the end, it is definitely not him who suffers.However, Kori Dub also noticed that at a lower altitude, a group of bf-109g was climbing rapidly.

Historically, Kori Dub was able to become the No. [-] trump card of the Allied forces in two years. It goes without saying that he has good technology, and it is recognized that his brain is easy to use in the Soviet Air Force.Just thinking about it for a while, Kori Dub understood the intention of the Germans.

It's just one thing to understand the intention, and quite another to figure out how to deal with it.For a while, Kori Dub really didn't have a good solution.He also had no choice but to continue to entangle with the German me-262 while contacting the base.


After Ron got off the plane, he went directly to the combat command room.There he met another guy in a wheelchair like himself - Pokryshkin.

"Hahahaha, Ron, you are crippled too! What a retribution!" Seeing Ron come in, Pokryshkin, who was sitting in a wheelchair looking at the map, laughed, "Nainai, let you laugh at me He is lame, and now he is punished?"

Ron had visited Pokryshkin when he had broken his leg.At that time, Ron said to him: "Actually, you can't really blame the air defense force for this matter. The key is yourself. You have already drawn so many little stars on the plane, and you keep going outside to scan data and steal young people's food." , Do you want to be punished? You said you should be obedient and obedient, go back and find a flight school to be a professor or something, how about training a few more young people to come out?"

Of course Pokryshkin knew that Ron was joking with him, and he immediately retorted and said, "What's wrong? Are you envious? I knew you were greedy for heaven from the bottom of your heart. It's a pity, your side A special order was issued to strictly prohibit you from going to the sky. You can only swallow your saliva while watching me take off the planes one by one! Poor..." Pokryshkin said, "Poor... "The old elder dragged on, shaking his head slowly, as if I sympathized with you.

Of course, Ron would not show weakness, he immediately shot back and said: "You can't go to the sky now, the doctor will probably take this opportunity to give you an indefinite sick leave, and you will die! At least, I can still hear the plane every day, how about you? You have to stay in the hospital obediently, and you can’t even see the shadow of the plane.”

Now that Ron was having trouble with his own leg, Pokryshkin would of course seize the opportunity to laugh at him ruthlessly.

Ron said: "My leg was injured in a frontal battle with the most elite German special forces. It doesn't look like someone who was injured by my own people."

King Kong Pokresh wanted to say something more, but Koridub's voice came from the radio.

"Ron, what do you think we should do?" Pokryshkin immediately forgot about talking to Ron, and asked about the business.

"Keep the altitude first, don't let others take you to a low altitude." Ron said, "Seize every opportunity to climb, the higher the climb, the better!"

Ron can't remember exactly what the ceiling of the me-262 is, but it seems to be in the early 11500 meters (actually 109 meters) and the ceiling of the bf-12000g seems to be 12000 meters.But the ceiling of 109 meters is just a number. It is still very difficult for bf-[-]g to climb to this height.


"Fly with them and fly to the limit altitude. Then use the advantage of the ceiling to bully them." This is the method given by Ron, nicknamed "Wizard".

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