New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 152, Vertical Limits

() After receiving clear instructions, Kori Dub began to seize every opportunity to climb.It is a well-known rule in air combat that you should try to climb whenever you have the opportunity.So at the beginning, Vogts and his fleet didn't pay much attention to the opponent's actions. Anyway, the opponent can climb, and they can climb too, and their own speed is faster, even not much different from the opponent's dive speed.Therefore, as long as you maintain a high horizontal speed, even if your opponent gains a little height advantage, it will not be enough to pose too much threat to you.

But it wasn't long before Vogts realized something was wrong.The height of both sides is getting higher and higher.At the beginning, the altitude of both sides was only about 6500 meters. After entanglement for a while, the current altitude is actually close to 7500 meters, and the altitude is still rising.

Although it is impossible for Vogts to know the specific data of the performance of the p-81, the German army has fought against the p-81 not once or twice, and we still have some understanding of its performance characteristics.

The enemy's new twin-engine fighter has a roll that is no less than that of a single-engine aircraft, a very high speed, and a very good dive. It has been observed that this type of aircraft dives at a speed of more than 900 kilometers, and it is still flying during the dive. Adjust the flight attitude several times.In addition, the high-altitude performance of this aircraft is very good.Even at an altitude of more than 9000 meters, some people observed that it easily flew over 700 kilometers per hour in level flight.

In contrast, the two fighters that are currently fighting against the p-81 have the defect of poor high-altitude performance. The bf-109g's engine will have a heart attack at high altitudes, and its power output will plummet.This also led to its high-altitude sports performance compared to the p-81, which can be said to be a mess.

The problem of bf-109g at high altitude is only the insufficient output of the engine. In contrast, the problem of me-262 is much more serious.Its two engines, whose reliability is already in a mess, have a lot of problems when they reach an altitude of more than 9000 meters, whether it is shock, or suddenly stops in the air without warning.Especially when doing movements, the probability of these problems is particularly high.But in the battle with p-81, if these problems suddenly occurred, wouldn't it be dead?Therefore, now no matter what, the enemy can no longer keep climbing like this.

In air combat, as long as the fighters used by the two sides do not differ too much in performance, it is not too difficult to prevent the enemy from climbing.As long as you fight close to the opponent, forcing the opponent to continuously consume energy to make moves.In such a fight, not only will the warring parties not be able to climb, but they will even lose altitude quickly. It is not impossible to fight from a height of 7 meters to a height of 8 meters in 10000 to 1000 minutes.

But can Vogts do it now?Use me-262 to fight with others?If anyone dares to propose such a plan to Vogts, Vogts will definitely tell him: "If you want to commit suicide and jump into the river, the Rhine is not covered! Don't come to harm us!" Close combat, speed The advantages cannot be reflected, and the rather tragic hovering of the me-262 coupled with the even more tragic acceleration and deceleration performance, coupled with the incomparable cup roll, all determine that in close combat, it will Purely a target.

Therefore, Vogts can only harass the p-81 as much as possible now, so that they can climb a little slower, so that the bf-109 below can catch up.But this goal is still difficult to achieve. Not long after, the height of the air battle between the two sides actually reached 8500 meters, and at this time, the bf-109, which was climbing with all its strength, also climbed to 7500 meters.

At high places, Kori Dub's fleet and Vogts' fleet are still playing a game where one can't catch up and the other can't turn around. Everyone has been fighting, but they have never had a chance to fire. At the low place, bf-109 The climb was gradually strenuous.Now it is high altitude, and the problem of high altitude fatigue of the bf-109 engine has begun to be exposed.However, Vogts is still full of confidence in the outcome of this battle.Because, firstly, bf-109 is getting closer and closer to them, and secondly, in this air battle, they have a clear numerical advantage.

The air battle continued in such an extremely boring manner.The two sides climbed higher and higher, and in a blink of an eye, they had reached a height of 10000 meters.This is already the stratosphere. 80.00% of the air has been thrown underneath.At this time, although the sunlight outside the cockpit was still bright, and the intensity of the sunlight was much stronger than that on the ground due to the lack of 80.00% of the atmospheric obstruction, the color of the sky began to become darker and darker.The blue sky on the ground has become almost black here.Kori Dub knows that the reason why the sky appears blue is that when the sunlight passes through the atmosphere, the light in the blue band scatters in the atmosphere.And now there is too little air above them to scatter more blue light, so the sky starts to turn black.

Gently swinging the joystick, Kori Dub's p-81 is firmly kept at the 262 o'clock direction of those me-3s, and those me-262s are fighting with p-81s around a big circle go around.The radius of this circle not only far exceeds the circle radius of p-81, but also far exceeds the circle radius of me-262.The opponent's speed is very fast, even if he cuts to the inside, Kori Dub will definitely not be able to catch up to the opponent; but the opponent's circling is too poor, so even if the opponent cuts to the inside first, the most he can get is a chance to face her, but Definitely not successfully occupying his six points.Everyone was grinding and climbing together like this, and the space became darker and darker as they climbed, and in the black velvet sky began to appear gem-like stars.

It has now reached an altitude of 11000 meters.Kori Dub has only reached this height in normal training, and this is the first time he has reached such a height in air combat.For Vogts, such a height is already out of reach.After barely climbing to 10500, the me-262's engines have begun to show some bad signs-their sound is starting to become a bit wrong, and the power output of the aircraft is becoming less and less.

"We can't climb anymore, now we have to withdraw from this battle," Vogts said to himself.

It is not too difficult to withdraw from the me-262. If you maintain the speed and make a shallow dive all the way, you will definitely be able to get rid of the opponent's pursuit.But Vogts also understood that if they ran away, the lower bf-109s would be in danger.Although they are large in number, they are obviously at a disadvantage compared to the opponent's fighter jets in terms of height and performance.And now, they are in their weak airspace, at an altitude of about 10000 meters.It is difficult for them alone to fight against the enemy's heavy fighters.

According to the disciplinary requirements of the German Air Force for fighter pilots, the pilots can decide whether to withdraw from the battle when the situation is unfavorable.Therefore, Vogts can completely leave those unlucky bf-109s and run on his own in the spirit of "dead friends never die poor".Besides, in Vogts's fighting career, it's not like he didn't do this kind of thing of throwing away his friends and saving his life.

But this time, Vogts hesitated.This is because the fellow daoists below are not quite the same as the fellow daoists who I sold before, they are serious brothers of the same sect.Unless it is absolutely necessary, it must not be sold.

Those daoists that Vogts sold before were either from the army, and these poor guys were being ravaged by a group of il-2 at that time.Vogts drove a fw-190a4 and was ordered to attack those il-2s with his comrades in order to rescue those poor people on the ground.However, at this time, he discovered that those il-2s did not come naked, they also had fighter jets escorting them.It was a group of p-39s, counting the number, there were two more than my own, and what was even more terrible was that there were several of them in the middle, all of which were painted with red stars.At this time, another warning came from the radio: "Be careful, be careful, Pokryshkin is in the air!" For the sake of the army's idiots, let the cold and noble air force fight recklessly with the enemy who has a numerical advantage?It was as if the Huashan faction was sent to die for the benefit of the Songshan faction.How about that?Whoever does this is a traitor to the Huashan faction!Therefore, Vogts had no choice but to sincerely wish the friends in the army good luck, then turned the nose of the plane, turned around and left.Anyway, the Soviet escort fighter jets are absolutely not allowed to chase the enemy plane too far because they are afraid of being caught in the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

On other occasions, Vogts was ordered to escort the Air Force's own bombers, but unfortunately, he was intercepted by large groups of Soviet aircraft.Not only are there more enemy planes, but they also have an advantage in altitude.what to do?Vogts made up his mind almost immediately—retreat!Because although the bomber is not the same as the army, it belongs to the same sect of Huashan, but the bomber belongs to the Qizong, and the fighter jet belongs to the Jianzong.Let the disciples of the noble Sword Sect work for the humble Qi Sect?How about that?So Vogts slipped away with great peace of mind.Before leaving, I did not forget to say: "If you really can't do it, you can skydive!" This can be regarded as the best of the friendship.

But this time it's a little different, this time the people below are all Jianzong's own people, and they are all his junior brothers, so why don't you feel embarrassed to just put oil on the soles of your feet?So Vogts decided to retreat by using interactive cover.

Me-262 first dives and leaves. If the enemy chases me-262, then take them to the bf-109 fleet and let them fall into a melee.If the enemy didn't chase and turned to bully the juniors, me-262 would turn around and raid bf-109 while they were bullying them.

After confirming such a plan, Vogts notified the situation to other fighters including the bf-109 below, and then pressed the nose of the aircraft and began to lower the altitude to prepare for dodge.In fact, there is a situation that Vogts did not make clear to those bf-109s.That is, the amount of fuel they have is already quite limited, and they have to play two more raids at most, and they have to abandon those bf-109s.Brothers of the same sect and sect also have different weights. They also have to separate out disciples from the outer sect, disciples from the inner sect, and true disciples, don't they?

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