New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 153, Difficult retreat

() After receiving the notice from Vogts, the bf-109s also stopped climbing and began to prepare for the descent.Unlike the me-262, the bf-109 does not have the problem of not being able to dive at a large angle, so to lower the altitude, the bf-109 is much simpler than the me-262, just a vertical dive is enough.

So these bf-109s quickly turned into a dive.According to the thinking of these bf-109 pilots, it is best to dive directly to the low altitude in one breath, and then disperse to various airports and land separately.However, the current situation does not allow them to do so, because they have another responsibility, that is, to protect the safe landing of me-262.

Therefore, they can't just rush to the end, and they can't just disperse and leave.They can only dive for a while to lower the altitude and then level off, and wait for those me-262s to land first before they can leave separately, and their safety in the process of descending altitude depends on those me-262s that cannot dive at a large angle [-] answered.

"Eagle 13 is calling the base! Eagle 13 is calling the base!" Kozhdub called the base again on the radio, "The enemy jet fighter dived away in a shallow dive, and the bf-109 below also began to rapidly lower its altitude. Do you want to attack bf-109? "

"The base is calling Eagle 13, and the base is calling Eagle 13." Such an instruction came from Kozhdub's headset, "Attack bf-109, and beware of the raid of me-262."

Ron understood that bf-109 at this time was the bait and backing.With them around, it's very difficult to catch those me-262s. If you don't take a little risk at high altitude, isn't it a waste of time?Moreover, in the face of the enemy, if you have the opportunity to attack but dare not attack, it will also have a great blow to morale.So when Ron and Pokryshkin combined, they decided on such a principle: not only to get the bait, but also to prevent the opponent's counterattack, and never suffer a loss.

The possibility of doing this is still considerable. Me-262's raids are only particularly scary if the enemy is not aware of them. If they are noticed in advance, it is not particularly difficult to avoid their blows.Just be careful, their presence will at most make the p-81s less effective.

"Eagle 13 understands! Comrades, attack bf-109 and beware of me-262's raid." Kozhdub made a 180-degree roll to the right, and then pulled the joystick. His plane was almost full Red Star's p-81 roared down immediately.And behind him, 11 p-81s also swooped down one after another.


Second Lieutenant Schultz participated in air combat for the first time.Before taking off, he was very excited, thinking that he could shoot down an enemy plane.Of course, he knew it was difficult.For one thing, the number of enemy planes is limited, so even if it is shot down, it probably won't be the turn of a novice like myself to shoot it down.Secondly, he also knew that these enemy planes were not only superior in performance, but their pilots were also veterans, many of whom were aces.Schultz knows the gap between himself and the veterans who have been repaired by him when he left flight school and joined the flight team.At that time, his lead plane, Wolfe, the old guy who always had a straight face, "shot down" him four times in 10 minutes.

Now Schultz's skills are of course much better than when he first joined the army, but when it comes to single-handedly fighting the veterans, Schultz knows that he is still not good enough.But this time it wasn't a one-on-one fight, but a group fight.In gang fights, technique is important, but the role of luck has also been greatly increased.In the melee of a large fleet, it is not impossible for a rookie to shoot down a veteran, or even an ace.

However, after the air battle really started, Schultz discovered that the process of this air battle was completely beyond his expectations. Throughout the air battle, he kept doing everything he could to keep up with Wolf as he climbed desperately.Climbing all the way to 9000 meters, there is still no contact with the enemy plane except for visual contact.The whole process was boring like a climbing training.Now, still without firing a single shot, the air battle turned into retreat again—I had to retreat, the altitude was not good for me, and there was not enough fuel in the fuel tank.

"Follow me closely and listen to my instructions at any time!" The voice of the leader Wolfe came from the earphone.It could be heard that this veteran pilot who had experienced many battles was also a little nervous.Retreating in front of the enemy has always been the most difficult military operation, and air combat is no exception.

The speed of Schultz's bf-109 is close to 760 kilometers per hour, and it cannot continue to dive. If it continues to dive, the compression effect of the airfoil will make the efficiency of the ailerons drop rapidly to the point where it hardly works. At that time, the plane could not be pulled up, and could only accelerate continuously under the action of gravity, and finally disintegrated in the air because the body could not bear the huge pressure.

"Level the plane and prepare to dodge at any time!" The lead plane Wolf's shout came from the headset.Schultz saw that Wolfe had begun to level the plane.So he held the joystick tightly with both hands and pulled it into his arms with all his strength.Unlike the third-generation jet fighters that used fly-by-wire control many years later, most of the wing controls of fighter jets during World War II were driven by hydraulic pressure, requiring the pilot to exert a lot of force on the joystick to change the flight state of the aircraft. .The bf-109 is famous for its large rod force among the aircraft of World War II.It takes a lot of strength to pull it up.

Just as the Germans were trying to level the plane, Kozhdub's fighter planes rushed over.From a height of about 2000 meters higher than the enemy plane, it swooped all the way to catch up, and the speed of Kozhdub's fighter plane was of course much higher.Even if Kozhdub opened the dive flaps a little bit, his speed has now reached 900 kilometers per hour.But relying on the advantage of the swept wing's airfoil, the problem of wing surface compression is not particularly serious, so at this time, the response of the aircraft to the control action is much more sensitive than that of the slower bf-109.Kozhdub made another 360-degree roll to observe the situation of the German me-262.Sure enough, as expected, those me-262s turned their heads and rushed towards them.

Kozhdub judged the distance, and felt that there should be just enough time to launch a round of attack on the BF-109 below, and then pull up to face the Me-262 head-on, so he continued to pounce on a BF-109.

When the bf-109 leveled, it used too much force.This also makes it difficult for his pilots to focus more on observing the air situation. In addition, the bf-109 series aircraft have the common problem of poor cockpit vision, basically there is no way to see the side and rear.So, until Kozhdub opened fire on him, he didn't see Kozhdub.Shooting has always been Kozhdub's strong point. In addition, it uses an aircraft like the P-81 equipped with a high-speed and long-range cannon. The firepower density is absolutely top-notch. Kozhdub knows it without looking at it. That guy is dead.

The fact is that as Kozhdub expected, at least 10 or more shells hit the bf-109. Relatively speaking, the bf-109 is a lighter fighter compared to those fighters of the Americans, which ensures its excellent climb and low cost.But this also means that this thing is not very resistant to blows.Especially at such a high speed, Kozhdub's short burst directly hit it into the air.

However, Kozhdub has no time to pay attention to his own results now, because when he eliminated the bf-109, he himself became the target of the Germans.He knew that at least one me-262 was heading towards him.

Kozhdub made a light roll, pointed directly above him at the incoming enemy plane, and then pulled up the nose suddenly.What Kozhdub pursued was not as simple as dodging the enemy's attack, but how to shoot down the me-262 that was rushing towards him!

Compared with ordinary fighter jets with engines on the nose, the center of gravity of the P-81 with both engines on the nose and tail is closer to the center, which also causes the P-81 to raise its nose faster than ordinary aircraft .So when the enemy plane approached Kozhdub, Kozhdub had already pulled up the nose and formed a head-on situation with the opponent with an included angle of about 10 degrees.

The speed of both sides is very high, which makes everyone's shooting window very small.But Kozhdub still seized the opportunity and shot a long burst.Almost at the same moment, his opponent also opened fire.

At this time, the advantage of the high rate of fire of the aerial gun and the dense barrage it fires in a short period of time is revealed.The firing window was so small that his opponent fired less than 10 rounds.And his p-81 has fired nearly a hundred rounds.Kozhdub rolled a barrel, and all the shells fired by his opponent whizzed past him.And the shells he fired were not so easy to dodge. Kozhdub saw that the me-262 crashed into the barrage, and then red flames and black smoke came from the plane. Popped out of the engine pod.

Kozhdub didn't have time to be proud of his jet victory in his first official air battle. He looked around and observed the situation of his teammates.

"Eagle 13, aircraft No. 8 collided with the enemy, Jacob did not parachute!"

The news of the sacrifice of his comrades came from the headset.In the previous engagement, Jacob's No. 8 fighter collided head-on with a me-262, and the pilots of both sides failed to parachute.

After pulling up again with the fleet, Kozhdub was glad to see that except for Jacob's No. 8, the other fighters were still there.According to the teammates, in this round of attacks, counting the Me-262 that perished with Jacob, they shot down about 6 enemy planes, two of which were enemy jets.

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