New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 154, The Scary Eagle 13

() This round of raids not only failed to take advantage, but also lost two jets. This result was beyond the expectations of the Germans.

"The speed of these enemy planes rolling and raising their heads is really scary! It seems that even in high-speed raids, you must be extremely careful. The raid should be mainly to cover your teammates and avoid head-on shooting with the enemy." Vogts also commented just now. Reflected on the battle.

In order to ensure safety during the raid, it is necessary to control the angle of entry so that the angle between the flight lines of the two sides at this time is as large as possible.Of course, doing so also means that the fighter plane may be delayed, and the enemy has a longer time to attack those bf-109s.And considering that among the bf-109 pilots below, the proportion of rookies is quite high, which may cause them to suffer even greater losses.However, in Vogts' view, it is better to let the rookies suffer a bit than to let the veterans or even the aces suffer.

After the p-81 fleet finished the attack just now and pulled up, the bf-109s have basically completed leveling, and they are not lacking in speed now.Now dive directly, as long as the Germans are willing, they can also pull up directly and play a passionate shootout with the p-81s.Of course, considering the firepower of the bf-109, using it to shoot at the p-81 will probably suffer a bit.However, the German aircraft has a quantitative advantage. Under the current situation, this is actually a good choice for the Germans.

But Kozhdub did not intend to dive down immediately. Air combat is a matter of life and death. A serious exchange of fire may only take a few seconds, and the longest is a few minutes.But air combat is a thing that requires patience, and the advantages of position and speed need to be accumulated bit by bit.Kozhdub felt that now he should find a better angle before attacking.Best, just like just now, the bf-109s were all diving, and they automatically exposed 6 o'clock to themselves.Killing from such an angle, the enemy has no way to pull up the nose to form a confrontation with you.

Moreover, Kozhdub firmly believes that such a situation will inevitably recur, because he knows that the small fuel tanks of those bf-109s determine this.If the delay continues, the fuel tanks of those bf-109s will be empty first.In fact, the condition of the German fuel tanks was even worse than Kozhdub had expected.Since the arrival time of the p-81 fleet was slower than scheduled, this caused the bf-109s to take off prematurely, thus consuming a lot of fuel when they were on standby in the air.Since then, it has continued to climb at a climbing rate close to the limit, and the consumption of fuel makes people feel like there is a hole in the fuel tank.

Sure enough, as expected, the bf-109 fleet began to lower its altitude again.But this time, they divided a large cluster into several small clusters, turned to different directions, and then began to descend at a shallower angle.

"Is this a swarm version of crossed scissors?" Kozhdub thought, "If I bite one of them, they will turn to other enemy planes, and then those enemy planes will have a chance to shoot at us. But The trick is still vulnerable. It really just makes it harder for us to time our entries and exits. As long as we get this right, they’re still a piece of cake.”

Kozhdub followed the bf-109s to lower the altitude slowly while leading the aircraft group, while observing the state of the enemy aircraft.The difference between a good pilot and an ordinary pilot lies in technology, and the difference between an ace and a good pilot lies in observation ability.The grasp of the air situation directly affects the choice of tactics and the effectiveness of technical actions.The most fundamental reason why trump cards and those super trump cards can always win air battles with more reasonable actions is their mastery of the air situation.

In later history, when the third-generation aircraft first appeared, the F-14 Tomcat of the U.S. Naval Air Force had a series of confrontations with the F-15 Eagle of the Air Force.As a result, in this series of competitions, the f-15 Eagle with higher thrust-to-weight ratio, smaller wing load and better climbing performance was caught by the tomcat and covered with eagle hairs.The two sides played 15 games, and the final score was that the f-14 Tomcats won with an overwhelming advantage of 14:1.Of course, there are such things as the air force's brainless access to the f-14's superior speed area and f-14 dogfighting. The navy shamelessly secretly reduced the f-14's fuel carrying capacity (the less fuel it carries, the lighter the aircraft, and the maneuverability Naturally, it is better) and other reasons, but the f-14 has two pilots, and its grasp of the air situation is better than the f-15 is also an important factor.

Now, me-262 is far away from the battlefield. Obviously, they are looking for an entry angle that can avoid head-on shooting with p-81, but at least for now, their threat to p-81 is limited.Below him, the bf-109s are divided into 4 groups, one of which has the highest position and is about to pass by another group. If it dives towards this group now, when the two sides come into contact, it should be right at the most vulnerable time.

Once you make up your mind, you must execute it resolutely. Hesitation and recklessness in battle are as deadly.

"Follow me, attack!" The p-81 fleet roared down again.

The bf-109 team that was about to be attacked also found themselves a chosen target.Those bf-109s in the fleet began to make various evasive actions.One of the planes caught Kozhdub's attention.

Judging from the situation of the formation, it was a wingman. Just now his lead plane made a turn so that the incoming P-81 could appear in his field of vision, but with such a turn, the wingman actually lost track of it. , and rushed to the other side at once.

"This is definitely a rookie who just joined the army." Kozhdub made such a judgment.Rookies are always the top priority targets.The reason is simple, the success rate of attacking them is high.And it also prevented a would-be ace from growing up.

Wolfe is really anxious now, he didn't expect that he would lose his wingman in such a simple action.In fact, this kind of thing is understandable.Rookies are always very excited when they go to the battlefield, but too early and too excited will only cause them to have problems in the distribution of attention when they really face the battle, focusing too much on one point and ignoring others. s things.For example, Wolff's wingman Schultz, although his technique is not good, but it is not enough to say that he can't even keep up with such a turn.Now Schultz is looking for his lead plane in a panic, completely unaware of the approaching danger.

Kozhdub entered from the 5 o'clock direction, and a short burst shot turned Schultz's BF-109 into a big torch.Then he gently pulled up the plane, and the wingman shouted in his ears: "Eagle 13, well done! Another one!"

Kozhdub turned his head to observe the six points of himself and his wingman. As expected, he saw two me-262s approaching from behind them.

"Eagle 14, pay attention, there are jets behind, hold on to the plane, and when they get close, use B-action to deal with them!" Kozhdub adjusted the attitude of the plane, keeping in touch with the me-262 that was coming at high speed from behind While making visual contact, he gave instructions to the wingmen.

"Understood, Eagle 13!" Kozhdub's wingman Suomi was not a rookie, and his number of combat flights was even much higher than Kozhdub's. .In fact, there is not a rookie in the entire United Airlines team.

The me-262 behind is getting closer.Kozhdub kept a close eye on the bandit, and just before the bandit was about to fire, he yanked on the rudder and did a barrel roll.

The rolling performance of me-262 is extremely poor, and it is impossible to follow this action at all, so it can only rush forward.The German pilot who was fooled hurriedly made a movement of pressing the nose and pushing the rudder - now that the enemy is behind him, he is likely to fire at him, and he must make an evasive movement.Considering that he has a speed advantage, the opponent's shooting window is actually very short. In addition, although this evasion action is not large, it will at least interfere with the opponent's aiming.In this way, there is still a great chance for him to retreat unscathed.

However, there is one thing beyond his consideration, that is, behind him is the terrible "Eagle 13", and almost at the moment when the enemy jet rushed forward, Kozhdub put it firmly. Set into the shooting aura.Then he hit a long burst.Then, the left engine of the me-262 began to spew raging flames, and with a muffled sound, the left wing of the enemy plane broke into two sections.

"Well done, Eagle 13, another one!" Suomi shouted wildly with joy.He also successfully escaped the raid of me-262 just now, but he failed to seize the opportunity to fire on the enemy plane, and of course he couldn't hit the target.

"Damn it! Another jet was lost! It's this guy again, and he can make a first shot in such a state, it's so unscientific!" Vogts was angry and fearful at the same time.

"Yanya calls the eagle group, return immediately, return immediately! Don't entangle with the enemy anymore." At this time, the order from the airport came from Vogts' earphone.This order put Vogts at ease.

"Go back, don't get entangled with the enemy plane anymore." Vogts turned the nose and flew towards the airport quickly.

"Damn it, those jets ran away, leaving us to top the tank!" When Wolf found that the me-262s had all gone away, he yelled angrily.Now that he lost his wingman, he didn't expect to be protected, and when the enemy launches the next round of attack, he is likely to become the next target.

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