()"Each type of anti-aircraft gun has its own fixed characteristics, such as size, field of fire, range, rate of fire, etc. These characteristics will affect their range of use and deployment location. Therefore, attacking a fixed When targeting, there are actually limited places suitable for deploying anti-aircraft guns around the target. During the mission preparation stage, you should be aware of these potentially dangerous positions. As for the moving target, it is even simpler, whether it is a convoy or a military Whether it is in the column or not, in order to pursue a better range of fire, the places suitable for deploying anti-aircraft firepower are even more limited. There are several ways the Germans usually deploy..."

The students all sat in their seats obediently, taking notes seriously.Two days later, they will face a quiz - a simulated assault on a preset position.Before that, serious preparations must be made.


"General, don't worry, you can definitely give those guys a good look!" Rodman, the commander of the anti-aircraft artillery unit, said to Ron, "I'm afraid that they will be beaten too badly and lose their confidence."

"I'm not worried about that." Ron also smiled, "The war has been going on for so long, even ordinary people, their ability to bear losses has increased a lot. What's more, our group of students are not all Novices, half of them are old pilots. Although they are not familiar with direct fire support to the ground, their psychological state is absolutely no problem in resisting such a failure. With them, those novices will not be too big question."

Ron said, looking around.Just a little further ahead, a few soldiers were busy fastening some tree branches to the barrel of a twin 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun.

"This camouflage is not good enough!" Ron shook his head, "Even a rookie can probably spot it... Well, no, your cannon is fake!"

Rodman laughed loudly: "General, you see, if you are a little careless, even you may be deceived, let alone those guys?"

"The carpenter under your hand is good, and they made it very similar!" Ron also smiled, "It's impossible to see that this thing is fake from the sky. If it wasn't for the soldiers who touched it just now, the gun barrel shook , I have to get closer to find it."

"I still have rougher fake guns in my hand, the kind that experienced pilots can see at low altitude. I plan to put them in a more conspicuous place in the later drills, and then put them in the Hidden a few fake real guys. Kill them!"

"You mean those balloon guns? The Germans don't seem to have them. Their decoys are made of wood."

"Since we want to imitate it, we should imitate it. Don't worry, it's not a balloon gun, but a crude wooden product. Speaking of German wooden products, I think of a joke. I don't know if you have heard of it, General."

"tell me the story?"

"This is what I heard from a British guy: the German guy built a fake airport in France, the towers, hangars, planes, etc. are all made of wood. The British found out when they made it , so the British kept staring at them, and waited until the day when this 'airport' was completed, the British sent a wooden plane-the Mosquito bomber, and dropped it...General, what do you think the British left behind bomb?"

"Incendiary bombs?" Ron asked. "Such a guy can kill this fake airport in no time."

"No... Really not..." Rodman couldn't help laughing, "They... those British guys dropped a... a... an oversized wooden bomb!"


"The day after tomorrow we are going to carry out the task of attacking the simulated target. The instructors will definitely give us a warning." In the war room, Arthur was discussing the task of the day after tomorrow with a group of pilots, "The last time I went to the 'Reverse Cross' "When I came here, it was the first time I went to the sky, and I was completely baffled by the instructors. And this is the result of the instructors' restraint. God bless, when the lottery is drawn, don't get the first pick...Okay , let’s not talk about that, let’s look at the map first.”

Among the 6 pilots in this group, Arthur is the oldest, has experienced the most battles, and is the most experienced.So, logically, he became the leader of this group.

"Arthur, first mark the most likely placement of those anti-aircraft guns in your opinion, and then we can discuss it together." It was Toldo, who was second only to Arthur in the team, who spoke.

"Okay!" Arthur nodded without hesitation, then lowered his head to study the map.


Arthur sat in the cockpit of a modified version of the P-47, and behind him, there were five other planes of the same type.The target was located near a small forest, and the dense forest was on a flat land. Therefore, according to Arthur's judgment, there would be no anti-aircraft fire points in the forest, because the surrounding trees would block the shooting range.But it's hard to say at the edge of the woods, the possibility of hiding a few cannons there is quite high.

Arthur chose a more difficult route to attack.He planned to dive over the forest from a higher altitude, then level off, and at the same time use the high speed brought by the dive to go straight to the target.In this way, not only can they avoid the small-caliber anti-aircraft guns that may be deployed on the edge of the forest, but they can also avoid as much as possible the position that Arthur thinks is most likely to be equipped with anti-aircraft firepower.At the same time, the high-speed assault leaves a very short window for others to counterattack.Arthur felt that doing so had the highest safety factor, and of course the attack effect might be greatly reduced, because his own attack time would be much less.In order to achieve the maximum assault effect in a short period of time, Arthur's plane was loaded with a full 12 rockets and two 500-pound aerial bombs.According to Arthur's idea, in the first assault, all the rocket bombs were thrown out regardless.Anyway, always hit some targets?

Now, Arthur's fleet has flown over the woods, and his altitude is 3000 meters. At this altitude, small-caliber anti-aircraft guns pose little threat to him, so of course the opponent will not open fire blindly.The entire target area was silent, and there was no movement.

"Start the attack!" Arthur issued an order, then rolled and entered the dive first.At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

In the woods below, with some points as the center, the surrounding big trees quickly fell down in a radial direction.Seen from the air, it looks like a lotus flower slowly opening its petals, revealing their stamens—several quadruple Bofors 40mm antiaircraft guns!

"Damn it, I fell into a trap!" Blood rushed to Arthur's forehead. He knew too well how powerful the quadruple 40mm anti-aircraft guns were.This guy has a high rate of fire, good ballistic performance, high accuracy, and great power.If you want to rank the anti-aircraft guns that appeared in World War II, the best large-caliber anti-aircraft gun is of course the 127mm anti-aircraft gun with radio fuze of the US military; and the best small and medium-caliber anti-aircraft gun is undoubtedly the Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun.Because of its excellent performance, you can see it whether it is in the Allies or the Axis countries, whether it is the United Kingdom, the United States, the Soviet Union or Germany and Italy.In the South Pacific, he saw more than once that a salvo of this thing directly smashed a Japanese plane into pieces.Although his p-47 has been modified and is much stronger than the original version, if it is hit by a Bofors 40 anti-aircraft gun, it will not be able to hold it.

Almost out of desperation, Arthur dropped all the rockets and bombs to lighten the plane.At the same time, quickly do a downward barrel roll and low leveling.This series of movements was done so decisively and quickly that Arthur was sure that no flak gun could hit him in the process.

He leveled the plane at a height less than 50 meters from the treetops. At this height, the range of fire obtained by those anti-aircraft guns just now by letting all the surrounding trees fall could no longer reach him, so Arthur It's safe again.But Arthur's companions didn't react so quickly. Now the 8 Bofors anti-aircraft guns below have started firing. He raised his head and saw his companions trying to dodge while hanging heavy ammunition. , Arthur knew that they were probably in danger.

"Throw away the ammunition! Come to the ultra-low altitude!" Arthur shouted on the radio.

So several planes began to drop their ammunition in a hurry, dodging towards the ultra-low-altitude airspace...


To say that the efficiency of the 'Reverse Cross' is much higher than when it was first built. That afternoon, Arthur's results were read out.According to the records of the camera gun, the result of the interpretation is that in just a few tens of seconds after falling into the trap, Arthur and the others lost 6 of the 4 planes.Except for Arthur and Toldo, all other fighters were judged to be shot down!When Arthur and Toldo avoided the anti-aircraft gun fire, they threw away all the external ammunition, so their attack ability also dropped significantly, and the attack mission was naturally impossible to complete.

Although Arthur's team suffered a big defeat in this exam, Arthur was not too depressed. First, isn't it normal to be abused in the first quiz of "Reverse Cross"?If you can't even abuse students, then why do you want to "reverse the cross"?Secondly, even if the "Reverse Cross" set such a trap, even if he fell into the trap, he not only ran out unscathed, but also brought out Toldo who was following him.Without him, Toldo would probably be dead if he fell into such a trap.So, he is proud.What?You said, he was the one who led the brothers into the trap?This... This is really not to blame for Arthur's incompetence, it's because the guys from the "Reverse Cross" are too cunning!

However, beyond Arthur's expectation, Arthur was still criticized.

"Do you know why you fell into the trap?" The instructor in charge of summarizing started with this sentence, "Because everyone knows that you will choose the route with the least risk. In order to reduce the risk, you don't care whether you can hit the target at all!"

"This is slander!" Arthur was angry.

"Actually, if you have enough offensive spirit, you are not without the ability to fight back after being ambushed." The instructor said coldly, "You still have two planes and four 37mm guns. They are used for assault reservations. The target may be too risky to be worth it. But what about those eight 40 flak guns exposed in the woods? Their field of fire is severely limited. You have every chance of knocking them all out. But you? Just go People!"

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