() Arthur and the others were not the only ones who stumbled in the first quiz. Basically every group of guys who took the quiz were beaten to shame.Of course, there are exceptions.A team composed of senior pilot Bob, um, the one who was besieged by sixteen FW-190s but managed to return safely, senior pilot Cole, semi-senior pilot Costa, and three other pure rookie pilots was in this small group. I got good grades in the exam.The route they chose in the quiz was more reasonable, and the weapons they mounted were more suitable. In addition, they acted resolutely during the assault. Although they also lost two planes, they destroyed the target anyway.

In fact, if it was an actual battle, this assault would not be considered good, and the loss would still be slightly greater.Of course, it's not bad, after all, the defensive side's firepower density is too high, and they are all controlled by handpicked veterans.

But overall, the difficulty of this quiz is not particularly high.The weather conditions during the flight are single, and the target is clear and fixed. The attacker can have a lot of time to study the attack route in advance.In the following training, these contents will appear one after another.


"What stage has the trainees' training reached?" Ron asked, "Also, in the recent training, have any problems been exposed in our training syllabus?"

"General, the training for the ground attack subject is currently undergoing fire support training in a situation where the enemy and the enemy are intertwined. The safari subject is undergoing training for the subject of free search for targets. In addition, the weather conditions on the entire North American continent have been very stable recently, and it will be quite a long time. There won’t be any complicated weather for a period of time, so the training under complicated weather conditions has to be postponed.”

"Ah, that's a real question," said Ron.

On the North American continent, since the mountains run north-south and cannot block the monsoon, the climate difference from south to north in the continental United States is smaller than that in China.When the seasons change, the frequency of extreme weather is much higher than in China, and once the seasons stabilize, it is easy to have the problem that the weather types across the country are not much different.

"Didn't we contact some airports in other regions beforehand?" Ron asked.

"There are free airfields in Alaska, there is snow, there are white hairs. But these weather types are not very useful for the time being, and it is unlikely that we will fight the Germans in this environment. Unless we have plans to land in Northern Europe. Among the islands in the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii has the best conditions. However, the airport in Hawaii is very busy, and the surrounding airspace is too important to use for our training students. The above suggested that we consider Hendry Airport in Guadalcanal Island ’” Scott replied.

"Guadalcanal Island? Well, by now, the battle on Guadalcanal Island has long since ended, and Hendry Airport should be relatively free. The Guadalcanal Island Airport is actually not bad..." Ron couldn't help but think of the battle on Guadalcanal Island. It's time.

"But General, we sent people to Guadalcanal to have a look, and they think that the Guadalcanal airport needs a major renovation before it can be used."

"What's wrong?" Ron asked puzzled.He remembered that although Guadalcanal Island Airport was temporarily expanded, the quality should be pretty good.How did it take so little time for renovations to be done?

"General, it's like this. Guadalcanal Island is a tropical rain forest, and the plants grow very fast. When most of the troops were withdrawn, the original roads and barracks were quickly occupied by the jungle. It is basically in good condition. However, Guadalcanal Island has a lot of salt spray, and many supporting facilities that have not been taken care of are also corroded in a mess. I guess they are not even qualified to be used as scrap iron. Well, General, they even took some photos. I Go and show it to you?"

"Well, let's take a look." Ron knew that what Scott said must be true, but he still wanted to see what the airport he fought in looked like now.

"It seems that there is no hope for Guadalcanal Island for the time being." After seeing the photos, Ron had to come to such a conclusion, but he still confessed, "However, we still have to urge the higher-ups to arrange someone to take Hendry When the airport recovers well, there will always be times when it will be useful.”


Four p-51 fighter jets are flying at an altitude of 1000 meters to 1500 meters. They are divided into groups of two aircraft. There is a horizontal distance of about 400 meters and a height difference of about 500 meters between the two groups.The four planes were Reverse Cross cadets on safari training.Their mission is to hunt in a large area and hunt down simulated enemy aircraft that appear in this area.

This task is not easy. You must know that these "enemy planes" are all piloted by the old fox instructors from "Reverse Cross".They don't just take a beating and don't fight back.If it is not done well, the chances of creating a new version of "Fox Hunter" are definitely not small.

However, the overall rules of engagement are quite favorable to the students.

First of all, trainees are free to decide whether to attack or not.For example, if a team of trainees finds a group of "enemy planes", but they have no obvious advantage in height, speed or even number over this group of enemy planes, then they can choose to avoid the enemy planes instead of launching an attack.

Second, they can call in reinforcements over the radio.In this airspace, there are 10 such safari groups, a total of 40 fighter jets.Among these 10 fleets, 3 are mobile reinforcement fleets operating at medium and high altitudes of 5000 meters.If they can hold out long enough, they can be assisted by these planes.

"Heart No. 1, did you find anything? Old foxes, don't play cards and laugh at us silly hats?" Matt felt very bored after flying in the sky for two full hours, but found nothing.

"Shut up and concentrate!" Carter, code-named Heart One, was a relatively more experienced pilot, "Be patient! This is a necessary condition for being a good hunter!"

"But maybe they didn't come out at all, like last time!"

During the last training, the simulated enemy planes driven by the instructors of the "Reverse Cross" were not dispatched at all, leaving the students idling in the sky for several hours.Then, when the trainees expressed dissatisfaction, the instructors also plausibly said: "According to the records, most of the time, the fighter planes performing safari missions fail to meet the target."

"Shut up! If they come now, you're dead!"


Two f4u fighter jets painted in camouflage and with iron crosses painted on their wings are flying at an altitude of about 50 meters.With the plane flying so low, if an air battle occurs, it will naturally be a disadvantage.But flying low sometimes has the benefit of flying low.For example, now, from a higher position, the two fighter planes painted in khaki desert camouflage are perfectly integrated with the big desert below. It is not so difficult to spot them from a long distance.But on the other hand, it is much easier to look up from below. Against the cloudless blue sky, fighter planes flying at high altitudes are much more conspicuous.Therefore, the pilots on the two F4Us discovered Carter's fleet long ago.

But they did not act rashly, they are still concerned about some other data.As the defenders, they have ground radar and anti-aircraft artillery, and the radio is constantly broadcasting to them the situation of other fleets in this airspace.They wait for the best time.

"Now, the distance between the other aircraft groups and this aircraft group has been wide enough, especially the three mid-altitude aircraft groups. They will never miss it in less than 3 minutes. Maybe it's time to give these children a surprise." Instructor Howard said While listening to the enemy's report on the radio, he was thinking like this.Thompson, the wingman pilot, seemed to agree with his decision.

So the two F4Us began to turn, and at the same time began to accelerate.

In order to save fuel and search for targets for a long time, the flight speed of the p-51 is not high, and the flight speed at this time is just 400 kilometers per hour.This also gave the old foxes of the "Reverse Cross" a chance.The two f4u made a circle to their 4 o'clock direction, which is the direction where the sun is.

Now both F4Us have turned on the engine water injection system, and the power of the engine has been driven to the maximum.The speed of the aircraft has reached 500 kilometers per hour during the climb.At this time, the tired students hadn't found them yet.

"The biggest danger in safari is the distraction caused by the mental fatigue caused by long-term flying." This is what the instructors emphasized to the students in class.But it's one thing to know it, and another to do it.For example, in Carter's fleet, the problem of distraction caused by mental fatigue has been exposed.The rookies Matt and Royce began to complain again, while Carter kept ordering them to shut up, asking them to concentrate on flying, so as not to notice, in fact, he was not paying attention to the search target at this time.

At this time, the two F4Us had climbed to an altitude of 1600 meters, and they already had a height advantage over the trainees' fleet.And their speed is about 100 kilometers per hour higher than those of the students.What's more deadly is that those students are still unaware that they have been under the fox's gun.

Two F4Us flew straight towards Carter and Matt who were in a higher position from the direction of the sun.These two guys still don't know anything until they've opened fire.

Two F4Us passed over their cockpit, and the aroused airflow caused their plane to shake violently, before Carter and Matt realized that they had been attacked.At this time, the cold voice of the director staff also came from their radio;

"Heart One and Heart Two are judged to be shot down!"

The two P-51s in the lower position were not the target of the first strike, which gave them a little time to react.While calling for help, they began to dive and accelerate.They tried to escape from the trap of the old foxes, but the two F4Us with energy superiority easily bit them, but within 2 minutes, they also heard the ruling of "shot down" from the director's department.

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